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3 Visitor Messages

  1. Status:

    I have effectively retired from all social media including posting here and anything to do with national politics or this country on federal or state level and rather focusing locally. I may stop by from time to time to discuss philosophy on a general level related to Libertarian schools of thought and application in the real world.
  2. Warning about my posting history:

    My account password was hacked some years ago without my knowledge and some vile views or beliefs I oppose had been posted. This was unknown to me since I rarely go back and read old posts. I have done my best to search and remove posts I did not make but with 9500 posts it is possible some remain. If you read my old posts and find anything suspect that I may have missed, please contact me so I can remove it.

    This long past security intrusion was not random, targeted specifically for me, was very broad in nature and not isolated to simply just my account on RPF.
  3. Profile Friends Tab:

    I have removed, will automatically remove or decline friend requests for my profile for the sole purpose of preventing friends posts from showing up under my ALL activity tab for my profile. This is not personal or means I approve or disapprove of their posts.

    This was to clear up any confusion or misunderstanding related to my posting history here. For example "ALL activity posts" tab for a profile show posts from "friends" under this profile. That does not mean the profile holder, name me, is politically endorsing the views of said post listed or endorses the account holders political views or behavior. (it also does not mean I do not support the political views of the profile holder).

    I am simply disabling the feature to clear up any confusion people have that do not understand how this forum works or how information in this forum is presented by search engines.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
About kahless

Basic Information

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Political / Activist Bio:
I have effectively retired from all social media including posting here and anything to do with national politics or this country on federal or state level and rather focusing locally. I may stop by from time to time to discuss philosophy on a general level related to Libertarian schools of thought and application in the real world.

Warning about my posting history:

My account password was hacked some years ago without my knowledge and some vile views or beliefs I oppose had been posted. This was unknown to me since I rarely go back and read old posts. I have done my best to search and remove posts I did not make but with 9500 posts it is possible some remain. If you read my old posts and find anything suspect that I may have missed, please contact me so I can remove it.

This long past security intrusion was not random, targeted specifically for me, was very broad in nature and not isolated to simply just my account on RPF.
Activist Reputation (Self-Rated):
Select if you support the site's Mission.:
I support the site Mission. (This will change your user title to "Supporting Member".)
Select if you "Stand with Rand":
I Stand with Rand (This will add a "Stand with Rand" badge by your name badge by yourr name in all posts.)


* See my visitor message area for caveats related to my posting history here.
* Also, I have effectively retired from all social media including posting here and are basically opting out of anything to do with national politics or this country on federal or state level and rather focusing locally. I may stop by from time to time to discuss philosophy on a general level related to Libertarian schools of thought and application in the real world.


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Most Recent Message
03-21-2021 10:31 PM
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Last Activity
02-24-2023 08:08 PM
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