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  • Snowball's Avatar
    Today, 08:37 AM
    It was my initial suspicion. Then, I was swayed, after about an hour. Since it's related to the ear, however, and the "bloody hand", one thing I noticed (rewinded and froze using DVR that day), was that when Trump retreived his hand just after the "bullet" hit his ear, there was NO BLOOD on his hand, which supposedly clasped his ear.
    973 replies | 25272 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Today, 08:29 AM
    ok, that is the threat title, so I can't say you're wrong about that, but the subject is the tweet. Do you have an opinion on the subject?
    13 replies | 277 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Today, 08:16 AM
    Merely saying Trump hasn't been assassinated by Iran is off-topic.
    13 replies | 277 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Today, 07:41 AM
    That's not playing devil's advocate. To play DA in this, you'd have to justify what he said.
    13 replies | 277 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Today, 07:19 AM
    There are many Jews in Israel that can't stand Netanyahu. I guess they are all "self-hating Jews", eh?
    51 replies | 1284 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Today, 07:01 AM
    It's been 4 1/2 years since Solemani (and 9 others) were murdered. If Iran really wanted Trump dead, he'd BE dead by now. They are professionals and there's been plenty of opportunities. I don't like how he (as is his way) gives us nothing at all to believe he's a reasonable analyst of intelligence (we are left to magine that prospect), or to consider if the nuclear annihilation of dozens of millions of people is worth one 78 year old (who did what angered them), and all that would follow it; undoubtedly, a LOT of Americans also being killed, but we have to dismiss it as nonsense or deem him literally insane. Moreover, we would probably be left wondering if the claims are even true. Russia and China are not in the mood for games. America wants to play rought? It dies. End of Story. Sadly, this kind of rhetoric is what you often hear at barbeques and barrooms, not from a man with the potential power to actually make it happen. I cannot imagine any other president in history saying this. Disappointed, but not surprised.
    13 replies | 277 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:12 PM
    It's not speech. It is an act (DEED) that could be violating zonig codes, reckless endangerment, civil disturbance, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, etc. People get arrested for disorderly conduct, just yelling. That is speech. Lighting a flame to a flag isn't. Especially if fires are not allowed in that area.
    8 replies | 251 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:07 AM
    I don't know why everyone is so surprised. Musk is part Jewish. Still doesn't mean he supports Israel making bad decisions.
    51 replies | 1284 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:52 AM
    it appeared strange, until ... Former stripper Amber Rose reveals her Jewish roots
    100 replies | 2297 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 10:42 AM
    I don't know why you dug this up, but since you did, yes, it would appear predatory. And since you brought this up Shrinking of Palestine 1947-2023: The Golan is Syrian land. Taking it is predatory and not in any way part of Israel's recognized mandate.
    163 replies | 7567 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 09:41 AM
    It would explain the rapidity in which Democrats got in full support behind Harris as their candidate. They may know.
    56 replies | 1756 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 09:09 AM
    I think we're all adults and can keep an eye on this whichever way we want to do that, but I agree now with CaptUSA that it's time to lay off the speculation in our posts.
    30 replies | 836 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 08:39 AM
    What in the world do you think you know about "my case"? I wasn't making any case at all. I was merely posting some historical facts without ANY comment about them. Anyone can see that by scrolling up to the Post, #152.
    163 replies | 7567 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 02:10 PM
    his biggest qualification would be EPA, but Trump's donors would panic.
    14 replies | 353 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 02:08 PM
    Today 07/22/2024 Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds June 28. Not even a month ago. RealClearPolling averages show that limited surveys suggest that Harris has an even bigger disadvantage than Biden if she were to run against Trump. The former president leads Harris by 6.6 percentage points, with 49.3 percent support to the Democrat's 42.7 percent.
    44 replies | 1090 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 12:18 PM
    He just endorses him. The deal is not revealed until after the election.
    14 replies | 353 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 12:00 PM
    fwiw, I suspect that RFK Jr. is going to drop out and endorse Trump before people can vote in September. Probably after the debate, so that it's not an issue discussed. The only delay is bargaining and whether it's revealed publicly or not that he's going to get a post. It's the corporate donors and GOP that don't want Kennedy with a real post, because they want those for themselves, and they don't want Kennedy and Trump getting close on a personal basis. Hopefully Trump is just taking the money from his corporate sponsors (who don't want RFK Jr. in the administration) and then once he has enough in the war chest, he'll cut a deal. They won't like it, but he can tell them it's worth it.
    14 replies | 353 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 09:42 AM
    I wonder what her payoff was.
    10 replies | 424 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 09:25 AM
    Guy. Stop the ad hominem and dispute anything I wrote instead. Now that you know there was no glass, and anonymous "law enforcement officials" are the last ppl you should be listening to as they are suspects here.
    973 replies | 25272 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 07:56 AM
    Listen closely to "Biden's" phone call. The words and emphasis are not natural. It sounds smashed together, like AI. They could have spliced words from other talks and made sentences out of them.
    80 replies | 1580 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 07:32 AM
    What concerns me most is how Biden was forced out right when this coverup is taking place about Trump assassination. What if Biden wanted to do things that made them uncomfortable, like fire people or provide for more transparency? That's a problem that needs addressing, and they could be incapacitating him. Another issue is how quickly the rally around Harris, which makes no sense politically. Harris was polling lower than Biden. Her unfavorables were in the 60s and 70s. She's received no votes, and now they say she has already locked it up with delegates? Why is Obama holding out? Is it something he knows? Why nominate a woman with no chance of winning a fair election? I think you know the answer. There won't be a fair election at all.
    90 replies | 2076 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 07:27 AM
    no comment
    973 replies | 25272 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 03:24 PM
    JD Vance calls on Democrats to invoke 25th Amendment
    56 replies | 1756 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 12:51 PM
    Pelosi endorsed her, and now Schumer and Jeffries are also expected to real soon, probably today .. but I don't see how it's all genuine. /////// The committee is scheduled to meet publicly on Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern. The meeting will be live-streamed on the DNC’s YouTube page. DNC Rules Committee Co-Chairs Bishop Leah D. Daughtry and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said the “process presented for consideration will be comprehensive, it will be fair, and it will be expeditious,” according to an individual close to the process who was not authorized to speak publicly.
    90 replies | 2076 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 08:58 AM
    Probably so.
    56 replies | 1756 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 08:49 AM
    No, I actually don't.
    56 replies | 1756 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 07:59 AM
    Well, if this is how sophisticated they really are, I still think they are wrong and that it won't happen, either. Why do I think they're wrong (if this really is their M.O.)? Because if Harris IS President she really will get millions more votes and it's going to be a lot closer, with a real chance to win, and lots of help from Democratic governors and SoS who run elections along with DHS cyber crews in most states run by this same gang. I still think Trump will lose, but I don't think they are bold enough to shove Kamala down our throats. They can get away with Clinton.
    56 replies | 1756 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 07:55 AM
    Today it's being reported that the only reason Biden delayed his decision was because he didn't think Harris could win. There is still plenty of time for Harris to flop. Her flopping will begin within days when polls are released. Then, the savvy Democrat delegates will not vote for her. She will fail to secure the majority because she really can't win. In steps the Hildabeest.
    29 replies | 672 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 04:22 PM
    I really think the Clintons are up to to something. Endorsing Harris so soon within minutes of Biden's resignation is not necessary. They are pulling an op. It goes like this. They know Harris will poll so badly that she has no path at all. She will drop out, and her delegates will go to Hillary. Hillary gains hundreds of instantaneous delegates and all good feelings for not running against a black woman.
    29 replies | 672 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 03:37 PM
    DNC says transparent process this means Kamala will have challengers
    90 replies | 2076 view(s)
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