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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:15 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:28 PM
    Naw. They truly don't care what "nobody is going to believe", they have made that clear 1,000x over. The Deep State are largely a bunch of groomers and they operate with a groomer mindset. The sad truth, however, is that they are not grooming because they can't get what they want by force. No, they are grooming because they want to get what they want without force, that is, by manipulating us into going along with it. That's what excites the groomer mindset. As for how much power they actually have, well, that is ultimately in God's hands. Depending where we are in God's timeline, that could range anywhere from a second War of Independence and reconstitution of the US on its original principles, all the way up to the Apocalypse. No matter what, they lose. But they might make a big mess on the way out...
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:19 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:46 PM
    Amazing that that is still up. They are absolutely shameless. At what point have these predatory groomers gone from mere tyranny-flashers to tyranny-sexual-assaulters? At what point are we allowed to hit them back? Do we have to let them send the AI political-minder robots to beat us bloody in our own homes before we're allowed to resist? Are we allowed to resist even then? Or do we just have to accept being forcibly transitioned by the "eLiTeS" into shemales? What rule of conscience compels me to accept this tyrannical order's attempt to groom and forcibly transition my own flesh-and-blood? Why am I wrong to treat the attempt any differently than I would treat someone trying to break down my front-door? Why am I morally prohibited from defending the innocent? Can someone explain to me how Romans 13 binds me to submit to the gang-lords of Sodom, who are now ensconced in DC? Anyone?
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:16 PM
    The American tradition of abolishing central banks 07/23/2024 • Mises Wire • Thomas J. DiLorenzo Article was so good I had to meme it...
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:24 PM
    2040? More like 2030...
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:13 PM
    OK Count Chocula, go back to your D&D game or whatever chore your Mom had you doing before I paged you... and here I had assumed TheCount was over the age of 13, silly me...
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 08:16 PM
    TW: If things like Eldritch abominations bother you, this is probably not the video for you. Those who think they are ready to play mindf-- games have no idea the fire they are really playing with...
    272 replies | 30162 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 06:54 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 06:52 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 06:45 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 04:21 PM
    In the video, he makes the claim that most programs halt, and so the value of Omega is very close to 1. This is not correct and it's a substantial mistake in respect to understanding how Omega is calculated. The famous paper Computing a glimpse of randomness by Calude et. al. calculates the first 64 bits of Omega and finds that it is less than 1/64, which is a pretty small number. How come the value they calculated is so far from 1, while the video creator thinks it should be almost 1? Because the numerical value of Omega in the 0,1 interval is somewhat arbitrary and depends almost completely on how you choose to construct the universal Turing machine M on which you define Omega. Thus, when we think of Omega as a concrete numerical value, we usually notate it Omega_M, that is, "Omega relative to universal Turing machine M". The signficance of Omega, as explained in the video, is not altered by the relative arbitrariness of its initial bits. We can make any particular Omega_M very close to 0 or very close to 1, depending only on the M we choose. But make no mistake, this doesn't make the bits of Omega arbitrary! Regardless of the M we choose, Omega_M still contains the same total amount of information (an infinite amount, actually) about the Halting Problem on M. And since M is universal, it can simulate any other Turing machine M'. We can reduce the halting problem on any Turing machine M' to the halting problem on M, and answer that with the oracle Omega_M. Thus, it does not matter what universal Turing machine M we choose, so long as it is universal -- Omega_M will have all the information about the halting problem on any other M' we might want to ask about. Thus, numerical "magnitude" of the probability of Omega_M is incidental... we learn nothing meaningful if it is close to 0, close to 1, close to 1/2, or some other probability. It is not Omega's magnitude that matters; what matters is that we can use the information in the concrete bits of Omega_M to provide uncomputable speedup to a halting dovetail (this is explained in layman's terms in the final section of the video).
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 02:04 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 12:20 PM
    It was probably Alex Jones filming the event from a high-altitude balloon and he flicked a booger that dried and hardened during its fall and as it reached terminal velocity it was moving so fast that when it struck Trump's ear -- purely coincidentally at the same time as the gunshot -- it caused a minor scuff which some MAGA-heads might hyperbolically call a "scratch". The rest was stage-blood from an invisible blood-pack Trump had palmed and slapped against his ear. All three events are completely unrelated... Trump's invisible stage-blood pack, AJ's booger and the rifle-shot were all just coincidental to each other.
    981 replies | 25563 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 12:15 PM
    AIs don't just hallucinate, they have shared hallucinations... | Shared Imagination: LLMs Hallucinate Alike
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 12:00 PM
    No, it can't be. The Left has CTs?! The news is not always just exactly what it appears to be??! And thinking there could be another story behind the headlines might not be clinical schizophrenia??? Say it ain't so! Paging TheCount, our resident counter-CTist, to explain what really struck Trump's ear... :tears: <crickets>
    981 replies | 25563 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 11:56 AM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 11:03 AM
    Ready to meet the girl of your AI dreams? I didn't watch this video but the thumbnail captures the essence of the problem very well:
    272 replies | 30162 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 08:14 AM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 08:11 AM
    This is great proof that ChatGPT does not think, it merely simulates the output (words) of a stream-of-thought... I asked ChatGPT to teach me how to play chess
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 10:00 PM
    Or, "What is hermeneutics?" Yes, the title is clickbait. I'm pretty shameless with the clickbait titles on topics like this... The following video is by a Roman Catholic (I'm not Roman Catholic), but it's pretty good. It gets the viewer started on debunking the popular usage of the term "literal". Atheists, skeptics and other critics of the faith like to use the shame-question, "You don't take the Bible literally, do you?" as a way to sow the seeds of doubt in people's minds. And while there is some definite criticism behind this question, the vast majority of people never pierce through to that actual criticism. Rather, they have a pure strawman conception of what it means to take the Bible "literally": Another way to say it is this: the Bible is true. All of it. Every single word. Other terms like "inerrant", "infallible", "literal", and so on, can lead to all kinds of confusing rabbit-trails. While those are important discussions, especially if you're thinking of going into seminary, etc. the fact is that almost all the words that people utter on these topics are a waste of breath. When I say, "I believe the Bible, it is God's Word", that simply means the Bible is true. There is no need to make it "extra" true by saying it's "literally" true. It's just true, in the ordinary sense that any true thing is true. It is true that the sky is blue. It is true that rocks are hard. It is true that water is wet. Perhaps you can even think of weird exceptions to these truths, or raise abstruse philosophical questions. But those aren't the kinds of things that we have in mind when we make simple, basic claims like "the sky is blue". And neither are these abstruse philosophical quandaries in view when we claim "the Bible is true (all of it, every word)". Rather, we just mean it in the simple, straightforward sense that the things it says are true, as such. And while there are passages in the Bible where subtle questions of philosophy are relevant, the vast bulk of the Bible just means what it says and even an 8th-grader can probably understand what it's saying, that is, the meaning of the vast bulk of the Bible is apparent on its face. It means what it says, and what it says is true. We don't need to strengthen that into saying it's "literally" true... it's just true, full-stop.
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 08:09 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 07:55 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 04:21 PM
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  • Theocrat's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 09:33 PM
    Even the BLM organization is now acknowledging that the Democratic Party isn't democratic anymore (about time): 1815629502128533647
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 06:53 PM
    :shrugging: Every report I've seen coming out of the hard-left MSM which truly and un-fake-ably hates Donald Trump on many levels, is that a bullet struck his ear and injured him. You're the only one on this "shard of glass" goose-chase. I'm open to all evidence, but it is the minority report and you can't flip the script on that just by going into Angry Man Yells At Cloud mode...
    981 replies | 25563 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 06:39 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 06:26 PM
    Brace for the new, MOST POPULAR PRESIDENT EVER!!!
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 03:44 PM
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