It really looks like the paper gold market is breaking down and true price discovery for physical gold is just beginning.
Reminder of recent history and big picture view of the physical gold and silver market right now:
More analysis:
While I understand your point, incorporating Canada/Greenland into the United States as new States isn't the same thing as creating a supranational North American Union organization to dictate policy to the Federal government ala the EU to European nations.
This is good news. Uyeda and Pierce have been reasonable and fair actors on the SEC board that were outnumbered by Gensler and puppets. Now they are in a position to set policy.
The market isn't fully pricing in the risk of a tariff. If Trump actually pushes through a tariff on gold/silver it's going to cause some chaos in the paper markets.
Yeah, as with all meme coins - insiders are first in line and profiting off of the folks who pile in after them. So far the rug pull has been mild. Team $TRUMP has not gone full $HAWK (never go full $HAWK).
Yeah. It was a black tie event in NYC last night. All the big wigs from major crypto companies, foundations and VCs were there:
Tickets were $2,500 per person IIRC.
I'm kicking myself for watching TV last night instead of monitoring social media. I saw the news about the $TRUMP coin a couple of hours after Trump's tweet went live. It was already too late at that point to get in for the big gainz. I wonder how many people attending Trump's Crypto Ball in NYC last night got advance notice at the event and bought in before Trump's tweet made it public...
There are a lot of recent developments on this story. I have not been updating this thread with them. Most of the developments are encapsulated in this discussion with three of the main protagonists in the developing story:
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