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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:04 AM
    You left out mocking your faith. That's why David killed Goliath. That's part of why Khabib did this to Conor McGreggor. And Khabib wasn't done. UFC badass Sean Strickland went from this:
    29 replies | 337 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:48 AM
    So I was alive for that one but really young. I do remember Ali v Spinks though. And some Sugar Ray Leonard fights. I didn't catch that one live but caught the recap. I did watch Eric Heiden win some gold though in speed skating. Curious though. 1980 was a summer Olympic year (which we boycotted because Carter had secretly baited Russia into invading Afghanistan) but I wonder why they split to different years? Anyway, one positive thing about the Internet is if some idiot politician does a boycott against at least we'll still be able to watch the rest of the world for whatever that's worth.
    29 replies | 337 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:32 AM
    Hmmmm.....let's see. Lucy you've got a lot of 'splaining to do.
    37 replies | 1630 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 05:26 AM
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 05:09 AM
    The worm has turned.
    116 replies | 2734 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 04:59 AM
    Some blasts from the past:
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 04:55 AM]
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 04:31 AM]
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 04:23 AM
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 03:50 AM
    "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." -- Thomas Jefferson (apocryphal) "Meh, whatever." -- 69360 Then you are not, in fact, "for freedom of speech and expression". But you are right about one thing: the "end of the world" - or at least, the end of whatever liberty we have left in the world - won't be due to "that one particular act".
    27 replies | 477 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 03:10 AM
    "And despite all that ..." :confused: Shouldn't one rather think it's because of all that? Weak groups have little or no capacity to delimit criticisms of themselves. Such incapacity is, after all, a symptom and consequence of being weak.
    55 replies | 1534 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 02:37 AM
    As long as they are on topic and do not otherwise violate forum rules, posting your own tweets is 110% a-okay.
    29 replies | 337 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 01:09 AM
    LE, as a personal favor I ask you to watch this video over the weekend. It's about the integration of the Clinton Tennessee high school. Watching this film I actually got a greater respect for confederate general Robert E. Lee. At 1:03 minutes in you'll see why. There is no reason to run from history, any of it.
    18 replies | 577 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:08 PM
    No. It wasn't. That's the false claim made by a stupid parent. That's really as stupid as saying any movie about the cruxifician of Jesus is somehow anti Semetic. Some Jews absolutely participated in the crucifician of Jesus. Others were horrified by it. (Like pretty much of of Jesus followers were Jewish). Similarly there were white people during the Civil Rights era that were helping to end segregation. Like all of the white men that walked Ruby Bridges to school. Okay. So ban teaching about World War I and II because that might make German and Japanese people feel uncomfortable. And teach about the founding documents, but cut out the Revolutionary War and rthe War of 1812 because it might offend British people. In fact don't teach history at all. Just teach that founding documents exist. (Don't give any context). And of course you can't teach about the Civil War. Good grief are conservatives really such snowflakes? Our country did just fine the past 50+ years without trying to erase history. I get it. We don't want BS being taught like there are 27 genders. But this idea that teaching actual history is somehow a problem is just stupid beyond belief. I went to an overwhelmingly white school in the 1970s and when freaking Roots came out, and everybody watched it because there were like 4 channels including PBS and Roots was the biggest thing on, it caused ZERO PROBLEMS for my white friends. In fact at school the next day they were talking about "Y'all almost won that rebellion on the slave ship until they brought that cannon out." We were all 9 at the time. And this was in the deep South. Kids aren't that damn fragil. And what was my biggest takeway from Roots? When I saw the black slave catchers who kidnapped Kunta Kente at the beginning I realized that not all black people back then were my people's friends. And when I saw the poor white family help the blacks fight back against the klan after slavery I realized not all white people back then were my people's enemies. You have to be VERY low IQ to see Roots or Ruby Bridges and think it's about "how bad whitey is."
    18 replies | 577 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    3 replies | 127 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:37 PM
    There is nothing "woke" or "garbage" about a brave little girl intergrating a school. Edit: And there's no legitimate reason to want to stop "race inclusive teaching."
    18 replies | 577 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:58 PM
    3 replies | 127 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:50 PM
    Oh I remember Mohammed Ali fighting. I never saw Tyson fight prime time though because that was pay per view by then.
    29 replies | 337 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:34 PM
    When I was a child I was glued to our TV set for the Olympics from the opening ceremonies to the closing. I even watched sports I didn't give a crap about like equestrian. Winter or summer it didn't matter. Bob Costas and Bryant Gumble were my gudes to this world of wonder. Now...? I might watch some highlights on YouTube.
    29 replies | 337 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:13 PM
    I swear AF, you're so wrapped up and consumed in anti-gayness that it almost strikes me like the televangelists who rail against gays then are caught with male prostitutes in hotel rooms or evangelical congressmen caught toe tapping in airport bathrooms. A bit of a "doth protest too much" vibe. If it weren't for railing against anything remotely wokeness would you ever post on RPF again? Why post links to your own Tweets? It's kinda bizarre.
    29 replies | 337 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:00 PM
    That's pretty much his entire base. "I love the poorly educated." - Donnie Any way, SCOTUS already ruled it's a First Amendment freedom of speech right. Let's not go throwing the baby out with the bath water. Seems like every time a Republican wins the White House, the Constitution ends up taking more of a beating than when a Democrat wins. Strange how that works....
    27 replies | 477 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:30 PM
    It is never not time for a good "Two Minutes Hate". How else to demonstrate our hatred of hatred? We merely require subjects upon whom to practice such virtue ...
    27 replies | 477 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:28 PM
    something something.......cellar boxing......Citadel......hedge funds.......something something......sounds familiar Georgia RICO lawsuit filed against Citadel, Vivek Ramaswamy, Peter Thiel and others over intentionally sabotaging a fintech company to steal its Intellectual Property, presumably with Citadel's help naked shorting the company into bankruptcy:
    359 replies | 77622 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:16 PM
    I'll probably cross post this to a few threads for visibility since it contains info on multiple relevant topics on RPF. I'm posting to this thread because it names PETER THIEL, Vance's entire money backer to his US Senate seat and now Don's VP. Thiel is part of the Paypal Mafia, as they're called. Media is dead silent on it. I assume suppressing it because of the prominent names allegedly involved and of course Thiel's direct connection to Vance and Vivek's political notoriety. Can't have this stuff popping up in search results, can we?/ Georgia RICO lawsuit filed against Citadel, Vivek Ramaswamy, Peter Thiel and others over intentionally sabotaging a fintech company to steal its Intellectual Property, presumably with Citadel's help naked shorting the company into bankruptcy:
    149 replies | 4681 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:58 PM
    What of it, comrade? Don't you hate hate?
    27 replies | 477 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:42 PM
    That was Justin Amash, not Thomas Massie. See this thread.
    55 replies | 1534 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:34 PM
    Here's Nate The Lawyer's take (the video may be set to "Members Only" soon, so if you're interested, you might want to watch it now unless you're a member of his channel): Was I Wrong About The Sonya Massey Shooting? {Nate The Lawyer | 26 July 2024} Nate also discusses the analysis of the case by John Bryan (a.k.a. The Civil Rights Lawyer) and Bruce Rivers.
    41 replies | 1119 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:11 PM
    And I would add that the part of his base that does know better are apt to just gloss it over and shrug it off, because they know it won't go anywhere.
    27 replies | 477 view(s)
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