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  1. US. General explains how terrorist orgs are baptized into 'democratic movements'
  2. The truly weird gold story comes from the United States…
  3. Newsweek attacks Trump by posting photos of Bush/Obama hugging people during past hurricanes
  4. Richard Simmons lawsuit in trouble after judge claims being called transgender not defamation
  5. James Clapper: I agree with Bannon on North Korea
  6. The media has created hysteria and racial strife
  7. Gohmert to GOP Leaders: ‘We’ve Had the Majority’ ‘You Haven’t Let Us Hold Anybody Accountable'
  8. Car Tries To Ram Presidential Motorcade In Springfield MO
  9. Interior Department watchdog drops probe of threat to Alaska senator on healthcare
  10. "Consumer units" spend more on taxes than food and clothing combined
  11. North Korea says missile was ‘first step to WAR’ as Guam attack countdown begins
  12. Battlefield America Is the New Normal
  13. Morris Dees running rampant
  14. Do You Trust Trump to Reform Taxes?
  15. SPLC Says Army Bases Are Confederate Monuments That Need To Come Down
  16. Texans Are Nazis, per leftist cartoons
  17. US retaliates against Russia ordering closure of consulate and annexes
  18. US orders closure of Russian consulate in San Francisco
  19. Comey Drafted Statement Exonerating Hillary Before Key Witness Interviews
  20. Florida Democrat Election Official Admits Noncitizens, Felons Voting
  21. Trump to donate $1 million to Texas recovery
  22. Milwaukee sheriff, Trump supporter Clarke resigns
  23. Gas Stations Run Out of Fuel in Texas - Austin, Fort Worth, more...
  24. Degradation as Procedure
  25. We’re Not in Mayberry Anymore: the Militarization of Domestic Police
  26. House "fast tracks" and green lights self driving car legislation, and preempts states
  27. Federal Judge Rules Indiana Seizing Cars With Civil Forfeiture Is Unconstitutional
  28. CNN Drew Griffin Rescues Driver From Floodwaters
  29. “Physical violence against white supremacists is ethically justifiable and effective"
  30. U.S. judge strikes down Obama administration overtime pay rule
  31. MS-Ole Miss event canceled, general campus freak out, over banana peel hung on tree
  32. Cop arrests and drags nurse from hospital for refusing warrantless blood draw on patient
  33. We The People Have Been Compromised — Imran Awan Timeline
  34. FEMA and Army Banning Volunteers from Helping People in Flooded Parts of Texas
  35. Sacramento City Approves ‘Advance Peace’ Program - offers CASH to 'peaceful' gang members
  36. Judge Denies Bail to Cantwell (Charlottesville)
  37. Trump To Block Russian Ownership Of Venezuelan Subsidiary In US
  38. Judge Orders FBI To Make Details Of Clinton Email Probe Public
  39. Why Houston Doesn't Need Federal Flood Relief
  40. FBI, DHS Officially Classify Antifa Activities As "Domestic Terrorist Violence"
  41. Petition To Label George Soros A "Domestic Terrorist" Has 80,000 Signatures
  42. Judge Rejects Menendez’s Request To Delay His 14 Count Corruption Trial cuz.. 'I'm A Senator'.
  43. One Of The Last Clinics To Offer Late Abortions Just Quietly Shut Down
  44. US military sends warships to Texas, Trump asks for $7.9 billion down payment on Harvey aid
  45. Americans largely support using nukes, even against civilians
  46. Congress is finally working to defund civil asset forfeiture
  47. Will the U.S. Free Itself From a South Korean Trade Deal?
  48. Justice Department: No evidence Trump Tower was wiretapped
  49. Trump preparing withdrawal from South Korea trade deal, a move opposed by top aides
  50. Trump nominates Oklahoma congressman as next NASA administrator
  51. Does the Confederate Flag Represent Racism and Slavery?
  52. Blacks Originally Helped Create Stonewall Jackson Monuments
  53. Strongly worded speeches/tweets aside, did Obama and Trump drop the ball on NK?
  54. Use Antiquities Act to Designate All Civil War-Related Monuments as National Monuments
  55. Black and Brown Students Refuse to Co-Exist
  56. Deputy DA Violently Beaten While Jogging In Newport Beach
  57. Trump: Maybe we’ll end all trade with countries that trade with North Korea. Everyone: Huh?
  58. Trump makes round of ambassador, executive nominations
  59. Letter Outgoing President Obama left for Incoming President Trump
  60. Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay
  61. Forget Wall Street – Silicon Valley is the new political power in Washington
  62. Minneapolis Bar Closes After Owner Donates To David Duke
  63. Millions who buy health insurance brace for sharp increases
  64. NH-Dem party chair says "inactive" NH voter outreach "organizing white supremacists"
  65. So Has George Got His Grand Jury Facts Right?
  66. New Oregon Law Green Lights Gun Confiscation in "Emergencies"
  67. Group of Texas GOP Activists Challenge Cruz's Eligibility for Senate
  68. NATO Discusses Dropping INF Treaty and Nuclear War Scenario in Europe
  69. Retired FBI Agent Sues DOJ For Records On Contributions By A Clinton Ally To McCabe's Wife
  70. Dems prep for major fight over Trump USDA science pick
  71. Wary of robots taking jobs, Hawaii toys with guaranteed pay
  72. Hollywood Calls a Wrap on $3.8 Billion Summer, Worst Since 2006
  73. Sessions: DACA Being Rescinded
  74. Gov. of US Virgin Islands authorizes National Guard to seize arms and ammo.
  75. Compassion for children: Obama strongly condemns Trump's 'wrong' and 'cruel' decision
  76. Texas Woman Donates 400 Hamburgers To Desperate Harvey Victims Until Red Cross Reprehensible M
  77. Will military confiscate firearms in USVI under Governor's order?
  78. Chicago reported thousands more votes than voters in 2016
  79. Hillary: I Lost Because Bernie Promised Everyone a Pony
  80. TSA abandons Key West Int. airport, potentially stranding thousands in path of Irma
  81. Mexican volunteers cross Texas border to bring aid to victims of Houston flooding
  82. Texas Voter Photo ID Law Gets GREEN LIGHT from Court of Appeals
  83. Fed Vice Chair Stan Fischer Unexpectedly Resigns
  84. Trump, Dems reach funding deal, disappointing Republicans
  85. House GOP blocks vote protecting medical marijuana states
  86. US Catholic Bishops blast Trump for rescinding DACA
  87. The USS Liberty Wins One!
  88. Embargo: US Seeks U.N. Authorization to Use Military Force On North Korean Smuggling Ships
  89. Hillary Democrats Are the Heart and Conscience of America
  90. NH - Over 5000 out of state illegal voters swung election results
  91. Trump Jr. Says He Wanted Russian Dirt to Determine Clinton’s ‘Fitness’ for Office
  92. Heather Robo SPOX: "US 'toured' Russian facilities..." - Matt Lee steps in...
  93. MSNBC Host Promotes The Discrimination of White Men in The Democrat Party
  94. Most-wanted Chinese tycoon applies for US political asylum
  95. SPLC CEO Richard Cohen: Our end is nigh!
  96. Imran Awan Still Has A Copy Of Congressional Data Linked To Wasserman Schultz
  97. Trump, Schumer, Pelosi Consider Repealing Debt Ceiling Altogether
  98. DeVos to Restore Due Process to Accused Students
  99. FBI: Awans Finalizing Immunity Deals with DOJ in Exchange For Testimony on Members of Congress
  100. Sessions Gives Disgraced Obama-Era IRS Official Lois Lerner Get-Out-Of-Jail Free Card
  101. Wife of Trump Organization Ethics Lawyer Arrested!!!
  102. NRA files another lawsuit challenging California's assault rifle restrictions
  103. Two more House Republicans announced this week that they're not planning to run again
  104. Dem Congressman: We’ll shut down gov’t if Dream Act fails
  105. Walt Whitman's Caution: Resist Much, Obey Little
  106. ‘Cake Is Speech’
  107. Trump sides with 3 Texas churches against FEMA
  108. Virginia’s election supervisors directed counties to ditch touchscreen voting machines
  109. Jeff Sessions Wants To Put Entire National Security Council Through Lie Detector Test
  110. Bannon Declares War On The GOP": Key Highlights From His 60 Minutes Interview
  111. Bannon and allies preparing primary challenges against GOP
  112. Saudi government allegedly funded a ‘dry run’ for 9/11
  113. 2018 Could Be The Year Incumbents Are Shown The Door
  114. Hillary Clinton speaks
  115. Romney plans 2018 Senate run
  116. Junipero Serra Statue Beheaded at Old Mission
  117. Rep. Dave Trott to leave Congress
  118. Allegations that Trump is being Drugged by Traitor Cabinet
  119. Laura Ingraham to Take Over Hannity’s Fox News Time Slot
  120. White House Seeks DOJ Probe of James Comey for Perjury Accuses ex-FBI Boss of “False Testimny"
  121. Judge Demands Bar Investigation Of Hillary Aides Who Helped Destroy Private Emails
  122. More DPRKalifornia Treason
  123. RT Must Register as Foreign Agent in US
  124. Why we lose liberty
  125. Mnuchin: US mulling sanctions against China over North Korea
  126. Ain't It Thaad? Lost Billions as Korean/China Retailer's Woes Grow
  127. In surprise vote, House passes amendment to restrict asset forfeiture
  128. Russia stirs the pot
  129. Supreme Court blocks rulings forcing Texas to redraw districts
  130. An Excellent Rant About Hillary Rotten Clinton
  131. Article V Constitutional Convention Gains Steam (Arizona)
  132. FL - Rap star shoots video showing lynching of white child
  133. Jeff Sessions urges permanent reauthorization of FISA surveillance law
  134. MD - College Park city council approves voting rights for illegal immigrants
  135. Mueller Probe Has ‘Red-Hot’ Focus on Social Media, Officials Say
  136. Hillary: ‘1984’ Teaches Public Should Trust ‘Leaders, The Press, Experts’
  137. Medicare For All
  138. On a scale of 1 to 10, Hillary Clinton rates pain of her election loss to Trump at 25
  139. Conflicts of interest: Appropriate to call corporate media owners' employees "journalists"?
  140. Motel 6 hotels sending guest lists to ICE
  141. Trump blocks Chinese acquisition of US semiconductor firm
  142. Democrats Pick Up Two House Seats in Previously Republican Districts
  143. Trump admin waives more environmental laws to expedite border wall construction in California
  144. Gun silencer bill advances, moves to House floor
  145. Missouri Senate votes to censure Chappelle-Nadal over Trump assassination post
  146. Four Republicans have said they will join the race to replace Brownback
  147. Schumer, Pelosi Announce Deal With Trump: DACA For Border Security, But No Wall
  148. 50% of Millennials would give up their right to vote to get student loans erased
  149. Trump & Democrats Near Agreement on DACA
  150. Pentagon Falsifying Paperwork For Weapons Transfers To Syrian Rebels
  151. US Bombings in Afghanistan Hit Five-Year High in August
  152. Hillary Calls For Abolition of Electoral College
  153. Official Berkeley Communist Riot thread
  154. The Truth About ESPN's Left Wing Bias
  155. As G.O.P. Moves to Fill Courts, McConnell Takes Aim at an Enduring Hurdle
  156. Trump maintains position that Charlottesville Antifa were also wrong
  157. The best thing about Trump he is destroying people's belief in government
  158. Mark Meadows: Freedom Caucus is working 'very closely' with White House to write DACA bill
  159. Councilman resigning after secret ‘furry’ life revealed
  160. "racist" Francis Scott Key memorial vandalized
  161. Senators Try To Rein In Saudi Arabia’s Brutal U.S.-Backed Campaign In Yemen
  162. Nearly 4 In 10 Americans Can’t Name ANY First Amendment Rights
  163. Evidence the FBI PAID for the RussiaGate PeePee "Dodgy" Dossier -- Urine a lot of trubs McCabe
  164. 17 billionaires and celebrities who could run for President in 2020
  165. Ron Paul on amazon alexa jeopardy
  166. The Most Banned Website Ever Now Back Up
  167. Andy Ogles launches U.S. Senate bid for seat held by Bob Corker
  168. Pennsylvania Will Run Out Of Cash Tonight, Leaving $860MM Of Bills Unpaid
  169. U.S. judge sides against Trump in fight over 'sanctuary cities'
  170. Former Sheriff David Clarke must revise thesis or lose degree: report
  171. 75% of Yale faculty identify as liberal
  172. Russia, US Officials Revive Dialogue On Arms Control
  173. Justice Department ends program scrutinizing local police forces
  174. NY governor: Police can’t question immigration status
  175. California, Proposal dividing it into 3
  176. North Korea Missile launch: Trump stands in front of nuclear bomber to warn KJU
  177. Deaf community outraged after interpreter signed gibberish before Irma
  178. Critics slam ADL for training U.S. police in Israel
  179. Sound Attacks on US and Canadian Diplomats in Cuba
  180. Update: Maryland Will Not Allow Illegal Aliens To Vote In Local Election
  181. Orrin Hatch Passionately Defends Medical Marijuana?
  182. Trump folds again: Now US will NOT be pulling out of Paris Climate Accord
  183. Trump administration's anti-leak plan revealed in leaked document
  184. New US Law Blurs The Line Between Hate Speech And Hate Crime
  185. Gov. Cuomo visits US Virgin Islands to survey damage from Hurricane Irma
  186. US senator on Equifax hack: 'Somebody needs to go to jail'
  187. High-Ranking CIA Agent Blows Whistle On The Deep State And Shadow Government
  188. US-Backed Kurds Won’t Let Syrian Forces Cross Euphrates River
  189. Trump backs Michigan AG in governor's race
  190. How Rich Chinese Use Visa Fixers to Move to the U.S.
  191. Brooke Baldwin Freaks Out Over Clay Travis Talking About Boobs
  192. Judicial Watch: Panel Discussion "Exposing the Deep State"
  193. Judge May Keep Sheriff Joe Conviction Despite Trump Pardon
  194. More Illegals Expected
  195. ABC World News Bias
  196. NYT Horrified When 11 Year Old Mows White House Lawn
  197. Governments turn tables by suing public records requesters
  198. No, We Cannot Shoot Down North Korea’s Missiles
  199. Justice Department Begins Criminal Probe Into Equifax Executive Stock Sales
  200. Trump becomes third president to renew extraordinary post-9/11 powers
  201. The race to be the next governor of Virginia is virtually tied
  202. Ryan Zinke has recommended that President Trump modify 10 national monuments
  203. "DON'T TASE ME BRO!" Guy 10 Years Later
  204. Manly Tyranny
  205. Commentator sues Fox News, claiming she was blacklisted after alleging anchor raped her
  206. Families Losing Faith in Government Schools
  207. Pepe Creator Serving Frivolous Anti-Speech Lawsuits Against Meme Sharers
  208. Tucker Carlson: Should the govt regulate Google?
  209. Pakistan prepares tough diplomatic policy for US, says report
  210. Who will 'help' Dominica?
  211. "Food Stamp" beneficiaries decline every month since Trump took office
  213. Dreamers turn on Pelosi
  214. In U.N. speech, Trump threatens to ‘totally destroy North Korea’ and calls Kim Jong Un ‘Rocket
  215. Trump UN Speech Transcript
  216. Kim Jung-Un Belts Out “Rocket Man” in Parody Concert Video
  217. Donald Trump considering military parade for Fourth of July
  218. Trump Set To Ease Gun Export Rules
  219. Morgan Freeman: 'We Are At War With Russia'
  220. Remember When James Clapper Categorically Denied Any Wiretap Against Trump Campaign?
  221. Russian Collusion? New Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton Invited Putin To "Pay For Play" Event
  222. Michigan Town Forces Man To Sell Car Collection
  223. Senate confirms Trump’s solicitor general Noel Francisco
  224. US tightening rules for visas
  225. Santorum supports Grahamcare, claims 'we ended welfare'
  226. John Kelly looks like he’s having a great time during Trump’s UN speech
  227. If Socialism Is the Problem in Venezuela, More Sanctions Are Not the Solution
  228. Republicans are bad, but Democrats are significantly worse.
  229. Houston City Councilman: Do Not Donate To Red Cross. We Are Not Seeing Red Cross Do Anything
  230. 6 U.S. Agencies Conspired to Illegally Wiretap Trump; NSA Used British to Spy on Campaign
  231. Peter Thiel is being considered to chair Trump's intelligence advisory board
  232. NKorea Dismisses Trump Threat as 'Dog Barking'...
  233. James O’Keefe (Project Veritas) Announces New Investigation: MSM Members Will ‘Lose Their Jobs
  234. Jeff Sessions Slams Marijuana Legalization (Again)
  235. Senate Approves Record-Shattering $700 Billion Pentagon Spending Bill:
  236. Obama Thinks People Trust Him More Now That He's Not President
  237. Samantha Power allegedly tried to ‘unmask’ Americans on a daily basis
  238. Nambia
  239. Toot Toot! The 2018 climate pimping is already underway
  240. WH Fingers Mitch McConnell As Media Leak; Believes He Divulged Sensitive Intelligence on Trump
  241. Via Carol Paul: Tucker Carlson Breaks Down New Trump Wiretap Report
  242. The Unipolar Global Imperium: "Choose North Korea Or The US" (Pssst: It's Aimed at Russia)
  243. Push to unseal the draft Whitewater indictment against Hillary Clinton gets court date
  244. NSA forced to back down on two encryption techniques it wanted to set as global standards
  245. Maxine Waters pushes Trump impeachment — during eulogy!
  246. Dilbert Creator's Theory On The Genius Of Trump's "Rocket Man" Comments
  247. General Kelly Voted For Hillary
  248. Ex-CIA agent tweets article blaming Jews for US wars, then apologizes
  249. Ben Shapiro Rips On Rand Paul & Ron Paul
  250. Court rules Stingray use without a warrant violates Fourth Amendment