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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 03:30 PM
    It is never not time for a good "Two Minutes Hate". How else to demonstrate our hatred of hatred? We merely require subjects upon whom to practice such virtue ...
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 02:58 PM
    What of it, comrade? Don't you hate hate?
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 02:42 PM
    That was Justin Amash, not Thomas Massie. See this thread.
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 02:34 PM
    Here's Nate The Lawyer's take (the video may be set to "Members Only" soon, so if you're interested, you might want to watch it now unless you're a member of his channel): Was I Wrong About The Sonya Massey Shooting? {Nate The Lawyer | 26 July 2024} Nate also discusses the analysis of the case by John Bryan (a.k.a. The Civil Rights Lawyer) and Bruce Rivers.
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 02:11 PM
    And I would add that the part of his base that does know better are apt to just gloss it over and shrug it off, because they know it won't go anywhere.
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 02:07 PM
    I don't disagree with any of that. But "miseducating" supporters and constituents is pretty much par for course for almost every politician out there. The "chumps" (left or right, progressive or conservative) eat that shit up. (If they didn't, politicians wouldn't keep feeding it to them.) Trump is nothing special in this regard. (Ain't democracy grand?)
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 01:24 PM
    Kamala’s Palace Coup {Mises Media | 26 July 2024} On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop discuss America’s new chapter of late-stage Soviet politics. What does the last week show about where true political power lies in the country, and what can we expect going forward? “Kamala Harris is awful” by Connor O’Keeffe: “Unelected technocrats are now the nation’s chief executives” by Ryan McMaken:
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 01:18 PM
    I disagree. Trump knows perfectly well that: (1) he isn't going to be able to do it (Presidents don't set prison terms for federal crimes - Congress does), and (2) if he (or Congress) tried, the courts would slap him down, toot sweet. He's just throwing red meat to the part of his base that doesn't know any better. They are the "chumps" here, not him.
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 01:07 PM
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 01:06 PM
    Corporate Media Bets On Kamala Harris | Part Of The Problem 1148 {Dave Smith | 26 July 2024} On this episode of Part Of The Problem, Dave and Robbie discuss "Joe Biden" addressing the nation for the first time since dropping out of the race, and the Corporate Media Push to replace him with Kamala Harris.
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 01:00 PM
    CLIP from SYSTEM UPDATE #304: Cenk Uygur and Michael Tracey Debate Trump's Perceived Threat to Democracy and More {Glenn Greenwald | 26 July 2024} v568qes
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 01:00 PM
    CLIP from SYSTEM UPDATE #304: Beyond the Memes: How Would Kamala Govern? Michael Tracey Interviews Moe Tkacik {Glenn Greenwald | 26 July 2024} v568t8q
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 01:00 PM
    CLIP from SYSTEM UPDATE #304: What Happened to Joe?: Dems' Memory-Holing of Biden's Ouster {Glenn Greenwald | 26 July 2024} v5685yl
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  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 06:30 AM
    Are you kidding? I could take a properly sighted-in AR with an EOTECH gunsight and drill any human being you care to name, center of mass, without effort at 150 yards. Anyone who knows which end of the gun the bullets come out could do it. It's a non-challenge shot. I bust rats in my barn from 60 yards with my ancient, crap-trigger Stevens Model 34 .22 all day long, which is a shootin' sumbitch. However, your question stands reasonable. If he wasn't alone, why was Trump allowed to live? A reasonably well trained sniper would have had Trump dead without effort, and given the way in which the SS reponded in the heat of the moment, that sniper would have readily shot his way through the weak cover given The Donald. Indeed, AP rounds would likely have taken care of business, judging by the ways in which the security detail moved, indicating to me that they wore no trauma plates. A good AP round will waltz through a kevlar vest as if it was not even there. Let us be clear that Crooks may not have been helped positively, but only passively by allowing him access. This would be the safest way to proceed if we assume not getting caught with your hands in the proverbial cookie jar was high on your list of aspirations. Taunt, tease, and tempt. Once you have him on the hook, you lend him free access and let the stooge do the rest. Let's face it, the shot was so easy, it may have been assumed that he couldn't miss. Add to that the additional factor that killing Trump may not have been a requirement. Savage wounding may have been seen as sufficient to scotch his bid for reelection, whether by scaring him off or rendering him into such a state of health that. like Biden, he would not have been able to go on.
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  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 06:00 AM
    In these turbulent times, I am finding it quipped with increasing frequency that revolution becomes more inevitable with each passing day. While that may be so, it won't help... At least not much. In fact, "revolution" won't be a revolution at all, but merely a momentary, albeit violent, vent of what I'm willing to assume shall be righteous rage against the trespasses of "leaders" against those whom they claim to serve, but over whom they actually reign as dictators and despots of varying degrees and shallow-made flavors. Revolution will not help because men's hearts are rotten with corruptions vast and manifold. The proof of my claim lies in the history of humanity itself. Note how every "revolution" of our recorded past ended up producing results little different than those they replaced. Also note that the replacements were not even always better than that which they replaced, people often going from frying pan to fire. The various communist revolutions of the twentieth century come immediately to mind, as does that of the French from 1789. The British rock and roll band, "The Who", expressed it quite perfectly with the lyric: "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss." One set of corrupt apes, spewing their lines of putatively noble sounding words, of which they walk very little, replaces the old set of corrupt apes who spewed their own lines of presumably noble sounding words, of which they, too, walked very little.
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:33 PM
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    Yesterday, 07:32 PM 1816572865170612235
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    Yesterday, 07:09 PM
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    Yesterday, 06:48 PM
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:43 PM
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:35 PM My rating of the "community note":
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:31 PM
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:03 PM
    CLIPS from SYSTEM UPDATE #303: Netanyahu's U.S. Speech Reaction: Can Members of Congress be "America First" and Loyal to Israel? {Glenn Greenwald | 25 July 2024} v562b0x How Netanyahu's Address to Congress Reveals U.S. Priorities with Journalist Max Blumenthal {Glenn Greenwald | 25 July 2024}
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    I don't know what is wrong with the rep system that you get three neg reps and I'm only allowed to give you one. But Hillary didn't lie about her client nor did she say he was guilty of first degree rape. She said that was the charge. I did watch it and you lied. Further he didn't "get off." He plead guilty to a lesser charge. What Hillary said was "I got him off WITH TIME SERVED." He's still on the sex abuse registry the rest of his life. You have not identified a single legitimate ethical lapse in anything Hillary did or said in that video.
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