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  • Dr.3D's Avatar
    Today, 01:12 PM
    No, that's from the Bible. Judges 1:18
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:46 AM
    So do you think Congress would have passed the pistol brace ban?
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:48 AM
    And to break this down for you Swordsmyth: 1) Not everybody here believes Al Qaida had anything to do with 9/11. You've been around enough to know the various conspiracy theories that exist on that. 2) If Al Qaida did do 9/11, the CIA involvement is much more than just that they "promoted the mujahadeen against the Soviets." At the very least the CIA helped the 9/11 terrorists into the U.S. 3) If the CIA had operational control of Al Qaeda throughout the attack, as Benjamen Netanyahu seems to have had operational control over Hamas throughout October 7, then it's not justified to kill Muslims, even in Afghanistan who were not part of Al Qaeda or the Taliban, when we're not actually going after the people really responsibile. (The CIA).
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 07:57 AM
    You're either being dishonest over very stupid. The "A-OK" wasn't "A-OK" to 3,000 Americans being killed! It was "A-OK" as in "I know you're full of shyt but I'm not going to argue with you!"
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:18 PM
    It's taking power back from the bureauracy and requiring a vote by congress. Bureauracts don't have to get re-elected. Congress does. The current standard is that the bureauracrats have to put up their new rules for public comment which is supposed to mean something but really doesn't.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:13 PM
    And this is why this forum is still relevent. r3volutionary memory. Good find Anti Federalist and good bump Matt.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:11 PM
    :rolleyes: So now you're claiming Ron Paul hates America? Because that's exactly what you're implying. Yes, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. And the PLO had nothing to do with October 7th. They HATE Hamas. And yet Israel used October 7th as justification for land confiscation and attacks in the West Bank which is run by the PLO. That's ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENT than the U.S. using 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq. Oh? You say that Palestinians in the West Bank cheered October 7th? Well there were Iraqis that cheered 9/11 too. But the Iraqi government did not PARTICIAPATE in 9/11 and yet Iraqi civilians suffered from U.S. agression in the aftermath. Edit: And the fact that you conflate people not supporting Trump's plan, which you yourself have had to admit at least twice now that YOU don't support, and people not supporting the Netanyahu government with somehow people hating America means you must think Netanyahu = America. You're exposing yourself.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:05 PM
    God's promises are conditional. Solomon broke the covenant so God took 10 of the tribes away from the Davidic line and created the Northern Kingdom known as Israel also known as Samaria. See: Also see: 1 Kings 16:29 In the thirty-eighth year of Asa king of Judah, Ahab son of Omri became king of Israel, and he reigned in Samaria over Israel twenty-two years. And yes, Ahab was one of the most wicked kings Israel ever had. But Elijah was the prophet of Samaria sent to pronounce judgment on Ahab and kill the prophets of Ba'al. Also those who were cut off because of unbelief, according to the God were no longer considered Hebrews or part of the covenant. I gave you chapter and verse explaining how people could be cut off. You're simply ignoring the Bible. More on how God made his covenant conditional:
    98 replies | 1276 view(s)
  • Dr.3D's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:21 PM
    Dr.3D replied to a thread USAID Exposed in U.S. Political News
    Oh crap, now we will never know if the wheels on the bus go round and round. :(
    96 replies | 2221 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:52 AM
    So, the USAID thread turned into a Trump bad man/hero thread... Again... ugh. I really wish people would focus a little on what is being uncovered here. We all knew it, but now we're getting receipts. The trans stuff, climate change, covid, George Floyd riots, Jan 6, foreign wars, election interference, all of it. NONE of these things are naturally occurring. Our tax money has been used to cause this division for years in foreign countries, and the same apparatus has been turned on us.
    5 replies | 199 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:00 AM
    CaptUSA created an article Mike Benz on Tucker in Top News
    Mike Benz Takes Us Down the USAID Rabbit Hole (It’s Worse Than You Think)
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:12 AM Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act in the Senate on Thursday. His bill intended to take action to “put power back in the people’s hands instead of the administrative state,” read a press release about the bill. This specifically applies to the current process involving legislation in the government in which regulations go into effect unless explicitly disapproved by Congress. Under Paul’s proposal in the REINS Act, major rules would need to be approved by the legislative branch before going to the president for signature and approval. “The purpose of this Act is to increase accountability for and transparency in the Federal regulatory process,” read the text of the bill. “Section 1 of article I of the Constitution of the United States grants all legislative powers to Congress.” Additionally, Paul’s REINS Act highlighted a recent history of a reduction in oversight and accountability in legislation that is passed by Congress.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:22 AM
    Let's assume absolute proof comes out that the CIA was behind 9/11. Using your logic the war in Iraq was justified because....reasons. You really didn't think that one through.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:19 AM
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Snowball again.
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 10:14 PM
    I posted in the USAID thread, but this needed its own thread. Mike Benz Takes Us Down the USAID Rabbit Hole (It’s Worse Than You Think)
    5 replies | 199 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 10:09 PM
    CaptUSA replied to a thread USAID Exposed in U.S. Political News
    Ok - here's a definitive explanation from Mike Benz... All of it. It is all BS. The trans***** stuff, climate change, covid, foreign wars, election interference, all of it. It's all a ruse to control the world. And untangling this is going to be REAL messy!! Buckle up, folks! It is indeed worse than we thought. Mike Benz Takes Us Down the USAID Rabbit Hole (It’s Worse Than You Think)
    96 replies | 2221 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 05:12 PM
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 05:11 PM
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 05:10 PM
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 05:10 PM
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 02:43 PM
    Russ Vought is confirmed! This is a big one. Senate GOP Steamrolls 30 Hours Of Dem Obstruction To Confirm Trump’s 13th Nominee
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  • Dr.3D's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 02:29 PM
    It's obvious they would have never had time to plan for that many agents to be there, unless the entire event had been planed in advance.
    783 replies | 90121 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 11:48 AM
    :rolleyes: You're just going to keep blithely ignoring the fact that Hamas is Netanyahu's false flag army aren't you? ^This.
    98 replies | 1276 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 10:33 AM
    :rolleyes: God took Northern Israel from the Jews and gave it to the Samaritans. The current people calling themselves Jews aren't Jews. Revelation 2:9 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Many of the founders of modern Israel were atheists. See: If you actually read your Bible you would know that atheists have no business claiming God's promises.
    98 replies | 1276 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 09:43 AM
    A fact that everybody is ignoring. Gaza NEVER belonged to the Jews, not even in Bible times. It belonged to the Philistines. (That's where the word "Palestinian" comes from). Northern Israel, after the kingdom was divided by God, didn't belong to the Jews either. It was the kingdom of Israel AKA the Samaritan kingdom. As pointed out in John chapter 4 "The Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans." The funny thing is, the Samaratins still exist. And..they get along both with Jews and Arabs. So give the Samaritans back THEIR land, let the Jews have historical Judea, the Palestinans have what was Philistia and "problem solved." Of course the Samaritans are small in number now so they'll need some backup. But at least there's not an ongoing blood feud right now between them and anybody else. The Samaritans have lived in the Land of Israel for 3,600 years. Some may be familiar with references to them in the New Testament, but few know who they really are. A new multi-faceted project by the Yeshiva University Center for Israel Studies introduces the Samaritans to a wide and varied audience, and explores how they have managed to survive for millennia despite efforts by conquering powers to erase them. Crucially, the project asks how the Samaritans plan to continue to survive into the future when today they number a mere 862.
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    Please stop trying to "out" Erowe1. Let it go.
  2. I know. Like I said I was going to yank your chain but realized that in the current circumstances it would be bad taste even for me.
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    At least until every county or so willingly decided to submit to Christ, which I think will happen eventually because I'm a postmillennialist.
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    I wish things were a lot more local too. I'm really not looking for a country of 300 million at all. I think that's too big. Those who didn't want to live by Christian law could live somewhere else and choose God's judgment over his blessings.
  5. View Conversation
    And while I do believe the BIble requires civil authorities to punish homosexuality, and with death as the maximum penalty, I don't think it would be legitimate even for the government to just round up people in a gay bar.

    My reasons on the bearing arms bit are much closer to yours (resistance against tyranny.)
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    To be perfectly clear, I absolutely oppose vigilantism. I know you were joking around but I just want you to be clear on where I stand.
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    Will you kindly give a tongue lashing to the racist of the board, AmericanSpartan? Thank you. I'd like to see it.
  8. Sorry, but you have failed. That verse does not contain the words "Grace is irresistible." You can interpret it that way, but that's not what the verse says. You had to admit there was "relational language" in the Bible. Yet you have stuck to your guns that there isn't a verse that says "Have a relationship with Jesus." Likewise there is no verse that says "Grace is irresistible." If you were honest you would simply admit that. But you aren't honest.
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    Acts 13:48
    And when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed.
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The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
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How Ron Paul could smack down Iran critics

by jmdrake on 05-15-2013 at 08:34 AM
Quote Originally Posted by jmdrake View Post
Ron needs to quit playing defense and go on offense. It's not enough to say "the Soviet Union was worse than Iran." If he could point out the following documented facts it would shut the naysayer up for good or at least make them back-peddle.

1) In 2003 Iran was the only Muslim country to help us fight and remove the Taliban from power.

See: Jane's Defense Weekly India joins anti-Taliban coalition. "India is believed to have joined Russia, the USA

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The new bill of rights.

by jmdrake on 05-15-2013 at 08:33 AM
Quote Originally Posted by jmdrake View Post
This parody is an attempt to "rewrite" the bill of rights in keeping with the current application by our criminal government. Original text will be in italics followed by a list of possible options.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government

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Federal Reserve advised gold standard for Russia

by jmdrake on 05-15-2013 at 08:32 AM
Quote Originally Posted by jmdrake View Post
I ran across this information by accident (providence?) while looking for something else. The first link is an essay from Jude Wanniski who went with fed governor Wayne Angell to Moscow right after the collapse of the soviet union. Note that Angell advocated the new Russia to go to a gold backed currency! The second link is an online Google book from the Mises institute that talks about the same essay. I've excerpted the essay bellow. (It's too long to post directly). It's interesting to note

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Washington Post 2002 : The U.S. pushed jihad on Afghan schoolchildren.

by jmdrake on 09-13-2011 at 01:15 PM
Quote Originally Posted by dannno View Post
From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad
Violent Soviet-Era Textbooks Complicate Afghan Education Efforts

By Joe Stephens and David B. Ottaway
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, March 23, 2002; Page A01

In the twilight of the Cold War, the United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation.

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