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Thread: ICANN Can *#%( Itself -- Chrome/Firefox Now has Plugin to Route Around ICE Seizure Pages

  1. #1

    ICANN Can *#%( Itself -- Chrome/Firefox Now has Plugin to Route Around ICE Seizure Pages


    Usage: ICE has ICANN censor the Internet by seizing a domain. This plugin will route you from the ICE censorship page to the content you want.

    PROTECT IP Act is looking like our future, and with it, many more seizures by ICANN/ICE -- don't neglect to protect yourself from PROTECT IP.

  2. Remove this section of ads by registering.
  3. #2

  4. #3
    Bump. If you're browsing around the plugin selections, I recommend LastPass for having random, secure passwords on various sites, MurdochBlock for blocking all of Murdoch's content from reaching your innocent eyes, and InvisibleHand for shopping (it goes through major sites, and tells you if it finds a cheaper price on the product you're looking at).

  5. #4
    Excellent - of course, I don't register domains in the US.....
    Out of every one hundred men they send us, ten should not even be here. Eighty will do nothing but serve as targets for the enemy. Nine are real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, upon them depends our success in battle. But one, ah the one, he is a real warrior, and he will bring the others back from battle alive.

    Duty is the most sublime word in the English language. Do your duty in all things. You can not do more than your duty. You should never wish to do less than your duty.

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