I looked for a connection between dragons and Mithras, which seems to have been more influential in the foundation of the Christian Church than the teachings of Jesus Christ...
Mithras was accompanied by a snake, a.k.a. serpent, a.k.a. dragon.
The bull slaying scene that is mostly associated with Mithras is really in reference to astrology/astronomy, where the snake represents the Hydra constellation.
Mithra or Mehr (translation: love, sun), worshipped since at least 1400 BC, was supposedly born of his virgin mother Anahita and the seed of Zarathustra (from the waters of Lake Hamun in the Persian province of Sistan). His birth took place in a cave, where shepherds attended him at the winter solstice and presented him gifts.
According to another tale, Mithras was born from a rock; shown with a serpent coiled around the rock.
In Hinduism he is praised as Mitra-Varuna. Hymn 3.59 of the Rig Veda is dedicated to Mithra.
In Persia, Mithra was the protector god of the tribal society until the Zoroastar's reformation of Persian polytheism (628-55 BC).
In the Avesta, Mithra is the protector of the Aryan nation, giving victory to those who lie not unto Mithra.
On 25 December 274, Roman Emperor Aurelian proclaimed the Sun God the principal patron of the Empire and dedicated a temple to Him in the Campus Martius.
Catholicism has remained close to Mithraism, including: the timing of Christmas and Bishops adaptation of miters. The Christian church adopted 25 December as Jesus' birthday in the Fourth century. Christians priests are called Father. Mithraic Holy fathers wore red garment and cap, a ring, and carried a shepherds staff.
Mithra is also found in Chinese mythology, where he is known as “The Friend” and in statues is shown as a Military General.
Traces of the inner teachings of Mithraism can also be found in Sufisim (the mystical cult in Islam). At the end of the initiation ritual for the Miles degree a mark was branded (there are current practices of branding marks, for example in Bronfman’s NXIVM cult). During the ritual meal they drink wine, with their cup they offered devotional love. The bread represents flesh of the bull in whose death was life.
Mithras is also present in the autoerotic 7th degree and homoerotic 11th degree of Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) of the infamous Satanist Aleister Crowley.
Mithras´ battle with the Sun resulted in the formation of a friendship between Mithras and his “companion” Sol Invictus (Invincible Sun).
Mithras is asked by the sun to kill the Bull, but refuses at first. The Raven, as messenger of the Sun, comes to him again with the request. Mithras goes into the field and captures the Bull and drags him to the cave of his birth. When Mithras kills the bull, from his blood comes wine and all the plants on earth.
The Bull that Mithra sacrifices represents his ego.
The scene shows Mithras slaying the Bull while he looks away. He stabs the bull in the neck. Around him are his companions the snake, scorpion, and dog. The 2 torch bearers of Mithras, Cautopates and Cautes, stand at either side of the bull slaying scene.
In the upper left corner is Sol Invictus (note the similarity to the Statue of Liberty in New York) and in the upper right corner the crescent moon.
See the Roman marble of Mithras slaying the bull, 2nd/early 3rd Century AD.
There is also an interesting relation to astrology/astronomy.
The bull slaying tale represents the constellation Persus (Mithras), Taurus (Bull), Canis Minor (dog), Hydra (snake), Corvus (raven), Scorpio (scorpio). The wheat is the star Spica (the brightest star in Virgo) and the blood is the Milky Way.
At the spring equinox Mithras moves the earth back into Aries, raising energy and power.
See Mithras with the 12 signs of the zodiac around him, showing he rules the cosmos, with the snake wrapped around him.
In Mithraism, there were 7 degrees of initiation.
The first degree was of corax (Raven) under Mercury.
The second degree of Nymphus (male-bride) under Venus. The neophyte wears a veil and carries a lamp in his hand. He makes a vow to the cult, and becomes celibate for at least duration of this stage. He is a bride(lover) of Mithra. He also offers a cup of water to the statute of Mithras.
On reaching the third degree Miles (solider) under Mars, the neophyte had to kneel naked, blindfolded with hands tied. He was then offered a crown on the point of a sword, which he ultimately puts away.
The fourth stage of Leo (lion) under Jupiter is the first of the senior degrees. He is entering the element of fire and is not allowed to touch water during the ritual, and instead honey was offered to the initiate to wash his hands and anoint his tongue.
The fifth degree of Perses (Persian) under moon, where he receives the highest revelations of wisdom of Magi. The initiate was purified with honey “associated with” purity and fertility.
In the sixth grade of Heliodromus (sun runner) under sun, the initiate imitates Sun at the ritual banquet. Sitting next to Mithra (Father), dressed in red, color of sun, fire and blood of life.
The seventh, highest, grade was of Pater (father) under Saturn:
(archived here:
See Mithras as Kronos (Aeon) with wings and a snake wrapped around him, standing on the Earth globe.

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