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  • Valli6's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:41 PM
    You mixed them up. That wasn't Massie. That was Amash (who Rand is endorsing for the senate by the way. ) Of course I agree this person is a clown, nonetheless.
    54 replies | 1418 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:34 PM
    For me, this makes him harder to like. "Cat lady" references are so overused it's nauseatingly unclever - just another cliche people use instead of making a real point. This is from the guy who's supposed to have such a high IQ? He's such a hard worker that he was able to pull his poverty-stricken ass up by the bootstraps? (He sure didn't work hard on that cat lady line.) This is the guy who went to Yale? and saved his mother from drug addiction? (and I guess he's never had a pet?) Disappointed. I guess the real campaigning has begun and I'm a fool to have hoped they would not find it necessary to devolve into low class name-calling when there are so many real points to be made. (Is this more "red meat" for the "stupids"?)
    148 replies | 4560 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:48 PM
    Well, miseducating the stupids with this "red meat", and labeling constitutionalists "stupid people", is bad all around. He should be trying to help those clueless republicans that don't know better, rather than encouraging everyone to be stupider. I guess your point is that there are so many "stupids" out there, this can earn him a lot of votes, but to encourage such ignorance stikes me as sinful. Also, it's insulting to everyone who supports adhering to our constitution.
    24 replies | 360 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:18 PM
    I have - like when I've sliced a large chunk of flesh off my fingertip while cutting along a straight edge with a razor blade. You stare at the wound horrified for a few seconds before the blood comes. It ain't the movies. This picture was taken a split second after Trump is hit - so of course, there's no blood yet.
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:06 PM
    Exactly! Why aren't they arrested for damaging and defacing public property? This is so obviously what should be happening, I find it mind-boggling that nobody even brings it up! Trump is being a chump with this stupid idea about arresting flag-burners. I seem to recall him suggesting this during his first term, too. Apparently he's still taking advice from morons.
    24 replies | 360 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 09:19 AM
    "Kamala Harris’ father was a Marxist professor." 1815957467806708164
    109 replies | 2563 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 08:44 AM
    What a coincidence because apparently, so was Kamala Harris' father. 1815957467806708164
    9 replies | 384 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 10:21 AM
    Dems continue to try making it about guns and even January 6. Republican leadership should consider offering angry, out-of-his-mind, Biden and his scuzzy family immunity, in exchange for admissions and proof regarding democrats corrupt practices since Trump's first campaign - including the entire J6 farce.
    52 replies | 1189 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 09:51 AM
    Biden is out of his mind and must resign. Anything else is too dangerous. Although this leaves Kamala Harris as president - she conspired with everything that's gone on and is guilty of all the same corruption and the cover-up. Harris should also be forced to immediately resign and/or be impeached for crimes. Biden and his family are livid over his treatment by democrat leadership, democrat donors and the entire democrat party - everyone he's always counted on to protect him. Can angry, confused, child-like Biden resist the urge to retaliate with accusations and proof against all those who've so ruthlessly stabbed him in the back? I doubt it. Will democrats band together to protect Kamala Harris from an impeachment and calls for resignation - when their party is in such a state of disarray - and many of them can't stand Harris? I find it hard to envision such a response.
    56 replies | 1770 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 08:57 AM
    Haha, using the (likely made-up) death-threat-from-Iran claim against them. They've totally dropped reference to this claim in recent days, as if they've given up on convincing the public of this particular lie. How can she possibly formulate a coherent response?
    52 replies | 1189 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 09:56 AM
    Well, that was a waste of my time. This video is not even about the woman doing anything strange. It's simply verifying why the woman's behavior is NOT particularly strange. I'll have to resume my usual habit of ignoring the long pointless videos you guys too frequently post.
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-20-2024, 11:54 AM
    Since Tucker Carlson had been: 1.) recording a "docu-series" of Trump's campaign, which would include the entire shooting -and- 2.) fully anticipating an assassination attempt on Trump this year it's likely that high quality data exists and is perhaps already being examined for details by Trump's people. So there's a fair chance that a credible method exists for countering any lies from government agencies. We shall see. (BGR)
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-18-2024, 07:04 PM
    Loved that Saturday night line-up: Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart and the Carol Burnett Show.
    13 replies | 341 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-17-2024, 09:14 AM
    Not buyin' it.
    1 replies | 153 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-16-2024, 06:11 PM
    Yes it's true. It's in an interview she did. . ...about 1:40 into this video:
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-15-2024, 08:05 PM
    Donald Trump enters the room!
    137 replies | 4022 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-15-2024, 01:54 PM
    I missed this, but had Fox News on at the time and rewound after reading your post. I would never have known anything happened because the "hosts" (Martha McCallum, Karl Rove, Kevin McCarthy, etc) were onscreen and chatting over it. The camera (split-screen) went to Mitch after he was already speaking and you couldn't even hear him because McCallum etc were still talking.
    7 replies | 330 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 08:14 PM
    I think he will discuss it with advisors, but I can't see Trump showing them the respect of speaking with them in a truce-y manner, not after all the things they've done to him! They don't deserve it. They're all out there making statements now about how "there's no place for political violence", "we have to come together," "so glad Trump is okay" - Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Hakeem Jefferys - all of them. My feeling is just - fuck them. Trump should just go on with his campaign pointing out the disgusting behavior the dems have exhibited lo these many years. Let the dems go on with their campaign - let's see what they can do with that.
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 06:27 PM
    Biden says he's been trying to reach Trump, wants to speak to him tonight. I would refuse to speak to him if I were Trump.
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 06:17 PM
    They're saying Biden is going to SPEAK.
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 06:10 PM
    Now I'm hearing shooter was a "Chinese National" - "in a sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium."
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 05:51 PM
    "shooter identified as Mark Violets, a known antifa extremist." Were there TWO shooters? 1812263311737774469
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 05:43 PM
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  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 05:32 PM
    They all ducked, and I believe the shooter was caught quickly - he's dead now.
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 05:27 PM
    "Shooter dead. A rally attendee is dead."
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 05:20 PM
    I'm hearing at least one other person was hit. update: Just heard district attorney announced other person is dead?!
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 05:06 PM
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  • Valli6's Avatar
    07-13-2024, 04:25 PM
    Whisked off stage, bleeding above the ear, pumping his fist, and yelling, "Fight! Fight! Fight! to the crowd. He was surrounded by secret service and moved into a vehicle. Reports are eight shots fired, others saying 12 shots.
    981 replies | 25609 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 02:37 PM
    46 replies | 3421 view(s)
  • Valli6's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 09:07 AM
    RIP Prayers for the family. (How awful!)
    46 replies | 3421 view(s)
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