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  1. 2011 New Hampshire Liberty Related Bills Report

    Note: I updated this list by posting new information as comments. So the total is really
    Over 60 pro-liberty bills and 2 pro-liberty resolution passed in NH in 2011. 3 pro-liberty bills were vetoed by Governor Lynch.
    Liberty made substantial gains in New Hampshire this year!

    This report includes a partial selection of the list of pro-liberty bills, resolutions or constitutional amendments that at least passed either the New Hampshire House of Representatives or the ...

    Updated 02-15-2012 at 04:17 PM by Keith and stuff

  2. New Hampshire Democrat bloggers declare Free Staters the winner

    New Hampshire Democrat bloggers declare Free Staters the winner

    It feels pretty good to be a free stater in New Hampshire right now. Dozens of pro-liberty bills have made it through either the NH House or the NH Senate. I commented on a few of the bills here. Five recent blog posts by Democrats explain how free staters won NH. On top of that, there was even an Op-Ed in the only state-wide paper in NH about how the horrible free staters worked with the awful tea party folks to ...

    Updated 04-12-2011 at 01:17 AM by Keith and stuff

  3. NH State House protesters blame freestaters for less government spending

    State House protesters blame Free State Project participants for smaller government and personal responsibility in New Hampshire. Here is a run down of what happened at the NH State House on 3-31-11. The NH House passed the budget. House Bill 1 called for a 10% reduction in government spending, possibility the largest reduction in government spending in the history of the NH House. During and after the budget debate protests happened outside the State House.

    At one point, union government ...

    Updated 04-04-2011 at 12:30 AM by Keith and stuff

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