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  1. Cantwell Enters Plea Deal on Charges of Assault and Battery
  2. Watchdog Files Suit Against DOJ Seeking Comey’s Personal Emails
  3. Obama Releases First Set of Midterm Election Endorsements, Does Not Endorse Ocasio-Cortez
  4. Federal Judge Declares Albuquerque’s Vehicle Seizure Program Unconstitutional
  5. Comey and McCabe Tried To Destroy FBI Whistleblower
  6. Yet another fake "hate receipt" at Texas restaurant
  7. Voter Rolls Continue to Show Registered Non-citizens
  8. California's Native Americans Now Want to Secede From Trump's America
  9. When Oklahoma was socialist
  10. Illegal Aliens falsely claim they're father and daughter, present fake birth certificate
  11. ACT NOW! Urge Senators to Support Assistance for Israel’s Security
  12. Feinstein staffer was spy for China
  13. 12 Clinton Whistleblowers Found ‘Hanging From Doorknobs’
  14. Richard Spencer Admits To Being a Progressive
  15. Gergen Ready to Blame Trump for Potential Kinetic Backlash to Corporate Media
  16. How much joy I get from being cruel to old white men
  17. Hundreds of NC teachers are flunking math exams. It may not be their fault
  18. Stephen Colbert calls for "accountability" from CBS CEO Les Moonves
  19. The Treasonous Democratic Party
  20. Trump Receives New Letter From Kim Jong Un, Sends His Reply
  21. Ivanka Trump: Media not enemy of people, 'vehemently against' family separation
  22. Fake News Legend: Trump Admin is Worse than Watergate
  23. 63 Year Old Hispanic Man Threatens Steve Scalise
  24. Reporters, Celebs Call Trump-Supporters "Nazis", "KKK", Want Them "Euthanized" After Rally
  25. Highlights from the Tennessee Primaries Today
  26. Senators Seek "Crushing" Sanctions For Russia In New Bill
  27. Glenn Jacobs, aka Kane of WWE, takes home Knox County mayoral race
  28. Feinstein had a Chinese spy connection she didn’t know about — her driver
  29. Says San Jose Mayor May Have Ordered Police To Steer Trump Supporters Into Riot
  30. NH-State Senate minority leader arrested for beating, biting, kicking woman
  31. U.S.: Export Controls Placed on 44 Chinese Firms
  32. Trump is Strengthening the Security of Our Elections
  33. Ecuador says it is launching security effort with US
  34. The Bizarre Facebook Path to Corporate Fascism
  35. California Virus Spreading to Idaho
  36. Glenn Greenwald discuss the Ideological Alliance between Neocons and Liberals under Trump
  37. Pope Francis Declares Death Penalty Unacceptable in All Cases
  39. Federal judge says Trump must fully restore DACA
  40. Netroots Panelist Accuses Tom Perez Of Underfunding Black Candidates
  41. Los Angeles council proposes banning fur sales, like West Hollywood and San Francisco
  42. New York state shuts down child's lemonade stand
  43. The NRA 'will be unable to exist' due to financial losses, group argues in legal filing
  44. Russia asks for US help in rebuilding Syria
  45. McCain Flunky Who Weaponized the IRS Now Controls All Internal DoJ/FBI Probes
  46. Chomsky Admits "Israeli Intervention In US Elections Overwhelms Anything Russia Has Done"
  47. Suspected Russian spy found working at US embassy in Moscow
  48. SEC Ends Exxon Mobil Climate Change Probe
  49. Trump admits to trying to kill Obamacare, that's illegal
  50. Would you Trade Places with This Man?
  51. Undocumented immigrants are fleeing Trump's America
  52. Judge Bates engages in judicial tyranny, commands Trump to restart Obama’s DACA
  53. Trump insults NBA star Lebron James
  54. Trump considered Robert Mueller, former FBI chief, as Jim Comey's replacement: Report
  55. Russia names action-movie star Seagal as envoy for US
  56. The Pot Breathalyzer Is Here. Maybe
  57. The Communists Behind the “Abolish ICE,” “Occupy ICE” Agitation
  58. CNN Guest: ICE Brought My Ancestors on Slave Ships
  59. Widely respected neocon Joe Lieberman supports Trump's economic sanctions on Iran
  60. Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Closed. No Motive Found
  61. Capitalism needs a welfare state to survive
  62. Duplicate Sarah Jeong "tweets" substituting "Jews" for "Whites" results in suspension
  63. Bill Kristol Angry with Pro-Russian Shirts found at Trump Rally
  64. New Mexico libertarian party nominates Gary Johnson for senate
  65. Black Activists Protest At Progressive Convention
  66. Obama announces end to 'wet foot, dry foot' policy for Cuban refugees
  67. Trump: Environmental laws making California wildfires 'so much worse'
  68. Gun rights group pulls endorsement for GOP candidate over criticism of 3D-printed guns
  69. New Arizona Law Moves State One Step Closer to Sound Money
  70. Illinois Lawmakers Seek To Engulf K-12 Students in “LGBT History”
  71. At least 40 shot and four killed in a night of Chicago gun violence
  72. Trump changes tune about 2016 Trump Tower meeting under investigation by special counsel
  73. How Immigrants, Commerce, and Fusion Keep Food Delicious
  74. 40 Percent of Americans Unable to Name a Single First Amendment Right
  75. Trump’s Focus Is Where It Should Be — on China
  76. CIA: China is waging a 'quiet kind of cold war' against US
  77. NY state to mandate three months paid leave for bereavement
  78. Arab Smuggling Ring Discovered On Mexican Border
  79. California Should Use Water to Fight Fires- and Cut Down Trees
  80. Trump: Tariffs To Help Pay Down our Debt
  81. Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Spotify ban Infowars' Alex Jones
  82. Obama to receive RFK Human Rights award
  83. Good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun...
  84. Daniel McAdams suspended from Twitter!!!
  85. Matt Drudge warned "alternative" media years ago about FaceBook/Google/Twitter
  86. West Virginia set to allow smartphone voting for those serving overseas
  87. Pentagon’s $70 million program at Porton Down
  88. Senate Democrats Are Circulating Plans for Government Takeover of the Internet
  89. The NRA is fracturing
  90. The FBI calls Chinese spies in the US a 'whole of society threat'
  91. Ben Swann: Facebook Purge of Dissenting Voices Could Lead To Its Demise?
  92. Stop Complaining and Just Delete Facebook
  93. Kobach Locked in Tight Battle with Incumbent Governor
  94. US Abandons Oil Sanctions To Avoid Owning Venezuela's Collapse
  95. Trump-Backed Republican Wins Ohio Special Election
  96. Gov's Certificate of Need stops Dr. from offering cheap MRI scans
  97. Trump administration opens up more drugs covered by Medicare to price negotiations
  98. Now the Trump administration wants to limit citizenship for legal immigrants
  99. Judge upholds transgender bathrooms: Female ‘students do not have a fundamental privacy right’
  100. US Senate Intelligence Committee calls editor Julian Assange to testify!
  101. CA Democrats Triggered Over Cascarone Tax Raid
  102. Was limited voting rights the reason we had slavery?
  103. Big tech and the new corporate censorship
  104. Federal judge: Is it realistic to force Georgia to use paper ballots?
  105. U.S. State Department Officially Pins Skripal Poisoning on Putin
  106. 2 arrested in attack of 71-year-old Manteca man
  107. Federal agency studies "unauthorized" bridge in North Dakota
  108. U.S. Grants Iran Sanctions Waiver To Southern Gas Corridor
  109. WV impeaches remaining 4 supreme court justices
  110. Korbach To Oversee Own Election Recount
  111. A Four Person NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook On Flagging 'Propaganda'
  112. The Fed Destroys Their Bank Audit Records?!?!?!!?
  113. WH pushes back after Rand Paul suggests Trump asked him to deliver letter to Putin
  114. New Hampshire Dems Dump Bill Clinton From Fundraising Dinner
  115. New York Congressman Collins Arrested On Insider Trading Charges
  116. Bill to make Mexico Pay for Wall
  117. Mike Morell: We Need to Incite an Economic Based Coup in Russia
  118. No more sitting on the sidelines. The time has come to choose a side.
  119. The left is pissed at the Green Party, and already blaming Russia in Ohio
  120. "Heavily Armed" Muslim Extremists Arrested; Trained 11 Children To Commit School Shootings
  121. New York City Approves Cap On Uber Drivers, Sets Minimum Wage
  122. FDA Acquiring ‘Fresh’ Aborted Baby Parts to Make ‘Humanized Mice’
  123. Eric Eggers: November Midterms ‘Poised for a Tsunami of Voter Fraud’
  124. Nancy Pelosi: Voting for Democrats Gives ‘Leverage’ to Illegal Aliens
  125. Voter Fraud: 670 Ballots Cast in Georgia Precinct with 276 Voters
  126. Globalists Seek Absolute Immunity from Law; U.S. Fights Back
  127. Trump officials open door to fracking in California
  128. Terrorism Compound Found in NM?
  129. Trump administration slaps more sanctions on Russia after Skripal poisonings
  130. War Without End
  131. Internet DIY Biotech Making Gov't Irrelevant
  132. Q - The Plan To Save The World (Video)
  133. Gun-Rights Group Claims Amazon, Facebook Censored Their Website
  134. DOJ & FBI Land a 757 Jet in Little Rock, Arkansas; Load It With Boxes & Docs
  135. CNN Panicking: Warns of ‘Unsettling’ Signs Dems Are Losing Hispanic Voters to Trump
  136. Trump Stars ALL OVER Hollywood Blvd.
  137. Trump administration and EU build momentum toward hashing out a trade deal
  138. The REAL reason for the Alex Jones, InfoWars ban — and why more purges are coming
  139. Twitter Plans ‘Hate Speech’ Crackdown After Backlash From Upset Employees
  140. Oregon County Set to Become Second Amendment Sanctuary
  141. Alex Jones gains 5.6 million new Infowars subscribers in 48 hours after ban
  142. Jeff Sessions Calls Out SPLC
  143. Trump administration takes aim at Obama-era Medicare program
  144. DeVos Adds Another Damaging Obama Rule to Ash Heap
  145. Russian investigation recap highlights
  146. Platform vs Publisher - The Debate on Censorship
  147. Deep State and MSM Will Fight to the Death Against Trump – Paul Craig Roberts
  148. India nationals illegally crossing the US-Mexico border in record numbers, pay up to 25G
  149. EPA Says Ethanol Damages The Environment — Isn't It Time To Kill The Program?
  150. US suspends funding for Pakistan's military training programme, says report
  151. Florida Gov. wants proof from Sen. Nelson over hacking claim
  152. Air Force officer wants to use bombs to fight California wildfires
  153. Government threats against Facebook is the real issue
  154. Trump Ate Sensitive Document After Cohen Meeting, Former White House Aide Claims
  155. Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends numer
  156. Twitter Suspends Libertarian Commentator Gavin McInnes And His Activists Group
  157. First Lady's parents granted naturalization
  158. Man who tied up and sexually assaulted 14-year-old girl will not go to jail
  159. California Bill Would Require Women On Corporate Boards
  160. South China Morning Post: China should cut its losses in the trade war by conceding defeat
  161. New York Times Reprints Socialist Magazine Editorial's Call to Replace Constitution
  162. UT: Code Enforcement Officer Shot, Killed
  163. Alex Jones was the horse sent back from custers last stand.
  164. 'Leave immediately': US Navy plane warned over South China Sea
  165. Samuel Adams: "The Constitution is Fixed"
  166. Donald Trump broke the presidency. It's time to get rid of the job altogether.
  167. Hawaii 2018 primaries: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez supports Democratic Socialist Kaniela Ing
  168. Keith Ellison Accused Of Domestic Violence
  169. Alex Jones on The Savage Nation 8/8
  170. NBC/Drudge's coverage of Omarosa-Trump feud appropriate?
  171. Twitter Monitoring “Off Platform” Behavior To BAN People Who Haven’t Violated Anything on Twit
  172. The Hegalian Dialectic and Free Speech
  173. Tens of thousands rally for removal of US base off Okinawa
  174. Converting Social Media Platforms into Public Utilities Would be a Mistake
  175. FBI fires Peter Strzok in wake of anti-Trump text messages 8/13/18
  176. Trump to Sign NDAA Today
  177. White House: We may have to kick China out of the WTO
  178. Gallup: "Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism"
  179. You’ve been arrested by a dishonest cop. Can you win in the system?
  180. Trump Tower Meeting Looks Increasingly Like a Setup by Russian and Clinton Operatives
  181. Are u personally angry at customers or players who refuse to stand for anthem at sport events?
  182. Ninth Circuit Returns to Form, Upholds Bizarre California Gun Regulation
  183. Antifa: "We'd have to do him like Gaddafi"
  184. Has Bezos Become More Powerful in D.C. Than Trump?
  185. The Deep States childish game of “I know you are but what am I”.
  186. Gina Haspel CIA Torture Cables Declassified
  187. Is Donald Trump a War Criminal? Poll
  188. California May Become First State To Require Companies To Have Women On Their Boards
  189. Disgraced Strzok raises 250K in Hours
  190. Chelsea Clinton Claims Roe v Wade “Added $3.5 Trillion to Our Economy”
  191. Secessionist Sentiment Remains a Plurality (39%) Among Likely Voters
  192. The Church of Trump
  193. New Info Indicates Clinton-Funded Oppo Research Launched FBI’s Trump Investigation
  194. Twitter To "Suspend Accounts For Trying To Evade Suspension"
  195. The Internet Just Crowd-funded The Release Of 4,358 CIA Mind-Control Documents
  196. Journalist Dead in Hotel Room Weeks After Reporting Bill Clinton to FBI & DHS for Raping Boy
  197. More Than Half of Foreign Refugees Are on Taxpayer-Funded Food Stamps
  198. CNN: Antifa’s Violence Against ‘Bigots’ Is ‘Right’
  199. Alphabet, Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft Want Hospitals’ Data
  200. Over 300 Catholic Pedos Preyed Upon 1,000+ Children Amid "Systematic" Coverup: Report
  201. LA Subway Becomes First In Nation To Deploy Portable Body Scanners
  202. "Transgender" "woman" wins Democratic nomination for Vermont governor
  203. WordPress jumps on the censorship wagon.
  204. California Officials Admit To Using License Plate Readers To Monitor Welfare Recipients
  205. Washington Is Intent on Destroying Iran
  206. War on Native American children in South Dakato
  207. Trump has revoked former CIA director's security clearance
  208. The Untold Story of John Bolton’s Campaign for War With Iran
  209. More Americans than ever find Democrats out of the mainstream
  210. H-1B: U.S. officials cracking down on Indian citizens, report says
  211. Big change in California’s Proposition 13 could be headed to ballot
  212. Almost 350 news outlets to publish editorials denouncing Trump's 'dirty war'
  213. Sen. Warren introduces bill to start federalizing business creation
  214. FCC shuts down Alex Jones....
  215. Japan, US Authorities Investigate Apple Under Anti-Monopoly Act
  216. Oklahoma School Shuts Down for 2 Days After Parents Threaten Transgender on Facebook
  217. Chinese Cops Now Spying on American Soil
  218. Mastercard Forces Patreon to Remove ‘Jihad Watch’ Founder Robert Spencer
  219. Hating Whitey: NY Times Runs Advice Column on Curing White-skin Privilege
  220. New Sanctions Target North Korean Trade Partners
  221. Puerto Rico energy company says all its customers have electricity
  222. U.S., Mexico to announce new plans to tackle drug cartels
  223. Federal Judge Arrested In Miami-Dade
  224. Trump ends Obama-era rules on US-led cyberattacks
  225. Democrats funding spike in gun control ads this election cycle
  226. News Media Is Afraid Of CIA Says NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney
  227. Mueller Investigation Seeks to Implicate WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in Russian Interference
  228. George Orwell Warned Us Of The Most Dangerous Type Of Censorship
  229. Elizabeth Warren unveils bold new plan to reshape American capitalism
  230. Millennial Couple Bikes Near ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed
  231. Twitter verifies racist Sarah Jeong
  232. LMFAO!
  233. Trump's military parade expected to cost a cool $100 million
  234. African American Teenage Lobsters
  235. Second Tesla Whistleblower Alleges Mexican Cartel Drug Trafficking Ring At Nevada Gigafactory
  236. Pompeo Forms "Iran Action Group" To Coordinate All Iran Strategy, Reports Directly To White Ho
  237. Twitter Blocks Cali. GOP Candidate’s Ad
  238. Cuomo: America Not Great; Trump: Run Against Me in 2020
  239. Democrat Legislator Under Fire After Calling Asian-American Opponent 'Ching-Chong'
  240. Colleges Offer Courses On "*****ing" Children
  241. Satanic statue unveiled at the Arkansas State Capitol
  242. DEA Wants More Marijuana Grown And Fewer Opioids Produced In 2019. Really.
  243. Trump eyes plan to privatize war in Afghanistan
  244. U.S. will prosecute makers of 'undetectable' plastic guns: Sessions
  245. Trump is considering a huge change to the way America's biggest companies report earnings
  246. Twitter Bans Anti-War Activist for Abusing 'Songbird'
  247. Ocasio-Cortez bans press from town hall
  248. CA: New bill will mandate water or milk as first choices for kids at restaurants
  249. Would The U.S. Sanction China For Buying Iranian Oil?
  250. Wash. State Court Ruling Disqualifies Gun-Control Initiative From Ballot