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Thread: Dragon court

  1. #31

    Armenian serpent, Tribe of Dan

    Most people don't even realise that all of the symbols in these heraldic signs, mean something...

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter
    There is also a line to the Armenians. Through the Armenian Jews the double-headed eagle of the Mamikonians became the heraldic symbol of the Khazars.
    The “independent” Wikipedia for some reason doesn’t have information about the Double-headed eagle being a heraldic symbol for Armenian Jews, which was adopted by the Khazar elite:

    But Wikipedia (in 2009) did have some interesting information on Double-headed eagles. Not only in connection to Armenian Jews, but also Masonry…
    Double-headed eagles have been present in imagery for many centuries. The two-headed eagle can be found in archaeological remains of the Hittite civilization dating from a period that ranges from the 20th century BC to the 13th century BC.

    Cylindric seals discovered in Bogazkoy, an old Hittite capital in modern-day Turkey, represent clearly a two-headed eagle with spread wings. The aesthetics of this symmetrical position explains in part the birth of this religious figure. It probably dates from the 18th century BC, and was used in a tradesman background. It can also be seen in the same region in two monumental settings: in Alacahöyük around 1400 BC and in Yazilikaya before 1250 BC. Here the context looks different and totally religious: the eagle becomes a divinity symbol. The two-headed eagle slowly disappears during the last Hittite period, from the 9th century BC to the 7th century BC, and totally disappears after the end of the empire.

    The double-headed eagle was also in use by the Arsacid Dynasty of Armenia and the Mamikonian family[1] in the 3rd to 9th centuries.

    The Double-Headed Eagle of Lagash is used as emblem by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry[4].

    Ancient Armenians worshipped the Snake (Lord) Hay.
    Snakes were on doors, pillars and furniture. Women wore ornaments in the form of a snake.
    Odz – in Armenian snake – appears in geographical names like Odzun, Odzaberd (snake fortress), Odzi get (Snake river) and Odzi Kaghak (Snake town):
    (archived here:

    The Tribe of Dan was a seafaring tribe and one of the 12 (or 13) tribes of Israel. Their banner displayed the symbol of a serpent. See Dan tribe's plate on the Heichal Shlomo’s door in Jerusalem.

    The Tribe of Dan is NOT the same as the Tuatha de Danann.
    Dan and Naphtali, 2 patriarchs of the 12 Tribes of Israel, were the sons of Jacob by the handmaiden Bilhah.
    Tuatha de Danann translates the people of the goddess Danu and they supposedly descended from Nemed, whose father was Agnoman king of Scythia.
    Danaus was the son of the Egyptian king Belus (a.k.a. Bela) and the cousin of Cadmus and Phoenix. According to legend, Cadmus travelled from Egypt to first Phoenicia and then to Greece where he slayed the Ares dragon and founded Thebes. Phoenicia was named after his brother Phoenix:
    (archived here:
    Last edited by Firestarter; 12-04-2018 at 04:19 AM. Reason: Dan tribe's plate was deleted
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

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  3. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter View Post
    Most people don't even realise that all of the symbols in these heraldic signs, mean something...

    The “independent” Wikipedia for some reason doesn’t have information about the Double-headed eagle being a heraldic symbol for Armenian Jews, which was adopted by the Khazar elite:

    But Wikipedia (in 2009) did have some interesting information on Double-headed eagles. Not only in connection to Armenian Jews, but also Masonry…

    Ancient Armenians worshipped the Snake (Lord) Hay.
    Snakes were on doors, pillars and furniture. Women wore ornaments in the form of a snake.
    Odz – in Armenian snake – appears in geographical names like Odzun, Odzaberd (snake fortress), Odzi get (Snake river) and Odzi Kaghak (Snake town):
    (archived here:

    The Tribe of Dan was a seafaring tribe and one of the 12 (or 13) tribes of Israel. Their banner displayed the symbol of a serpent. See Dan tribe's plate on the Heichal Shlomo’s door in Jerusalem.

    The Tribe of Dan is NOT the same as the Tuatha de Danann.
    Dan and Naphtali, 2 patriarchs of the 12 Tribes of Israel, were the sons of Jacob by the handmaiden Bilhah.
    Tuatha de Danann translates the people of the goddess Danu and they supposedly descended from Nemed, whose father was Agnoman king of Scythia.
    Danaus was the son of the Egyptian king Belus (a.k.a. Bela) and the cousin of Cadmus and Phoenix. According to legend, Cadmus travelled from Egypt to first Phoenicia and then to Greece where he slayed the Ares dragon and founded Thebes. Phoenicia was named after his brother Phoenix:
    (archived here:
    The snake is actually the symbol of Jesus but has been greatly misunderstood because of the garden story. The reason Eve was fooled by Satan, in the first place, was because of this.

    The staff, that Moses held high for healing, was a snake. Most indigenous people understood much more about the symbolism of the sacred snake than in today's world.
    There is no spoon.

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  5. #33
    According to the New Testament Jesus Christ was of the Tribe of Judah.
    The Merovingians even claim to descend from Jesus, who supposedly married Mary Magdelene, went to the South of France, and had children...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ender View Post
    The snake is actually the symbol of Jesus but has been greatly misunderstood because of the garden story. The reason Eve was fooled by Satan, in the first place, was because of this.
    If you have a source that confirms that the serpent was a symbol associated with Jesus, can you post it?
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  6. #34
    I’ve been searching for more information on the ancestry of Guillaume de Gellone and his father…
    According to the state media, Theoderic IV (father of De Gellone) is NOT the same as Rabbi Makhir.

    The strange thing is that Wikipedia doesn’t list any parents for Theoderic IV:
    On the other hand it is common belief that the son of Theoderic IV, Saint Guillaume de Gellone, is a legendary “hero” figure...
    How could a simple Theoderic IV, without “Royal blood”, marry the daughter of the legendary King Carolus “Charles” Martel?

    On the other hand, Wikipedia lists a relatively large amount of information on the Jewish Exilarch Rabbi Makhir that came to France at the request of Carolus Martel.
    Both Makhir of Narbonne and Theoderic IV were reportedly born in the year 720, and according to the “independent” Wikipedia both married a daughter of Carolus Martel: Makhir-Alda; Theoderic-Auda.
    While there is no ancestry for Theoderic IV, there are no children listed for Makhir-Alda…

    Abraham ibn Daud wrote in about 1161, about King Charles’ (Carolus Martel) request to send a descendant from the House of David:
    Then King Charles sent to the King of Baghdad [Caliph] requesting that he dispatch one of his Jews of the seed of royalty of the House of David. He hearkened and sent him one from there, a magnate and sage, Rabbi Makhir by name. And [Charles] settled him in Narbonne, the capital city, and planted him there, and gave him a great possession there at the time he captured it from the Ishmaelites [Arabs].
    And he [Makhir] took to wife a woman from among the magnates of the town; *...* and the King made him a nobleman and designed, out of love for [Makhir], good statutes for the benefit of all the Jews dwelling in the city, as is written and sealed in a Latin charter; and the seal of the King therein [bears] his name Carolus; and it is in their possession at the present time.
    The Prince Makhir became chieftain there. He and his descendants were close [inter-related] with the King and all his descendants.
    The Makhir family enjoyed many privileges for centuries and its members bore the title of nasi (prince). Makhir reportedly founded a Talmudic school.
    The most named evidence that Makhir of Narbonne and Theoderic IV are one and the same, is Arthur J. Zuckerman, who in 1972 published a book-length study “A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France”, in which he made a strong case that Makhir was Natronai ben Habibi and identical with Theoderic IV.
    I haven’t been able to find this book for free on the internet (or Zuckerman’s earlier 1965 paper), but this viewpoint is apparently too controversial to be shared by the state media (as far as I can tell Makhir and Theoderic IV are one and the same...):

    King Felipe VI claims to descend from King David and the rightful “King of Jerusalem”.
    Here’s the coat of arms of King Felipe VI, notice the red and gold, the red crowned lion at the top right, the crown with the cross on top, and the hanging sheep (Golden fleece) at the bottom…

    Ironically the Lion of Judah, with the red, gold and green has also been adopted by Rastafari (Haile Selassie)…

    Here’s the heraldic emblem (lion) of the Tribe of Judah.

    The arrow (or arrows), that’s favoured by Rothschild, is the (secondary) heraldic symbol for the Tribe of Manasseh (Joseph’s son).

    EDIT - For some reason I can’t reach the site anymore (including the images). The heraldic emblems of the 12 tribes of Israel were for some reason deleted from the “reputable”…
    More information on the heraldic signs of the 12 Tribes of Israel:

    On the following link are migrations of the Tribes of Israel. It is claimed here that they originated from Egypt, and during the Exodus, ca. 1468 BC, migrated to Israel, Turkey, Greece, Spain and Ireland:

    I’ve also found out that “Messiah” originally comes from the Hebrew mashiach which refers to the future King. The Messiah is often referred to as “King Messiah” or melekh mashiach in Hebrew…
    Last edited by Firestarter; 06-01-2020 at 09:48 AM. Reason: pics
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  7. #35

    Noah-Ashkenaz, Orouboros

    It appears that the Khazars-Scythians chose the name Ashkenazi Jew to illustrate that they descend from Ashkenaz, great-grandson of Noah from the Tenach (Old Testament). See Genesis 10:1-3:
    1. Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood.
    2. The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
    3. And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
    I have no reason at all to believe that the “Ashkenazi Jews” descend from Ashkenaz though. I can’t rule out that part of the Scythians were/are of the Jewish descent, but as far as I can tell they descend from Turkey.
    I won’t go further into that, as I’m only interested in the elite of the Scythians (Khazars) - the Dragon, Grail families, vampires…

    Quote Originally Posted by Raginfridus View Post
    I looked into DeVere, and he's an obvious fraud. Claims like the 'holocaust of elves', magic DNA... he's just a petty scam artist like Anton LaVey, so don't be taken in.
    Nicholas de Vere has never gotten much credit for being a whistleblower.
    De Vere has explained that the Order of the Garter (of the British Royal family) is effectively (also) an “Order of the Dragon”. See the following quote from his book.
    The Garter or Gartier, was a small, buckled belt worn by women around the top of the left thigh or just below the left knee on men. Apart from being a menstrual badge and a semantic symbol of the womb and the Grail, it was also a representation of the serpent eating its own tail. The Garter therefore was the alchemical symbol of the Orobourus, the serpent who, in consuming itself, has become a Dragon, a vampire. Here we will remember the opening prose at the beginning of this collection of essays.

    The Garter was the ’witches belt’, the Devil’s badge and a dynastic emblem of the fairy race that descended from Lilith and Cain, who were the enemies of the Church and Mankind, according to the church, if not according to the fairies themselves.
    The subsequent founding of the Order of the Garter by Edward III, to be followed in 1397 by the re-emergence of a Dragon Court in another related Angevin line under King Sigismund of Luxembourg, made both orders Garter and Dragon institutions using the orobourus as their emblems.

    The Garter as the alchemical orobourus is still an emblematic component of the old Angevin Imperial and Royal Dragon Court today, under the Grand Mastership of its Vere head, a senior heir of the senior Houses of Anjou and Lorraine who is himself a gartered knight of the Orcadian Clan Donnachaid, which demonstrates the ubiquity of the Garter symbol amongst the ancient families. The Garter denoted rank in later witchcraft which, as we have seen, originated as Druidism.
    The Orobourus, the reptilian symbol of completeness is the Sumaire, the serpent that encircles and spirals to create an inhaling vortex, a black hole that draws all energy and life into it.

    I’ve investigated the ouroboros, the snake eating its tail. The snake represents the serpent or the dragon.
    There are even Garter snakes:

    Here’s Queen Victoria’s ouroboros engagement ring.

    The ouroboros was displayed in a variety of different cultures, going back as far as the ancient Egyptians.
    Possibly the oldest known depiction of an ouroboros, is from the Heroub, from the 21st dynasty in Egypt, 11th Century BC.
    Note the 2 lions, with 2 snakes (or are that their tales?) and the eye…

    In his 19th-century book Transendential Magic, Eliphas Levi illustrated: “The great Symbol of Solomon. The Double Triangle of Solomon, represented by the two Ancients of the Kabalah; the Macroprosopus and the Microprosopus; the God of Light and the God of Reflections; of mercy and vengeance; the white Jehovah and the black Jehovah.

    The word ouroboros is Greek – tail-eater – ouro (tail) boros (eating). Possibly before the Egyptians it was already used in Babylon or Sumer.
    Greece, China, India, Japan, the Middle East, Romans, and Native Americans have all made drawings that represented this symbol. Freemasons, and Theosophical societies often reference it as well.
    The double ouroboros is a symbol for infinity, when flipped vertically.

    The following symbol is used in alchemy; a hexagram (Seal of Solomon) and double-headed ouroboros (both wear crowns). The symbols on the star represent the astrological portion of the symbol, Jupiter (tin), Venus (copper), the Moon (silver), the Sun (gold), Mars (iron) and Saturn (lead), with Mercury (!) at the centre.

    Mercury, Mercurius (quicksilver) is a serpent or dragon in alchemy – serpens mercurialis.
    Inside the hexagram: animalia (animal), vegetabilia (vegetable) and mineralia (mineral); mare (sea), terra (land), Ros Pluvia (dew rain).

    The following picture shows the sun and moon in opposite positions, which symbolises how the world has been purposefully shifted by man.
    The man holds 2 Caduceuses of Hermes in his hands. The spiral effect indicates an expansion of knowledge, and the undulating dance of cosmic forces. The double snakes of the caduceus also represent duality and the unification of polar opposites. Caduceus means “herald’s staff of office” in Greek, and the centre rod was a symbol of Hermes who was the messenger of the Elohiym.
    The wings symbolize ascension, and higher awareness.

    What’s also interesting (although maybe not in the context of this thread) is that the tarot consists of 22 cards, and 22 is the number of paths in the Kabbalah Tree of Life. There are also 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet:
    (archived here:

    The Aztec Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent 700-900 AD features a seven-segmented ouroboros.

    The Order of the Dragon of Annam was founded in 1886 in Indochina (Vietnam) and dissolved at the end of WW II (1945). See decoration for the class "Grand officer":
    Last edited by Firestarter; 08-19-2019 at 10:31 AM. Reason: Image ouroboros Heroub was deleted
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  8. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter
    De Vere recommends the book “The First and Last Freedom” by Jiddu Krishnamurti for anybody that wants to explore the “transcendent concept“ of the Dragons.
    In 1902, Rudolf Steiner became General Secretary of the German-Austrian division of the Theosophical Society. In 1909 he "discovered" Jiddu Krishnamurti, an adolescent Indian boy, who he proclaimed as the most suitable candidate for “World Teacher”.

    The Ouroboros, Swastika, hexagram and crown are featured in the seal of the Theosophical Society.

    The Theosophical Society was founded in New York in 1875 by Helena Blavatsky, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott and William Quan Judge to advance “Theosophy”.
    Blavatsky explained one of the main goals of the Theosophical Society as to guide humanity towards its ultimate, immutable evolutionary objective: the attainment of perfection and the conscious, willing participation in the evolutionary process…
    That’s probably quite similar to the ultimate sadistic Utopia as described in 1984 and Brave New World:

    The cult of the snake god Glykon was introduced in the mid-second century AD by the Greek prophet Alexander of Abonutichus. The cult probably originated in Macedonia, where similar snake cults were already known in the fourth century BC.
    See the statuette of Glykon, with a human head, ca. 150 AD – 300 AD.

    The cult of Glykon remained alive in the entire area between the Danube and Euphrates until at least a century after the death of the prophet in ca. 170.
    There is possibly a link to the cult of Sarapis, who worshipped a similar serpent:

    The Greek Medusa had “hair” of snakes.

    Krishna, one of the most important “humans” in Hinduism, was often portrayed dancing on the Kaliya serpent.

    See the altar at the main temple in Belur Karnataka, India with the snakes for Jory Goddess.

    See the painting of Queen Elizabeth I, with the serpent on her left arm.
    NON SINE SOLE IRIS” can be translated as “Not nothing without the sun” this is no longer worshipping the sun, but claiming to be God…
    Last edited by Firestarter; 02-04-2018 at 12:09 PM.
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  9. #37

    Livingstone – Terrorism and the illuminati

    I finally found a better book on the elite “Dragon, grail” bloodline than the writings of Nicholas de Vere.

    David Livingstone – Terrorism and the illuminati; a three thousand year history (2007):

    Livingstone tries to explain the “War on terror” (in 2007) with a 3000 year history lesson. This was obviously too ambitious (in 283 pages), but the book contains lots of good information (with a long reference list).
    In the context of this thread the first part of the book is the most relevant. In this post in short I’ll present information from the book, on: 1) The Mithraic bloodline; 2) The “Luciferian” religion; 3) Secret societies.

    Mithraic bloodline – Mithraism
    According to Livingstone the most important bloodline is the Mithraic bloodline.
    It began with a Persian Royal family, who intermarried with that of Alexander the Great. By combining with the blood of Herod the Great, these families created the leading mystery school of the Roman Empire - the Mysteries of Mithras.
    Mithras was prevalent in the part of Asia Minor that was later dominated by Scythians and Medes. The House of Commagene, the family of Herod the Great, the Royal Family of Emesa (Syrian priest-kings of Baal), and the family of Julius Caesar produced Antiochus IV.

    They combined Mithras worship of the heretical Magi with the emerging Kabbalistic mysticism, to form the Mysteries of Mithras. The Mithraic mysteries adapted the ancient king-worship of the Babylonians to worship the emperor, as a personification of their Sun god. Its god Mithras was represented in the physical form of Alexander the Great.
    The source of the early Kabbalistic influence, known as Merkabah mysticism, would be the occult Jewish community of the Essenes, who according to the Illuminati is a source of their doctrines. This tradition was supposedly transmitted to the West during the Crusades through the heretical Ismailis of Egypt.

    Mithraism was the most popular cult of the Roman Empire and remained the core doctrine of the Illuminati for centuries. The Cult of (the mysteries of) Mithras would ultimately produce the leading Illuminati bloodlines that have been intermarrying with one another, to preserve their “sacred” bloodline.
    Mithraism, through Emperor Constantine (of the Mithraic bloodline), successfully hijacked the Christian faith, by producing the Bible and Catholic Christianity.

    Nephilim, Anakim, Canaanites – Scots, Irish, Saxons
    The Luciferians claim to descend from the “Fallen Angels” from the Tenach (Old Testament) Book of Genesis - the Nephilim.
    There are different theories on what the Nephilim were, some have translated it with “mighty men”, and - if I understand correctly - according to David Icke the Nephilim are shapeshifting reptilians.
    Apocryphal Jewish texts explain that they were Lucifer and his legions that were cast out of Heaven and took wives from the descendants of Cain. According to occult interpretation the Canaanites represented survivors of the Anakim (see Deuteronomy 9:1-2).
    These Anakim were reported as the original inhabitants of Atlantis – Aryans. The Illuminati consider the Aryans as the original core bloodline, a hybrid of humans and “Gods” that preserve occult knowledge.
    According to history falsifiers these Aryans (a.k.a. Indo-Europeans), survived the Flood, or sinking of Atlantis, and found refuge in the mountains of Asia. From there they started their conquest of Central Asia, Iran (Persia), and from Europe the rest of the world.
    Odin was worshipped as a god – the one-eyed sorcerer, with a long white beard that could change shape at will. Ancient scholars identify him with Mercury (the Greeks Hermes).

    According to Kabbalistic interpretation, the Jewish kings descend from Joseph and his daughter-in-law Tamar (a Canaanite). Their son Perez was David’s ancestor.
    Solomon, to whom much of Kabbalistic tradition is attributed, was the son of David from Bathsheba (a Hittite). According to Kabbalistic interpretation, the Messiah is a descendant of the royal Davidic bloodline, including descend from the Satanic lineage of the Nephilim (through the Canaanites).

    According to II Kings 17:16-20, the Tribes of Israel were conquered because:
    And they left all the commandments of the Lord their God, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal.
    And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.
    Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah only.
    Also Judah kept not the commandments of the Lord their God, but walked in the statutes of Israel which they made.
    And the Lord rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.
    For he rent Israel from the house of David; and they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king: and Jeroboam drave Israel from following the Lord, and made them sin a great sin.
    The exiled tribes migrated to a region of the Medes, Medea, today’s northern Iraq, or Northwest Iran - Kurdistan.
    According to the Greek historian Herodotus in the fifth century BC:
    These Medes were called anciently by all people Arian [Aryan]; but when Medea, the Colchian, came to them from Athens, they changed their name.
    According to Herodotus, the Scythians emerged from beyond the Euphrates, from across the Araxes, an Armenian river that borders Armenia, Iran and Azerbaijan. The Scythians first appear in Assyrian annals as Ishkuzai, related to the modern term Ashkenazi “Jews”, supposedly from Ashkenaz.
    Many modern Iranians descend from Medes. Medes heritage today is claimed by groups in Iran, like Kurds, Lurs, Isfahan and the Turkic languages-speaking Azeri.

    Esau was “red all over like a hairy garment”, and called Edom (red). According to Herodotus, the Scythians have “deep blue eyes, and bright red hair” and practiced ceremonies dedicated to Bacchus (the Greek Baal).
    In the eighth century AD, Rabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mayence, wrote that Joseph of Arimathea was sent to Britain, and then to France. He carried with him the “Holy Grail”, which he concealed for safekeeping at Glastonbury Tor, where he established the first church in the British Isles, this developed into Glastonbury Abbey. His descendants would eventually culminate in King Arthur.
    King Arthur also descended from the Roman Emperor Constantine, who converted the Roman Empire to Christianity in 333 AD. King Arthur’s mother, Igraine, descended from Dionotus II King of Britain, the great-grandson of Constantine. His wife Elen Lwyddog verch Eudaf, whose mother descended from Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, belonged to the Herodian line.
    Caesar’s grandson, Gaius Calpernius Piso, had married Mariamne (sister of Herod Agrippa). Their granddaughter, Pompeia, was the wife of Emperor Trajan, who was the grandfather of Marcus Aurelius. Trajan and Marcus Aurelius used the dragon standard (Draco) of Scythian origin, which was later adopted by the Pendragon family.
    Drusilla of Mauritania was the great-granddaughter of Marc Antony and Cleopatra.

    According to Irish legend, the Scottish originate from Fenius Farsaidh, a descendant of Edom, who founded the Kingdom of Scythia.
    Tamar married one of the later Irish Kings, Eochaid I, from which the Kings of Ireland descended. She and her companions brought with them the Ark of the Covenant, a golden-coloured banner with the heraldic device of a red Lion and the Stone of Destiny.

    The Saxons also descend from the Scythians.
    According to governor Ptolemy of Commagene (that was founded in 162 BC), the Saxons are Sakai, a Scythian race from Media.

    Charles Martel, Plantagenet, Habsburg
    The Carolingians were partly of Merovingian descent, and represented the union of the Mithraic bloodline. Their lineage included the royal dynasty of Armenia, but also branches of Eastern European aristocracies of Poland, Bulgaria and Hungary, that descended from the Khazars. The father of Charlemagne, Charles Martel, was the primary representative of the Mithraic bloodline.
    During the early Middle Ages, the Mithraic families intermarried with their Saxons brethren, and descendants of Charles Martel.
    Rabbi Makhir, often confused with Natronai, arrived in southern France by the invitation of Charles Martel. According to James Allen Dow, Natronai married Rolinda of Aquitaine, while Makhir married Alda (daughter of Charles Martel).

    The Paulician influence in southern France, through Catharism would become the secret Gnostic doctrine of the Carolingians, known as the Order of the Rose, and was the hidden power behind the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and finally the Illuminati.

    During the Crusades, a bloodline by intermarriage with the Eastern aristocracy, through Dubrawka of Bohemia, resulted in the Stuarts and Sinclairs bloodline (also from Scythia).
    The first Plantagenet king of England, Henry II, established the Angevin Empire. He was succeeded as king of England by his son Richard I, the Lion-Hearted, who came to rule England, Scotland, Ireland and half of France.

    The family that became the most powerful were the Habsburgs – of the Luciferian bloodline combined with the Jewish exilarchs. The Habsburg family would develop and spread the “New Kabbalah”.
    The Habsburgs continued their acquisition through dynastic marriages with the houses of Bohemia, Moravia and Hungary; the double-headed eagle became their heraldic symbol.

    Lucifer, Kabbalah, Paulicians, Cathars
    The secularism of the Illuminati is based on ancient occult teachings. To the upper levels of the Illuminati, Lucifer “liberated” man, showing that there is no truth.
    The secret “Gnostic” version of Christianity, also derived from Mithraism, continued to compete with Catholicism, in the form of secret societies that practiced “witchcraft”, like the Templars, Rosicrucians and Freemasons,.

    In Babylon, the heretical Jews practiced Babylonian magic. Because magic was forbidden in Judaism, they rejected the God of Israel, and worshipped Lucifer (or Baal) instead. Their faith is now known as the Kabbalah.
    The Kabbalah was further shaped in ancient Greece.

    Paulicians believed that there was a God who made the world, and the “God of heaven” who created souls and should be worshipped - Lucifer. For the Paulicians, Christ was an angel sent into the world by their “God”. Jesus’ mother was not the Virgin Mary, but the heavenly Jerusalem. This idea comes from the Kabbalah, where the “Shekhina” (beloved) is equated with the “congregation of Israel”.

    Cathars were Gnostic. The New Testament they attributed to the benevolent God, but the God of the Tenach was evil (Satan). They also believed that Jesus Christ was evil, and that Mary Magdalene was his concubine. They claimed that the good Christ, never ate, nor drank, and never assumed physical form, except spiritually in the body of Paul. They also regarded the Church of Rome a “den of thieves”.

    Order of the Garter, Round Table, RIIA
    The traditions of the Templars were continued by the Order of the Garter, founded by Edward II’s son, Edward III King of England. Edward III’s sister, Joanna, married King David II of Scotland (son of Robert the Bruce). While in exile in France, David created The Guarde De Ecosse, derived from the Templar faction known as Scots Guard.
    The Queen is not only the Grand Patroness of Freemasonry, but also the head of the Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter reigns over Freemasonry worldwide. When a Mason reaches the 33rd degree, he swears allegiance to the Garter, and thereby to the Queen.
    According to John Coleman, the Knights of the Garter are the inner-sanctum of Her Majesty’s Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem - the leaders of the Illuminati hierarchy, and Queen Elizabeth II’s most trusted “Privy Council”.
    The Order of the Garter is closely connected to the Order of the Rose. Important symbols for the Illuminati bloodline include the rose, lily, fleur-de lis, double-headed eagle, and the skull and crossbones.

    The promotion of the interests of the “Crown” became the guiding principle of the Order of the Garter.
    Mason Cecil Rhodes founded the Round Table and left his entire estate to fellow Mason Lord Nathaniel Rothschild as trustee.
    The man chosen by the Round Table to bring the US under the control of the Rothschilds was German-born Jacob Schiff. Schiff financed the Standard Oil Company for John D. Rockefeller, the Railroad Empire for Edward R. Harriman, and the Steel Empire for Carnegie.
    Round Table members including Lionel Curtis, Balfour and Milner formed the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) of which Arnold Toynbee later became the director. Col. House with Rockefeller family funding founded its American counterpart - the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) with members like J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, and Jacob Schiff.

    H.G. Wells, head of British foreign intelligence during WW I, was also a founding member of Rhodes-Milner Round Table, and tutored Aldous and Julian Huxley at Oxford. It was also Wells who introduced the brothers Huxley to Aleister Crowley during the late 1920s.
    Aldous and Julian Huxley were grandsons of Thomas H. Huxley - a founder of the Round Table, and a lifelong associate of Arnold Toynbee. Toynbee was a member of the RIIA, headed the Research Division of British intelligence throughout WW II, and served as wartime briefing officer for PM Winston Churchill.
    Aldous Huxley was a member of the Dionysian cult Children of the Sun (comprised of children of Britain’s Round Table elites).

    In 1916, Prime Minister of England Lord Asquith had to resign because he had opposed Zionist interests.
    David Lloyd George (a lawyer for the World Zionist Organization), Winston Churchill and Arthur Balfour of the Round Table were then placed in power.

    Winston Churchill - Druid
    Winston Churchill was a descendant of John Churchill, first Duke of Marlborough. Nathaniel Rothschild was an intimate friend of Winston’s father, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill. The famous “V” sign used by Churchill comes from Aleister Crowley.
    Winston Churchill’s legal surname was Spencer-Churchill, as he was related to the Spencers, though his branch of the family only used the name Churchill in public life. The mother of Randolph Churchill, and his great-grandfather’s wife, were Stewarts (descendants from James Douglas).
    Winston Churchill’s mother was Jennie Jerome, daughter of American Jewish millionaire Leonard Jerome.
    Winston Churchill was already a Mason and Druid before he became a Knight of the Order of the Garter.

    Magian, or Kabbalistic, teachings are clearly discernible among the Druids (that was designed as an exclusive Masonic Society). The Druids were involved in astronomy, astrology, vegetarianism, believed in reincarnation, and worshipped Dis or Pluto (god of the Underworld).
    In 1908, Churchill was initiated into the Albion Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids at Blenheim. Possibly Churchill was also a member of the Archaeological Order of Druids.

    The witchcraft revival at the beginning of the twentieth century was the result of the efforts of Gerald Gardner. Gardner was a member of numerous esoteric orders including the Ancient Druid Order (not to be confused with the Ancient Order of Druids).
    Gardner’s contribution to the growing number of esoteric orders (later part of the New Age movement) was Wicca:

    WWF, Lucis, Aspen Institute
    The World Wildlife Fund was created by Prince Philip of the House of Oldenburg. He is the great-great-grandson of Grand Master of the Asiatic Brethren, Karl Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, and also descends from George II, Catherine the Great of Russia, and Frederick I King of Prussia.

    Alice Bailey, who succeeded Annie Besant as head of the Theosophical movement, with her husband Foster Bailey, founded the Lucifer Publishing Company, that later changed its name to Lucis Publishing Company.
    The Lucis Trust founded the Temple of Understanding, which controls the World Goodwill that was launched in the early 1960s. Its founding sponsors include: John D. Rockefeller IV; then-Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, IBM president Thomas J. Watson, Socialist Party leader Norman Thomas, Eleanor Roosevelt and Time-Life president James A. Linen.
    Together with its Arcane School of the occult and World Goodwill, the Lucis Trust works to implement “the Plan”, which was described in 24 books by Bailey.

    When the Frankfurt School settled in the US, the Columbia University in New York was chosen. They hypothesised that through terror, man can be reduced to a childlike and submissive state, and become the perfect mind controlled slave.
    They experimented through the Tavistock Institute and the CIA’s MK-ULTRA.

    In 1949, Aldous Huxley and John Maynard Hutchins founded the Aspen Institute. In 2007, its director was Canadian multi-millionaire Maurice Strong – in 2007, Senior Advisor to both UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and World Bank President James Wolfensohn.
    In 1978, Strong bought the Colorado Land & Cattle Company, which owned 200,000 acres in Colorado, from Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi.
    The Aspen Institute aims to carry out “the plan” with the UN, Club of Rome, Tavistock, and like-minded organisations originating from the Round Table through the environmental movement. They use the scare of nuclear bombs to push their agenda.
    They are also affiliated with the New Age movement…

    There is a lot more in the book, but in the context of this thread this should be enough…
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  10. #38
    Druid, Knight of the Garter and PM Winston Churchill was a descendant of the Duke of Marlborough and the Spencer family.
    See the Duke of Marlborough's Coat Of Arms with elements of both the Churchill and Spencer arms – the double-headed eagle (phoenix), 3 dragons, lions, 2 crowns and the cross of St. George.

    I thought that the lion in all these coat of arms of the aristocratic families is the Lion of Judah, but it looks like I was fooled again...
    See the winged lion of Mithras; also note the serpents, dragons.

    Archaeology has revealed that a lion with eagle's wings was a common symbol in Babylonia. The eagle often symbolises the sun god, so a winged lion symbolises the sun powering the lion.
    The symbol of St. Mark is really the Babylonian winged lion facing the symbol of the sun god. The lion of Daniel 7 has eagle's wings, a reference to Babylon:

    See Tiamat the chaos serpent on a Babylonian seal.

    Traces of Mithras go as far back as the fourteenth century BC. Mithras was the greatest of the Yazats (angels); an angel of light associated with the sun. Mithras has a thousand ears, ten-thousand eyes.

    The Mehregan feast of Mithras (or baga) in the month Bagayadi was one of the most ancient and most popular festivals for the ancient Iranians. This feast for the sun-god was probably pre-Zoroastrian of the Proto-Iranian (Aryan) era.

    Mithras was very popular among the Roman military.
    In Jewish mysticism, Mithras appears as Metatron, the highest of the angels. Mehregan, Tiragan and Norooz, were the only Zoroastrian feasts mentioned in the Talmud:
    (archived here:

    See the Achaemenid Seal of Emperor Artaxerxes standing before Mithras Anahit – with the lion and sun motif.

    In the ancient Hindu text Rig Veda, Mitra is mentioned over 200 times, who seduces people by Maya (illusion). The Sun is said to be the eye of Mitra.
    Mitra and Varuna are two devas (deities) frequently referred to in the Rig Veda. Their connection is so close that they are often considered as one Mitra–Varuna.
    See the statue of Varuna with Varunani, discovered in Karnataka, 8th century AD.

    In the Rig Veda, Vritra is a serpent or dragon, also known as Ahi (snake). The father of Vritra was Tvashta and his mother Danu.
    In most descriptions, Vritra appears as a snake or a three-headed dragon.

    According to the Rig Veda, Vritra kept the waters of the world captive until he was killed by Indra. The combat began after Indra had drunk a large volume of Soma to empower him. Tvashtri fashioned the thunderbolt (Vajrayudha) for Indra.
    For slaying Vritra, Indra became known as Vritrahan (slayer of Vritra) and also as "slayer of the first-born of dragons". After defeating Vritra he also defeated his mother, Danu:

    See Indra subduing Vritra.
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  11. #39

    Order of the Garter

    Carolus “Charles” Martel (688-741) is the founder of the Carolingian dynasty.

    With all of the top aristocratic families in Europe descending from his daughter Alda and Rabbi Makhir, in particular from Alda’s son Guillaume de Gellone (a.k.a. William of Orange) and daughter Ida Redburga, arguably the Carolingians still rule the world. The Holy Roman Empire was founded by another grandson of Carolus “Charles” Martel, Charlemagne (the nephew of Alda).
    See the 13th century tomb of Charles Martel.

    Henry II "Curtmantle" (1133 - 1189) was the first Plantagenet King of England, he was crowned in 1154.
    The Plantagenets would rule England for the next 331 years.

    King Edward Plantagenet III (1312-1377) was the fifth Plantagenet ruler of England after him in the direct line of succession. The Most Noble Order of the Garter was founded by King Edward III in 1348.
    See Edward III from the Bruges Garter book.

    As a direct descendant of the Roman Ferreoli lineage, Edward III also held a claim as the heir as king of nearly half of present-day France.
    The first Ferreoli to rule in France was Roman praetorian prefect Tonantius Ferreolus (ca 405 - ca 469). His descendants through a series of strategic marriages ultimately laid a claim to the French throne before the Henry II became the first Plantagenet Sovereign of England.
    Also through Edward III’s mother Isabell of France (1295 – 1358), the daughter of King Philip IV Valois- Capet (1268 - 1314), he could claim the French throne.
    Edward III later ceded the French crown to his cousin Jean II Valois, who was a direct descendant of Hugh Capet (939 - 996). Edward III ratified the Treaty of Brétigny in 1360 that made Jean's monarchy a reality.

    The Order of the Garter was styled after the Equite Knights of Rome (a.k.a. the Equestrians).
    The Equestrians later became prefects (praefecti praetorio) who serve as the Roman emperor's personal guard.

    Richard III, was the last king of the Plantagenet dynasty.
    After he was killed, Henry Richmond (later Henry VII Tudor) claimed the throne which began the relatively short-lived Tudor dynasty.

    Sir Thomas de Holland (1314-1360) was the 13th out of 25 knights Edward III selected for the Order of the Garter in 1344. These 25 knights are considered its founder knights. His brother Sir Otho de Holland was also one of the founding knights. Their father was the first Baron of Upholland.
    See the coat of arms of Sir Thomas de Holland.

    The Holland lineage originally hailed from Friesland; their ancestors were counts and princes of Friesland since before the birth of Jesus Christ. Legend has it that Frisians immigrated to Punjab, India in the 14th century B.C. This group may indeed be the source of the earliest “Aryan” influence in the ancient Punjab region, which predates the formation of the Scythian ethno-cultural identity.
    Alexander the Great enlisted them as mercenaries when he invaded India. They eventually returned to the Friesia soon after Alexander's death. Adel I Friso became the first dynastic king of Friesland upon their return in the 3rd century B.C.
    Friesian descendant Sir Siward de Longworth de Holland came to England in the early 11th century, probably hired as a mercenary by William I, 6th Duke of Normandy.

    Thomas had 4 four children with Joan Plantagenet.
    A year after his death in 1360 she married Edward III’s son, Edward IV "the Black Prince". Their son Richard III reigned England from 1377 to 1399.

    King Henry V restored the title and honours to the Holland family in 1439 in recognition of the faithful service of John Holland.
    The title went extinct after Henry Holland (1430 – 1475), John's only son became attainted as a Lancastrian in 1461, thereby forfeiting the peerage.

    William Bruges, the founding Garter King of arms, kneels before St George, who’s slaying the dragon.

    John de Grey II (1300-1359) was another founder knight of the Order of the Garter.
    The Earl Grey tea bland is named after Charles II, the 2nd Earl of Grey (1764-1845).
    (archived here:

    Following is a complete (?) list of the Knights and Ladies of Order of the Garter, the most powerful "Order" in the world (1012 members since 1348).
    It includes 6 Holy Roman Emperors, some (former) British Prime Ministers, and lots of members of the British and other royal families.

    Current members of the Order of the Garter, from the British Royal family.
    Elizabeth, knighted in 1947.
    Philip, in 1947.
    Charles, in 1958 (when he was only 9).
    Edward, in 1985.
    Anne, in 1994.
    Alexandra, in 2003.
    Andrew, in 2006.
    Edward, in 2006.
    William, in 2008.

    Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, in 1989.
    King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, in 2018.
    Prince Juan Carlos of Spain, in 1988.
    King Felipe VI of Spain, in 2017.

    Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, in 1979
    Grand duke Jean of Luxembourg, in 1972.
    Emperor Akihito of Japan, in 1998.
    King Harald V of Norway, in 2001.

    The following are the remaining current, still alive, Knights and Ladies from the Garter, all from Britain.
    Baron Edwin Bramall, in 1990.
    Baron John Sainsbury, in 1992.
    Baron John Baring, in 1994.
    Timothy Colman, in 1996.
    Duke James Hamilton, in 1999.

    Baron Peter Inge, in 2001.
    Antony Acland, in 2001.
    Baron Robin Butler, in 2003.
    Baron John Morris, in 2003.
    John Major, in 2005 (former British PM).
    Baron Richard Luce, in 2008.
    Thomas Dunne, in 2008.

    Baron Nicholas Phillips, in 2011.
    Baron Michael Boyce, in 2011.
    Baron Jock Stirrup, in 2013.
    Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller, in 2014.
    Baron Mervyn King, in 2014 (former Governor of the Bank of England).

    Baron Charles Kay-Shuttleworth, in 2016.
    David Brewer, in 2016.
    Mary Fagan, in 2018.
    Viscount Alan Brooke, knighted in 2018.

    No less than 8 Holy Roman Emperors were Knights of the Garter…
    Sigismund - Holy Roman Emperor from 1433–1437;
    Albert V, Duke of Austria from 1397–1439 - later Holy Roman Emperor as Albert II;
    Frederick III - Holy Roman Emperor 1415–1493; [Not Installed]
    Maximilian, King of the Romans 1459–1520 - later Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I;

    Charles, Archduke of Austria and Duke of Burgundy 1500–1558 – later Holy Roman Emperor Charles V;
    Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria 1503–1564 - later Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I;
    Rudolf II - Holy Roman Emperor 1552–1612;
    Maximilian II - Holy Roman Emperor 1527–1576, see his Coat of arms.

    Peter II, Emperor of Brazil, was the first non-European member of the Garter in 1871.
    He was followed by…

    Naser al-Din, Shah of Persia, knighted in 1873.
    Muzzafir al-Din, Shah of Persia, in 1903 (who gave the Anglo-Persian Oil Company a 60 year oil monopoly).

    Emperor Mutsohito of Japan, in 1905.
    Emperor Yoshihito of Japan, in 1912.
    Emperor Hirohito of Japan, knighted in 1929 (degraded 1941, restored 1971).

    Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, knighted in 1954:
    Last edited by Firestarter; 11-19-2018 at 04:03 AM. Reason: Added Coat of arms Maximilian II
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  12. #40

    Honi soit qui mal y pense

    The motto of the Order of the Garter is in Old French “Honi soit qui mal y pense and literally translates: “Shame on him who thinks evil of it”.
    In contemporary French usage, it is usually used to insinuate that somebody, something isn’t as innocent as it appears but there are hidden agendas.

    Honi soit qui mal y pensecan be found on the front cover of the British Passport, Cayman Islands, and Gibraltar.
    See the Gibraltar passport.

    The motto also appears in the source code for both the Apollo 11 and Apollo 13 lunar modules:

    The Stamp Act, passed on 22 March 1765 by the British Parliament, caused uproar in the colonies over colonists being forced to buy a British stamp for every official document they obtained. The controversial act was enforced in November 1765.
    The stamp displayed an image of a Tudor rose framed by the word “America” and the motto of the Order of the Garter “Honi soit qui mal y pense.

    The colonists greeted the stamps with outrage and violence. Colonial merchants called for a boycott of British goods; some even organised attacks on customs houses and the homes of tax collectors.
    A group of Bostonians for example burned a building they thought to be the “Stamp Office” and invaded the home of stamp distributor Andrew Oliver, threatening to kill him. Oliver had already fled the premises and resigned his post. In every state, except Georgia, the “stamp master” resigned under duress, making the Stamp Act impossible to implement.

    On 18 March 1766, Parliament voted to repeal the Stamp Act.
    At the same time they passed the Declaratory Act, which confirmed that British government had total legislative power over the colonies. The Declaratory Act carefully omitted any assertion of Parliament’s right to tax colonists.
    At the same time, Parliament passed the Revenue Act of 1766, which compensated Britain’s loss of income from the stamp tax with taxes on molasses (an ingredient in making rum). The colonists paid this tax without complaint.

    The protests against the Stamp Act is sometimes considered one of the first organised political actions of the American Revolution:
    (archived here:

    The Abbey of St Paul’s outside the Vatican Walls shares a common history with the Basilica for which it was founded.
    The coat of arms of the Abbey still includes the garter and the motto: “Honi soit qui mal y pense”, which surround the shield and the traditional image of the sword of Paul

    During the Middle Ages, the kings of England exercised the function of protectors of the Basilica:

    Here’s a British Royal Fusiliers cap badge featuring Honi soit qui mal y pense. I’m afraid I don’t know what the top part signifies (a tree, fire?).

    See the Coat of Arms for Heidelberg Castle, Germany (1683).

    The Coat of arms over the entrance to the electoral office in Stolpen, Germany.

    It appears on the Royal Coat of Arms of the British East India Company

    Honi soit qui mal y pense” was also on Hong Kong coins – see the Tael (1867).
    (archived here:

    The following French Caricature, shows that already in 1899 people knew about the true nature of British imperialism.
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  14. #41
    I was looking for more information on the European aristocrats that supported the German Nazis:

    I looked in particular for the predecessors of Montagu Norman and Otto von Habsburg.

    The Order of the Garter is the continuation of the Knights Templar of London, who covertly manage the City of London Corporation which was founded by Templars.

    The ascendants of Montagu Norman, include the Montagu family are that came from Italy before settling in France. They became British Peers around 1149 and further gained baronages through serving King Edward III of England.
    The Montagu family are British Peers with dukedoms all over the United Kingdom. The Montagu, Douglas, Scott, and Percy families are all intermarried and claim to be related to Normans which claim to be relatives of Norsemen.
    The Percy family came to England in the 11th century. They have bloodline relations to Saxons, Anglicans, and the originally Turkish-Scythian Alans which settled in France around the 5th century.

    William de Montagu (a.k.a. William de Montacute), 2nd Earl of Salisbury, 4th Baron Montagu, King of Man was a founding Knight of the Order of the Garter.
    See his Coat of arms, with the triskelion that was adopted in the Coat of arms of Man.

    The House of Montagu is deeply involved in merchant banking and are strong supporters of British-Zionism while posing as “anti-Zionists”. The Montagu family originally established the Bank of England for the British Crown.
    The Montagu Barons have even greater international influences in banking than the Rothschild family as the co-founders of the Bank of England and connections with HSBC and their Norman agents’ connections to the Bank for International Settlements. The Montagus are Roman Catholic.

    Walter Montagu was a secret agent working with the Medicis in France and the Vatican. Charles Montagu, the 1st Earl of Halifax, worked at the Crown’s Treasury and after developing the Bank of England he became the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Montagu family of Manchester own the British Cheetham Hill Gang crime firm.
    The Montagus of Manchester established residences in Australia. Sharp End International is a private military company in Australia and New Zealand.
    HSBC recently incorporated The Montagu’s of Swaythling’s Samuel Montagu & Co. into their multibillion dollar private equity firm called the Montagu Private Equity under HSBC which manages about 5 billion in assets.

    Count Gustaf Douglas from the Scottish Douglas clan is a Swedish billionaire noble.

    The head of the Percy family is Duke Ralph Percy and has the same grandfather as Duke Richard Montagu-Douglas-Scott. His sons are Earl of Percy, George Percy, and Max Ralph Percy who married Princess Nora Oettingen-Spielberg of Germany.
    Barbara Bush was born a Pierce and is closely related with the Percy family which formerly used the name Pierce-Eye. Charles “Don Carlos” Percy of the Percy family established Trail Lake Plantation in the South of the US which intermarried with the Walker family, like the Bush, Pierce and Walker families have intermarried.
    The Walkers were slave traders and the Percy family owned slaves. US President Franklin Pierce was a cousin of the slave owning Percy’s and was against ending slavery: https://ahuwahzeus583992924.wordpres...anking-cartel/
    (archived here:

    An interesting story is that (another) founding Knight of the Garter, Thomas de Holland, at 24 married the 11-year old Joan Plantagenet in 1339. Joan was the daughter of Edmund, earl of Kent, granddaughter of Edward I and cousin of King Edward III.
    Then, while Thomas was fighting abroad, Joan married again in February 1341 to William de Montagu.

    After Thomas de Holland had made a name for himself, and became a Knight of the Garter, in 1348, he petitioned the papal court to confirm the validity of his marriage and have Joan returned to him. Joan testified that the marriage had been “consummated” almost immediately after the wedding ceremony.
    In November 1349, the Pope annulled Joan’s marriage to Montagu and she was ordered back to Holland.

    After De Holland died, Joan, would marry “Black Prince” Edward IV, and their son would be crowned in 1377 as King Richard II:

    Of the 9 (I thought only 8!) Holy Roman Emperors that were also Knights of the Garter; 8 were of the House of Habsburg.

    Albert the Magnanimous (Albert V) was King of Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia and Germany, Duke of Luxembourg and, Archduke of Austria – and Knight of the Garter since 1438.

    Frederick III was the first emperor of the House of Habsburg and the third member of the House of Habsburg to be “elected” King of Germany – and Knight of the Garter since 1457.

    Maximilian I ruled jointly with his father from ca. 1483 to his father's death in 1493. Maximilian expanded the influence of the House of Habsburg through war and his marriage in 1477 to the heiress to the Duchy of Burgundy – and Knight of the Garter since 1489.

    Charles V was Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy (including part of the Netherlands and France) and ruler of Spain (including part of Italy). He brought under his rule extensive territories in West, Central and South Europe and the Spanish viceroyalties in the Americas and Asia. He was the heir of Habsburg of Austria, Valois of Burgundy and Trastámara of Spain (the Crowns of Castile and Aragon). Through Castile he owned part of the Americas and Asia – and Knight of the Garter since 1508 (at only 8 years?).

    See Charles’ Coat of arms.

    Ferdinand I was King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia – and Knight of the Garter since 1522.

    Rudolf II was King of Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia and Archduke of Austria – and Knight of the Garter since 1587.

    Maximilian II was King of Hungary, Croatia andBohemia – and Knight of the Garter since 1567.

    Francis II (1768 – 1835) was the last Holy Roman Emperors from 1792 to 1806, when he dissolved the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, after being defeated by Napoleon. In 1804, he became the first Emperor of Austria. He was also Apostolic King of Hungary andBohemia – and Knight of the Garter since 1814.

    Other Knights of the Garter of the House of Habsburg (that weren’t crowned Holy Roman emperor) include.

    Philip I (1478 – 1506) was the first was the first King of Castile (by marriage) of the House of Habsburg, he inherited the greater part of the Duchess of Burgundy (including part of the Netherlands). The son of Maximilian I and father of Emperor Charles V – and Knight of the Garter since 1503.

    Franz Joseph I (1830 – 1916) was Emperor of Austria and Monarch to many states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, including King of Hungary – and Knight of the Garter since 1867.

    Rudolf (1858 – 1889) died before he could follow in the footsteps of his father Franz Joseph I by suicide – and Knight of the Garter since 1887.

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand (1863 – 1914) was never crowned. His assassination has been called the reason for WW I – and Knight of the Garter since 1902.
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  15. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Raginfridus View Post
    Or maybe nobody's really in control at any level, and the best our authorities can manage is projecting power... Maybe the greatest trick the powers that be ever pulled, was convincing the world they had control.
    The reason for all the heraldry, the bloodlines etc, is to convince people they are something special, something other than just vanilla humans whose grandparents were especially good at murderin'
    In New Zealand:
    The Coastguard is a Charity
    Air Traffic Control is a private company run on user fees
    The DMV is a private non-profit
    Rescue helicopters and ambulances are operated by charities and are plastered with corporate logos
    The agriculture industry has zero subsidies
    5% of the national vote, gets you 5 seats in Parliament
    A tax return has 4 fields
    Business licenses aren't a thing
    Prostitution is legal
    We have a constitutional right to refuse any type of medical care

  16. #43
    Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands (like her mother Juliana was) is a Stranger Lady of the Garter, her son King Willem-Alexander became a Knight of the Garter earlier this year.
    King Felipe VI of Spain and his predecessor, Juan Carlos I, are concurrently Stranger Knights of the Garter.

    See Juan Carlos second from left, Beatrix second from right, and King Harald V of Norway on the far right, front row. In the centre of the front row: Philip, Elizabeth and Charles, at the Garter ceremony in 2002.

    Another interesting story is of the Dutch King of Britain from 1689 to 1702, William of Orange (Willem van Oranje in Dutch), who had become a Knight of the Garter in 1653.

    He was never King of the Netherlands though:

    The first King of the Netherlands, King William I, was effectively made king in 1815 after the invasion by the French under Napoleon Bonaparte made him popular, he had become a Knight of the Garter in 1814…

    Tsar Alexander I of Russia, who became a Knight of the Garter in 1813, played a central role in making William the first king of the Netherlands:

    Napoleon’s nephew and heir, Napoleon III, became a Knight of the Garter in 1855.
    See Queen Victoria knighting Emperor of France Napoleon III at the Garter ceremony, 18 April 1855.
    Last edited by Firestarter; 12-21-2018 at 12:24 PM.
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  17. #44

    Garter – Girdle

    The official tale on the founding of the Order of the Garter is something like - that the countess of Salisbury Joan of Kent, Edward´s cousin and daughter-in-law, dropped her garter when dancing at a ball. King Edward III picked it up, put it on his own leg and uttered “Honi soit qui mal y pense”.
    Edward III then said that even knights should be honoured to wear that garter, and so founded the Order of the Garter.
    This tale was first written in 1360, so after the Order was founded.

    According to Nicholas de Vere the Garter is really just another tail eating snake (Ouroborus).
    I think that both explanations are wrong and at the very least don’t explain why St. George is the patron saint of the Order of the Garter...

    There is a third explanation that involves a late 14 century poem, involving Knight Gawain, the Green knight and a girdle that ends with “honi soit qui mal y pense”.
    As this poem was written AFTER the Order of the Garter was founded in 1348, this couldn’t be an explanation either:

    The best explanation I found is from the tale of St. George...
    St. George is the patron saint of a number of countries, including: England, Portugal, Georgia, Lithuania, and Greece.

    St. George is believed to have been born in Cappadocia (in Turkey) and was born in the second hald of the 3rd century AD.
    He served as a soldier in the Roman army. In protest against the persecution of Christians by Roman Emperor Diocletian (244-311) at the beginning of the 4th century, St. George resigned from his military office.
    When St. George tore up the emperor’s order against the Christians, Diocletian had him imprisoned and tortured. George refused to reject his Christian faith, so he was dragged through the streets of Diospolis (a.k.a. Lydda) in Palestine and beheaded.
    See the 15th century painting (note the halo).

    The most popular tale of St. George involves slaying a dragon. St. George is most commonly depicted as a knight mounted on a horse and spearing a dragon.
    The best known form of this legend is in the “Legenda Aurea, written by archbishop of Genoa Jacobus de Voragine in the 13th century.

    Beside the city Silene in Libya was a pond with a “dragon which envenomed all the country”. The people of the city fed the beast 2 sheep each day. The people of the city also sacrificed humans to it.
    St. George passed Silene one day, when the king’s daughter would be offered to the dragon. When St. George heard about it and saw the princess; he decided to slay the beast:
    Thus as they spake together the dragon appeared and came running to them, and S. George was upon his horse, and drew out his sword and garnished him with the sign of the cross, and rode hardily against the dragon which came towards him, and smote him with his spear and hurt him sore and threw him to the ground.
    And after said to the maid: Deliver to me your girdle [belt], and bind it about the neck of the dragon and be not afeard. When she had done so the dragon followed her as it had been a meek beast and debonair.
    St. George then then slayed the dragon and converted the king and his people to the Christian faith.
    In another tale, during the First Crusade, St. George is said to have helped the crusaders during their successful siege of Antioch in 1098:
    (archived here:

    I guess that you won´t be surprised that I think that the garter represents the girdle that was bound around the dragon´s neck...
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  18. #45

    Mithras - serpent

    I looked for a connection between dragons and Mithras, which seems to have been more influential in the foundation of the Christian Church than the teachings of Jesus Christ...

    Mithras was accompanied by a snake, a.k.a. serpent, a.k.a. dragon.
    The bull slaying scene that is mostly associated with Mithras is really in reference to astrology/astronomy, where the snake represents the Hydra constellation.

    Mithra or Mehr (translation: love, sun), worshipped since at least 1400 BC, was supposedly born of his virgin mother Anahita and the seed of Zarathustra (from the waters of Lake Hamun in the Persian province of Sistan). His birth took place in a cave, where shepherds attended him at the winter solstice and presented him gifts.
    According to another tale, Mithras was born from a rock; shown with a serpent coiled around the rock.

    In Hinduism he is praised as Mitra-Varuna. Hymn 3.59 of the Rig Veda is dedicated to Mithra.
    In Persia, Mithra was the protector god of the tribal society until the Zoroastar's reformation of Persian polytheism (628-55 BC).
    In the Avesta, Mithra is the protector of the Aryan nation, giving victory to those who lie not unto Mithra.

    On 25 December 274, Roman Emperor Aurelian proclaimed the Sun God the principal patron of the Empire and dedicated a temple to Him in the Campus Martius.
    Catholicism has remained close to Mithraism, including: the timing of Christmas and Bishops adaptation of miters. The Christian church adopted 25 December as Jesus' birthday in the Fourth century. Christians priests are called Father. Mithraic Holy fathers wore red garment and cap, a ring, and carried a shepherds staff.

    Mithra is also found in Chinese mythology, where he is known as “The Friend” and in statues is shown as a Military General.
    Traces of the inner teachings of Mithraism can also be found in Sufisim (the mystical cult in Islam). At the end of the initiation ritual for the Miles degree a mark was branded (there are current practices of branding marks, for example in Bronfman’s NXIVM cult). During the ritual meal they drink wine, with their cup they offered devotional love. The bread represents flesh of the bull in whose death was life.
    Mithras is also present in the autoerotic 7th degree and homoerotic 11th degree of Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) of the infamous Satanist Aleister Crowley.

    Mithras´ battle with the Sun resulted in the formation of a friendship between Mithras and his “companion” Sol Invictus (Invincible Sun).
    Mithras is asked by the sun to kill the Bull, but refuses at first. The Raven, as messenger of the Sun, comes to him again with the request. Mithras goes into the field and captures the Bull and drags him to the cave of his birth. When Mithras kills the bull, from his blood comes wine and all the plants on earth.
    The Bull that Mithra sacrifices represents his ego.

    The scene shows Mithras slaying the Bull while he looks away. He stabs the bull in the neck. Around him are his companions the snake, scorpion, and dog. The 2 torch bearers of Mithras, Cautopates and Cautes, stand at either side of the bull slaying scene.
    In the upper left corner is Sol Invictus (note the similarity to the Statue of Liberty in New York) and in the upper right corner the crescent moon.
    See the Roman marble of Mithras slaying the bull, 2nd/early 3rd Century AD.

    There is also an interesting relation to astrology/astronomy.

    The bull slaying tale represents the constellation Persus (Mithras), Taurus (Bull), Canis Minor (dog), Hydra (snake), Corvus (raven), Scorpio (scorpio). The wheat is the star Spica (the brightest star in Virgo) and the blood is the Milky Way.
    At the spring equinox Mithras moves the earth back into Aries, raising energy and power.
    See Mithras with the 12 signs of the zodiac around him, showing he rules the cosmos, with the snake wrapped around him.

    In Mithraism, there were 7 degrees of initiation.
    The first degree was of corax (Raven) under Mercury.
    The second degree of Nymphus (male-bride) under Venus. The neophyte wears a veil and carries a lamp in his hand. He makes a vow to the cult, and becomes celibate for at least duration of this stage. He is a bride(lover) of Mithra. He also offers a cup of water to the statute of Mithras.
    On reaching the third degree Miles (solider) under Mars, the neophyte had to kneel naked, blindfolded with hands tied. He was then offered a crown on the point of a sword, which he ultimately puts away.

    The fourth stage of Leo (lion) under Jupiter is the first of the senior degrees. He is entering the element of fire and is not allowed to touch water during the ritual, and instead honey was offered to the initiate to wash his hands and anoint his tongue.
    The fifth degree of Perses (Persian) under moon, where he receives the highest revelations of wisdom of Magi. The initiate was purified with honey “associated with” purity and fertility.
    In the sixth grade of Heliodromus (sun runner) under sun, the initiate imitates Sun at the ritual banquet. Sitting next to Mithra (Father), dressed in red, color of sun, fire and blood of life.
    The seventh, highest, grade was of Pater (father) under Saturn:
    (archived here:

    See Mithras as Kronos (Aeon) with wings and a snake wrapped around him, standing on the Earth globe.
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  19. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter View Post
    I looked for a connection between dragons and Mithras, which seems to have been more influential in the foundation of the Christian Church than the teachings of Jesus Christ...

    Mithras was accompanied by a snake, a.k.a. serpent, a.k.a. dragon.
    The bull slaying scene that is mostly associated with Mithras is really in reference to astrology/astronomy, where the snake represents the Hydra constellation.

    Mithra or Mehr (translation: love, sun), worshipped since at least 1400 BC, was supposedly born of his virgin mother Anahita and the seed of Zarathustra (from the waters of Lake Hamun in the Persian province of Sistan). His birth took place in a cave, where shepherds attended him at the winter solstice and presented him gifts.
    According to another tale, Mithras was born from a rock; shown with a serpent coiled around the rock.

    In Hinduism he is praised as Mitra-Varuna. Hymn 3.59 of the Rig Veda is dedicated to Mithra.
    In Persia, Mithra was the protector god of the tribal society until the Zoroastar's reformation of Persian polytheism (628-55 BC).
    In the Avesta, Mithra is the protector of the Aryan nation, giving victory to those who lie not unto Mithra.

    On 25 December 274, Roman Emperor Aurelian proclaimed the Sun God the principal patron of the Empire and dedicated a temple to Him in the Campus Martius.
    Catholicism has remained close to Mithraism, including: the timing of Christmas and Bishops adaptation of miters. The Christian church adopted 25 December as Jesus' birthday in the Fourth century. Christians priests are called Father. Mithraic Holy fathers wore red garment and cap, a ring, and carried a shepherds staff.

    Mithra is also found in Chinese mythology, where he is known as “The Friend” and in statues is shown as a Military General.
    Traces of the inner teachings of Mithraism can also be found in Sufisim (the mystical cult in Islam). At the end of the initiation ritual for the Miles degree a mark was branded (there are current practices of branding marks, for example in Bronfman’s NXIVM cult). During the ritual meal they drink wine, with their cup they offered devotional love. The bread represents flesh of the bull in whose death was life.
    Mithras is also present in the autoerotic 7th degree and homoerotic 11th degree of Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) of the infamous Satanist Aleister Crowley.

    Mithras´ battle with the Sun resulted in the formation of a friendship between Mithras and his “companion” Sol Invictus (Invincible Sun).
    Mithras is asked by the sun to kill the Bull, but refuses at first. The Raven, as messenger of the Sun, comes to him again with the request. Mithras goes into the field and captures the Bull and drags him to the cave of his birth. When Mithras kills the bull, from his blood comes wine and all the plants on earth.
    The Bull that Mithra sacrifices represents his ego.

    The scene shows Mithras slaying the Bull while he looks away. He stabs the bull in the neck. Around him are his companions the snake, scorpion, and dog. The 2 torch bearers of Mithras, Cautopates and Cautes, stand at either side of the bull slaying scene.
    In the upper left corner is Sol Invictus (note the similarity to the Statue of Liberty in New York) and in the upper right corner the crescent moon.
    See the Roman marble of Mithras slaying the bull, 2nd/early 3rd Century AD.

    There is also an interesting relation to astrology/astronomy.

    The bull slaying tale represents the constellation Persus (Mithras), Taurus (Bull), Canis Minor (dog), Hydra (snake), Corvus (raven), Scorpio (scorpio). The wheat is the star Spica (the brightest star in Virgo) and the blood is the Milky Way.
    At the spring equinox Mithras moves the earth back into Aries, raising energy and power.
    See Mithras with the 12 signs of the zodiac around him, showing he rules the cosmos, with the snake wrapped around him.

    In Mithraism, there were 7 degrees of initiation.
    The first degree was of corax (Raven) under Mercury.
    The second degree of Nymphus (male-bride) under Venus. The neophyte wears a veil and carries a lamp in his hand. He makes a vow to the cult, and becomes celibate for at least duration of this stage. He is a bride(lover) of Mithra. He also offers a cup of water to the statute of Mithras.
    On reaching the third degree Miles (solider) under Mars, the neophyte had to kneel naked, blindfolded with hands tied. He was then offered a crown on the point of a sword, which he ultimately puts away.

    The fourth stage of Leo (lion) under Jupiter is the first of the senior degrees. He is entering the element of fire and is not allowed to touch water during the ritual, and instead honey was offered to the initiate to wash his hands and anoint his tongue.
    The fifth degree of Perses (Persian) under moon, where he receives the highest revelations of wisdom of Magi. The initiate was purified with honey “associated with” purity and fertility.
    In the sixth grade of Heliodromus (sun runner) under sun, the initiate imitates Sun at the ritual banquet. Sitting next to Mithra (Father), dressed in red, color of sun, fire and blood of life.
    The seventh, highest, grade was of Pater (father) under Saturn:
    (archived here:

    See Mithras as Kronos (Aeon) with wings and a snake wrapped around him, standing on the Earth globe.
    In ancient times all men had the true gospel including prophecies of Christ's coming but almost all corrupted what they had and created heresies, that is why so many lies are similar to the truth.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  20. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    In ancient times all men had the true gospel including prophecies of Christ's coming but almost all corrupted what they had and created heresies, that is why so many lies are similar to the truth.
    Do you really think that this sentence adds something worthwhile to this thread?
    So your explanation for the similarities between Mithraism and Christianity is something like, that Mithras worshippers, in anticipation of Joshua of Nazareth, already had much of the New Testament and Christianity mapped out in advance...
    Or maybe that Mithraists had the “true gospel”?!?

    That seems a bit improbable against the historic fact that the New Testament was written and Christianity was effectively founded by the Mithras, Sol Invictus, worshipping Roman Emperor Constantine; who then made it the Roman state religion.
    To a simple guy like me it makes more sense that Constantine corrupted the teaching of Joshua of Nazareth, making him some kind of “Christ” freak born of a virgin mother and the “Holy Spirit” (whatever that may be), while destroying the followers of Joshua from the inside.

    Emperor Nero adopted the radiating crown as the symbol of his sovereignty to show that he was an incarnation of Mithras.
    When Emperor Commodus (Emperor 180-192 AD) was initiated into the Mithraic religion, there began an era of strong support of Mithraism that included emperors such as Aurelian, Diocletian, and Julian the Apostate, who called Mithras "the guide of the souls".

    Mithras later was referred to by Roman worshippers as “Sol invictus” (invincible sun). The sun itself was considered to be "the eye of Mithras". The title Sol invictus was later transferred to Mithras. The Roman erected several Mithraeums, where Mithras was worshipped. Emperor Diocletian, who ruled 284-305 AD, gave Mithras the title "The Protector of the Empire".
    The New Testament was only written during the reign of Constantine. The Council of Nicaea officially recognised the New Testament as being written by God in 325 AD (almost 300 years after “Jesus Christ” was crucified).

    The official story is that Emperor Constantine (Emperor 306-337 AD) converted from Mithraism to Christianity on the eve of a battle in 312 AD. Constantine made Christianity the state religion. All subsequent emperors were openly hostile towards Mithraism.
    That seem improbable as he maintained the title “Pontifex Maximus” - the high priest of paganism. And Constantine’s coins were inscribed with: “SOL INVICTO COMITI” (TO MY COMPANION THE INVINCIBLE SUN) and showed Sol at least until 323 AD. ... ianity.htm
    (archived here:

    The first Roman Emperor to omit “Pontifex Maximus” from his title was Gratian (Emperor 375-383 AD).

    The following third century mosaic of the Vatican grottoes under St. Peter's Basilica, allegedly represents Christ as the sun-god Helios/Sol Invictus riding in his chariot.
    Last edited by Firestarter; 01-15-2019 at 10:37 AM.
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  21. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    In ancient times all men had the true gospel including prophecies of Christ's coming but almost all corrupted what they had and created heresies, that is why so many lies are similar to the truth.
    Traditions of men that make void the Word of God.

    Satan's many names throughout the Bible:

    Abaddon (destroying angel), Revelation 9:11.

    Angel of the bottomless pit, Revelation 9:11.

    Apollyon (destroyer), Revelation 9:11.

    Accuser of our brethren (the devil is the chief complainer against those who believe in God), Revelation 12:10.

    Adversary (opponent), 1Peter 5:8.

    Angel of light (messenger of light), 2Corinthians 11:14.

    Antichrist (opponent of the Messiah), 1John 4:3.

    Beelzebub (the dung god, ruler of the devils), Luke 11:15.

    Belial (worthlessness), 2Corinthians 6:15.

    Crooked serpent, Isaiah 27:1.

    Devil, Matthew 4:1, 5, 8, 11, 9:32, etc.

    Dragon, Revelation 12:7.

    Enemy (the hateful, hostile one), Matthew 13:39.

    Father of Lies, John 8:44.

    God of this world (god of this age), 2Corinthians 4:3 - 4.

    Great dragon, Revelation 12:9.

    Great fiery red dragon (serpent), Revelation 12:3.

    Liar (a falsifier), John 8:44.

    Man of sin (man of offense), 2Thessalonians 2:3.

    Murderer, John 8:44.

    Old Serpent, Revelation 12:9.

    Power of darkness (power of obscurity), Colossians 1:13.

    Prince of the devils (Matthew 12:24).

    Prince of the power of the air (ruler who has authority over air), Ephesians 2:1.

    Roaring Lion, 1Peter 5:8.

    Ruler of this world (prince of this world), John 12:31.

    Satan (the devil), Revelation 12:9, 20:2.

    Serpent (snake), Genesis 3:1, 2Corinthians 11:3.

    Son of perdition (son of destruction), 2Thessalonians 2:3.

    Tempter (the tester, one who entices), Matthew 4:3.

    Thief (stealer), John 10:9 - 10.

    Wicked one (the devil), Matthew 13:38.
    “The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.” ~ Rudolf Steiner

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  23. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by donnay View Post
    Traditions of men that make void the Word of God.

    Satan's many names throughout the Bible:
    It’s interesting how many of these quotes from the Bible refer to dragons or serpents...

    I'm not very interested in the supposed Satan or God as I believe that it's (only) human's doing that causes the sorry state of our Brave New World.
    Here are some quotes mostly on wrong "types" of men.

    Also the “barbarian” Scythians are mentioned...
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter
    3 Maccabees 7:5
    These friends also drove them along in chains, treating them harshly as slaves, or rather, as traitors. Without any investigation or trial they attempted to destroy them, displaying a cruelty more savage than the barbarians from Scythia.

    Matthew 21:12-13: money changers and doves sellers.
    Mithraists and Jews sacrificed birds…

    Matthew 7:15 (KJV): false prophets

    Matthew 24:24 (KJV): false Christs and false prophets

    2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (KJV): false apostles, deceitful workers.

    I think that one of biggest mind control techniques that is used against us, is turning us into hypocrites (of course political correct!).
    Matthew 23:14-33
    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.
    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
    Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor!
    Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold?
    And, Whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whosoever sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he is guilty.
    Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift?
    Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things thereon.
    And whoso shall swear by the temple, sweareth by it, and by him that dwelleth therein.
    And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon.
    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
    Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
    Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
    Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,
    And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
    Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.
    Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
    Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
    Matthew 6:1-6
    Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
    Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
    But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
    That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
    And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
    But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
    Matthew 15:7-11
    Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,
    This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
    But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
    And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand:
    Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

    And my favourite quote from the Bible...
    Luke 6:41-45
    And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
    Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.
    For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
    For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.
    A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
    Do NOT ever read my posts. Google and Yahoo wouldn’t block them without a very good reason: Google-censors-the-world/page3

    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  24. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter View Post
    It’s interesting how many of these quotes from the Bible refer to dragons or serpents...
    Yes because Satan has many names.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter View Post
    I'm not very interested in the supposed Satan or God as I believe that it's (only) human's doing that causes the sorry state of our Brave New World.
    Well, I am not here to judge your understanding, but using discernment, if you read and study the Bible (Chapter by Chapter & Verse by Verse), with understanding, you get the wisdom and knowledge you need to figure out what is really going on. God made all humans, including Satan. Our time here (which is a very short time) is basically a test. You can choose Good or you can choose Evil. We all fall short, in the flesh, and that is the very reason God sent his son, in the flesh, to forgive us when we repent for our foolishness to do Evil.
    “The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.” ~ Rudolf Steiner

  25. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by donnay View Post
    We all fall short, in the flesh, and that is the very reason God sent his son, in the flesh, to forgive us when we repent for our foolishness to do Evil.
    When Christians call everybody a sinner, my usual reply is: was Jesus a sinner?
    Now if Jesus was born a mortal man, more talented than average, we would all have the same responsibilities. To stand up against the psychopaths that make "our" world a living hell.
    Now when Jesus is some sort of freak half-God Christ, it's undertstandable that we can't be expected to fight against evil, even if this means that "they" would murder us.
    And then there is the aspect of believing in some all-powerful God that decides what happens. So why would we fight in the first place? Even more so as everything is predestined?
    And so the Christians become enslaved by the fable that when you're a good slave in this life, you will be rewarded in the "eternal life" after death. Isn't it strange that most Christians are afraid to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by donnay View Post
    Well, I am not here to judge your understanding, but using discernment, if you read and study the Bible (Chapter by Chapter & Verse by Verse), with understanding, you get the wisdom and knowledge you need to figure out what is really going on. God made all humans, including Satan. Our time here (which is a very short time) is basically a test. You can choose Good or you can choose Evil.
    But when I read your post, you implicitely "judge" me...

    How would you know that the Bible is such a wonderful book, if you haven’t studied other religions?!? You could only “rate” the Bible as the “Word of God” if you can compare it...
    When I first read the Bible, when I was something like 26, it disgusted me. I can hardly think of a bigger insult to God than calling this the Word of God. The Tanach (a.k.a. Old Testament) is a book of genocide, slavery, paedophilia, and greed.
    The New Testament became officially recognised as written by God by the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. Why would anybody believe some council under the rule of the Roman, sun worshipping Emperor Constantine?

    The only good thing about the whole Bible are some of the things “Jesus Christ” said. The problem here is that this was written down hundreds of years after the Romans had him executed. And then when the Romans compiled the Bible, they made the mass murderor Pontius Pilate into a hero that supposedly tried to save Him.
    Why would Jesus tell the Jews to pay taxes to the Emperor?

    There are some similarities between the teachings of Buddha and Jesus. If I remember correctly in the New Testament there are some paragraphs dedicated to how Jesus was as a child, then from age 16/17 till 30 years old nothing about how Jesus lived. What did he do in these years? Did he work as a carpenter, like Josef? Did he remain in “Israel” or did he go abroad (maybe India) to study other religions?
    In my opinion Buddhism could be closer to Jesus’ teachings than the Tanach or New Testament.

    The later Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha Gautama. When he reached the age of 16, his father reputedly arranged his marriage to a cousin of the same age and he lived a life of comfort. At the age of 29 Siddhartha took a trip to meet his subjects. Siddhartha saw an old man, a diseased man, a decaying corpse, and an ascetic. He couldn’t go on with his wealthy lifestyle knowing that people were suffering. He couldn’t find a teacher that could answer all his questions and settled on a lifestyle where he had to overcome every need, this included fasting for days and meditation. He preferred being a homeless man (like Jesus) and he begged for food.

    According to legend Siddhartha became the (or “a”) Buddha when meditating under the Bodhi tree for days. After he became Buddha he taught his disciples the middle way. The description of how Buddha was attacked by “Mara” before reaching enlightenment is something like:
    Mara attempts to tempt Buddha, both with promises of glory and pleasure, and then begins to warn of consequences for breaking away from the prince's religious and secular duties. Buddha easily rejects these, knowing they are meaningless.
    Mara uses force against Buddha, appearing as a hideous demon and sending an army of likewise revolting and terrible creatures, bent on the bodily destruction of Buddha. They launch a volley of arrows at Buddha, but as these projectiles approach they are transformed into flowers and fall harmlessly to the ground. Buddha invokes the earth goddess to wash away the demons in a flood—the earth goddess obliges. The daughters of Mara try to coerce and seduce Buddha, but he recognizes them as they are, and is not swayed from his goal.
    Finally Mara mocks Buddha, and tells him his work is for nothing, as there is no one there to recognize his achievement. Buddha responds that the earth will be his witness, and after touching the ground the earth trembles in agreement. Thus Mara admits defeat for the moment; however, he is determined to carry on harassing the Buddha and his followers

    This is very similar as the description of how Jesus was tempted when he fasted in the desert for 40 days (Buddha also fasted regularly and for long periods).
    Matthew 4:1-11:
    Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
    Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
    Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  26. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter View Post
    The official story is that Emperor Constantine (Emperor 306-337 AD) converted from Mithraism to Christianity on the eve of a battle in 312 AD. Constantine made Christianity the state religion. All subsequent emperors were openly hostile towards Mithraism.
    That seem improbable as he maintained the title “Pontifex Maximus” - the high priest of paganism. And Constantine’s coins were inscribed with: “SOL INVICTO COMITI” (TO MY COMPANION THE INVINCIBLE SUN) and showed Sol at least until 323 AD. ... ianity.htm
    (archived here:
    Most of the following link is identical to the previous story, but the big bonus of this version is that it comes with nice pictures (and some recent updates).

    Ulansey believes the images of Mithras slaying the bull (Taurus) are astronomical star maps. He claims that just about all the iconography and even initiation ceremonies are consistently astronomical. Mithras’ killing of the bull symbolizes his power to move the entire universe.
    Depiction of Mithras with Persian dress slaying the sacred bull at the Santa Maria Capua Vetere.

    Besides Christ and Mithras, there are many other deities - like Osiris, Tammuz, Adonis, Balder, Attis, and Dionysus – that died and were resurrected.
    Many classical heroes – like Hercules, Perseus, and Theseus – were born through the a virgin mother and divine father.

    The veneration of Mithra began around 3000 BCE in Persia but only in about 2800 BC, Mithra was transformed to a major gods.
    Mithraism spread east through India to China, and west throughout the entire length of the Roman frontier. Sites of Mithraic worship have been found in Britain, Italy, Romania, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, Persia, Armenia, Syria, Israel, and North Africa.
    Mithraism was especially strong in Armenia, where the Parthian princes were priests of Mithras, and an entire district of this land was dedicated to the Virgin Mother Anahita. Many Mithraeums were built in Armenia, which remained one of the laststrongholds of Mithraism.

    Mithras represented a system of ethics in which the brotherhood should unify against evil. Mithras worshippers believed in a celestial heaven and an infernal hell.
    Purification through a ritualistic baptism was required of the faithful, who also took part in a ceremony in which they drank wine and ate bread to symbolize the body and blood of the god.

    In the seventeen or eighteen century B.C., the Persian pantheon was drastically reformed by Zarathustra (known in Greek as Zoroaster). Ahura-Mazda became supreme god of goodness, whereas Ahriman became the ultimate embodiment of evil. The reformation of Zarathustra retained the hundreds of Persian deities, ordered into a hierarchical system of “Immortals” and “Adored Ones” under the rule of either Ahura-Mazda or Ahriman.
    Within this pantheon of gods, Mithras became the “Judger of Souls’, the divine representative of Ahura-Mazda on earth, and protected the righteous from the demonic forces of Ahriman. Mithras was omniscient, undeceivable, infallible, eternally watchful, and never-resting. Mithras had 1000 eyes (so he could see everything), was the God of Truth, Lord of Heavenly Light and The Lord of the Wide Pastures (who caused the plants to spring forth from the ground).
    Mithras was the guardian of arms, and patron of soldiers and armies.

    According to the Avesta, the holy book of the religion of Zarathustra, Ahura-Mazda created Mithras in order to guarantee contracts and of promises. The name Mithras, in fact, became the Persian word for “contract”.
    The handshake was developed by those who worshipped him as a token of friendship and as a gesture to show that you were unarmed. When Mithras later became the Roman god of contracts, the handshake gesture was imported throughout the Mediterranean and Europe by Roman soldiers.
    Mithras at the left in Iranian attire shaking hands with the Hellenic God Zeus. This may be one of the first depictions of the handshake symbolizing the “Payman” (pact), Eski Kale (Turkey), circa 300 BC.

    The Babylonians also incorporated their belief in destiny into the Mithraic worship of Zurvan, the Persian god of infinite time and father of the gods Ahura-Mazda and Ahriman.
    Mithras worshippers prayed: “Abide with me in my soul. Leave me not [so] that I may be initiated and that the Holy Spirit may breathe within me.”

    Sacrificial offerings of cattle and birds were made to Mithras, along with the hallucinogenic drink Haoma (similar to “Soma” from Vedic scriptures).

    See from left to right: Mithra, Ardashir II and the supreme God Ahuramazda; standing on a lotus. See the “Sun Rays” coming from the head of Mithras and the object held by Mithras, which could be a ceremonial broadsword.

    The great festival of the Mithraic calendar on December the 25th, and the 16th of every month was kept holy to Mithras.
    The Mithraic priests were called Patres Sacrorum (Fathers of the Sacred Mysteries). They had the titles Leo and Hierocorax, and presided over the priestly festivals of Leontica (for lions), Coracica (for ravens), and Hierocoracica (sacred ravens).
    Mithras was worshipped almost exclusively by men, most of the wives and daughters of the Mithraists worshipped Magna Mater, Ma-Bellona, Anahita, Cybele, and Artemis. These goddess religions practiced the ritual known of the Taurobolium (bull sacrifice), in which the blood of the slaughtered animal drenched the initiate. Mithraists soon adopted the Taurobolium ritual as their own. This blood baptism symbolised renewal of the human soul.

    See the stages of Roman Mithraism: 1-Cerax (Raven); 2-Nymphos (Bride); 3-Miles (Soldier); 4-Leo (Lion); 5-Perses (Persian); 6- Heliodrommus (Sun-Runner); 7-Pater (Father).
    In the final grade is a distinct Persian cap symbolizing the cap of Mithras.

    Mani and many of his followers were persecuted and (Many died in 276 AD). Manichaeism was a major religion in the East until the 14th century. It later led to the creation of several early Christian “heresies”, like the Cathars (a.k.a. Albigenses).
    The Knights Templar, founded by Crusaders in Jerusalem in 1118, came into contact with Manichean heretics who despised the Cross, regarding it as the instrument of Christ’s torture. This was followed by the Templars, who were charged with blasphemy in 1312 for committing homosexual acts, worshipping Baphomet, and spitting upon crucifixes in their rituas.
    The Knights Templar have been imitated by dozens of mystical sects and secret societies, including the Freemasons, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Ordo Templi Orientallis of Alistair Crowley.
    Worshippers of Mithras were the first in the western world to preach the doctrine of divine right of kings. It was the worship of the sun, on which the Sun-King Louis XIV (1638-1715) and other deified sovereigns of the West founded their monarchial absolute dictatorship.

    In Iran, up until at least 1979, traditional Mithraic holidays and customs still continued to be officially practiced. The celebrations have continued with the support of the supposed Iranian Islamic extremism. The Iranian New Year celebration of “Now-Ruz” takes place in the spring for 13 days. The “Mihragan” festival in honor of Mithras, Judge of Iran, runs for a period of 5 days.
    Mithras is also still venerated today by the Parsis, the descendants of the Persian Zoroastrians now living mainly in India. Their temples to Mithras are called “dar-i Mihr” (The Court of Mithras):
    (archived here:
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  27. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter View Post
    When Christians call everybody a sinner, my usual reply is: was Jesus a sinner?
    Now if Jesus was born a mortal man, more talented than average, we would all have the same responsibilities. To stand up against the psychopaths that make "our" world a living hell.
    Now when Jesus is some sort of freak half-God Christ, it's undertstandable that we can't be expected to fight against evil, even if this means that "they" would murder us.
    And then there is the aspect of believing in some all-powerful God that decides what happens. So why would we fight in the first place? Even more so as everything is predestined?
    And so the Christians become enslaved by the fable that when you're a good slave in this life, you will be rewarded in the "eternal life" after death. Isn't it strange that most Christians are afraid to die?
    Well here are some scriptures you can mull over. Jesus was God in the flesh.

    John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    John 1:14 - And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    John 10:30 - I and [my] Father are one.

    Isaiah 9:6 - For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

    John 20:28 - And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.

    John 8:58 - Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

    If you have faith enough with understanding, the evil loses in the end. So I am not particularly worried about the evil, because with God on your side who could be against us? (Psalm 118:6)

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter View Post
    But when I read your post, you implicitely "judge" me...

    How would you know that the Bible is such a wonderful book, if you haven’t studied other religions?!? You could only “rate” the Bible as the “Word of God” if you can compare it...
    When I first read the Bible, when I was something like 26, it disgusted me. I can hardly think of a bigger insult to God than calling this the Word of God. The Tanach (a.k.a. Old Testament) is a book of genocide, slavery, paedophilia, and greed.
    The New Testament became officially recognised as written by God by the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. Why would anybody believe some council under the rule of the Roman, sun worshipping Emperor Constantine?

    The only good thing about the whole Bible are some of the things “Jesus Christ” said. The problem here is that this was written down hundreds of years after the Romans had him executed. And then when the Romans compiled the Bible, they made the mass murderor Pontius Pilate into a hero that supposedly tried to save Him.
    Why would Jesus tell the Jews to pay taxes to the Emperor?

    There are some similarities between the teachings of Buddha and Jesus. If I remember correctly in the New Testament there are some paragraphs dedicated to how Jesus was as a child, then from age 16/17 till 30 years old nothing about how Jesus lived. What did he do in these years? Did he work as a carpenter, like Josef? Did he remain in “Israel” or did he go abroad (maybe India) to study other religions?
    In my opinion Buddhism could be closer to Jesus’ teachings than the Tanach or New Testament.

    The later Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha Gautama. When he reached the age of 16, his father reputedly arranged his marriage to a cousin of the same age and he lived a life of comfort. At the age of 29 Siddhartha took a trip to meet his subjects. Siddhartha saw an old man, a diseased man, a decaying corpse, and an ascetic. He couldn’t go on with his wealthy lifestyle knowing that people were suffering. He couldn’t find a teacher that could answer all his questions and settled on a lifestyle where he had to overcome every need, this included fasting for days and meditation. He preferred being a homeless man (like Jesus) and he begged for food.

    According to legend Siddhartha became the (or “a”) Buddha when meditating under the Bodhi tree for days. After he became Buddha he taught his disciples the middle way. The description of how Buddha was attacked by “Mara” before reaching enlightenment is something like:

    This is very similar as the description of how Jesus was tempted when he fasted in the desert for 40 days (Buddha also fasted regularly and for long periods).
    Matthew 4:1-11:
    There is only one Judge and that is God. Therefore, he has given us the gift of discernment. I discerned from your earlier posts that you may have read the Bible but you did not understand. That's key. You need to study it, and read it chapter by chapter and verse by verse to understand the subject, context and the language.

    II Timothy 2:15 - KJV
    Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
    “The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.” ~ Rudolf Steiner

  28. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by donnay View Post
    Well here are some scriptures you can mull over. Jesus was God in the flesh.
    You don't have a clue what you're talking about. You're using your "Christianity" as some sort of ball and chain to keep yourself from finding the truth within yourself.
    Your Christianity has first put you in the shackles of mind control, and now you use your misguided ideas on the "Word of God" as a defence mechanism for your ego!

    To call the Bible the "Word of God" is just about one of the biggest insults anybody could make "God". The authors of the Bible supported: slavery, paedophilia, corruption, and genocide.
    Just the idea that God would have any need to write a book is preposterous.

    Quote Originally Posted by donnay View Post
    There is only one Judge and that is God. Therefore, he has given us the gift of discernment. I discerned from your earlier posts that you may have read the Bible but you did not understand. That's key. You need to study it, and read it chapter by chapter and verse by verse to understand the subject, context and the language.
    Who do you think you´re fooling? Me, God or yourself.
    You´re not even capable of reading a book the size of the Tanach, and remember what you read a hundred pages before. That´s why you need to cut it up in small sections - verse for verse...

    Who gave you the right to "judge" me and make demands like: you "need to study it"?!?
    Who gave you the right to speak for God?

    The Tanach (that you in all ignorance probably call Old Testament) is at least a "real" book, while the New Testament was compiled under the express orders of the Sun, Mithras worshipping Roman Emperor Constantine.

    Do you even realise that the New Testament was declared the "Word of God" hundreds of years after Joshua of Nazareth was, executed on the orders of the Roman oppressor of Israel, by some "holy" Roman Council?
    Can you tell me about the "studies" that you did?
    Why don´t you read the scientific articles on vaccines instead of copy-pasting article that often misrepresent the studies?

    How can you claim to have read the Bible when you don't even speak Hebrew or Roman?

    As you're not capable of getting the context of the Bible, here's my favourite quote from the Bible again that should be within the limits of your understanding!
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter
    Luke 6:41-45
    And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
    Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.
    For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
    For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.
    A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
    Last edited by Firestarter; 01-19-2019 at 10:32 AM.
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  29. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter View Post
    You don't have a clue what you're talking about. You're using your "Christianity" as some sort of ball and chain to keep yourself from finding the truth within yourself.
    Your Christianity has first put you in the shackles of mind control, and now you use your misguided ideas on the "Word of God" as a defence mechanism for your ego!

    To call the Bible the "Word of God" is just about one of the biggest insults anybody could make "God". The authors of the Bible supported: slavery, paedophilia, corruption, and genocide.
    Just the idea that God would have any need to write a book is preposterous.

    Who do you think you´re fooling? Me, God or yourself.
    You´re not even capable of reading a book the size of the Tanach, and remember what you read a hundred pages before. That´s why you need to cut it up in small sections - verse for verse...

    Who gave you the right to "judge" me and make demands like: you "need to study it"?!?
    Who gave you the right to speak for God?

    The Tanach (that you in all ignorance probably call Old Testament) is at least a "real" book, while the New Testament was compiled under the express orders of the Sun, Mithras worshipping Roman Emperor Constantine.

    Do you even realise that the New Testament was declared the "Word of God" hundreds of years after Joshua of Nazareth was, executed on the orders of the Roman oppressor of Israel, by some "holy" Roman Council?
    Can you tell me about the "studies" that you did?
    Why don´t you read the scientific articles on vaccines instead of copy-pasting article that often misrepresent the studies?

    How can you claim to have read the Bible when you don't even speak Hebrew or Roman?

    As you're not capable of getting the context of the Bible, here's my favourite quote from the Bible again that should be within the limits of your understanding!
    Yes great verses, but the whole chapter is more enlightening to read with understanding. Many traditions of men have made void the Word of God. This particular chapter points that out.

    What does those verses mean? Who was speaking those words? What does Sabbath mean?
    “The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.” ~ Rudolf Steiner

  30. #56
    Has anybody heard the story of the 3 wise men (or kings) from the East visiting the newborn baby Jesus after following the star?
    Here’s a painting from ca. 1320 showing the “baby” Joshua of Nazareth visited by the “three” wise men from the East. Jesus, Maria and Josef with halos.

    According to the New Testament:
    - They were an unnumbered amount (instead of a defined 3);
    - They only started travelling to Bethlehem AFTER Jesus had already been born (the star had already disappeared); so Jesus was probably still a baby (not completely sure) but NOT newborn.

    Matthew 2:1-11 (KJV)
    1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
    2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
    3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
    4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.

    5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet,
    6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.
    7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.
    8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.

    9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.
    10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
    11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

    The supposed 3 Magi (wise men) from the East were later named: Balthasar, Melchior and Caspar.
    Alternately they were called Bithisarea, Melichior and Gathasp (or Casper of Gasper).

    Subsequent traditions embellished the narrative. In the 3rd century the magi were considered to be kings.
    In Western churches, Balthasar is often represented as a king of Arabia or Ethiopia, Melchior as a king of Persia, and Gaspar as a king of India.

    The Adoration of the Magi became one of the most popular themes in Christian art, the first known painting on the subject is the fresco in the Priscilla Catacomb of Rome from the 2nd century (when Christians were still persecuted by Rome).

    Eastern tradition sets the number of Magi at 12, “based” on the number of gifts:

    Mithras is often pictured wearing a (red) Mithras cap, a.k.a. Phrygian cap.
    See the “Three” Wise Men from the “east” (Persia) in a painting at Basilica of Sant' Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna, Italy; wearing Mithras caps, 6th century AD.

    The Mithras cap is a popular theme in the biggest “Christian”, Mithras worshipping, nation in the world, the USA.

    See Columbia “Miss Liberty” with the Mithras cap on a US coin from 1831.

    See “Miss Liberty” with the Mithras cap on an American World War 1 propaganda poster.

    Phrygia was located in what is roughly now Turkey, where Mithraism flourished.
    Phrygia was also a centre of snake, serpent worshipping.

    Sabazios is the horseman and sky father god of the Phrygians and Thracians. Probably the god's origins are in Macedonia and Thrace.
    The migrating Phrygians brought Sabazios with them to Anatolia in the early first millennium BC. One of the native religion's creatures was the Lunar Bull.

    Under Roman Emperor Gordian III (of the knot?), probably from an Anatolian family, the god on horseback appears on coins minted at Tlos, in neighboring Lycia, and at Istrus, in the province of Lower Moesia, between Thrace and the Danube.
    See the coin with the riding god and serpent.

    The image of the god on horseback battling the chtonic serpent, on which his horse tramples, was easily transformed into the image of Saint George and the Dragon, the patron saint of the Order of the Garter, whose earliest known depictions are from tenth- and eleventh-century Cappadocia and eleventh-century Georgia and Armenia:
    Last edited by Firestarter; 01-22-2019 at 10:18 AM.
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  32. #57
    Sabazios, Mithras, St. George

    It looks like Mithras wasn’t (isn’t) even the Supreme God, the Father, in Mithraism but Ahura-Mazda...
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter
    In the seventeen or eighteen century B.C., the Persian pantheon was drastically reformed by Zarathustra (known in Greek as Zoroaster). Ahura-Mazda became supreme god of goodness, whereas Ahriman became the ultimate embodiment of evil. The reformation of Zarathustra retained the hundreds of Persian deities, ordered into a hierarchical system of “Immortals” and “Adored Ones” under the rule of either Ahura-Mazda or Ahriman.

    According to the Avesta, the holy book of the religion of Zarathustra, Ahura-Mazda created Mithras in order to guarantee contracts and of promises. The name Mithras, in fact, became the Persian word for “contract”.

    The Babylonians also incorporated their belief in destiny into the Mithraic worship of Zurvan, the Persian god of infinite time and father of the gods Ahura-Mazda and Ahriman.
    In Hinduism, with its Trinity god, Mithras is praised as Mitra-Varuna.
    There is also an obvious Trinity in Mithraism - Ahura-Mazda, Ahriman and Mithras – like in Christianity.

    I was trying to put together Mithraism, serpent (dragon) worshipping and the legend of St. George (patron saint of the Order of the Garter)...

    Phrygia was a centre of snake, serpent worshipping and - Sabazios.
    Sabazios is the horseman and sky father god of the Phrygians and Thracians that seems to be the (copied) myth for the dragon slaying St. George. Phrygia is roughly what is now the Asian part of Turkey, where Mithraism flourished; Thrace is roughly the European part of Turkey...
    See a Roman bronze statue of Mithras-Sabazios, 2nd/3rd century AD.

    See the depiction of St. George of Labechina, Georgia, 11th century.

    See St. George and the dragon on the 1823 Gold Two Pound Coin and 1887 Queen Victoria Jubilee Crown.

    See St. George and the dragon on the stained glass window at St George’s Hall.

    The cult of Sabazios (the Thracian Horseman) was popular in Classical Greece, and later spread throughout the Roman empire. We also know that it showed a good deal of simmilarites to the cult of Dionysus/Bacchus.

    The Thracian Horseman is depicted as young, and usually shown wearing a cloak and armed with a lance. His image is usually accompanied by some adversarial animals: most often a snake twined around a tree, and sometimes by lions and other wild beasts.
    See a typical image of Sabazios, here hunting a boar. The boar was a particularly ‘celtic’ image, whereas the serpent was more Greek or Eastern (compare this to St. George)...

    The celebrant-priestesses, Maenads, became hysteric during ceremonies. This was probably caused by dance, chanting, but most importantly by the blood from the ritual slaughter of animals; in some cases ritually torn apart by the Maenads in sacrifice to the god:
    (archived here:

    At the basis of the so-called Roman Mithraism lies the Sabazios religion of the Thracian cult to the sun. The ritual pictures Mithras ritually killing Sabazios (personified by the bull?) so that the new Sun is born.
    On the Thracian horseman from Constantinople there are an eagle and snake on the tree of life. The horseman holds 3 tied twigs in his hand, for the trinity – Spirit of life,Earth, Sky.

    In the iconography, Dionysus is marked by a young lion (for youth and strength). On the Mithra relief of the National Museum of History, Sofia, over the bull, is the ancient sign of the Sun, swastika. This emphasizes that the bull is a symbol for Sabazios.

    Another interesting image is the “Hand of Sabazios”; sometimes depicted as the Orphic Egg. All have a serpent or basilisk representing the chthonic ideal. Most hands show a mother lying with her child on the wrist. This could be an allusion to Ariadne, wife of Dionysus in the Cretan-Greek version of the myth.
    The birth and rebirth of Dionysus were central parts of the Orphic mystery-legend.

    Other iconcography commonly associated with these hands include the Caduceus or wand of Hermes/Mercury, a set of scales, eagle, vines or ritual objects like a sacrificial knife. Some of these hands show an Orphic Egg.
    On some hands, including that from Gradnitsa, along with the crested snake, the fir-cone and the lion, there is also a bull. What does the bull from “Sabazios’ hands” symbolise?
    Last edited by Firestarter; 01-27-2019 at 11:01 AM.
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  33. #58

    Sinterklaas, Santa, Odin

    I sometimes think that adults are even more gullible than children.
    According to the official story (for adults): Santa Claus is based on the Dutch, Belgian Sinterklaas, who in turn was based on St. Nicholas of Myra (located in what is now called Turkey)...

    I investigated the origins of Sinterklaas, Santa Claus because I saw several things that look like a connection to Mithraism:
    Sinterklaas wears a red hat (mijter).
    St. Nicholas comes from Turkey.
    Sinterklaas rides a white horse (schimmel); like St. George.
    Christmas is staged on 25 December; the day the Romans celebrated the birth day of Mithras.
    In Christmas festivities the Christmas tree is central; Sabazios was often pictured with a fir-cone.

    Here´s some information on one of the great Dutch successes - Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas - Sint Klaas
    The Dutch word “Sint” would be translated “Saint” in English (instead of the anagram of Satan “Santa”).
    Sinterklaas (“de Sint” in short) lives in Spain and comes to the Netherlands (and Belgium) in the beginning of November by boat.

    Sinterklaas rides on a white horse (schimmel) and has black helpers (zwarte pieten).

    Part of the legend of Sinterklaas is that only “sweet” kids get presents, while “naughty” kids get beaten up with some sticks (de roe), and really bad kids are taken in a bag to Spain.
    Sinterklaas rides over the rooftops accompanied by his zwarte pieten, which go down through the chimney to deliver the presents.

    Usually the kids sing in front of the chimney in the evening (most houses don’t have these anymore) to get presents in their shoe, they often leave a carrot for the horse to find presents in their shoe the following morning. These are usually relatively small present: often a piece of chocolate (pepernoten are also typical for Sinterklaas).
    It is the parents that tell the kids how many times (not every evening) they can sing for presents. On December 5 is the big party when the presents are brought in a bag. The December 5 celebration is often with some riming verses that is either read to a kid or is read by the object of the rime.

    On 25 December, the Romans also held festivities for the god Saturnus (Saturnalia).

    See the following image of Mithras, dressed in red, with his white horse, 4th century AD.

    In Belgium the black helpers of Sinterklaas aren’t portrayed like black Africans (like the “zwarte piet” in the Netherlands) but as the “oel” demons.

    Also interesting is that the red “mijter” worn by Sinterklaas is really the mitra worn by the high priest, Pontifex Maximus, of Mithraism...
    The mitra was originally based on the dagon hat worn by the priest in the Dagon, fish worshipping cult.

    Nicholas of Myra was the the son of wealthy parents. When he was young, his parents died and his uncle, the local bishop, adopted him. Nicholas later became a priest and then also a bishop. In one of those strange coincidences, Nicholas even attended the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, convened by Roman Emperor Constantine, that would proclaim the Bible as the word of God.
    St. Nicholas often gave gifts to the poor and died on 6 December 343 (aged 73): https://ahundredandfortycharactersis...g/sinterklaas/

    What is missing in St. Nicholas is just about everything in the tale of Sinterklaas and Santa Claus.

    It looks like the tale of Sinterklaas was mostly based on the Norse God Odin (the tale of Santa Claus changed his home to the North Pole). One of Odin's most popular titles is Allfather.
    Odin had a long white beard (one eye) and sometimes visited earth, in disguise, in a cloak and broad-brimmed hat or hood. See on the left an early image of Santa Claus and on the right Odin...

    Most historians agree that many of our Christmas traditions come from the ancient Norse festival known as Yule or Yuletide. The Norse sang Yule carols with their children singing from door-to-door wearing masks.
    Vikings in Yule decorated trees with food, gifts, and small carvings. The Christmas tree could also be a reference to the Persian Tree of life...
    Loki, the god of mischief and misfortune murdered the god Baldur, with a spear made from mistletoe. The Mistletoe berries later became a symbol of love in the same story, hence the tradition of kissing under it...

    Norse stories sometimes describe Odin flying through the sky on a chariot pulled by his 8-legged flying white horse Sleipnir, visiting homes in the middle of the night and leaving gifts for children in their boots by the fireplace during the Yule season. Odin also rode in a flying chariot (or sleigh) pulled by Sleipnir.
    Originally Santa’s single horse pulled his sleigh. This only became 8 reindeer after “Twas the Night Before Christmas” (1823).

    In anticipation of Odin’s return from the Great Hunt, the Yule, Norse children left their boots stuffed with straw by the fireplace. In the morning Odin had taken the straw and left sweets and presents in the boots.
    Odin’s 2 ravens, Huginn and Muninn, were his eyes and ears and always watching the Vikings (like Mithras). Ravens also play an important role in Mithraism:
    (archived here:
    Last edited by Firestarter; 02-01-2019 at 11:05 AM.
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  34. #59

    Odin, Thrace

    Odin is another interesting topic, but I’m not sure within the context of this thread...

    Over 170 names are recorded for the Norse Odin.
    In German his name was Wuotan or Wotan and in old English and Saxon Woden and Wodan.

    Odin has only one eye. There are many “masonic” pictures with the one eye motto. Most of them don´t mention that this could be in reference to Odin...
    Odin died either by hanging from or crucifixion on the ”world tree” (Yggdrasil). See the picture, 1895.

    Mithras wore a Phyrgian cap and was accompanied by a raven, a dog and a serpent (snake).
    Odin had 2 wolves and 2 ravens for companion. See a picture of Odin (I don’t know what the snake means).

    See another picture of Odin, one eye, in red with a cape and a yellow sun, with 2 ravens, 18th century.

    The modern English “Wednesday” comes from Old English wodnesdæg, like the Dutch “woensdag” is derived from wodensdach – Odin day. Also the Dutch “woede” (anger), is derived from Wodan (Odin):
    (archived here:

    I found the following interesting long article (not only on Odin!)...

    The Norse Trinity consisted of Odin (the father), his son Thor (who is crucified), and son of inspiration (the Holy Ghost) Freyr.
    See a detail from runestone in the Swedish Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm. The 3 men are interpreted as Odin, Thor and Freyr.

    Constantine had the writings of Arius burned; that was closer to the teachings of Joshua of Nazareth than the New Testament Jesus Christ.
    See Roman Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicaea, with Arius's books burned, Italy, ca. 825.

    The number 12 – zodiac signs, number of months, sons of Jacob (Israel) and apostles – dates back all the way to the Sumerians. See the following Sumerian tablet, dated 3000 BC or older.
    (archived here:

    In one of those strange coincidences, according to the Prose Vedda (dated 9th to 12th century), Odin (Voden), the son of Fríallaf, originally came from Thrace (now Turkey), home of snake and Mithras worshipping, before moving to what is now Scandinavia.
    The genealogy begins with Noah from the Tanach (Old Testament), whose ark landed in what is now Turkey:
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    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  35. #60

    Tree of life

    Thursday (donderdag in Dutch) was named after Odin´s son Thor.
    Also note the “world tree” from which Odin was hanged...

    An interesting symbol is the Tree of life that first appears in the Tanach (Old Testament) in Genesis 2:9 and 3:22-24 as the source of eternal life. It reappears in the last book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelation.

    The Tree of life already appeared in the Indo-Iranian religion before Zoroastrianism. Ancient mythology of Iran includes the myth of 2 trees as ancestors of all living beings.

    The Assyrian Tree of life was represented by a series of nodes and criss-crossing lines, often attended to by human or eagle-headed winged genies, or the King.
    In ancient Urartu, the Tree of life was a religious symbol. The branches of the tree were equally divided on the right and left sides of the stem. See a fragment of a bronze helmet with the Tree of Life.

    According to a Taoist story a tree produces a peach of immortality every 3000 years.
    See the following bronze Tree of life, with a dragon at the base, and a bird-like (Phoenix) creature with claws at the top from a sacrificial pit at Sanxingdui, China, around 1200 BC.

    There is also a “tree of life” in the mystical Judaism sect, Kabbalah:
    (archived here:

    See the cup of the Sumerian King Gudea of Lagash with 2 winged dragons, a caduceus of uniting snakes (the incarnation of the god Ningizzida).

    Babylonians had a Tree of life, Palm style (later copied by the mystical Sufi Islam).

    The following map shows the first migration of the Indo-European language south into Iran, then north into Central Asia (through Scythia) and finally turning back along the northern route into Europe.

    Only archived version left:

    The following clay tablet shows a man and a woman (with a serpent “tempting” her) seated below the Tree of Life, 2500 BC.

    See the Sumerian cylinder seal for Shamash/An with the sun, cedar Tree of life, tended by Enki, Enlil with the eagle-headed Apkallu.
    (archived here:

    See the Scythian buckle, found in burial mounds in Siberia, 600-400 BC.
    Last edited by Firestarter; 02-08-2019 at 11:11 AM.
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