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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:31 PM
    The' "free stuff" is being given out anyway. I recall one of the criticisms of Ron Paul is directing "free stuff" to his district even though he voted against the overall bills. Making sure your community gets its share of "free stuff" goes back to the biblical book of Acts with the Greeks (white peoiple) complaining that they weren't getting enough of the "free stuff" from the church. I've talked about that multiple times here. Maybe I should do a reparations thread.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 03:30 PM
    jmdrake replied to a thread Candace Owens in U.S. Political News
    Yeah...she hit the 3rd rail of American politics and then decided to camp out. They'll give her the Alex Jones treatment for sure.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 03:26 PM
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking out for your own community. That's not "Marxist." It's realist. Let me know when people finally start complaining about Nazi companies getting reparations after their treasonous conduct post WW 2. The overwhelming majority of Republicans also voted for the Asian hate crimes bill. But the bigger point is, Kamala Harris is trying to get black people on board on an agenda that mostly benefits immigrants. Anyone born in America, black, white or otherwise, should be suspect of a bill that benefits first generation home buyers.
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 02:02 PM
    There are SCOTUS rulings that the government is not allowed to use its power to persuade other organizations or people to violate someone's rights. I'm not so sure that there are penalties for the organizations or people who may bend to the government's strongarm tactics. For example, the government wouldn't be allowed to make a venue owner prohibit legal guns from being carried onto their property, but venue owners are allowed to make those rules on their own. If anything, I think you may be able to go after FB on fraud if their selective censorship is being done without the knowledge of those who give the site their data. I think there's an EASY case to be made that they could lose their section 230 immunity protections since they have been acting as a "publisher" of information, rather than a "host".
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 01:54 PM
    He violated the First Amendment and violated everyone's rights. What I was trying to say is, I don't think Congress (for all the zillion pages of garbage they've passed) has ever bothered to make a statute covering this obvious violation of the Bill of Rights.
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  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 01:19 PM
    Felony charges for everyone involved. The larger question is how did the parents raise such a sissy? The abuse through which some of us endured would seemingly crush the typical GenZ faggg-0. I cannot wrap my head around how it is that parents raise children to become Weakmen.
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 10:16 AM
    Here's the thing... (and maybe some good news) The corporate press and the intel machine have made their bed. Now, they'll have to lay in it. There's about 2 months to go. That's a long time to try to keep the coalition together. All you need is for some fissures in the donors to start to show, or some blunders by some statecraft agencies. It won't take long for a snowball. The biggest issue is that time is running out. Voting (ballot stuffing) in PA starts in about 2 weeks. Virginia and some other states start soon after that. But once it becomes less plausible that she could win the election, it becomes more difficult to steal. If this happens, the machine will turn their attention down-ballot to try to thwart Trump's nominees.
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 10:05 AM
    But they always do. Democrats create "new government powers" and the Republicans preserve them. Democrats create The Ring, Republicans take it away from them and, wait for it, refuse to throw it in the fire. Only if you force your own politicians to throw it in the damned fire. But no. Like hometown little league umpires, "our own" guys get away with murder. They're quick-marching us into tyranny left-right-left-right hup-two-three-four by misbehaving, then escalating their own misbehavior, and getting us caught up in the "two sides" of it. If you wanted to de-escalate a situation, would you hire Donald Yugest Trump (very stable genius) for the job?
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 09:56 AM
    No. I don't know that I'm 100% objective about the Bill of Rights, but I still consider any organized, covert operation to violate them on a nationwide scale a criminal enterprise. Nothing subjective about this: The government colluded with CEO Z to violate the First Amendment. Zuckerberg is just as guilty as the government. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Remember what a plea of "just following orders" got defendants at Nuremberg. If Congress had only bothered once in 239 years to codify a statute against conspiracy to defraud all Americans of their Constitutional rights we'd know what to charge him with and how long to lock him up for. But whether they ever bothered to put a name and sentencing guidelines to it, it's still a crime. Dickens was right. The law is a ass. But the Constitution's clear enough. He broke the law of the land.
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 07:57 AM
    A: That wasn't even the question I asked. I ask if you think he identifies as a Democrat and you say yes. I look at his own official website and conclude you must be blind as a bat. B: There's no point in anyone trying to talk with you about any party if you ignore everything the No True Scotsmen in that party do in the real world.
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 07:51 AM
    It has nothing to do with my definitions of good and bad. Proven collaborators with my enemy are my enemy. When you work with the government to put the official slant on political speech you violate the First Amendment, and you're a criminal. I don't know that's true about Musk, nor that it's untrue. I know it's true of Zuckerberg. Hell, he admitted it. Do you feel it was immoral to bomb the Daimler-Benz factory in Stuttgart because we had only declared war with Hitler's government, not the private enterprise that made what it did possible? Don't you see a problem with that? No? Then you get it.
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 07:18 AM
    acptulsa replied to a thread Toxic femininity in Open Discussion
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:07 AM
    Thiis story happened not to far from me. The takeaway for me is, why did these parents let the state school tell them their child wasn't elible for remote learning when all Alabamians have access to free online homeschool? Defendants in Chelsea High School wrongful death case ask judge to dismiss case by TAYLOR BRIGHT Aug. 29, 2024 6:00 p.m. facebook sharing button Sharetwitter sharing button Tweetlinkedin sharing button Shareemail sharing button Email Expand 280-SH-Chelsea-High-School.jpgFile photo
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  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 06:07 AM
    Hs you any specific links perchance? I've not seen much on this prior and would be interested to learn what those boys had up their sleeves in those days.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:58 AM
    jmdrake replied to a thread Candace Owens in U.S. Political News
    Candace Owens interviews the journalist who exposed Bridgitte Macron. The issue isn't just whether or not she was a he. It's also whether or not Emmanuel Macron was her 19 year old French student as the official narrative says or her 14 year old theater student! Mind = blown.
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 05:06 AM
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 05:04 AM
    You really think Lindsey Graham identifies as a Democrat, don't you?
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    Today, 05:00 AM 1829707646540112338
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:45 PM
    He looks like Allestir Crowley.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:42 PM
    True. I saw that flip flop. How about simply pass a law that nobody can sell user's data to anyone? (That incudes to the CIA). Just a nutty thought.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:39 PM
    Yeah I know. Watch this at 2:30. Sabby is to the left of Bernie Sanders but she she's what's happening. Funny enough she mistakenly thinks when Tucker Carlson talks about replacement theory he's specifically talking about whites only. (I've never seen TC use the term "white replacement theory"). Sabby did a very good breakdown of how Kamala Harris' "$25,000 down" plan really helps new immigrants more than black people as you have to be a "first generation home buyer" meaning your parents couldn't have owned a home (in the U.S.) and you couldn't either. And you have to have paid your rent on time for the past two years. So if your parents lost their homw in a foreclosure your out of luck. But if you just came over from India or China or Jamaica or matter how rich you were in the old country, you qualify.
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by CaptUSA on 02-24-2016 at 09:57 AM
Among my many interests was electricity and I decided that I wanted to change how the industry operates. Understanding the free market as I did, I was pissed that the coolest discovery in the history of mankind was being regulated to death by the government. I wanted to change that.

I found a job as a part-time temporary meter reader. My girlfriend went ballistic that I was quitting a salaried job for a part-time temp job, but I had complete confidence in what I was doing. Meter

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Updated 02-26-2016 at 07:57 AM by CaptUSA


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by CaptUSA on 02-24-2016 at 09:55 AM
I’ve never used this blog feature before, but since people have wondered (and asked) about my personal story, I figured it was best to do it in here rather than the forums.

It may come across as anecdotal, but I assure you that this same type free market story is working itself out all over the country and the globe. Even in the face or increasing government interference.

I was born in Western PA the third of four boys. When I was still a baby, the second child died

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