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  • jkr's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 06:43 AM
    oh, YEAH? well im gonna LASER EVEN MORE NOW DONKEYS
    3 replies | 188 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 04:24 PM
    CAN I HAZ?
    56 replies | 1772 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 03:23 PM
    she tryin to rob an old whyte man right fkn NOW!
    111 replies | 2599 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 09:33 PM
    Even the BLM organization is now acknowledging that the Democratic Party isn't democratic anymore (about time): 1815629502128533647
    44 replies | 1102 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 09:39 AM
    jkr replied to a thread Cheatle resigns in U.S. Political News
    10 replies | 428 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    10 replies | 247 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 06:42 PM
    she already has been...
    56 replies | 1772 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 06:01 PM
    Biden To Make Statement Via Ouija Board From The Babylon Bee: Read on here. :tears:
    80 replies | 1590 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    41 replies | 1107 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 05:56 PM
    The first couple of times I read it through I read KJV, but now I read the NIV. It's just easier to read as an American. I read the KJV for the same reasons as many purport to read it, for it's "accuracy". But people shouldn't be so quick. It isn't entirely accurate. I had the fortune to read some Leo Tolstoy letters along with "What I Believe" when I was young, and in there he describes his search for accuracy. It taught me that although it's largely accurate, there were some political choices made in passages here and there. My basic method is as follows: Start with the NIV. If there is scriptural confusion, check cross verses in different versions and read the parallel commentaries ( is great for this). If it's Old Testament and you want even more in depth references, check the Septuagint (the Greek translation that the early church was using) and the Torah. Here are a couple sites to check those ( and
    3 replies | 236 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 04:28 PM
    I hate it all, but a piece inside me fantasizes a bit about Trump losing. I think the sweet liberal tears I enjoyed when Trump won in 2016 might pale in comparison to watching MAGA blow its top when it's false god is destroyed. Everyone expected Hillary to win in 2016, just like everyone is so darn certain Trump is going to win. I care not. Two heads of the same dragon.
    29 replies | 676 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 03:59 PM
    Without "Kludge is a douchebag" option, questioning the polls legitimacy. In all seriousness, does it matter? This is all America will talk about for the next 6 months. Then we'll get a couple months of boring crap before whoever is in charge follows Israel's orders and starts another war.
    29 replies | 676 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 09:30 AM
    54 replies | 1430 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-20-2024, 07:25 PM
    So, to me, it has all the hallmarks of a weapons test. The official narrative is that it was an accident, or some kind of oversight, lack of testing etc. But we dont' really know. The fix was basically to restart every server affected in safe mode and remove the offending binary. But it was a binary (.exe). We don't know what it was, just like we don't know why it crashed Windows (another opaque binary). Are all of these companies allowing an internet connected privileged binary running in production dumb? Probably. But these are sprawling systems, so many components of which are outsourced. Management gets schmoozed into contracts, everything gets pushed into centralization so entities like Palantir, et al can have unfettered access to as much data as possible. Isolation costs money and requires talent. What's the incentive when the goal is centralization? They need accidents and ransomware attacks because those show the incompetence of bureaucracies and the desperate need for SaaS, the "cloud" (i.e. someone else's computer), and fed-compliant this and that.
    11 replies | 1317 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-20-2024, 03:37 PM
    Well, the problem of co-opting has always been around: They did it to the Tea Party too, as we all know.
    71818 replies | 1840854 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-20-2024, 01:39 PM
    Yeah, it's funny, JD Vance was on Twitter posting about how the dems are basically being hypocritical saying "if he shouldn't be in the race, then he shouldn't be in the office". But even this is just more cries of "Hypocrite!" This is the apex of conservative commentary: "The other side are a bunch of really big hypocrites." Great. You want a cookie? You conservatives are better liars than the "liberals". But as a fictional wise man once said, "I like my Nazi's in uniform." It's the ones clever enough to hide their real agenda that are more problematic.
    71818 replies | 1840854 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    07-19-2024, 05:26 PM
    Two thousand and twenty-three individuals is hardly a representative of what hundreds of millions of people actually believe about mainstream media outlets.
    10 replies | 334 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-19-2024, 03:12 PM
    No I pay the $20 a month. This is output from the latest GPT-4o version. It allows you to upload files. It's great for summarizing content, editing pretty much any kind of document you want. You can also use it for OCR. For instance, I've downloaded PDF's of old scanned out of print books on Google Play Books, and it can read them and find stuff, or reprint it for you. It can also interpret images and do basic visual math problems. The biggest benefit of paid version is the size of the context window (I can upload large documents and have long conversations) and the usage limit (can use it all day long). ChatGPT does have weaknesses, but for what I mostly use it for, not a biggy. Grok isn't as good at research stuff, but it is really nice for searching real time news.
    7 replies | 395 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-19-2024, 02:25 PM
    I pay for subscription to both ChatGPT and Grok. It's a huge timesaver. Cheap in my opinion. I'm a app developer and DBA, so I get a lot of use out of this. Great research tool.
    7 replies | 395 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-19-2024, 02:13 PM
    Actual quotes from video about J.D. and Peter Thiel from CHATGPT MY ASK: CHATGPT RESPONSE: Here are all the quotes from the transcript that directly reference J.D. Vance or Peter Thiel:
    7 replies | 395 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-19-2024, 01:46 PM
    FROM CHATGPT: My ask: CHATGPT RESPONSE: Synopsis of "The REAL Reason Behind J.D. Vance's VP Pick - Whitney Webb & Mark Goodwin"
    7 replies | 395 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    07-18-2024, 06:20 PM
    jkr replied to a thread Lou Dobbs dead at 78 in Open Discussion
    RIP mr Dobbs
    11 replies | 407 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    07-18-2024, 05:25 PM
    jkr replied to a thread Bob Newhart dead at 94 in Open Discussion
    13 replies | 341 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-18-2024, 11:59 AM
    Trump is an unrepentant murderer who swore an oath to God to defend the Constitution and did what every other president does and ignored it. The other guy at the rally got shot in the head, where was his warning? Israel is carpet bombing women and children and raping prisoners. They had foreknowledge of the Oct. 7th attack, and applied the Hannibal directive to increase the death count. All the RNC can do is pray for the murderers, lick boots, and cry about how they don't have enough weapons to murder more. Ukraine war has wiped out an entire generation of young men. The murdering and weapons dealing went continued unabated on Trump's watch. Trump deployed a bioweapon against the people of the united states that killed and will kill who knows how many people, and now the states are forcing this on babies and children. The list goes on and on. And THIS my friends, is the poster child for being on the side "against absolute evil"? If this is the end, ladies and gentlemen, let me assure you there ain't no two sides. It's God against the whole planet. It is revenge upon ALL of the nations. It is the time of Jacob's trouble (Christians will also feel the pain very severely). Only a small remnant will be saved who will cry out in a spirit of mourning begging God to stop and have mercy.
    982 replies | 25655 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-18-2024, 05:48 AM
    That's the point though, isn't it? Anyone can make the case that God is on their side. It's fake fake Christians and pandering liars that think God cares about their non-biblical interpretation of His plans. A Christian's job is to obey God, not try to get inside His head to justify yourself. The most obedient Christian was mocked, betrayed by his friends, arrested, beaten, tortured then executed. That's why the world hated Him. He wouldn't jump off the cross, break it into pieces and beat the Romans to death with it so they could Make Judea Great Again.
    982 replies | 25655 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-17-2024, 09:50 PM
    Maybe he should take the hint like Jules Winfield and drop out of the race.
    982 replies | 25655 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-17-2024, 09:48 PM
    Oh, they're very effective at keeping the planet safe from living humans, just like they were designed.
    31 replies | 900 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-17-2024, 09:37 PM
    Likely CIA psyop bitcoin has successfully conflated the idea of digital CURRENCY and digital BANKING in people's minds. Even I feel Hayek, Rothbard and others missed the boat on the actual missing component of sound money solutions for the common man to fight the banksters. The solution is more related to banking than currency. Bitcoin is a good bank with a bad currency. But even if the currency was good (i.e. 'sound') it's still missing a reserve distribution layer, a.k.a. the "clearinghouse". I've been in software development for a couple decades and spent a good decade obsessing about 'money' systems. The blockchain is good for cutting down theft in a global system, but honestly you don't need all that if you were just trying to get something grassroots going. You could build a gold-backed reserve banking system with paper ledgers just as easily. Palantir doesn't look like anything special to me. "Data analytics". Ok, so like SSIS servers? A data consolidation and transformation concept that's been kind of standard since the 1990's? Palantir just looks like a shell company organized by a bunch of rich insiders who have lobbied enough people that they've accumulated a significant market share of government and private sector tech contracts.
    149 replies | 4589 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    07-17-2024, 07:58 PM
    Of course, Biden has COVID-19, and then they can springboard from his "Positive" case to continue the narrative that SARS-CoV-2 is on the rise again, which means the incoming drop boxes for "mail-in ballots" can be warranted in order to "keep people safe from its spread." :rolleyes:
    31 replies | 900 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    07-17-2024, 09:20 AM
    From Grok: Here is the tweet Grok is referencing: 1812933688226902460 I'm really loving Grok as a Twitter news junkie. Saves be a butt-ton of time.
    57 replies | 2016 view(s)
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    BTW, you call me bro? Now?
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    No kidding... but is he being honest?
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    If he is being dishonest, I will call him. If he is changing his identity, I will honor that. He never would reply.
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    Don't worry. Mods do not enter the religion forum unless alerted. It might as well have been a PM.
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    Okay. I didn't know he had been banned. I thought he was sock puppeting for the sake of it. I will let it go. But he is being an idiot.
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    Can you give me a link to the thread in question?
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    Your inbox is full. I just wanted to say I appreciated that fiery defense of the Gospel!
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    Oh. LOL. I get it now. I so rarely use the "visitor message" feature that I wasn't following you. You were talking to FF and not me. Makes perfect sense now. Carry on. As for what he was saying you weren't being consistent on, it was the fact that at first you said the Bible doesn't say have a relationship with Jesus (actually it does) and then you shifted to "The Bible doesn't say the gospel is have a relationship with Jesus" (It doesn't....but nobody on this board said it does). Why it's who hard for you to just admit that I don't know. If you are looking for exact language says that...well where does it say grace is irresistible?
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    Ummmm....huh? What are you talking about? Where did I say anything about you being consistent or not consistent with FF? And I don't even know what OTC is. I've seen you and him talking about it.
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    "Oh, the Bible is "bullshit"?" Nope. Are you implying that the only thing you have to contribute to threads are Bible quotes? Your non-Biblical observations (and there are many) coupled with your choice to use Bible quotes to derail threads (which I'm fairly sure was not the original intent of any of the authors OR the Divinity behind them) are what is bullshit. Get thee behind me, Satan, and get on my ignore.
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