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    Yesterday, 11:48 PM
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:36 AM
    CLIP from SYSTEM UPDATE #345: BREAKING "MEDIA" RULES? Asking Substantive Questions After the VP Debate {Glenn Greenwald | 04 October 2024} v5f8b7h
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    Yesterday, 07:22 AM
    ai. {Incognito Mode | 04 October 2024}
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    10-04-2024, 02:47 PM
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 02:45 PM
    CLIP from SYSTEM UPDATE #345: Post-VP Debate Interview MELTDOWN: "Progressive" Dem Defends Israel {Glenn Greenwald | 03 October 2024} v5f4525
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 02:45 PM
    CLIP from SYSTEM UPDATE #345: Julian Assange SPEAKS OUT For First Time Since Freed From Prison {Glenn Greenwald | 03 October 2024} v5f2nx9
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 02:45 PM
    CLIP from SYSTEM UPDATE #345: Harris & Walz Ignorantly Call For Dangerous Speech Crackdowns {Glenn Greenwald | 03 October 2024} v5f2j2a
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 02:37 PM
    UNLOCKED VP DEBATE REACTION: Vance Not "Weird" {Glenn Greenwald | 02 October 2024} v5eyl0l
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 02:33 PM
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  • osan's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 01:02 PM
    osan started a thread World Gone Mad in Open Discussion
    Ugh... I'm so sick of the way things are. I do what I can to maintain a reasonable level of optimism and mannerliness, but I have to confess my patience gets tried. I've been a blacksmith since age 16. I am in a few blacksmithing groups on antisocial media. One of the groups is for beginners. A recurring gripe revolves around the difficulties newbies have finding anvils. They are now very costly. So today I took half an hour out of my day to CAD up a simple, versatile DIY anvil offered as inspiration to innovate and use one's creative abilities to overcome obstacles. You would not believe the reactions of some people. "Well I've worked in tool and die and I can tell you have no experience with doing things like this..." and so on. I guess the seven years I spent as a manual machinist in college doesn't count. The levels of raw and bitter anger are just mind numbing. Just as with anyone, I have my share of issues, but I have to say that if I lived my life in such a state, I'd just eat a bullet. How can they stand it?
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 12:16 PM
    TYT Is Still LYING About Kyle Rittenhouse {Actual Justice Warrior | 02 October 2024} In this video I discuss a recent insanely dumb smear against Kyle Rittenhouse by a TYT offshoot show called the Damage Report. Where they deny all evidence once again to claim that Kyle did not act in self defense. Sources: Full Video: Double Jeopardy: Black Guy Found Not Guilty For Shooting Cops:
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 11:50 AM
    That reminds me of another example of "We're from the government, and we're here to help ...":
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 11:29 AM
    Please let this be true. A tar-and-feathering (optionally followed by a running-out-of-town-on-a-rail) is probably too much to hope for. But this would be a start ... "People should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people."
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 11:20 AM
    You are welcome, comrade! Voting hard is the most powerful tool in our arsenal, and the urge to deploy it in conjunction with other tried-and-true weapons (such as SWLODs) is a mighty (indeed, nigh irresistible) temptation - but for the sake of Our Democracy, which is fragile and likely cannot withstand such potent combinations, we must restrain ourselves, lest we destroy that which we hope to salvage. Let us instead endeavor to keep our minds upon our labors, and to leave matters of the State to the State.
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  • osan's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 05:21 AM
    What more convincing evidence is needed for people to twig to the broader truth here? The fact that we're not moving en masse not just to help the people whose lives have been set to ruin in the wake of the storm, we should be taking up our torches and pitchforks and finally showing Themme who's boss for real. On a very sad note, my friend and fellow blacksmith George Dixon was swept away in the flooding in Asheville. His body was recovered a couple days later. God rest his good soul. He was deeply talented, highly skilled, intelligent, smart, and had a very good heart. I will miss him sorely, sd will many others. He touched many lives.
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  • osan's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 05:13 AM
    While I agree with the statement, it doesn't make a proper definition. Put that forward and the scoundrels would have a field day "interpreting" ist meaning. Language is devilish tricky stuff on our best days, and it only gets worse from there, most especially when people get up to no-good. I cannot claim scientific rigor in my definitions, but I confidently assert that they are worlds better than anything found in any of the law tomes I have yet encountered. I further assert that the relevant definitions are as they are not by accident or virtue of innocent error, but that they are so intentionally. Maintaining a vague and strategically imprecise definition leaves those in certain positions of power the broadest latitudes of action precisely because they have the plausible basis for interpretation of terms so basic and whose consequent effects are so broad, they can (and do) get away with very nearly anything. This becomes trebly the case when you couple that circumstance with that of having the rabble trained very much away from habits of resistance. This is the precise condition in which we find ourselves over most of the globe. Theye are indeed in charge and we accede to Theire commands, mandates, and fiats with strong obedience, even if we complain about it. And as of the recent several years Theye are so very blatantly attempting to deal with the complaining part. The push to end free speech is so artlessly transparent a move to alter our thinking by altering and limiting our vocabulary and expressive prerogatives, we the glorious people shame ourselves by the complacent idleness with which we meet such scurrilous profaning of the most basic of our rights. What's next, idleness in the face of Themme and their agents making porn with our two year olds? That's where things are heading, make you no mistake about it. Definitions must, above all other things, be complete, correct, and clear. Otherwise their value comes into question.
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 07:01 PM to:
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 03:54 PM
    From the comments at the video (by @joleighva): I’m a retired Fire Dept Paramedic. I have lost count how many seizure calls I worked over my career. This is honestly the worst thing I’ve ever seen, and I have seen some seriously awful things- enough to give me C-PTSD. This man was in a post-ichtal state. It’s the period where the person’s brain is rebooting. During that time they need minimal stimulation. Minimal questions. Minimal touching. This entire situation, the patients’ agitation, was initially caused by the police, putting their hands on him, yelling commands, and roughing him up. Shame on this paramedic for not telling them to back off! Shame on this paramedic for not standing between them and their patient! Police officers are a hammer and all they ever see are nails. Everyone who isn’t cooperative they think it’s on purpose. I have had to physically get between one and my patient several times. I’ve had to ask cops to leave because they don’t understand what’s happening. They sure as hell would not send my firefighters away, who know to follow my instructions, and stay there instead. The person in charge of this scene is the Paramedic, because it is a medical call! Medical calls don’t need Police, if medics need help restraining a PATIENT, that’s what the Firefighters are for. Now for the medic. This paramedic is going to end up without a certification, never work in the medical field again, and in jail for manslaughter, and they deserve it. Every medication they gave this man when he was awake and talking were contraindicated for seizure, because HE WASN’T SEIZING ANYMORE and I guarantee you not on any of their protocols. Each med then became a separate assault. At this point they were practicing medicine without a license! That they allowed themselves to be manipulated by the police into thinking of their patient as a suspect is unconscionable. If you showed this video to every Paramedic in the US, 99% of them (I allow that 1% could be too ignorant or uneducated) would say the same as me. I feel sick. I couldn’t watch all of it at one time. I had to do it in spurts. THIS is the great responsibility a Paramedic carries every day. To do no harm. You’re physically able to give people medications that CAN KILL THEM. When given properly and under protocol. I don’t know a greater responsibility than that. Let me tell you how these calls usually go. You get there after the seizure has ended and the patient is post-ichtal. You gently get a set of vitals if it doesn’t rile the patient too much. If they are in a safe space, turned on their side is great, but not absolute, you leave an EMT with them while you speak to family quietly in another room and get the history/med info/identifying information/etc so the person’s brain has time to come back to normal. You return to the patient and try asking simple questions that don’t need brainpower to answer. Within a few minutes, the person can sit up and talk to you, though they are still very groggy. At that point, you ask if you can take them to the hospital. If they say yes, you do. If they say no, you ask them four orientation questions to determine if they’re oriented to person/place/time/event. (What’s your name? Where are we right now? What month is it? What happened today?) If they answer those questions appropriately, they are oriented and can REFUSE to be transported. You advise them that you feel they should go, and by refusing they are doing so against medical advice. If they still refuse, they sign a refusal form, you advise them to call back if needed, and you leave. If an oriented person who refused treatment and transport is forced to go to the hospital it is now ASSAULT & BATTERY and KIDNAPPING. People have a Constitutional right to make bad decisions against medical advice as long as they’re oriented X4. People who have seizures often refuse treatment and transport because all they’re going to do at the hospital is check their med levels and...
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 03:46 PM
    Man has a Seizure, Cops Arrive to Help (he doesn’t make it) {John H. Bryan | 02 October 2024} Rhyker Earl, 26, suffered a seizure on the night of Sunday, Sept. 8, at a home in DeMotte, Indiana, about an hour and 15 minutes south and east of Chicago. His grandmother called 911 for help, and Jasper County sheriff’s officers came to the home. Earl suffered from epileptic seizures. Having just had a seizure, he was agitated and noncompliant with attempts by EMS personnel to take him to the hospital. One of the deputies took Early to the ground, whereupon other deputies, as well as EMS personnel, forcibly held him to the ground. He was handcuffed and restrained in a prone position on the floor of his grandmother’s kitchen. They repeatedly injective him with powerful sedatives, as they held him down. A short while later, he would be dead. Man has a Seizure, Cops Arrive to Help (he doesn't make it) {The Civil Rights Lawyer | 02 October 2024}
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 01:57 PM
    Was There a Pandemic? | TWS #2551 The Tom Woods Show: Episode 2551 {TomWoodsTV | 03 October 2024} Dr. Jonathan Engler argues that the evidence (particularly in New York and Italy, early sites of reported heavy fatalities) is not consistent with the idea of a novel pathogen gradually spreading and causing a novel illness. "Any and all harms observed and reported," Engler argues, "can be explained by a combination of: mistreatment, maltreatment, non-treatment, neglect, abuse and data fraud." Guest's Substack: Sanity Unleashed Guest's Twitter: @jengleruk
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 01:36 PM
    Judge Arrested After Faking Racist Attacks Online. {Nate The Lawyer | 03 October 2024} With ‪@roncolemanlaw‬ First Indian Judge Indicted for Faking Racist Hate Crimes! In a shocking twist, Fort Bend County Judge KP George, the first Indian judge in his role, has been arrested for staging racist hate crimes against himself during his 2022 reelection campaign. Authorities allege that George conspired with his aide to create fake online identities and post racist messages to garner sympathy and sway voters. Investigators uncovered damning text messages between George and his aide, revealing the elaborate hoax. This scandal has rocked the Houston area, raising questions about trust in public officials. Join us for a full breakdown of this unbelievable case!
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 01:26 PM
    *shrug* As with most (all ?) such things, I suppose what "blow up" means in this context depends entirely upon how that meaning services one's own "emotional truth".
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 01:22 PM
    Balls to the Walz: Razör Recaps The VP Debate {The Rageaholic | 03 October 2024} "I learned governance in China." —The Least Imbecilic Public School Teacher @RazorFist:1/balls-to-the-walz-raz%C3%B6r-recaps-the-vp:8
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 01:18 PM
    Seems like just the opposite to me:
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 01:07 PM
    Woah, there, now ... ... let's at least give the SWLODs a chance to work before resorting to the nuclear option, shall we? I mean, there's no need to go all "scorched earth" right off the bat ...
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    I don't know what is wrong with the rep system that you get three neg reps and I'm only allowed to give you one. But Hillary didn't lie about her client nor did she say he was guilty of first degree rape. She said that was the charge. I did watch it and you lied. Further he didn't "get off." He plead guilty to a lesser charge. What Hillary said was "I got him off WITH TIME SERVED." He's still on the sex abuse registry the rest of his life. You have not identified a single legitimate ethical lapse in anything Hillary did or said in that video.
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