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Thread: Has Ron Paul suspended his campaign?

  1. #1

    Has Ron Paul suspended his campaign?

    Just saw a report on the news that Dr. Paul has "suspended" his campaign.

    Is it so?
    What do we mean by the Revolution? The war? That was no part of the revolution; it was only an effect and consequence of it. The revolution was in the minds of the people, and this was effected from 1760 - 1775, in the course of fifteen years, before a drop of blood was shed at Lexington. -John Adams (Letter to Thomas Jefferson, 1815)

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  3. #2

  4. #3
    hmm if you got your info from ABC news, ignore that. its all lies. watch the video -

  5. #4
    You guys are really, really, realllllly whinos. Suspended? What would you call it? I would call it, "If you ever call me up to speak, I'll go. I want you to vote for me to show a sign, though I won't win. I'm not really going to be as active as I was before. This campaign is not what the revolution is about, though, so I will work with you guys to make it live throughout."

    "You know not what you are given, but forever will you know what has been taken away from you..."

    "As long as we live beyond our means we are destined to live beneath our means." - Ron Paul at a CNBC Debate in Michigan (10/09/07)

  6. #5
    do not give up trying to improve things, change things, and stop things that are oppressive. more and moe people are listening.
    we need all sorts of truthers, not fewer. the truth tellers are the reason some awful things never happen. notice states legislating about the nau, forced microchipping, the id card, etc,, so pick an issue or two, and work on that, and stay with ron paul.

  7. #6
    i saw an aticle somewhere suggesting to write in ron paul as president, and kuchinich as vice president, and i like it.

  8. #7
    OK. Watched the video and nothing about suspending the campaign. Sounds like he still wants to go all the way to the convention with all the delegates possible.

    So basically it sounds like he just verbalizing what everyone already knows, we're reaching the end of the beginning and he's starting the process of turning the revolution over to the grass roots.
    What do we mean by the Revolution? The war? That was no part of the revolution; it was only an effect and consequence of it. The revolution was in the minds of the people, and this was effected from 1760 - 1775, in the course of fifteen years, before a drop of blood was shed at Lexington. -John Adams (Letter to Thomas Jefferson, 1815)

  9. #8
    I just hate that these videos give the media the chance to lie and say he dropped out. He DIDNT drop out in that video. He said he was going to continue to visit primary states, fight for delegates, and to keep funding up. You dont ask for funding for a suspended or ended campaign.
    "Let it not be said that we did nothing."-Ron Paul

    "We have set them on the hobby-horse of an idea about the absorption of individuality by the symbolic unit of COLLECTIVISM. They have never yet and they never will have the sense to reflect that this hobby-horse is a manifest violation of the most important law of nature, which has established from the very creation of the world one unit unlike another and precisely for the purpose of instituting individuality."- A Quote From Some Old Book

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by devil21 View Post
    I just hate that these videos give the media the chance to lie and say he dropped out. He DIDNT drop out in that video. He said he was going to continue to visit primary states, fight for delegates, and to keep funding up. You dont ask for funding for a suspended or ended campaign.
    forget the Old Media, they are only getting worse.

  12. #10
    "Though victory in the conventional political sense is not available in the Presidential race, many victories have been achieved due to your hard work and enthusiasm."

    -- Ron Paul

    He still wants delegates and voters and caucus-goers to continue to do their thing, though. But essentially he said there's no way he's going to be President. The fight for liberty continues w/o a Ron Paul presidency (according to Ron Paul, at least). But changing the republican party platform by continuing to be active in this race is still valid.

  13. #11
    theyre getting scared..........they know its down to two.....the poster child McCain and the real candidate RON PAUL!!!!!!!!!!

    I was reminded of something tonight; Lincoln was not a front runner in his campaign....he went into the Convention with 20 of the necessary 200 delegates....he won the convention and the election

    Taft was the same way....

    neither were front runners; both became President

    History is on our side
    Last edited by RP4EVER; 03-06-2008 at 11:33 PM.

  14. #12
    What the hell is going on here, how could Ron do this to us?
    “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
    To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

  15. #13
    he did not suspend; he is telling us to get more involved get candidates into elections and do what we can....he has said he will go on

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by RP4EVER View Post
    theyre getting scared..........they know its down to two.....the poster child McCain and the real candidate RON PAUL!!!!!!!!!!

    I was reminded of something tonight; Lincoln was not a front runner in his campaign....he went into the Convention with 20 of the necessary 200 delegates....he won the convention and the election

    Taft was the same way....

    neither were front runners; both became President

    History is on our side
    To be fair, Lincoln's strongest opponent had 60.

    We have 40 of the necessary 1191, and our strongest opponent has ~1000

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by diesirae View Post
    To be fair, Lincoln's strongest opponent had 60.

    We have 40 of the necessary 1191, and our strongest opponent has ~1000
    If Ron Paul doesnt win, then you can expect some domestic restructuring of our government. We The People.

  18. #16
    I guess he is trying to transition his campaign into a political movement. He is still campaigning but not as much.

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  20. #17
    I wouldn't drop out in this race. I would hope.

    These candidates have a long way to go before the election in November. Anything can and will happen. Think about what a month of campaigning is in dog years.

    I'm still planning on writing him in if neccesary.

  21. #18
    As I see it, conceding defeat is pretty much the same as dropping out. From this point, he is not actually running for President. He is running for convention speaker or something like that. If that's what he is doing, then I support him in that, but I just think he should make that clear so we know what to tell people.

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Carson View Post
    I'm still planning on writing him in if neccesary.
    Me too.. Me too

  23. #20
    I posted this on another thread. Bury this garbage!
    How do you know what you know?

  24. #21
    All it would take to win is to stay on the ballot. McCain is under investigation for covering up Abramoff emails. Indictment will throw him out of the running.

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by eOs View Post
    What the hell is going on here, how could Ron do this to us?
    What is going on here is the media is taking a snippet out of a speech and spinning the hell out of it.

    Haven't you learned not to listen to them yet?
    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    Yeah, well, you've already collected as many flies with vinegar as you're gonna.

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Jake View Post
    "Though victory in the conventional political sense is not available in the Presidential race, many victories have been achieved due to your hard work and enthusiasm."

    -- Ron Paul

    He still wants delegates and voters and caucus-goers to continue to do their thing, though. But essentially he said there's no way he's going to be President. The fight for liberty continues w/o a Ron Paul presidency (according to Ron Paul, at least). But changing the republican party platform by continuing to be active in this race is still valid.
    - Ron Paul

    He still wants delegates and voters and caucus-goers to continue to do their thing, though. But essentially he said there's no way he's going to be President. The fight for liberty continues w/o a Ron Paul presidency (according to Ron Paul, at least). But changing the republican party platform by continuing to be active in this race is still valid.[/QUOTE]

    "Though victory in the conventional sense is not available in the Presidential race.."

    I can't get the video to confirm that this is what Ron Paul actually said but...if is a devastating statement. How could he do this to all the Ron Paul supporters across the country who are fighting desperately against nearly insurmountable odds to get him this Republican nomination. We deeply appreciate all he has done to this point, but why now begin to fail in his effort and leave his supporters without the steel resolve that is needed right now.

    Why say those words. Doesn't he and his campaign realize how disheartening those words are to those of us out here who are giving their all right now with only a hope and a dream sustaining us? His words should be: "We will fight for this nomination until the last delegate leaves the convention. We will not give up; although the odds against us are great, we are determined to put forth the maximum effort required in the next five months to defeat those odds and win
    that nomination for the American people." That's what a leader who is leading a small, determined army to victory needs to say at this point. Not, "Well guys, we did our best but everyone knows we just can't win this. But thanks for your help and best of luck to you as we move the revolution forward into the future..."

    When the leader of the campaign says "victory is not available in this presidential race" What else needs to be said? It looks like it is up to Ron Paul supporters to say: "We just can't give up....If we have to pull our leader along behind us, then we simply have no other choice. Never give up! Fight to the end! If Ron Paul won't take that nomination, then it is up to us to give it to him....For our sake and for our children and grandchildren.....We have no choice...We must fight on!

    John McCain cannot win in November. Everyone but the family dog knows this.
    Five months is an eternity in political time. Anything can happen.....Ron Paul simply must be given that Republican nomination in September.

    Never, never, never even hint at defeat.....

  27. #24
    "Victory in the conventional sense is not available in the Presidential race."
    It's true - come to terms with the fact that Ron Paul will not be the next President. It would be dishonest of Paul to keep up a false hope of electoral victory when the movement's efforts should be focused on the future.

    Maybe you should have watched the video before commenting.

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  29. #25
    "Though victory in the conventional sense is not available in the Presidential race.."

    What is the conventional sense he speaks of boys and girls? The 1,000ish delegates publicly required for the nomination.

    If you remember the battleplan, this race is anything except conventional. We're infiltrating, not waltzing in at daylight guns drawn. Have some faith in our ninjas if you know what I mean. Nothing is final until September.
    Even Ron Paul has vices:

    "I'll admit to today I had a big salad, and a chocolate chip cookie!"

  30. #26
    We need some more diggers here:


  31. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by CaveDog View Post
    Just saw a report on the news that Dr. Paul has "suspended" his campaign.

    Is it so?
    You can still donate at Ron's official website

    This is proof he is not dropping out.

    RP is too honest to accept donations after he drops out. He'd take down that donations page if he even was considering dropping out.

    If you hear anymore rumors in the future, you can go to that page to clear any doubts.

  32. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Lou337 View Post
    "Though victory in the conventional sense is not available in the Presidential race.."

    What is the conventional sense he speaks of boys and girls? The 1,000ish delegates publicly required for the nomination.

    If you remember the battleplan, this race is anything except conventional. We're infiltrating, not waltzing in at daylight guns drawn. Have some faith in our ninjas if you know what I mean. Nothing is final until September.
    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    Yeah, well, you've already collected as many flies with vinegar as you're gonna.

  33. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Lou337 View Post
    "Though victory in the conventional sense is not available in the Presidential race.."

    What is the conventional sense he speaks of boys and girls? The 1,000ish delegates publicly required for the nomination.

    If you remember the battleplan, this race is anything except conventional. We're infiltrating, not waltzing in at daylight guns drawn. Have some faith in our ninjas if you know what I mean. Nothing is final until September.
    No, you've flipped Paul's comment around 180 degrees. The video is perfectly clear - you should accept it sooner rather than later and focus efforts on spreading the message instead.

  34. #30
    i never heard him say on the vid he was dropping out

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