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  1. James Madison's Presidency Trashed by the History Channel!
  2. Tweety Bird
  3. Neocon audience + Libertarian Speakers = Interesting Tea Party
  4. Minarchy (Badnarik) vs Anarchy (Molyneux) debate TODAY!
  5. Biden: We 'Misread How Bad the Economy Was'
  6. "People can't make informed purchasing decisions in a free-market", Causes monopolies
  7. Federal Forms Now Include "Multiracial" Category
  8. TX Senator Cornyn booed at Tea Party!
  9. Propaganda Identification and Discussion Thread
  10. Teacher Releases Her Sex Tape to Class
  11. White House Tours Hard to Get
  12. Media caught lying about the Tea Parties
  13. Liberty Movement needs a 24 hour news network
  14. Need help finding Freedom candidates to replace specific Reps
  15. The Most Powerful Military Force in the World is the American People
  16. Secession
  17. Tell University of Washington to stop with the Obama propaganda
  18. Stossel takes on anti-atheism in America
  19. Number Stations: Help Me Find More Information on This
  20. Who is more dangerous?
  21. Texas Nationalist Movement - TV commercial - 30 secs
  22. Underworld
  23. Underworld Express Travelers Cheques
  24. In Prisoners’ Wake, a Tide of Troubled Kids
  25. Australia: Smokers face $20 cigarette packs
  26. Sharpton Calls for Jackson Postage Stamp and Day of Mourning
  27. ‘Rogue broker’ blamed for oil spike
  28. Russian spacecraft landed on moon hours before Americans
  29. With hidden cameras seemingly everywhere, what are the implications for our lives?
  30. Joshua Bell plays the DC subway
  31. Clinton Was the Best! He Balanced the Budget...
  32. Restoring The Rule Of Law
  33. Restoring The Rule Of Law
  34. Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order
  35. 7/5/09 Gerald Celente on Fox News: Obamageddon is coming!
  36. The big whorehouse on the Potomac-Paul Craig Roberts
  37. Palin fires back at critics on Twitter
  38. Colin Powell urges Sotomayor critics to move past 'nonsense'
  39. Passing unread laws--Congress hides policy from the people
  40. What a cop thinks about the upcoming civil unrest
  41. Oh No! the Future of lewrockwell.com
  42. News article about Ron Paul's Tea Party in Victoria, Texas
  43. The White House and Media Control
  44. EPA clears California's new vehicular limits on greenhouse-gas emissions
  45. Did Obama swat a robotic fly?
  46. Republican Leadership Survey
  47. Will Supreme Court allow unlimited corporate contributions to election campaigns?
  48. G8 surveys financial crisis aftershocks
  49. Action Alert: call to oppose the Pass Act
  50. Former Mayor Marion Barry Arrested for Stalking
  51. McNamara Dies
  52. Sarah Palin - National "Higher Calling"
  53. Sprint Is Exclusive Wireless Data Provider For 2010 Census
  54. Pentagon Report Verified Detainee Torture
  55. Rare copy of Declaration of Independence found
  56. I'm tired of people here bashing Dennis Kucinich
  57. Anti-immigration movements increase crime.
  58. SCOTUS Decision Could Allow Corporations to Spend on Federal Elections
  59. Congressmen in one lesson
  60. What is a "neoconservative"?
  61. Lamentations of a warmonger
  62. The answer to the question: "What is a neoconservative?"
  64. FEMA's free market alternative?
  65. CIA Cutout, an introduction video
  66. WTF? Hillary is meeting with leftist dictator who attempted fail coup
  67. Did Sanford sell his soul to the devil?
  68. Top Federal Judge to Consider Obama Citizenship Issue?
  69. dual citizenship
  70. Washington has passed a law that ELIMINATES the RIGHT to VOTE??
  71. What do you think of the $250 given to disabled veterans?
  72. A summary of The Official Version of American History™
  73. Maichael Jackson fans fury, it's probably over for Congressman Peter King
  74. Pessimism porn vs reality opium
  75. Heard on MSNBC: Palin aborted (her term)
  76. High demand for enhanced driver licenses clogs DOL offices
  77. ATCi's Warrior Satellite Surveillance And Monitoring System
  78. Tax payers dollars used to make cop cars scare criminals more.
  79. Should linking be illegal?(internet freedom under attack)
  80. RJ Harris called a Nazi! WTF
  81. Oldest bible goes online.
  82. Saddam Hussein's Gun May Go To Bush's Presidential Library...
  83. James Bovard--Are Some People Too Dumb to Vote?
  84. Dumbing-Down the U.S. Navy in the Name of Diversity
  85. Exposing Neocon Jed Babbin the Liar Liar...Article I Section 8
  86. Pentagon Denies Flyover of Patriotic 'God and Country Rally'
  87. Chuck Baldwin: The Age of Despotism
  88. Why democracy works and doesn't...
  89. Broadband grants
  90. No, no, no... I would actually rather than say misread we had incomplete information?
  91. Palin Gives Interview To Explain Her Recent Actions...
  92. Activation of unknown nuclear reactor in Germany causes panic.
  93. Al Franken Sworn In
  94. The Pope now wants politicians and governments to regulate the world economy
  95. Galileo discovered planet Neptune?
  96. Obama's Third Term and the repeal the 22nd amendment movement
  97. Anyone else think this is really bizarre
  98. Chuck Baldwin - The Age Of Despotism
  99. 10 US/Westren troops killed in one deadly day in Afghanistan
  100. Justice Breyer on Cameras in the Court
  101. Witch hunt for Michael Jackson's doctors?
  102. Ten Steps To Close Down an Open Society
  103. Video Journalist Dave Ridley Imprisoned by "State of NH"
  104. Cyclist sues NYPD for $1.5M after YouTube vid captures cop body slam
  105. Tea party group demands apology from Port St. Lucie
  106. question for fox news
  107. "United We Fall" - Trailer
  108. One hell of a thesis about the Red Pill
  109. Ensure: The official drink of the GOP
  110. Democracy Fail
  111. Is the GOP stuck in the cold war?
  112. Is Obama a Wall Street project?
  113. Programming Humans
  114. Federal Web sites knocked out by Independence Day cyber attack
  115. Federal Web sites knocked out by cyber attack (Beginning of the Cyber 9/11?)
  116. Sotomayor plays the race card
  117. Powell airs doubts on Obama agenda--Making Gov't and Debt Too Big
  118. Sen. McConnell Slams Sotomayor on Firefighters Case
  119. New American: Pope Calls for "World Political Authority"
  120. GAO: Major security flaws found at federal buildings
  121. John Bolton The U.S. will be weaker globally...
  122. The Best Security Money Can Buy!
  123. Um... H. Res. 600: A Tribute to an American Legend and Musical Icon
  124. Why fight?
  125. Ron Paul’s bipartisan attack on the Fed
  126. Petition to stop the funding of planned parenthood
  127. Collectivism at it's finest
  128. Disabled protesters arrested outside Schwarzenegger's Office
  129. Psychiatric Oppression
  130. Yikes! Obama Screws Up Story of How He Met Michelle
  131. My Letter to the Union Auto Workers in Canada
  132. Fun Poll: Who's Cooler; Martin Luther or Luther Martin?
  133. North Korea attacking USA (Yeah...sure)
  134. Budget Nightmare: 10 Most Broke States
  135. condo owners say SMU defrauded them of their homes to make way for the new Bush libra
  136. Al Gore Sued By Over 30,000 Scientists For Fraud
  137. L.A. Targets Cannabis Clubs
  138. 5 types of libertarian - Tyler Cowen
  139. Security Flaws Found at Federal Buildings
  140. The 10 Biggest Douchebags in TV News
  141. How many Democrats does it take to screw you with a lightbulb?
  142. Mass: ‘Chew’ users may get $750
  143. Police recruit charged in burglary
  144. Ukraine slaps ban on all porn
  145. Researchers: Social Security Numbers Can Be Guessed
  146. Pickens backs off wind farm project
  147. FOIA blamed for Palin resignation
  148. U.S. [STILL] warns of multiple al-Qaida plots
  149. Government Job vs. Private Sector Jobs
  150. Obama NWO Threat website‏
  151. Federal Government and Enforcing Contracts
  152. [ALERT] PASS ACT UPDATE and more‏ UPDATE: PASS Act, Why It Must Be Stopped
  153. Obama’s Job Approval Dips to New Monthly Low
  154. The Men Behind Barack Obama-video
  155. Patriot Radio Review
  156. I Hope You Are Sitting Down for This!
  157. Saddam's rule 'better' for gay Iraqis
  158. MD students about to be taught Chinese by the NSA
  159. Political Party Choices
  160. Al-Qaeda in gay rape horror
  161. Ginsburg: I thought Roe was to rid undesirables
  162. I hate you, Sarah Palin
  163. Senator Ensign's "sin letter" shown in news real?
  164. Prolonged Detention????
  165. Help the GOP shrink Faster ASAP by
  166. Oh no! Another 430-1 House vote result coming soon! Guess who will vote No?
  167. This should be the theme song for REAL Republicans.
  168. Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family(Black on white hate crime)
  169. Billions in aid go to areas that backed Obama in '08
  170. GOP finds a hot button--Marco Rubio (Fla) for Senate
  171. Mass. Sues USA over Gay Marriage/DOMA
  172. She Sotomayor Almost Oversteps Her Role, Experts Say
  173. Sotomayor: GOP Knows it Can't Stop Nomination--WSJ
  174. Obama's Broken Promises: Higher Taxes, Massive Debt
  175. Why this site and Daily Paul are so much better than Free Republic
  176. My visit to Austin TX DPS!
  177. Obama Approval Hits Lowest Rating Ever
  178. Independents leaving Obama! 8)
  179. Independents deserting Obama
  180. I made 4 phone calls today, took 10 min, and I feel great!
  181. Firefighters in racial-preferences case to testify at confirmation hearing
  182. 1934 Chicago Tribune Cartoon Tell the Truth
  183. End 22 im going to puke!
  184. Warren Buffet is an IDIOT
  185. Industrialized nations agree on how to spend your money
  186. How John McCain helped make Sarah Palin look stupid
  187. The Federal Reserve & IRS Connection (Video) Youtube Banned over a year ago!
  188. NEA General Counsel Complains of Attacks from "Right-Wing Bastards"
  189. What would Sara Palin have to promise to gain your support?
  190. DeMint: America is ‘Where Germany Was Before World War II’
  191. David Kellermann Committed Suicide Why?
  192. Test Poll for the lewrockwell Droids: William Paterson
  193. IL: Former Blagojevich aid pleads guilty to fraud
  194. Lew Rockwell money bomb
  195. Bay State’s scorn for seat belts unrivaled
  196. Harry Potter star Jamie Waylett charged with growing cannabis
  197. Caption Competition: Obama, Geithner and the second stimulus...
  198. Eustace Mullins Interview, author of of Secrets of the Federal Reserve
  199. Do state governments = socialism?
  200. Michael Moore flim: 'Capitalism: A Love Story'
  201. Turn in your Neighbor for $1000
  202. Roger Ebert on Ron Paul
  203. Have question about Obama... Please help.
  204. Pope Benedict calls for "world political authority...to manage economy"
  205. Democratic Leader Laughs at Idea of Reading Bills before Voting
  206. 200-300 graves dug up in Chicago
  207. Court rules pharmacies cannot refuse to sell morning after pill
  208. Email Ebert to retract smear
  209. Hope From the West: The Sarah Palin Story
  210. Eshoo calls for probe of covert CIA program
  211. White folks gonna riot and I'm gonna join 'em
  212. The Tyranny of Mark Levin’s “Liberty”
  213. ***brüno scene with ron paul***
  214. Operation Falcon nets targeted fugitives (Pay attention to the bolded statement)
  215. Would you vote for a independent minded, principled socialist?
  216. Obama ineligibility attracting high-level attention - Joint Chiefs and Justice Dept
  217. Senate Rebuffs Obama on 'No-Match' Anti-Illegal Rule
  218. Rep. Steve King a Champion for Zionism
  219. Two Authorities on Fed Warn Against Expanding Role
  220. Thumbs up on the Glenn Beck show this week.
  221. One genuine GM ad, one spoof GM ad.
  222. In your own word, why is socialism evil?
  223. Marijuana Activist Silenced By Judge as Condition of Probation
  224. A crooked Chicago cop goes to prison and a pair of jail guards get stung
  225. US government ready to spend billions on flu vaccine
  226. US House passes $48.8 billion foreign aid bill
  227. NYPD Probes Beheading of Statue of Liberty Replica Seen in YouTube Video
  228. White Supremacists in the military
  229. Judge Napolitano on Darth Bader Ginsburg's innappropriate comments
  230. $18,000,000 for one government website (recovery.gov)
  231. Are Pacers Too White? No, All Bird Cares About Are Finding Guys Who Can Play
  232. So Obama WAS looking at the dress!
  233. Bernanke to get 2nd term....
  234. CIA Lies and Other Redundancies
  235. Your rights are now gone.
  236. Profound Game.
  237. Report: Bush program extended beyond wiretapping
  238. Sotomayor Nomination Opposed by 47%
  239. You gotta love it !!!
  240. Flash from the Past: Libertarian Stan Jones - Montana
  241. BOB&TOM TV: "Obama Man" by Greg Morton: This is so Dam funny
  242. Gay groups should disown Bruno Cohen and Drudge
  243. Turn in your Neighbor for $1000
  244. Letter to the Editor, RI PROJO
  245. B.O. visits his homeland (msm article)
  246. Kudlow, Bachman & FMR Dallas Fed Prez: Should The Fed Be Audited? Duhhh........
  247. Ron Paul on Brüno
  248. Southern Poverty Law Center Co-Founder on C-SPAN right now
  249. Florida GOP kicking out conservative / Ron Paul Republicans!
  250. On the topic of naming & shaming "extremists" by media