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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:59 PM
    When exactly is Syria attack Israel? Oh yeah...they didn't.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:56 PM
    *sigh* It's funny (sad) that white people can do thousands of posts about the ills of the black community, then get bothered when some black person says "Someone should actually do something about the ills of the black community" and then white people don't see their own tone deafness. A better response to Magic Johnson is "Bruh're mistaking Barack Obama for Donald Trump."
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:45 PM
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:51 PM
    The universal constant.
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:50 PM
    He thinks "truth is a defense against a libel suit" means the truth is "protected speech". He also thinks this is political speech protected by the First because he believes the government paid those people. He thinks not one but both of those apply in this case because he thinks the fact that he believes something is proof it's true.
    49 replies | 5423 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:31 AM
    That's a lot like talking about the most fuel-stingy Rolls Royce ever made. No one who really wants good gas mileage is impressed, and no one who buys a Rolls Royce considers that a selling point.
    61 replies | 1529 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:16 AM
    If Republicans never benefit from election fraud, then how is this -- thing -- still in office?
    12 replies | 751 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:13 AM
    Right. Come hell. Come high water, especially in North Carolina. Come WWIII. That's kinda the very definition of "Israel Firster", Einstein.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:06 AM
    This is insane when you consider this is a 100% elective war. Putin would end the war tomorrow if he was offered a decent deal. He never would have even invaded if Ukraine had actually honored the Minsk agreement and the U.S. (Kamala Harris) hadn't talked smack about NATO expansion. I agree with Anti Federalist that at least on this one issue Donald Trump is head and shoulders over Kamala Harris.
    12 replies | 751 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:34 AM
    What "other options" do we have again? Name the VP candidate besides Vance and Walz who hasn't been hounded off ballots nationwide. Walz isn't so obese that he counts as options all by himself. Vance is an Israel First guy through and through. Ukraine may be of benefit to Burisma stockholders in Congress and the White House, but Israel still owns Washington -- including Vance.
    10 replies | 353 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:21 AM
    His attitude and rhetoric against everything changes every five minutes. Just depends on who he's talking to and what he thinks they want to hear. I guess you want us all to conveniently forget that back when his handlers let him tweet stuff he would constantly write posts that contradicted each other? He's an even more dedicated flip flopper than Romney.
    358 replies | 31996 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:58 AM
    What part of "...we should support..." sounded like "...we should stop funding..." to you? Lime sounds eerily similar to slime, too. Handy thing to know if you want a margarita and can't find any fresh citrus, right..?
    10 replies | 353 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:02 AM
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:58 AM
    acptulsa replied to a thread Hurricane Helene in Open Discussion
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:53 AM 1842020015769362458
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:51 AM 1842077799881797829
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:47 AM
    Except you don't pay any attention to the facts underlying any issue. It's like pulling teeth to get you to even consider that one can't nuke a bunch of bees without leaving detectible levels of radiation there. All you ever do is look to see if there are any celebrities involved you want to worship. You've never been there. You've just been in front of your boob toob, hitting the bong and getting brainwashed by the very MSM you claim not to listen to. And collectivizing people. Always that. ...but Israel is the one actually doing it.
    61 replies | 1529 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 02:47 PM
    You know your own article supports Snowball's contention that Israel has never attacked Iran's nucler sites right? Attacking the missile defense system protecting a nuclear site, while a serious excalation, isn't the same as attacking the site itself. For a comparison see: As far as mutual defense, don't forget that Russia mainly entered they Syrian conflict to thwart the U.S. effort to topple Assad.
    61 replies | 1529 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 02:38 PM
    It'll get closed no matter what frontman gets picked. They save the unsustainable, destructive crap for election years. I'm thinking at this point that the last election in which the public had any say for a federal seat was 2000. Totalitarianism is already here. And the screws are tightening. WWIII would make it all moot, of course. Israel is trying to start it, and neither candidate will stop it.
    61 replies | 1529 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 01:25 PM
    That's a whole lot more true than you think. The whole thing smells scripted and I honestly don't think anyone's going to bother to count them anyway. Trump isn't going to usher in any less socialism.
    61 replies | 1529 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 01:02 PM
    osan started a thread World Gone Mad in Open Discussion
    Ugh... I'm so sick of the way things are. I do what I can to maintain a reasonable level of optimism and mannerliness, but I have to confess my patience gets tried. I've been a blacksmith since age 16. I am in a few blacksmithing groups on antisocial media. One of the groups is for beginners. A recurring gripe revolves around the difficulties newbies have finding anvils. They are now very costly. So today I took half an hour out of my day to CAD up a simple, versatile DIY anvil offered as inspiration to innovate and use one's creative abilities to overcome obstacles. You would not believe the reactions of some people. "Well I've worked in tool and die and I can tell you have no experience with doing things like this..." and so on. I guess the seven years I spent as a manual machinist in college doesn't count. The levels of raw and bitter anger are just mind numbing. Just as with anyone, I have my share of issues, but I have to say that if I lived my life in such a state, I'd just eat a bullet. How can they stand it?
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 11:05 AM
    I kind of responded to this indirectly, but it's worth reiterating. You are 100% correct! Self hatred is destroying black people and white people alike. The mass shooting in Birmingham is an example of self hatred. Two of them men killed had litterally gotten away with (alleged) murder. So.....a gang of people shoot up an entire crowd killing not only them but to innocent people and wounding 17 others. That's a form of self hatred to. One is internalized, killing yourself slowly with guns, and the other is externalized, killing innocents in your own community because "spray and pray" is easier to pull off then just a single shot assassination. I may have already mentioned this, but the Promise Keepers had the solution. I also respect the Oath Keepers despite how they let themselves get conned on January 6th. They stood up to protect black businesses in Ferguson when nobody else would. I respect the Proud Boys philosphy of "Western chavanism" even though I believe it's flawed as western civilization was built off of multiple other civilizations and there are parts of ancient Greece and Rome that aren't worth repeating. (Men routinely raping boys as a part of Spartan culture for example). I'm probably one of the few people that think the Patriot Front may be more misguided than anything. Take out their "Whites are the only Americans" and "only whites can join" philosophy and you've got a group that brings families together to go camping, do sporting events, and dress up in an, albiet goofy uniform, and march in unison. The founder, who was an Eagle Scout, was probably triggered by the whole "Let's make scouting non-binary" trend and decided to go as far right as he could without actually advocating physical violence. I guess my point is there is certainly room for a Christian morals based mass movement that was geared towards lifting everybody up instead of tearing each other down. Like...the Promise Keepers.
    920 replies | 88043 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 09:56 AM
    Member RJB is there too, but in a different situation. He could probably use a little too.
    13 replies | 381 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 07:38 AM
    Okay. I know you're making a generalization here. But Tim Walz wasn't the governor of Springfield Ohio. Keep your eye on the ball. You're so close to the truth. Replace the word "abortion" with the word "NAFTA" and you'll understand why there is room in Springfield for 20,000 Hatian people (not bioweapons). Springfield didn't lose 20,000 people because of late term abortion. Springfield lost 20,000 people because the factories closed down and there were no jobs so people naturally went somewhere else for work. Now let's look at that "bioweapon" claim. It's already been established that white meth addicts in Portland are the ones living like they are in Port au Prince, not the actual not on drugs, and most like not cat eating, Haitians in Springfield Ohio. And I get it. Something should be done to actually help poor white people and poor black people get on their feet. I disagree with PAF and Invisible Man on this point. I consider all the downtrodden "my people." We are not each other's enemy. We are being conned by Kamala Harris and Donald Trump and Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and Dick Cheney and "fill-in-the-blank" to believe we are each other's enemy. Ephesians 6:12 King James Version 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Until you understand ^that you will not truly be able to help "your people." I'm not Hillary Clinton. I don't think you're part of the "deplorables." I don't think the white meth heads in Portland are deplorable. I don't think the hardworking Haitians in Springfield Ohio are deplorable. The main beef of the white Trump supporting welfare recipients in Springfield is "How are these Haitians getting $3,000 on their EBT cards?" Because they aren't using their EBT cards and stacking their money up because they are allowed to collect EBT and work at the same time. My dad own rental houses. One of the renters is behind now because his wife's disability check got cut off because she was found to be working. (I didn't even know she was getting one). I get it. The federal government is not the best instrument for helping the poor. But it is a problem when it helps poor people around the world in a way that it doesn't help people right here in the U.S. What's the solution? I've talked about Tangelo Park Florida until I'm blue in the face but nobody seems to care. Private people could make a difference. I wonder how many people in Portland living in their RVs would be willing to relocate to that town in the video I posted where the sawmill is closing for lack of labor because the housing prices have outpaced the salaries at the mill? Nobody thought "we could set aside a few acres of land as an RV park with solar sewage hookups and clean water and maybe some solar panels and have a labor force?" And I'm just throwing that idea out there. You are correct in that the downtrodden have to believe in themselves again. The Promise Keeper movement was all about that but sadly it died out for reasons I don't know.
    920 replies | 88043 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 07:17 AM
    Of course I've admitted Trump has done some good things. But that hasn't prevented you for accusing me of having TDS when I point out the crazy stuff and the anti liberty stuff. And that's because you have your own form of TDS. (Trump Devotion Syndrome.)
    920 replies | 88043 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 07:12 AM
    Tit for tat. During the pandemic Haiti (which has the lowest COVID rate in the Western Hemisphere), didn't let anyone in from the Dominican Republic. Haiti Closes Border with Dominican Republic, Suspends Most Flights Haiti also initially refused to accept the COVID vaccines. And a few months later Haiti's president was assassinate. And one of the asssssins was a U.S. DEA informant.
    920 replies | 88043 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 06:58 AM
    By your own definition you have TDS. For example, thinking the reason there was no case number for the fake court document posted on X and then cited by the New American was missing because the court document was "sealed" when that is the opposite of how sealing court cases works! You can find the case number, just not hte contents. If the contents of the document got "leaked" there's no way in hell the case number wouldn't be leaked too. But you defended that obvious lie with mental gymnastics. And I'm 100% certain you've accused me of TDS. My accurately quoting Trump's disinfectant comment, which even Trump didn't try to defend except by saying he was being sarcastic is an example of you falsely accusing me of having TDS. You did you own mental gymnastics on that story in a way even Trump didn't try to defend and you falsely accused others of having TDS. Clearly you have the TDS. No. It's not because the story has anything to do with race. The Trump disinfectant story has nothing to do with race. I call out obvious likes. For example, the black woman crying (without tears) hysterically about her dog being beheaded is clearly lying. How do I know this? She has a fvcking cell phone to do the TikTok video, yet she didn't take a picture of her dead dog's head? The black man who did the video of the chickens on the grill and called them cats is clearly lying. When you look at the feet of the skinned checkens you can clearly see where the chicken "hock" ends and the chicken "shank" begins. I've given multiple pictures of skinned cats in this thread, one prepared for disection and a couple prepared for food. None of them have their legs straight up in the air (you falsely claimed that a skinned chicken on a grill would not have its feet straight up in the air and I should you video of a chicken right before the shank was cut off proving you wrong), and the skinned cats have no clear place where you can see the difference between the upper leg (hock on a chicken) and the lower leg. Also the black man never showed who was actually doing the cooking. For all you know it could have been him. The third video is the guy who never said anything abouit cats or dogs and only talked about waterfowl and he later pointed out that he never actually saw that. I think he was just honestly relaying what he heard unlike TikTok woman and JD Vance BBQ man. And why would the other two lie? To go viral! People do that all the damn time. Remember Jussie Smollet? In Alabama last year we had a woman who faked her own kidnapping by being on the phone with her family saying she had stopped on the freeway to help some wandering toddler (what's a toddler doing alone on the freeway?) and then screaming "Help! Someone is trying to grab me!" and then disappearing. She was later prosecuted for filing a false police report. Note the TikTok lady can't be charged with filing a false police report because she didn't file one and if she did she woiuld have taken a picture to file with the police report. I'll let David Chappellle explain this to you. At 2:00 in "The whole country was up in arms. Was talking about it all the time on the news. And for some reason, African Americans we were like oddly quiet. We were so quiet about the shyt that the gay community started accusing the African American community of being homophobic for not supporting him. What they didn't know is that we were supporting him by our silence. Because we understood that n*gga was clearly lying."
    920 replies | 88043 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 06:57 AM
    You screamed that like you can prove it. Your god complex is showing again.
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