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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 06:00 PM
    Brazil's Repressive Censorship Judge To Ban X Nationwide; Has Trump 2024 Retained Its Populist Ideology? With Sohrab Ahmari | SYSTEM UPDATE #325 {Glenn Greenwald | 29 August 2024} v5al3ks
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 03:30 PM
    jmdrake replied to a thread Candace Owens in U.S. Political News
    Yeah...she hit the 3rd rail of American politics and then decided to camp out. They'll give her the Alex Jones treatment for sure.
    101 replies | 8292 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 03:26 PM
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking out for your own community. That's not "Marxist." It's realist. Let me know when people finally start complaining about Nazi companies getting reparations after their treasonous conduct post WW 2. The overwhelming majority of Republicans also voted for the Asian hate crimes bill. But the bigger point is, Kamala Harris is trying to get black people on board on an agenda that mostly benefits immigrants. Anyone born in America, black, white or otherwise, should be suspect of a bill that benefits first generation home buyers.
    17 replies | 315 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Today, 11:49 AM
    "We need the State Legislature to responsibly create laws" - Donald When do we start repealing some laws instead of calling to create more? Remove the prohibition from FL statute and move on, not create other prohibitions.
    10 replies | 174 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Today, 11:42 AM
    No big deal. Crosses off the fitness and diversity (eugenics) Georgia Guidestones commandment. More "Hegelian Dialectic" cash for big pharma and biotech. Create fertility problems via the vax and soy-laden food, then sell the solution for ridiculous amounts of money. And of course everyone else has to pay for it since neither government nor insurance will actually eat the cost. Replace natural with artificial. It gives off a bit of a Handmaid's Tale vibe to me. Human incubators. How would the women receiving the fertilized egg really know whose sperm and egg it really is? Some claim that IVF creates soulless humans. Interesting assertion, though not possible to prove of course.
    8 replies | 344 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:07 AM
    Thiis story happened not to far from me. The takeaway for me is, why did these parents let the state school tell them their child wasn't elible for remote learning when all Alabamians have access to free online homeschool? Defendants in Chelsea High School wrongful death case ask judge to dismiss case by TAYLOR BRIGHT Aug. 29, 2024 6:00 p.m. facebook sharing button Sharetwitter sharing button Tweetlinkedin sharing button Shareemail sharing button Email Expand 280-SH-Chelsea-High-School.jpgFile photo
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:58 AM
    jmdrake replied to a thread Candace Owens in U.S. Political News
    Candace Owens interviews the journalist who exposed Bridgitte Macron. The issue isn't just whether or not she was a he. It's also whether or not Emmanuel Macron was her 19 year old French student as the official narrative says or her 14 year old theater student! Mind = blown.
    101 replies | 8292 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:55 PM
    Move along, comrade! Nothing to see here, move along ...
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:48 PM
    Move along, comrade! Nothing to see here, move along ... FBI Tricked Facebook Into Suppressing Hunter Biden Laptop Story {Nate The Lawyer | 30 August 2024} Facebook is under fire after admitting they were pressured by the government to censor American citizens who were simply making jokes. This revelation has sparked outrage, with many questioning the extent of government influence on social media platforms. In this video, we dive deep into the details of Facebook's admission, explore the implications for free speech, and discuss how this could impact the future of online expression. Join us as we break down what this means for you and your freedom on social media. Don't miss out on this eye-opening discussion!
    23 replies | 974 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:34 PM
    Et tu, RFK? - Razör Rants,-rfk-raz%C3%B6r-rants:f {The Rageaholic | 30 August 2024} B-b-b-b-b-beware th-the I-i-i-i-i-ides of M-m-march! @RazorFist:1/et-tu,-rfk-raz%C3%B6r-rants:f]
    94 replies | 4388 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:30 PM
    Israel Debate: Walter Block vs. Dave Smith I TWS #2538 The Tom Woods Show: Episode 2538 {TomWoodsTV | 30 August 2024} "Resolved: the proper libertarian position is to support Israel in its war with Hamas." Guests' Websites: Dave Smith:
    33 replies | 5173 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:20 PM
    CLIP from SYSTEM UPDATE #325: Has Trump 2024 Retained Its Populist Ideology? With Sohrab Ahmari {Glenn Greenwald | 30 August 2024} v5aokbe
    140 replies | 5816 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:20 PM
    CLIP from SYSTEM UPDATE #325: Brazil's Repressive Censorship Judge To Ban X Nationwide {Glenn Greenwald | 30 August 2024} v5aofmd
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:02 PM
    Venezuelan Gangs Takeover Colorado {Actual Justice Warrior | 30 August 2024} In this video I discuss the emergence of Venezuelan gangs across the nation with a specific focus on an Aurora Colorado apartment complex that has been taken over completely by these gangs. Sources: Local News Segment: 3 Tik Tok Videos:
    17 replies | 315 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:49 PM
    There are enough posts on this for a thread of its own: THREAD: CO - Venzuelan gangs taking over apartments
    841 replies | 101531 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:45 PM
    He looks like Allestir Crowley.
    42 replies | 3372 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:42 PM
    True. I saw that flip flop. How about simply pass a law that nobody can sell user's data to anyone? (That incudes to the CIA). Just a nutty thought.
    42 replies | 3372 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:39 PM
    Yeah I know. Watch this at 2:30. Sabby is to the left of Bernie Sanders but she she's what's happening. Funny enough she mistakenly thinks when Tucker Carlson talks about replacement theory he's specifically talking about whites only. (I've never seen TC use the term "white replacement theory"). Sabby did a very good breakdown of how Kamala Harris' "$25,000 down" plan really helps new immigrants more than black people as you have to be a "first generation home buyer" meaning your parents couldn't have owned a home (in the U.S.) and you couldn't either. And you have to have paid your rent on time for the past two years. So if your parents lost their homw in a foreclosure your out of luck. But if you just came over from India or China or Jamaica or matter how rich you were in the old country, you qualify.
    17 replies | 315 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:43 PM
    And the difference between this and Trump's attempt in 2020 to ban TikTok by executive order is...?
    42 replies | 3372 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:59 PM
    Durov is currently out on bond but not allowed to leave France.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    08-29-2024, 05:37 PM
    Yeah, there are a lot of words that this kind of thing frequently applies to - especially in the realm of politics and political philosophy & ideology (e.g., "communism", "socialism", "capitalism", "anarchy", "liberalism", etc.). For example, one person hears "capitalism" and thinks "bankers, billionaires, and assorted other cronies who hang out on the corner at the intersection of Wall Street and the government", while another person hears the same word and thinks "voluntary entrepreneurialism engaged in by free people unfettered by extortionate government-imposed bureaucratic managerialism" - and yet another person may think yet another thing, and so on. Ultimately, words (all words - even including relatively innocuous and unassuming ones such as "a" or "the" or "and") are just arbitrary conceptual labels, composed of arbitrary vibrations (when spoken) or arbitrary squiggles (when written). For any given word, there will be greater or lesser agreement about what concepts the relevant vibrations and squiggles are supposed (more or less exactly) to denote. For better and for worse, that is an inescapably inherent feature of how any "general purpose" language (such as English) will function - otherwise, it couldn't be "general purpose". Speaking for myself, I fully support and endorse referring to Kamala Harris, et al. as "communists" or the like (à la James Lindsay, Xi Van Fleet, et al.), and I also fully support and endorse taking exception to those references (à la Connor O'Keeffe, Dave Smith, et al.) - so long as those making such references or taking such exceptions are able to usefully specify (or clarify) what they mean when called upon to do so. Beyond that, games of "dueling dictionaries" are just pointlessly semantic dick-wagging contests.
    401 replies | 20553 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    08-29-2024, 04:30 PM
    CLIP from SYSTEM UPDATE #324: Dangerous Charges Brought Against Pavel Durov By France {Glenn Greenwald | 29 August 2024} v5ajfto
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