I have taken the last few weeks, and committed them to reading, thinking, and reflecting.

Something seemed wrong, very wrong with Libertarian thought to me. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. But I think I can now.

1. Liberty. Liberty can become tyranny if the individual uses his Free Will for evil. The French Revolution is a testament to this. Sure, they were free of the church and the king, but they were enslaved to ideology, bloodlust, vice, sin...to evil. Liberty gave rise to a Dictator, Napoleon. Liberty is not the end all.

2. Equality. Equality is simply a lie. We are born different. I'm white, you may be black. I scored a 145 on a 10 min IQ test that I took, you may only score 140. I grew up on a rural town, you may have grown up in the city. I'm hard working, you may be lazy. I was born into a middle class family, you may have been born rich or poor. To sum it up. We're all different. Inequality is a fact of life. Even God sees damned sinners and saved saints differently. Even to say equality under the law is undesirable. That creates mandatory minimums and whatnot without any case by case analysis. We are, indeed, special snowflakes. We are not a monolith. This means that some will win, and some will lose. That means that some are superior to others who are inferior.

3. Fraternity. Fraternity is the lust for sameness, which is the brother of equality. This gives rise to the Jacobins and the Nazis. To reject our natural diversity, to divorce ourselves from our neighbors is ludicrously. There is no reason that the Irish, Welsh, English, and Scots cannot accept each other as countrymen instead of seeking to divorce from each other.

1.2 Virtue. Virtue must be coupled with Liberty, else you have Tyranny. That doesn't mean paying lip service to Virtue as you decriminalize heroin. It means restoring traditional values, in so that we police ourselves. The choices of your neighbors shape your society. It concerns you. It can hurt you. This is about culture. About religion. About common objective morality. I am not content with policing only myself. We are in a social contract together. We owe each other our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. We have a duty to each other to ensure the blessings of liberty are afforded to posterity...they can not be allowed to be turned from blessings to damnings.

2.2 Hierarchy. Hierarchy is a good thing. It builds order, which fosters liberty and virtue. Revolutionary changes are Marxist by design, which Evolutionary changes slowly build upon existing traditions. Take post WW1 Europe as example. Democracy created totalitarian governments, with Democracy being Socialistic by design. Would not Europe have been better off with the Kaiser instead of Hitler? Democracy is a false idol. It has destroyed everything good and beautiful of our ancestors, and has created ideological problems that will boil over into war, or submission.

3.2 Diversity. Diversity is what makes us human. While the animals lust after tribal instinct, we humans want nothing more than to live in our own tribe, but enjoy visiting another tribe. This is a two part understanding. First a rejection to globalism and multiculturalism as an attempt to destroy natural diversity that is present among largely homogeneous populations. Look at the Scots, Irish, English, and Welsh. Every single one of the 50 states should have its own culture. Each town from there. Each family. Each person. We are distinct, and we shall not dilute ourselves out of existence! But. We must not be hostile to neighbors who share similar values. Thus, the Austrians and Germans both sharing a Christian heritage should get along, while it is understandable that Christians and Muslims may not get along. They are more than just different tribes, they are different peoples. They cannot mix. If they do, the tribes will fight for dominance. There must be a objective right and a wrong, else there is now Law. If that objective foundation is the same, peace. Different, war.

We have to break free of the darkness of the "Enlightenment". It's a toxic Ideological disease that has destroyed our civilization, from religion, to manners, to customs, to Philosophy, to our buildings and monuments. We no longer have pride in ourselves. We are shamed as the hordes invade us. Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society. A wise civilization plants trees that men know they will never see the shade of.

We need reactionary reform. Not revolutionary. We need to go back to what has worked in the past, with our eyes towards the future.

Government at the most local of levels, but also economy. Capitalism concentrates power into the hands of Walmart and McDonald's and destroys localism. That MUST END. We are held in bondage to our wages. We must have the strength to break free from the capitalist/socialist double sided coin. Free Enterprise.

I am arguing a philosophy that is ancient. One that predates America. One that has been forgotten. If we are ignorant to our own history, we are to always remain intellectual juveniles. The whiggish whitewash of history has brought us to our knees. Please, stand with me.

I don't know what to call it. I'm not sure it has a name.

But it sure as hell isn't Libertarian.

Inspired by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Erik Von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, G.K Chesterton, JRR Tolkien, CK Lewis, Thomas Aquinas, St Augustine, Edmund Burke, The World as it is.

Abandon Utopia with me. Let's fight for Liberty...and Virtue.
