02-10-2025, 04:34 PM
LOL. You said "noone in the Arab world seriously denounces Hamas." Your statement is provably false. You are the only fool here. Abbas didn't support provoking a wider war with Israel or he would have done it already. I don't give a rats ass if he "feels the slightest sorrow for a dead Jew." That's irrelevant. This isn't about how somebody "feels." It's about who had the ability to prevent October 7th. Abbas didn't have that ability but Bibi Netanyahu did. Israel had the plans for the attack 1 year in advance. And Ron Paul clearly REJECTED your argument that if people other than the Afghanis had operational control of Al Qaeda on 9/11 that meant war with the Afghanis was warranted. He rejected that in November 2001 just months after voting for tha authorization for military force. Ron Paul supported SURGICAL strikes to get Osama Bin Laden, who had already escaped before we invaded, and NOT a general war! If Israel had just attacked Hamas the way it attacked Hezbollah in Lebonon with minimal civilian casualties, the civilized world would not care. Candace Owens brought that point up multiple times when she debated Zionist shills last year.
Once more in case you missed it.
Ron Paul: The Afghan people did nothing to deserve another war. The Taliban, of
course, is closely tied to bin Laden and the al Qaeda, but so are the
Pakistanis and the Saudis. Even the United States was a supporter of
the Taliban's rise to power. And as recently as August of this year, we
talked pipeline politics with them. The recent French publication of
bin Laden, ``The Forbidden Truth,'' revealed our most recent effort to
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