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  • Valli6's Avatar
    11-02-2024, 08:01 AM
    I also feel there's more going on behind the scenes - that Rand will be playing some role later. The media and neocons have always despised Rand anyway, so it's more efficient that he continue his work exposing Fauci/covid, while maintaining a low profile in relation to Trump's campaign. The media would only use him and his dad as a way to further tar Trump over his "extreme" beliefs.
    90 replies | 8420 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-28-2024, 10:40 AM
    Twenty appointees already made. "No corporate lobbyists on transition team." 1850437361101885465
    6 replies | 2175 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-27-2024, 08:52 PM
    Ron Paul approves. 1849574087183536347
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  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-11-2024, 09:17 AM
    Yes, if it was not their property. That would mean it belonged to someone else and they stole it. We don't know the circumstances here, but someone likely does and won't say. Additionally, there's the issue of the legality of butchering an animal out on the lawn of an apartment complex. Is it okay for anyone to do that, or is it just Haitians that can get away with it? Would a native Ohioan be cited or arrested for the same behavior? Is this a case of more special treatment for Haitians - similar to how they don't get cited for driving without learning to drive, or without having a license, or without having insurance, and ignoring traffic laws anyone else would be ticketed for? You may personally have a problem with some or all of these laws, but that fades in relevance if we have a justice system that favors one group over another. Foreigners have no right to be treated better than anyone else.
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  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-11-2024, 08:48 AM
    If the person who took that video were concerned enough to film the butchering, you’d think they’d be concerned enough to confront the guy or call authorities - not just post a blurry video on X for people to speculate over. My interest here is NOT if and how, this person should be punished, but IF there are actually people capturing and killing neighborhood animals - which, by the way, are NOT their property to kill. If a cop or some other 'authority' - ASPCA or whatever - was called, there would be a record of this incident. There’d be an explanation of what happened. We’d learn what kind of animal that was, how did it come to be dead in that particular spot and is it legal for EVERYONE (not just Haitians!) to butcher an animal on the lawn outside those apartments? So, has there been any comment from town leadership? Are the authorities confirming or denying an animal was chopped up on the grounds of this apartment building? This would be interesting to hear.
    1026 replies | 176076 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-11-2024, 08:06 AM
    Yes, whatever it is, it probably just sauntered over there and dropped dead of natural causes, whereafter this (alleged) Haitian happened by with his machete and decided to take advantage of the situation.
    1026 replies | 176076 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    10-11-2024, 07:58 AM
    "They" were complaining about all the other issues all along. Like most of us, you probably didn't pay attention to any of it until you heard the cat-eating claims. Maybe you're just one of those people who can't pass up an opportunity to label others racist?
    1026 replies | 176076 view(s)
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