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  • devil21's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:13 PM
    I swear AF, you're so wrapped up and consumed in anti-gayness that it almost strikes me like the televangelists who rail against gays then are caught with male prostitutes in hotel rooms or evangelical congressmen caught toe tapping in airport bathrooms. A bit of a "doth protest too much" vibe. If it weren't for railing against anything remotely wokeness would you ever post on RPF again? Why post links to your own Tweets? It's kinda bizarre.
    30 replies | 358 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:00 PM
    That's pretty much his entire base. "I love the poorly educated." - Donnie Any way, SCOTUS already ruled it's a First Amendment freedom of speech right. Let's not go throwing the baby out with the bath water. Seems like every time a Republican wins the White House, the Constitution ends up taking more of a beating than when a Democrat wins. Strange how that works....
    28 replies | 492 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:28 PM
    something something.......cellar boxing......Citadel......hedge funds.......something something......sounds familiar Georgia RICO lawsuit filed against Citadel, Vivek Ramaswamy, Peter Thiel and others over intentionally sabotaging a fintech company to steal its Intellectual Property, presumably with Citadel's help naked shorting the company into bankruptcy:
    359 replies | 77624 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:16 PM
    I'll probably cross post this to a few threads for visibility since it contains info on multiple relevant topics on RPF. I'm posting to this thread because it names PETER THIEL, Vance's entire money backer to his US Senate seat and now Don's VP. Thiel is part of the Paypal Mafia, as they're called. Media is dead silent on it. I assume suppressing it because of the prominent names allegedly involved and of course Thiel's direct connection to Vance and Vivek's political notoriety. Can't have this stuff popping up in search results, can we?/ Georgia RICO lawsuit filed against Citadel, Vivek Ramaswamy, Peter Thiel and others over intentionally sabotaging a fintech company to steal its Intellectual Property, presumably with Citadel's help naked shorting the company into bankruptcy:
    149 replies | 4683 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 01:35 AM
    One thing I remember from many of the questionable (and some of the demonstrably fake like Miami airport, Pulse nightclub, Sandy Hook and others) shooting stories of the past, since the Obama days, is that there seemed to increasingly be a poster who claimed to be personally connected to the victims, no matter how highly statistically unlikely that was. It was uncanny how, regardless of which discussion forum, whether geographical, political, genre-based or otherwise, regardless of active member density, there were increasingly more "personal connection" posters popping up. There's always the "hero" character, also. There has been a slow merging of the two archetypes since.... Use of archetypes in marketing to create emotional connection to a brand or story with target audience, meant to influence the audience's beliefs and behaviors: probably nothing talk amongst yourselves
    981 replies | 25831 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 01:21 AM
    Blockchain voting, patented by the USPS before 2020, fixes that. Only thing required to "vote" is an Internet ID and a 5G phone with an X chinese superapp account. Easy peasy. Ain't the Hegelian Dial.....errr technology....great? Floor pattern is totally a meme coincidence.
    71818 replies | 1841050 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 01:12 AM
    :A Few Hours Later: Still holdin' (let's see how fast Collinz or similar slides this thread down with nonsense tbreads)
    359 replies | 77624 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 01:10 AM
    Dimon for TreasSec? No wait Larry Fink for TreasSec! Co-TreasSec? Has that been tried before? You can have any TreasSec you want as long as they're Wall Street titans who own everything, including you. WINNING
    2 replies | 399 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 01:09 AM
    2 replies | 399 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 01:06 AM
    Given Collinz obvious post sliding nonsense I thought more relevant threads should be bumped.
    284 replies | 83177 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-25-2024, 01:04 AM
    Does the oompa loompa ever have anything to say? Or is it an account merely for posting vids, links and "info"graphics? Hey Collinz, what's your take on the video you posted?
    3 replies | 336 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 09:35 PM
    They see me holdin'.......... (GME) They hatin'............(holders) Patrolin'..........(forums) Tryin' to scare me with they shortin'...........(teh stonk) tbc
    359 replies | 77624 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-23-2024, 01:19 AM
    There's no point in him coming out, politically and fundraising-wise. What would that accomplish? Seriously, what? This is his "lame duck" period and as long as Congress doesn't pass any high visibility legislation requiring Pres PR, which is unlikely leading up to the election, he can fall into the background without much notice going forward but still legally hold office of Pres, with maybe an exception of the DNC next month where he can video endorse or AI/CGI (Max Headroom Pres) can endorse Kamala or whoever. Having said that, no one likes Kamala. No one. Maybe Kamala kinda does? Doubt even that, though, because deep down she knows how she got to where she is. I fully expect her to not be Dem nominee. Newsom is too "slick" and unlikeable (French Laundry memes while voters can't buy groceries?) and Cali is a wreck. Whitmer would certainly spin up the right after the Covid/fake kidnapping crap but she's otherwise severe and unknown. If TPTB want to tank it for Donald, nominate Gavin and Whitmer lol.
    90 replies | 2143 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 02:50 AM
    Working class, you say? Hmm...Indians know a thing or two about "class" caste systems. Maybe we should start putting them in power positions and maybe they can digitize it into a social credit system run on smartphones where corporations reward and punish based on "class" and generalizations about "what most people in XYZ class believe"? Maybe even have SCOTUS rule that such generalizations do not violate Equal Protection in criminal prosecutions? Oh wait, hold my beer for a sec...<rifles through recent rulings> Naaaa......that's crazy talk, nm.
    149 replies | 4683 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-18-2024, 01:13 PM
    It's not conclusive either way but it is curious how huge that short position is relative to other (official) shorters of the stock. Even serial naked shorters like Citadel hedge fund and SUSquehanna only report 1 to 2 million shares short. 12 million is a ton, but the info is sort of worthless without knowing the put strikes, expiry dates and when opened. If you look at the stock's chart, shorting it has been pretty profitable for several months. Interesting nonetheless, especially if one remembers the puts on airlines before 9/11, for example. (for a different perspective, if one believes that this event was something of a psyop to galvanize support behind Donald, a put position like that could be simply a hedge against the psyop going terribly awry (like a bullet actually hitting and killing him unintentionally), so that prior investment in Trump (tm) and TMTG isn't booked as a loss. That's not necessarily my theory but it is smart to consider all angles.)
    981 replies | 25831 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-18-2024, 11:35 AM
    She's in tight with Bill Gates. She was a scholarship on his Cambridge University scholarship program and is now on the Board of Directors of the same fund. Only a few days ago she was listed as an active Board member when I originally posted on pg1 of this thread. Anyone that trusted and essentially trained under a Gates scholarship is a WEF tool, especially when they so happen to be wife of the VP pick. Vance says himself that she calls the shots in the family. He's basically a cuck. She's the one that will be wielding the power of the VP office, not him, and if history shows anything it's that in the GOP it is the VP that runs the administration while the Pres is a performer and chief PR officer. So, in other words, meet the next President of the United States, Usha Chilukuri Vance. I saw today that Tucker has been running cover for Vance with the usual "if XYZ hates him, you know he's great!" nonsense. Seems people still haven't quite learned that the enemy of your enemy is NOT always your friend.
    149 replies | 4683 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-17-2024, 01:04 AM
    Please tell me you didn't believe the Three Year Letterman tweet posted earlier in this thread??? PlEaSe? eta: I see your correction. That is a satire account that intentionally fucks up historical "facts" to sound authoritative while being supremely ignorant. That's why it's a hilarious account in the first place.
    149 replies | 4683 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-16-2024, 12:45 AM
    We can have anyone we want, as long as they are or are married to WEF tied Indians or Chinese. Ignore Mordan. That handle is based overseas in the Balkans somewhere, proven on the huge Bitcoin pumper thread in the crypto subforum (search for yourself). Vance is a crypto/CBDC tool, which is set to be introduced shortly after Donald is formally selected, so it's not surprising at all that the Mordan handle shows up promoting the "coiner" as VP now. (btw I posted this^^^^ before I even read Mordan's posts inserting bitcoin into the thread)
    149 replies | 4683 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-15-2024, 01:50 PM
    That dude is hilarious. Any way, back to my cave.
    149 replies | 4683 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-15-2024, 01:41 PM
    Donald: "That played great last election. But we don't care anymore now, right? The swamp is good people."
    149 replies | 4683 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-15-2024, 01:37 PM
    I know when I want to drain the swamp, I'd choose a VP with Wall St and Big Tech ties, who is a Yale attorney, and is married to an indian woman who sits on the Board of Directors of a Gates Foundation funded scholarship fund at grand old british Cambridge University. But he's got a beard and looks "country" so he will be great in flyover country ads, driving a Ford EV truck and carrying a fishin' pole. In before Swordy tells us that the assassination attempt wasn't really an assassination attempt, only a threat to Donald to pick Vance or else. :tears:
    149 replies | 4683 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-14-2024, 03:45 PM
    And they say liberals are the touchy-feely types who operate on emotion instead of asking questions, critical thinking, evidence and logic. Seems the way to trigger emotions of the right is soldiers, flags and first responders....but we already knew this. And now, by extension, people who were either not Trump supporters or had lost trust in him are now falling (back) into line. Suppose that the story of his death is 100% true. This is the best political red meat that could ever be granted to Donald. Qui bono? Any way, still no video as I requested from those who claimed it exists so I'll let this thread get back to the social media fueled reality show it was before. Tata for now. eta: Good thing I bought a $DJT call option for January expiration. That mofo is gonna PRINT
    981 replies | 25831 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-14-2024, 03:31 PM
    That's great but I know you're smarter than most people. I don't really know who I am talking to, seeing how I've only met a few RPFers in real life and only one of them is even still active on the site. Having said that, my posts aren't necessarily directed at anyone in particular, sometimes not even the quoted poster, more aimed at general reading audience.
    981 replies | 25831 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-14-2024, 03:18 PM
    Oh well. I'm sure you will be able to donate money to his family's Ferrari and mansion fund soon enough to show your support for the first responder. It kinda loses something warm and fuzzy when it's a donation to a plastics plant maintenance man.
    981 replies | 25831 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-14-2024, 03:03 PM
    I'm not thinking anything in particular without solid evidence. I always remember the famous Bill Casey CIA quote when big (Mockingbird) media events pop up. (eta: I've wondered if previous fake shootings were test runs to work out the kinks for when some grand deception is rolled out)
    981 replies | 25831 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-14-2024, 02:54 PM
    So, yes, it's plucking at heart strings instead of the much-more-boring-maintenance-guy-at-a-plastics-plant, his real profession. See how perceptions are shaped? Good, then respect it by not trying to silence my skepticism like an authoritarian would, ok? We've seen this stuff play out as fakery WAY TOO MANY TIMES ALREADY to blindly accept at face value what we're being told about any of it. I'd still like to see video though if you have any sources instead of assurances of the existence of such.
    981 replies | 25831 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-14-2024, 02:38 PM
    Like I said, being pushed intentionally to pluck at "muh first responders" heart strings. Is the $10 million GoFundMe up and running yet?
    981 replies | 25831 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-14-2024, 02:29 PM
    Fire Chief part seems made up or being pushed intentionally to pluck heart strings of the "muh first responders" worshippers. His linkedin says he's a Pittsburgh area employee of a plastics manufacturer for last 29 years. Is there any video of him actually being shot? I keep seeing it said that he was shot but coming up empty on actual evidence of it. Not sure why people still insist on blindly believing whatever the media says these days....
    981 replies | 25831 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-14-2024, 01:45 PM
    Funny! It's entertaining watching you and your fellow zio-shills all over the net psyop your way into Trump being the new Herr Fuhrer, exactly as Revelation describes, since the book requires the AC to come and rain down terror (in the form of temporary fascism) before the "Kingdom of God", the coming of which you have exalted on RPF repeatedly, can be established. Yet you deny it and continue on like a true psychopath. But I'm the one lying? Keep on goin' Swordy. You're doing great!
    981 replies | 25831 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    07-14-2024, 02:22 AM
    something something....head wound....charismatic leader.....something something probably nothing
    981 replies | 25831 view(s)
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