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    Occam's Banana

    Playing with Fire: Federal Reserve documentary teaser

    Thread Starter: Occam's Banana

    Playing with Fire: Federal Reserve Documentary Teaser https://odysee.com/@mises:1/playing-with-fire-federal-reserve:e {Mises Media | 03 May 2024} Dr. Paul is right! People need to look at the money issue. Wars, spending and debt accumulation, subsidies, both domestic and abroad, are intimately linked to the money machine known as the Federal Reserve. Central banks have two main...

    Last Post By: Occam's Banana 07-24-2024, 02:57 AM Go to last post
  • Ron Paul & Rand Paul: News & Discussion


    Why Rand Paul should ABSOLUTELY RUN IN 2028!

    Thread Starter: jmdrake

    I'm sorry. I don't care what anybody else says. Rand Paul is the GOAT in politics! In 2016 he was prepared to take on statesmen in debates and not some loudmouth reality TV show host. I looked up this video of Rand taking on the women of The View because Anti Federalist did a thread about Glock switches and I remember Rand schooling Whoopie Goldberg about semi automatic versus fully automatic...

    Last Post By: jmdrake Today, 01:09 AM Go to last post
    Okie RP fan

    What are the best ways to honor Dr. Paul today?

    Thread Starter: Okie RP fan

    17 years since the revolution began in 2007. After the 2012 elections, we witnessed thousands (maybe millions?) become disenfranchised and/or fall back into their old ways. This is sad to think about considering the energy and life changing information that Ron Paul brought to millions. What are some things that we can still do today to honor his work? How do we make all of that time and...

    Last Post By: Matt Collins Yesterday, 06:13 PM Go to last post
  • General News & Politics


    Trump wants one year jail sentence for flag burning

    Thread Starter: Madison320

    This seems pretty bad to me. Isn't this a whole new class of laws? Do we have any existing laws that makes generic criticism of the government illegal? I would think the next logical step would be to make it illegal to criticize the president. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4792101-donald-trump-urges-jail-sentence-burning-flags-protests/

    Last Post By: 69360 Today, 07:38 AM Go to last post

    Israel PM Netanyahu addresses US Congress

    Thread Starter: WarriorLiberty

    Speaker Johnson Threatens To Arrest Lawmakers Who Disrupt Netanyahu's Congress Speech War Criminal Netanyahu is coming to US Congress likely asking for US support. Speaker Johnson had threaten Lawmakers Who Disrupt Netanyahu's Congress Speech. The visit comes after Yemeni rebels had struck tel aviv with Drone. Speaker Johnson Threatens To Arrest Lawmakers Who Disrupt Netanyahu's...

    Last Post By: Anti Federalist Today, 07:06 AM Go to last post

    Kamala Harris 2024 POTUS campaign

    Thread Starter: otherone

    Is there an existing thread about kamala? My daughter thinks she's articulate. Any help? Youtube has buried her offenses. Thanks

    Last Post By: Anti Federalist Today, 07:01 AM Go to last post

    Trump says Bibi is preventing peace

    Thread Starter: nobody's_hero

    Jimmy's title, not mine:

    Last Post By: vita3 Today, 06:30 AM Go to last post


    Thread Starter: Swordsmyth

    TRUMP TO INVESTIGATE BIG PHARMA FOR THE “STUNNING RISE” IN AUTISM, INFERTILITY, ALLERGIES, & CHILD ILLNESS! 1808187088455471349 https://x.com/BoLoudon/status/1808187088455471349

    Last Post By: Swordsmyth Today, 06:21 AM Go to last post

    Harris now leading Trump in polls

    Thread Starter: Snowball

    Today 07/22/2024 Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/exclusive-harris-leads-trump-44-to-42-in-us-presidential-race-reutersipsos-poll-finds/ar-BB1quKSh June 28. Not even a month ago. RealClearPolling averages show that limited surveys suggest that Harris has an even bigger disadvantage than...

    Last Post By: Swordsmyth Today, 05:29 AM Go to last post

    Trump Easily Falls for Lies & Propaganda Iran tried to Assassinate Trump. Threatens Iran

    Thread Starter: WarriorLiberty

    In Truth Social. Trump posted a comment Surely Trump is begging to lose support from Independents and many who are anti war. Calling American leaders cowards? a bit amusing coming from someone like Trump and wishes to see other countries obliterated like Iran. What has Iran to do with the assassination? when Trump's own secret service allowed it to happen in the first place? ...

    Last Post By: Swordsmyth Today, 05:28 AM Go to last post

    Where is Joe Biden? (Haven't seen him since he announced campaign exit)

    Thread Starter: dannno

    Photoshopped signature on the Announcement letter? Where is Joe Biden? President makes campaign exit from Rehoboth Beach Deleware Joe Biden makes historic decision in 'Nation's Summer Capital,' Rehoboth Beach https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/local/2024/07/22/where-is-joe-biden-president-makes-campaign-exit-from-rehoboth-beach-delaware/74493530007/

    Last Post By: unknown Today, 02:49 AM Go to last post

    Trump shot at Rally

    Thread Starter: CaptUSA


    Last Post By: vita3 Today, 02:36 AM Go to last post

    Trump picks Ohio senator J.D. Vance as VP candidate

    Thread Starter: WarriorLiberty

    JD Vance confirmed

    Last Post By: unknown Today, 01:56 AM Go to last post
  • Gold Price Chart

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  • Economics News & Discussion

    Matt Collins

    CPI jumps 5% in May of 2021, fastest since 2008

    Thread Starter: Matt Collins

    If they are admitting a 5% jump, the true number is probably more like 15%-20% https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/10/business/consumer-price-index-may-2021.html

    Last Post By: ClaytonB Yesterday, 04:08 PM Go to last post

    Reddit Trolls Wall St. Hedge Funds, Buying Up GameStop Stock

    Thread Starter: dannno

    GameStop (GME) was expected to go bankrupt, so some Wall St. hedge funds (notably Melvin Capital) put down some serious short sells on their stock. Reddit took notice, and coordinated an attack and have driven the price of Gamestop (GME) up from about $40 a week ago to $209 currently. Some of the firms, notably Melvin Capital, have doubled down and gone to investors for billions in...

    Last Post By: devil21 Yesterday, 03:28 PM Go to last post
    Matt Collins

    The decline of Hong Kong

    Thread Starter: Matt Collins


    Last Post By: jmdrake 07-25-2024, 06:00 AM Go to last post
    Matt Collins

    JP Morgan and Jamie Dimon: A primer

    Thread Starter: Matt Collins


    Last Post By: devil21 07-25-2024, 01:10 AM Go to last post

    Destruction of the US dollar

    Thread Starter: devil21

    (This thread should have been titled "Destruction of the FRN global standard" but I was in the early stages of learning this stuff. Dollar and FRN are not necessarily the same.) UPDATE: Some of the links are dead but the texts of the deleted articles are still in this thread. We have ongoing threads that chronicle the progression of the downward spiral of things like the Friday bank...

    Last Post By: devil21 07-25-2024, 01:06 AM Go to last post
  • Bitcoin Price Chart

  • Education & Thought Power


    Why Revolution Won't Help Much

    Thread Starter: osan

    In these turbulent times, I am finding it quipped with increasing frequency that revolution becomes more inevitable with each passing day. While that may be so, it won't help... At least not much. In fact, "revolution" won't be a revolution at all, but merely a momentary, albeit violent, vent of what I'm willing to assume shall be righteous rage against the trespasses of "leaders" against...

    Last Post By: Matt Collins Yesterday, 01:44 PM Go to last post
    A Son of Liberty

    Dave Smith / Part of the Problem

    Thread Starter: A Son of Liberty

    I'll endeavor to post each episode of Dave Smith's, Part of the Problem podcast here, going forward. Feel free to discuss/opine.

    Last Post By: Occam's Banana Yesterday, 01:06 PM Go to last post

    Government, religion, and "secular" vs. "religious"

    Thread Starter: PAF

    Should Government Pass Laws To 'Require' The Display of Religious Material? I’m Not Roman Catholic, But My State Is by Larry L. Beane I’m not Roman Catholic, but my state is! Louisiana is indeed a Roman Catholic state. It just is. And the state has just passed a law requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in all classrooms.

    Last Post By: mrsat_98 Yesterday, 11:56 AM Go to last post
    Occam's Banana

    Mises University 2024

    Thread Starter: Occam's Banana

    Mises University: index of threads] Mises University 2024 SUNDAY 28 JULY 2024 to SATURDAY 03 AUGUST 2024 LIVE STREAMS / VIDEOS / AUDIO / etc. NOTES:

    Last Post By: Occam's Banana 07-25-2024, 04:37 PM Go to last post
    Matt Collins

    Reminder what happened at 1968 DNC:

    Thread Starter: Matt Collins


    Last Post By: Voluntarist 07-24-2024, 10:56 AM Go to last post
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