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  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 01:19 PM
    Felony charges for everyone involved. The larger question is how did the parents raise such a sissy? The abuse through which some of us endured would seemingly crush the typical GenZ faggg-0. I cannot wrap my head around how it is that parents raise children to become Weakmen.
    3 replies | 105 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 06:07 AM
    Hs you any specific links perchance? I've not seen much on this prior and would be interested to learn what those boys had up their sleeves in those days.
    43 replies | 4383 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    08-25-2024, 02:31 PM
    As many of you must have surmised by now, I trust nobody where politics are concerned. I don't even trust myself, nor Trump .and. by no means whatsoever do I trust Kennedy. That said, I retain my hopes. In the relevant case, I not only hope Trump proves himself as he presents himself, I hope that Kennedy sees all the light and rejects the bankrupt philosophy of the left. The hope is thin.
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  • osan's Avatar
    08-24-2024, 09:33 AM
    That's not irony. It is rank, bald-faced, unapologetic hypocrisy. They are lower in status than pedophiles.
    112 replies | 3855 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    08-24-2024, 09:27 AM
    What do you mean an actual penis? What'd they do, lop one off and plug it in?
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  • osan's Avatar
    08-24-2024, 09:24 AM
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  • osan's Avatar
    08-24-2024, 09:20 AM
    SHHHH... don't give them ideas. They'll get knocked up just to spite you. PS: How do you know they don't sacrifice infants to Moloch? I'm thinking that's why they get themselves knocked up and not to spite you.
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  • osan's Avatar
    08-24-2024, 09:16 AM Do we live in normal times, times of bounded contestation and turmoil, of chaos and disarray that still operate within the paradigm of normal American politics? Or is that paradigm collapsing, from atrophy or from antipathy? For conservatives living in the post-fusion era, the once-latent cleavages within their ranks have been revealed, contributing to the intimation that everything is falling apart. Old friends have become new enemies. A younger generation revolts against the older. A national election is not far off. A new Republican Party is taking form. Some see poison in the emerging coalition; others see an antidote. The reunification of conservatism cannot occur without a clear-headed answer about the question: is America messy but okay, or is it deconstructing before our inattentive eyes — and therefore in need of stronger medicine than normal politics requires? A conservative coalition, if it emerges, is going to have to form around one or the other of these two alternative assessments. In “Totalitarianism, American Style,” Glenn Ellmers and Ted Richards argue that America is, indeed, deconstructing before our eyes, and give as one of the reasons the preeminence of postmodern thinking on the left. Foucault provides the banner — “power is truth” — under which its troops advance. With unwavering conviction, those on the left derogate arguments that allude to convention, tradition, nature, or revelation. Conservatives presuppose these to be foundations on which civilization rests; those on the left presuppose them to be shackles forged to limit, oppress, colonize, and stain. Every idea and institution based on these faux-foundations, it members aver, must go: love, honor, and friendship; family, church, and state.
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  • osan's Avatar
    08-24-2024, 08:18 AM
    osan replied to a thread Invasion USA in U.S. Political News
    The problem is we're using government force to try to achieve this. All that does it add to the cost of doing business. Exactly. Leave it to the free market and things will work out optimally. "Government" ruins everything to which it puts its claw.
    841 replies | 101562 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    08-21-2024, 04:30 PM
    osan replied to a thread Invasion USA in U.S. Political News
    Businesses need AFFORDABLE labor for profits. The sticking point here is "how much profit?" There is a level of profit where all players win. Business owners walk way with money in their pockets and workers do the same while being able to live a decent life. But that formula is long abandoned. Maximizing profit does not perforce mean squeezing as much as one is able because the reductio ad absurdum of that logic is the killing of the goose laying your golden eggs. The concept of "enlightened self-interest" was tossed into the shit-can long years ago and we are now reaping what we then sowed, and the harvest is meager and shitty. One does not have to be a filthy communist or other brand of economic reprobate and retard to take a view to treating his employees well, in which case everyone wins. There is, however, a vastly complicating factor in all this, and it is one that gets nearly zero air-time: "government" interference in business operations. The manifold and wildly wrong-headed mountains of statutes, regulations, and dog-pile policies that strangle businesses often force owners to take measures in order to be able to continue DOING business. Those measures often impact every aspect of the business in highly negative ways, not the least of which are wages.
    841 replies | 101562 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    08-18-2024, 08:34 AM
    Knowing it and proving it are two rather different things. OTOH, Russia may have no concern with proof, choosing to act on what they know. This is very dangerous brinksmanship. Russia still has plenty of nukes and NATO seems to be very eagerly yanking Putin's chain. I guess my question would be "to what end?" Is the EU so deluded as to think they can crawl up Russia's ass and that Putin will do nothing to defend his land? I'd not make that bet for love or money. I cannot imagine that the globalist gnomes seek nuclear annihilation of Europe, but given the current state of global sanity, who can rule it out? But I have to say that something in all this recent development smells funny. Seriously now, Ukraine rolling into Russia? It seems very unlikely. What's the idea there; to teach Russia a lesson? What irritates me in all this is that all the players are assholes. The Russians: assholes. Ukrainians: assholes. Putin: asshole. Zelensky: asshole. EU: assholes. As things now stand, the entire world is at great risk at the hands of these jerkoffs, and the respective populations do nothing other than circle their wagons in support of them all.
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  • osan's Avatar
    08-17-2024, 07:55 AM
    The stupidity of the mean American... or his apathy, or perhaps both, astonishes even myself. The pattern is so long established: nothing will change for the better; Weeye will exercise America's sphincter to ever larger size and the nitwit peons will keep complaining and demanding. Weeye will ignore them, continuing to hammer away as the wantwits cry in frustration and anguish. Weeye shall continue to laugh in their faces and they shall do nothing new to oppose us. Weeye are their Masters. They are our slaves. Weeye rule. They suck it. Does anyone actually believe that Trump will affect changes that are anything more than superficial? I hope he does, but my expectations stand near to zero. Nothing but blood is going to bring our calamitous circumstance to rein. And even were we to engage and emerge victorious, the collective raw, rank ignorance of the Meaner would all but guarantee that we ended up in a position nearly as bad as that against which we fought to free ourselves. Consider how the French Revolution turned out, as well as that of the Russians and Chinese, just to name three. Meet the new Boss; same as the old Boss.
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  • osan's Avatar
    08-14-2024, 07:18 PM
    No. He won't stand up. He's not a stand up kind of guy.
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  • osan's Avatar
    08-08-2024, 05:02 PM
    That game has been playing for thousands of years. The Catholic church was hip-deep in it for 1500 years at least, for exampe. They forbade the common man from learning to read and speak Latin, while from the other sides of their crooked mouths they moaned about the "seeley and ignorant masses" as they justified their tyrannical reign upon the very conditions they established and maintained with iron fists. We deserve what we get because we tolerate the intolerable. We should be out putting the varlets to their rightfully earned ends. But no, that's too much to ask, and so we live under ever more cancerous tyranny that grows by the minute.
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  • osan's Avatar
    08-08-2024, 04:57 PM
    c This is or is not true depending on one's operating definition of "liberal". Therefore, this is a very poorly constructed sentence. Who is this Shellenberger who writes so Blah blah... more loosey goosey semantics. Perhaps I'm being too anal about things, but this brand of writing is a peeve of mine. "Liberal" was coopted by the left and its meaning perverted into what it has become today. So I will agree with the first sentence on the assumption he's not referring to 18th century liberals.
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Global War On Terrorism: Are We Winning?

by osan on 03-25-2017 at 07:19 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
Short answer: If you are still fighting it you are losing it.
After 26 years, I'd have to agree.

Global War On Terrorism: Are We Winning?

by osan on 03-25-2017 at 07:19 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
Short answer: If you are still fighting it you are losing it.
After 26 years, I'd have to agree.

Guns and Marijuana in Missouri

by osan on 01-02-2017 at 08:51 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Mach View Post
"castle doctrine," which permits homeowners to use deadly force against intruders. The revised law will allow invited guests, such as babysitters, to use lethal force.
I find it amazing to consider just how hopelessly corrupt a land we are, and have been for so very long a time when I read things like this. To think not only that some people would dare usurp the authority to remove those which are the most obvious prerogatives of free men, but also that we as a people would

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RP: Who Brought the World to the Brink of World War III?

by osan on 10-17-2016 at 11:14 PM
Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
We did.

Quote Originally Posted by PierzStyx View Post
Uhm, no. Not all of us. Only most of the countries involved. We few radicals and rebels do what we can to prevent it. Whether that works or not still doesn't change whether it is our fault or not.
To which I responded thusly:

The number of people out there who are putting their asses on the line is vanishingly small. My statistical assessment therefore stands. To wit...

The fact is this: we failed from the earliest days.

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How to defend liberty and property in a stateless social construct?

by osan on 04-15-2016 at 07:22 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
How would you defend liberty and property in a stateless social construct? The use of private security firms is a stock answer, but let’s consider some more detail. Consider the following situations…
And it has its problems. It is a partial answer at best.

1) A band of thugs is going around robbing people, how do you defend your home from invasion?
By killing them to eliminate them from the book of immediate and potential future threats to others, including

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