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Thread: Malaysia Airlines flight missing, terrorism not ruled out; confirmed hijacked

  1. #181
    From Kuala Lompur- I agree, that could be six instead of eight hours- but as I point out, they had already flown two hours the other direction they needed to backtrack (and add onto the fuel they would have needed). That is an additional four hours in the air. Planes don't like to carry too much fuel- it takes more fuel to carry the excess weight of it. If they had about seven hours worth for the trip to Beijing (enough to get there plus some extra in case they had to fly longer), they would still be three hours short on the trip to Diego Garcia.
    Last edited by Zippyjuan; 12-24-2014 at 01:38 PM.

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  3. #182
    It was either the US directly, a Eurofighter from the EU, or a Ukrainian fighter jet that blew up the plane.

    Don't think the "good guys" are above terrorism and killing innocents in order to accomplish their goals.

  4. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by DFF View Post
    It was either the US directly, a Eurofighter from the EU, or a Ukrainian fighter jet that blew up the plane.

    Don't think the "good guys" are above terrorism and killing innocents in order to accomplish their goals.
    Um- you talking about the same plane? I think you are talking about the one shot down over Ukraine- not the one which went missing on a flight from Kuala Lompur to Beijing.

  5. #184

    Malaysia declares Flight 370 disappearance an 'accident'

    I have seen through it all... the system is against us. ALL OF IT.

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  7. #185
    'HUGE' MH370 breakthrough in search for missing plane | 7NEWS
    New tracking technology may have finally solved the mystery of missing flight MH-370. British aerospace engineer, Richard Godfrey has spent the last 9 months using technology known as 'weak signal propagation'.. to calculate the plane's final movements. He believes the wreckage is 1,900 kilometres west of Perth.. lying at a depth of 4-thousand metres.. allowing experts to hone in on a more specific underwater search. It's been 7-and-a-half years since the Malaysia Airlines flight vanished.. with 239 people on board.
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  8. #186
    Quote Originally Posted by MelissaWV View Post
    ... I travel in a week and a half. I wonder if, by then, it'll require a DNA swab to make sure I'm myself.
    You will require a DNA swab to prove you are not carrying the dreaded Omicron.
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    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
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