• Madison320's Avatar
    Today, 11:27 AM
    This seems pretty bad to me. Isn't this a whole new class of laws? Do we have any existing laws that makes generic criticism of the government illegal? I would think the next logical step would be to make it illegal to criticize the president. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4792101-donald-trump-urges-jail-sentence-burning-flags-protests/
    23 replies | 308 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    Today, 10:50 AM
    Well unless someone who doesn't like you leaves a charred flag on your lawn. That would suck to go to jail for a year for that. Anyway if it were limited to flag burning that might not be the end of the world, but it sure seems to be a really big camel's nose under the tent. The next obvious step would be making it illegal to criticize the president. After all the president represents the country just like the flag does.
    8 replies | 259 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:31 PM
    Of course the second trump wins the democrats will be planning for the 2028 election.
    14 replies | 441 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:04 PM
    But trump is going to win and that's the end of democracy so there won't be a 2028 election.
    14 replies | 441 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:47 PM
    I think the election was rigged but not the way most people think. I don't think the votes were miscounted enough to matter but the fact that the hunter biden laptop story was banned from social media probably gave it to biden.
    105 replies | 2426 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:39 PM
    I heard trump just said you should get a year for flag burning. I want to hear the trumpsters spin that one.
    8 replies | 259 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:35 AM
    These are the top 7 stories on google news. No bias at all: "Fact check: Trump made at least 10 false claims about Kamala Harris in a single rally speech" "'You can hear the fear': Why Trump, GOP don't know how to game Harris' record" "Trump tries out attack lines on Kamala Harris as her campaign heats up" "Trump Risks Losing Voters He Needs With Loaded Attacks on Harris"
    44 replies | 1100 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 03:56 PM
    What a dirtbag! He actually worked on a bill to remove secret service protection for politicians who are convicted of a felon and sentenced to jail? Gosh I wonder who he's targeting? What a waste of taxpayer money. And he gets in the "34 felonies" talking point. I gotta quit watching this crap.
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 10:13 AM
    It doesn't make sense to me that the secret service had to testify before the investigation is finished. The head of the ss answered every question with "we won't know until the investigation is finished". I hate to defend her because I think she's an idiot but it still doesn't make sense to me. On the other hand I think she said it will be 30 or 60 days for the investigation to conclude? That's too long to get some basic answers. Maybe they should have a prelim investigation for a few days and then grill them. Somebody said something like "congress is where investigations go to die". So true. My guess is we'll never get anything concrete like "Bob was supposed to be on the roof, but he went home sick."
    10 replies | 289 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 09:57 AM
    I think a lot of people cared but the people that thought trump was being railroaded outnumbered the people who thought trump was actually a convicted felon.
    213 replies | 25185 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 01:06 PM
    It's going right back up to 11.
    90 replies | 2102 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 12:05 PM
    I stupidly glanced at the ny times editorials. These people are demented: "Biden’s act of political self-sacrifice caps an extraordinary career of public service, including a presidency more productive than others, even some that lasted twice as long. Biden’s announcement also offers a stark contrast between his devotion to the national interest and Donald Trump’s long focus on his own personal interest." "There’s nothing truer to say about the president’s historic announcement on Sunday that he is ending his bid for a second term. He put the stakes in this election, and the threat posed by Donald Trump to America, ahead of himself."
    90 replies | 2102 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 09:43 AM
    You gotta love cnn: "How Harris is preparing to contrast her record as a prosecutor with Trump’s as a felon" https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/22/politics/harris-strategy-against-trump/index.html
    213 replies | 25185 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-19-2024, 09:23 AM
    I'll take that bet. I think trump serves a second term. As I've said before I think the risk/reward is too high. Look at the outcome. Trump is going to win in a landslide and a lot of people think the ss is compromised. Compare that to weaponizing the doj. That's very low risk and high reward. I could be wrong. One thing I'm sure about is anyone who claims to know for sure is full of it.
    60 replies | 2073 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-18-2024, 03:41 PM
    Yeah, that sounds reasonable. When there's an amazing 1 in a million coincidence, it's easy to assume there's some sort of divine intervention or something nefarious going on. What you forget is that the scenario, whatever is was, played out 999,999 times in a more normal way. In this case trump has been out in public thousands of times since he became president and this is the first time someone managed to take a shot at him. I can't make up my mind about this. On the other hand because the mistakes were so over the top glaringly bad I feel like we should by default assume it was a planned attempt and it's up to the biden regime to prove to us that it was actually just incompetence.
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-18-2024, 12:21 PM
    Well this is fishy: "The site agent, who is in charge of putting all security measures for a particular event in place, was a relatively new agent from the Pittsburgh field office with limited experience, a Secret Service source told RCP." It also supports the incompetent theory. I'm still leaning towards that. Not because I think the biden regime and the deep state wouldn't love to take trump out, I just think the risk/reward ratio is too high.
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-18-2024, 11:00 AM
    But what caused the culture to go downhill? I think it's simple. We've become more socialistic. Socialism rewards bad behavior and punishes good behavior. So you get more bad behavior. It's not that complicated. That's why trump can't "fix" it. He wants even more socialism. Remember that the govt nearly doubled under his watch the last time. We need less government, not more.
    57 replies | 2013 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-18-2024, 09:07 AM
    Do you have a link showing that his security team was replaced?
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-16-2024, 04:01 PM
    There's something demented about the biden regime only deciding to give rfk protection now. Obviously the threat level is the same as it was before. They're so twisted.
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-16-2024, 11:35 AM
    That part stuck out to me also. There's going to be endless hearings but it will be incredibly frustrating because we won't get an answer to the simple question of "how the hell did that guy get on the roof?"
    11 replies | 663 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-16-2024, 10:10 AM
    Dave Smith nailed it. If you called trump "hitler" and an "existential threat" you would have to also support assassination. I wish Dave didn't have a 1 week delay in his podcasts in events like this. I'm really interested in his view on this.
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-16-2024, 10:03 AM
    They replaced the entire ss team? Including the head guy in charge of this particular event? Do you have a link to that?
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-15-2024, 05:15 PM
    The jason bourne part is possible but not at all easy. All it takes is one guy to rat out the program. You're talking about assassinating the leading presidential candidate, not some foreign agent. Most people aren't going along with that. And how are you going to remove the SS team without raising suspicion? I guess it's possible but if it was as easy as you say there'd be assassinations constantly.
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-15-2024, 04:39 PM
    I think it was probably willful negligence not a government plot. I say that as someone who thinks it was a statistical certainty that the doj was weaponized against trump based on the number of cases all at the same time. But assassination? It would be too risky. How would that conversation go with the head of the Secret Service. "Hey Bob, what do think about ignoring a shooter on this building at the trump rally?"
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-15-2024, 04:27 PM
    I would think so, but I'm guessing they wouldn't be looting private businesses. They'd probably be targeting government entities. I'm not a trump fan but the trump supporters are miles ahead of the democrat supporters when it comes to morality.
    28 replies | 583 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-15-2024, 01:37 PM
    I can hear TheCount desperately typing, searching for any kind of protest.
    28 replies | 583 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-15-2024, 12:14 PM
    Oh wait, never mind, there isn't any. That's strange.
    28 replies | 583 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-15-2024, 11:24 AM
    I just went on amazon to order something and when I clicked on the search bar the first 4 things that popped up were "trump shirt", "maga hat", "trump hat", "trump flag".
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 09:10 PM
    I'd take credit for my accurate prediction except it was too easy. I'm wondering what the "trump is evil", "trump is hitler" media scum like Joy Reid are going to say? If you're on record as saying the guy is evil and hitler, you can't turn around and say attempting to kill trump is a bad thing.
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 07:51 PM
    I think I figured out how the media is going to spin this in a day or two (after the initial faked concern). They're going to say trump's a racist who brings out anger and fear in everyone so this wasn't a surprise. Then they're going to say this is even more reason to vote against trump because he's more dangerous than ever, he's going to be bent on revenge, striking out at anyone he thinks is an enemy.
    981 replies | 25458 view(s)
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