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  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 07:30 PM
    I find it perplexing and disturbing that Trump has never disavowed Pompeo. (as far as I know?) But then I get a look at who is supporting Kamala Harris and I can't not vote for him.
    61 replies | 1498 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 11:38 AM
    Remember that time someone posted a thread questioning whether or not imported Haitians in Springfield, Ohio were stealing and eating neighbors cats, dogs, ducks and/or geese? Some people posted pictures, police reports and eyewitness accounts indicating that it could be true. Others posted accounts from police and town leadership who denied it - and photos they believed discredited the other photos, along with intricate but not necessarily related details on butchery and chicken anatomy to support their opinions (all this regarding a single photo). Pretty early on, some people began to turn it into another thread about Trump and how much they hated him, asserting that anyone who didn’t also despise Trump was a fool who worshipped him like a god and believed once elected, he was going to make America perfect. And when neither side was able to provide absolute proof one way or the other about pet-eating in Springfield (albeit we all know that censorship plays a heavy role here), some became so enraged that their own opinion wasn’t accepted as a supreme declaration of the facts, they lashed out making the accusation that anyone who saw a problem in Springfield was just racist. And anyone that took issue with their own government secretly dumping 30+ thousand aliens onto a town that couldn’t absorb them, was a racist. (The logic being apparently, that since in this case the aliens happen to be black, nothing else matters and everyone should just pretend no problems have resulted - very similar to the logic that dictates if a man puts a dress on, we are required to pretend we can’t tell he’s not a woman). Then they posted the unrelated quotes of respected others as “proof” that anyone who sees the problems with what our government has done in Springfield, is just racist. Others converged with their Trump hatred -as they’ve done in so many other threads- to make it all about themselves and how much they hate Trump. They casually made up lies about the beliefs of each person who failed to hate Trump to the degree that they want everyone to hate Trump.
    0 replies | 69 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 10:52 AM
    Excuse me, obtuse one. The government intervened when they secretly imported 30+ thousand people and dumped them into a small town that doesn't have enough resources to serve the CITIZENS already living there! Now tell us some more about out how you don't approve of the government intervening!
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 10:41 AM
    Honestly, is this a discussion forum, or a group therapy session for obtuse persons unable to grasp a point? When your response to a complex problem is "you're just racist", YOU are the one viewing others as a collective, rather than individuals! ie "I don't care how many problems are actually occurring and you wouldn't care either unless you just hate black people!" NO! The ones who insist on ignoring all the damage, because it involves non-whites, are the true racists.
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 10:32 AM
    I've always despised these tuff-talkin union turds. They'll be fired and replaced by illegal alien "scabs" (that's what they used to call 'em) and no one will care. Then they'll be replaced by automation. (This big jerk will still own his yacht though.)
    25 replies | 742 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 10:19 AM
    Your post has nothing to do with Springfield, Ohio or even whether cats/dogs/ducks/geese were stolen/eaten. It's all about: 1.) your sense that people are proven to be racist when they acknowledge how problems have been increased by the unanticipated influx of a particular imported group of people - and all you are willing to recognize about those people is their skin tone - nothing else! - as if that's the only thing that matters about them. (Isn't that kind of racist?) It's not accurate to assume everyone thinks like that! 2.) your belief that anyone who thinks that citizens of Springfield are being cruelly wronged, can only believe that Trump is a god who is always right and will solve all problems. Trump isn't God. He's very flawed. He’ll merely cause a lot less damage than the alternative. That's all. ---
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 07:30 PM
    Cut the mics and laughed about it.
    77 replies | 2222 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 05:08 PM
    You haven't debunked anything. If the lady that chewed on dead cat in Ohio was not from Springfield and not Haitian - so what? If one white guy murdered someone's cat - so be it. (I hadn't heard about that one.) And as for Vance, I haven't even listened to what he had to say about cat-eating in Springfield, though apparently he said something(s), but only you are obsessed with it. This was never about those 3 people! The point is, hundreds of thousands of self-serving Hatians were secretly imported into this country - at no cost to themselves - and dumped onto the backs of citizens who are already suffering. Imported haitians are receiving all manner of freebees and are allowed to break laws! Locals get nothing but disrespect, passed over for employment, higher taxes, higher insurance rates, higher rent - some killed, others getting their cars totaled by people who don't know how to drive, some kicked out of their homes, while they watch the uninvited ones being coddled with interpreters, "magic money" cards, and preferential treatment all around.
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 03:56 PM
    You posted a picture of a dead cat that still had the fur left on it's head, face and paws. it looked like a specimen intended for dissection, not cooking. Earlier in the thread there were several videos/photos of hatians preparing dead cats they intended to eat - did you see them? I'm not making it up. They removed all the fur. In that respect, they were different from the picture you posted.
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 11:39 AM
    It's an example of a genuine shithole country. Take look at it. They have no president. No government. No laws. No standards. Even their cops riot. Um, no. No, but since you bring it up, voodoo is still popular in haiti and therefore so is ritual sacrifice. No. While Aztecs were guilty of human sacrifice (hundreds of years ago), they were also capable of building complex cities and creating art. What have Haitians ever built without the guidance of an outsider? Mud cookies?
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 10:49 AM
    Are you implying that Haitians are the ones most likely to save lives, help their neighbors clean up, volunteer to build shelters for others, share whatever they have, and make sure everyone is fed? Or by "better equipped" do you mean that they are willing to survive by any means necessary - even if it includes looting whatever they need, killing whoever tries to stop them from stealing their stuff, and eating whatever moves, be it your cat, dog or perhaps even a human? Bear in mind that Haitians have come from a lawless land and have, so far, become accustommed to being shown preference over the native citizens here. Do you expect them to sacrifice themselves for the wellbeing of their American neighbors? Do you approve of sacrificing American citizens for these people who were never invited and have only increased hardships for everyone else?
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 10:14 AM
    I was looking for this picture to illustrate my earlier post, but couldn’t find it anywhere. If you look close, you’ll see there's actually 3 drips of blood on his face - the bottom one goes under his lower lip. The shortest drip in the center looks heavier and wetter than the other 2 and was apparently rubbed down his jaw, so it's smeared in the later picture when he’s standing up. The other drips match with the later picture.
    1141 replies | 64933 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-30-2024, 09:06 PM
    This is not the way a Haitian skins a cat for cooking. Examples were shown in in earlier posts. (Though I think most of them have been removed at the source?) This photo looks like a cat that's been prepared for dissection by a biology student. Schools purchase them in bulk. It's not the same.
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-28-2024, 01:45 PM
    The day I hear that Trump is consulting with Ron Paul, Rand Paul and Thomas Massie, I will feel some level of confidence that he can get the swamp drained this time around. Doesn't Trump know how valuable it is to get the input of an honest man, with a different set of experiences, and a long history of facing the swamp, often alone? Ron Paul has spent around 50+ years witnessing how the system gets scammed. He can recognize all the deceitful wordings and misdirections used in legislation and policy to trick others into a false sense of security, only to be shocked later when the inevitable loopholes are exploited. I doubt there is any kind of ploy he has not witnessed before so he would be quickest to recognize a replay. Trump needs to seek input from an experienced old-timer who has seen it all before - not just count on starry-eyed, recent-arrivals-to-liberty like Elon Musk. I think Rand Paul would also have helpful input for Trump because knowledge-wise, he is essentially a clone of his old man, having listened and learned from him his whole life. During Trump's time in office, didn't Rand Paul vote against every appointee Trump chose that eventually stabbed him in the back? This seems so significant to me that I don't get how Trump seems to have missed it! Trump probably considers Thomas Massie a puzzling pain in the ass, but he should want to know more about his rationale considering his loyal supporters, and the fact that he’s turned out to be right about the danger of some things Trump thought would not be a problem. Trump should be curious about his insight and see the value of consulting someone who thinks differently.
    8 replies | 977 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-27-2024, 07:05 PM
    They're not spurts of blood. The actual wound is at the top of his ear, and the blood ran down pooling in the crevice along the back of his ear and maybe also in his ear. When he bent over behind the podium (now face down), the blood dripped from both 1) the still bleeding wound and 2) from the pooled blood running along the back of his ear - which by then had reached a lower point. This created 2 -3 separate areas of accumulated blood which then fell down onto his cheek in 2 different spots and ran down towards his mouth. It does look like there is also some smeared, partially wiped away blood on his jaw too - I would expect Trump was touching the area to check if he was bleeding and how much. I know that if I'd just been shot in the ear, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from touching it to check for blood and "feel" how bad it was or wasn't.
    1141 replies | 64933 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-27-2024, 10:06 AM
    He was likely moving his head around at the time and not just frozen in one position, so it would depend no how his head was positiioned at the moment the drops fell. Honestly, you're making this out to be more complicated than it is.
    1141 replies | 64933 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-27-2024, 09:39 AM
    Immediately after the shot, he was crouched down behind the podium with his head down. Gravity caused the blood from his ear to drip down across his face. This is what you see when he stands back up.
    1141 replies | 64933 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-24-2024, 05:47 PM
    My only problem with it is that it appears to have nothing to do with the topic of the thread. It's pointless. No wonder this thread has 600 posts, yet leads nowhere.
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-24-2024, 05:40 PM
    Yeah, but about 2/3s of the posts have nothing to do with whether pet-eating is actually taking place there or not. The town's leadership can hardly be trusted with their denials - considering they've covertly encouraged an influx of 20 to 30 thousand foreigners without the approval of the people who already live there... and gain nothing from the whole mess but the shit end of the stick.
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-24-2024, 08:20 AM
    So what are they marching for? Do they live in Springfield? When did this march occur? Do they support eating pets? Are they against eating pets? Are they against importing large numbers of haitians or do they want more haitians around? Do they approve of practicing voodoo? What is their interest in Springfield Ohio? What do they want? What's their point? What's your point? Without any facts videos like this just equal gibberish. Why post stuff like this with zero context?
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-20-2024, 08:21 PM
    Meredith Banks - lead advance agent Myosoty Perez - site agent Dana DuBrey - site agent Timothy Burke - Pittsburgh Boss The September 18 article from NY Times has much more info, but requires a subscription to read the whole thing.
    1141 replies | 64933 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-18-2024, 01:02 PM
    Valli6 replied to a thread Invasion USA in U.S. Political News
    These are meat companies! They're hiring a bunch of Haitians to kill animals and chop them up. What peculiar logic these corporations have adopted.
    881 replies | 121846 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-18-2024, 12:46 PM
    An individual with their own bomb-detecting dog(?) is being held by police. :confused:
    6 replies | 912 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-18-2024, 11:17 AM
    How could Haitians possibly research, learn about and choose to move to Springfield? That's ridiculous. Springfield was CHOSEN for them by some government or government-tied entity. No one checked with Springfield's citizens before implementing their plan to FORCE them on the town's citizens - because their answer would hve been NO. They did not consent.
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-18-2024, 11:11 AM
    Opinion piece published in The Hill 9/17/24.
    2475 replies | 264686 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-18-2024, 10:39 AM
    UPDATE! Nassau County PD are now saying this report is FALSE. 1836419595357294941 I could swear they're trying to drive us nuts! What to believe?!
    6 replies | 912 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-18-2024, 10:00 AM
    UPDATE: Now there'e a report from the Nassau County PD that this is FALSE, but no details. 1836419595357294941 ------------------------------------ Trump is having a rally in Long Island this evening (Nassau County, NY). During a K-9 sweep an explosive device was found in a car parked nearby. The cars driver ran off into the woods and has not been found yet. (Remember, they found explosives in Thomas Crook's car, too.) 1836404308457246872
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  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-18-2024, 09:35 AM
    Wait... What?! I must have missed something, cause I don't get this at all. Loomer is supposedly claiming she has an intimate relation with Trump? And why call her f@gg@t?
    33 replies | 2489 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 08:57 PM
    By the way, it IS illegal to eat cats or dogs in this country. In 2018 Trump signed a law banning the slaughter of cats and dogs for consumption - part of a farm bill.
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 08:31 PM
    So it turns out that on August 28, a resident of Springfield did in fact call the police to report that her cat had disappeared and she believed it was taken by a neighbor and chopped up. She found strange "meat' in the yard which she suspects was her cat, but cops are saying there's no concrete evidence. The woman saved the remains to cremate (thinking it was her cat) but I guess the cops aren't willing to test it to see if it's cat. Anyway, they were lying when they said there were no calls about missing pets. 1836159326861562275
    920 replies | 87747 view(s)
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