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  1. Leonard Peikoff on Jury Duty
  2. Guardian: Eisenhower's Worst Fears Came True. We Invent Enemies To Buy The Bombs
  3. "No Knock Raid" - a Song About the Drug War's Deadliest Tactic
  4. 11 Foreign Countries Join Suit Against State of Georgia Over Its New Immigration Law
  5. Unanimous SCOTUS decision individuals charged w/ crime can challenge fed law under 10th am
  6. 5 Recycles only. Withdraw Government Subsidies
  7. Video: Obama Kicks Door Open
  8. $9 for Subway Sandwich. No inflation
  9. $5.5 Trillion Withdrawn in 3 Hours
  10. President CEO and Citizens Owner
  11. NSA allies with Internet carriers to thwart cyber attacks against defense firms
  12. Vancouver Riots 2011- Guy gets knocked out in one punch
  13. Nuclear Powered Cars
  14. Parody vid: Anderson Cooper exposes false journalism (CNN Debate Poll Results)
  15. Some History for the Stroll that we find Upon Ourselves
  16. [VIDEO] Alex Jones Round Table with Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, Michael Boldin & Brandon
  17. [Video] Tom Woods ~ Democrats Warn: Beware Ron Paul!
  18. House Passes FY 2012 Agriculture Spending Bill that Spends More than FY 2011
  19. NSA, Internet Providers Teaming Up To Monitor Web Traffic / Cybersecurity Threats
  20. MBA, CA and Financial Crisis
  21. Awesome Short Story: "The Master Key" by Poul Anderson. 1964
  22. Anyone ever contemplate the psychological effects of stop lights run by the govt...?
  23. Daniel Ellsberg, other whistleblowers want Obama’s ‘transparency award’ rescinded
  24. ethics investigations being used to force out political opponents?
  25. RP: Why I'm Suing the Obama administration over Libya
  26. We Should Organize a Huge Liberty Movement Concert in an Early Primary/Caucus State
  27. Our Lefty Military
  28. Call to Action - John Dennis: How the Grassroots Can Help Ron Paul Win Ames, Iowa
  29. TSA Conducting Security Exercise
  30. Obama; 1 term prez if economy isn't turned around.
  31. President Eisenhower's Final Warning
  32. Corn ethanol: Senate votes overwhelmingly to end credits, tariffs
  33. Ted Cruz - anyone know much about him?
  34. New anti-Obama video, features Rand - DefeatHypocrisy2012 - Spread far and wide!
  35. Alex Merced for New Yorks 9th Congressional District
  36. [VIDEO] Anderson Cooper defends Ron Paul [MOD NOTE: Altered Video]
  37. County-Shuts-Down-Kids-Lemonade-Stand-500-Fine
  38. [Video] Anthony Weiner gets baba booey'd at resignation presser
  39. Vancouver Mayor, Police Chief Blame Stanley Cup Riot on Anarchists
  40. Post Debate Magellan Strategies Presidential poll has Ron Paul tied for 2d in NH
  41. Senator Lee to President Obama: The Objectives in Afghanistan Have Been Met
  42. Turn on CSPAN and listen to the president of the SEIU
  43. The left appears to be scared.
  44. Want to call the City Council members for making people give up their keys?
  45. Federal Judge Rules Against City of Dearborn And In Favor of Free Speech
  46. Newt Gingrich: "Audit The Fed"
  47. Liberty vs. TSA
  48. Sen. Toomey Meets With Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
  49. Those Greeks . . . Really Need a Sense of Humor These Days
  50. PPP - North Carolina GOP Presidential Primary Poll
  51. Hatch and Chaffetz exchange barbs as primary speculation builds
  52. Sega hacked
  53. Jimmy Carter: "Call Off the Global Drug War"
  54. "Bomb scare" at Pentagon shuts down morning commute (nothing found)
  55. Japan doubling 5% sales tax in order to pay for Social Security
  56. Rasmussen: Just 11% Say U.S. Should Be World’s Policeman
  57. The Spirit of Posse Comitatus or The United Police State of America (“Welcome Martial Law;
  58. CIA Agent: Bush Admin. Used CIA "To Get" Michigan Professor
  59. Mitt Romney Day is Today
  60. Texas Officials Groped by TSA As Anti-Groping Bill Makes Comeback
  61. GOP Candidates Moving Closer to Ron Paul (My endorsement)
  62. How would adoption work without the state?
  63. A Mass ‘Strategic Default’ Movement Begins
  64. TSA blocks private airport screeners
  65. Paul packs them in at major GOP conference
  66. Sarah, Bristol Palin to Get Their Trademarks
  67. IMF cuts U.S. growth forecast, warns of crises
  68. Bobby Jindal at SRLC got applause for allowing judges to use castration as punishment
  69. Jesus. This is trending on Youtube. A MoveOn video with Robert Reich explaining econ?
  70. North Carolina Legislature Defunds Planned Parenthood, Gov. Beverly Perdue Defeated
  71. MD - Feds and local cops set up fake poker site and proceed to steal $30 million.
  72. Ron Paul hints that the judge will be his VP pick
  73. They are starting to move on gold owners ...
  74. Jim DeMint: "I used to think Ron was crazy, but now I'M feeling crazy!!"
  75. [Anti-war and labor-union] Activists cry foul over FBI probe
  76. Magellan Strategies New Hampshire Poll
  77. US Warship in the Black Sea...
  78. RonPaul2012 website blocked in China !!! Why?
  79. Demint Endorsement: Only if Ron signs the Cut/Cap/Balance Pledge!
  80. Douglas Cohn: GOP shedding hawk’s feathers for pre-Ike dovetails
  81. Europeans Should Defend THEIR OWN INTERESTS
  82. Iceland Is Writing Its Constitution On Facebook
  83. Top Mexican Drug Kingpin Killed! Peace is Here! We Have Won The War on Drugs!
  84. Forex banned by new federal regulation from trading precious metals.
  85. Amy Klobuchar's internet control bill passes Senate committe
  86. Uh-Oh..Take the Square (Sunday June 19, 2011)
  87. NYTimes says Obama overruled 2 top lawyers on Libya
  88. Unbelievable! Luntz's focus group is liking RAND Paul!
  89. LOL! Rick Perry will not be on the straw poll for SRLC -- I wonder why?
  90. Police kill dogs - three articles.
  91. Paul, Bachmann rock day two at Republican Leadership Conference
  92. Winning straw polls makes you the primary funder of grassroots groups
  93. Getting Off The Globalist Chessboard.
  94. NYTIMES: Obama ignores top Pentagon lawyers who tell him Libya war is illegal
  95. Facebook Hires Fmr White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart
  96. Oh geez. O'Reilly's show has Kissinger as their patriot of the day
  97. Report: Obama overruled lawyers on Libya air war
  98. Netflix Violates the Americans with Disabilities Act by Not Providing captions
  99. Howard Dean: Racist Tea Party's Time is Up
  100. Ron Paul is so old...
  101. New-Perry-once-Gingrich adviser laying the ground for a Perry Iowa campaign just in case..
  102. Haley Barbour at SRLC
  103. Perry, Bachmann Buttons Big Sellers in New Orleans
  104. federal income tax illegal/unconstitutional
  105. Doug Wead on CSPAN this morning
  106. Caldicott: Japan could become Uninhabitable
  107. Factcheck concedes Ron Paul is right that no net new jobs have been created in a decade
  108. Picking a GOP message for 2012: Not easy (interesting re: SRLC speakers)
  109. Obama Claims The United Nations Can Usurp U.S. Congressional War Authority
  110. It looks like Obama is creating a nationwide 'sanctuary city' on illegal immigration
  111. Legendary investor Jim Rogers- "Ron Paul is the only politician that has a clue"
  112. Glenn Greenwald on Obama ignoring lawyers over Libya and push for unitary presidency
  113. [Video] David Stockman: "Ron Paul is the only politician who understands what's going on"
  114. Russ Feingold: Democratic Super PACs Are ‘Dancing With The Devil’
  115. Ignorance of the law IS a legitimate defense...............................if you're a cop
  116. L.A. delays decision on red-light cameras
  117. Lupe Fiasco to be on O'Reily Factor Monday night
  118. Is Libya being bombed because Gaddafi wants to introduce the gold standard?
  119. No more OTC precious metals (gold, silver, etc) for mundanes
  120. Federal Judge overturns Houston election
  121. Good General analysis of debate, Bachman, and Libya
  122. Due to redistricting, I may end up running for Congress 4 years early.
  123. New Yorks 9th District: What do you guys think?
  124. Ron Paul wins SRLC!!!
  125. Ron Paul: "I've Never Been As Optimistic As Now"
  126. Ron Paul's win of SRLC poll is on Drudge, top left column
  127. The UN attempts to set international labor laws
  128. Huntsman PAID people to vote for him at S.R.L.C.?
  129. Is There Any Cable or Satellite Channel in the U.S. that Broadcasts Adam Vs. the Man?
  130. Eric Skrmetta speech at RLC
  131. Big Shoutout to RONPAULPRODUCTS.COM
  132. Man Arrested After IRS Mistakenly Deposits $110K In His Account
  133. Does this drive anyone else crazy?
  134. Russian Television News, Al JAzeera English and CNN youtube subscriptions
  135. NYU medical center: we'll scan your veins, you won't have to fill forms
  136. What does Bachmann's RLC result say about her ability to organize for the Ames Straw Poll?
  137. If Ron Paul becomes President.
  138. Camp Constitution 2011 - Empowering the Next Generation of Future Leaders - Sign Up!
  139. LOL! Texas Republican Party nixes plan for presidential straw poll - wonder why?
  140. Best write up so far, if short: Ron Paul Trounces Republican Rivals in 2011 RLC Straw Poll
  141. Anyone In NOLA still?? Casey jones wants to know..
  142. It's 10 pm and we still need a donation for June 18th!
  143. TX - Cops raid home on false call, sic dog on man - "These things happen."
  144. Its time for iowa!
  145. National Review Online: Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll
  146. Sunday: Tom Woods on CSPAN2!
  147. Graham raps Boeher, GOP candidates on Libya, Afghanistan.
  148. Freedom's Pheonix has this cool picture
  149. Weiner vs. Breitbart: We've Been There Before -- Henry Wallace vs. Westbrook Pegler
  150. Van Jones wants to debate Glenn Beck?!?!?!
  151. Trading Of Over The Counter Gold And Silver To Be Illegal Beginning July 15
  152. Son of former NYPD officer, claims white cops handcuffed him in racial profiling
  153. HuffPo article on RLC victory - hit it up with some comments if you're bored
  154. huntsman places second in straw poll?
  155. Rick Perry Speaks to Republican Leadership Conference; Crowd Chants, "Run, Rick, Run!"
  156. Republican maverick Ron Paul wins a second straw poll and reminds the critics why he matte
  157. Al-Jazeera top story: "The War on Drugs has failed"
  158. Joe Biden - Handicapper General
  159. Feminist blowback? Pro-abortionist wants to punish "thought crimes"
  160. Herman Cain: I Regret Saying Michele Bachmann Pandered To Evangelicals At Faith And Freedo
  161. Obama impersonator cut off at Republican conference
  162. Arizona Police Officer Execute Man For Telling Them They Needed A Warrant
  163. Bucnanan - the day of the interventionist neocons in the Republican party is almost over
  164. Mother Pleads Guilty to Felony for Spanking Her Child
  165. Lupe Fiasco to appear on O'Reilly Factor next week
  166. Confessions of an Economic Hitman
  167. EPA Forcing Coal Power Plants to Shut Down; Electricity Rates to Increase
  168. Ron Paul influence in 2012 worries John McCain
  169. Glenn Greenwald: Obama lawyers are WORSE than Bush's
  170. Is this a legitimate threat...or more fear mongering?
  171. Airport Security "Playset" for children!
  172. Nato admits civilians died in Tripoli bombing raid
  173. [Video] Jack Hunter / Southern Avenger: SA@TAC - Identity vs. Philosophy
  174. Tom Woods on C-SPAN2 right now! (6/19/11 - 10pm est)
  175. McConnell caves on debt ceiling
  176. (1966) Shocking Statement From Ezra Taft Benson, former Secretary of Agriculture
  177. Jon Stewart vs. Fox News' Chris Wallace [Video]
  178. A debate about the Constitution amoungst those who took and oath to uphold it
  179. Lindsey Graham (Psychotic - SC) - "Congress should sort of shut up," about Libya
  180. Righthaven attorney has perjured before the Colorado Court in Brian's case
  181. The American Spring
  182. Graham, McCain, Gates Rebuke American Demands to Constitutional Compliance
  183. When the State Breaks a Man
  184. Rick Perry and ABC
  185. Newt Gingrich will speak on Wednesday about AUDITING THE FED,
  186. Fatherlessness is Straining the Safety Net
  187. Yahoo: Texas Rep. Paul says young people tired of US wars
  188. Neocon talk radio: NOT A PEEP about SRLC
  189. Progressives Growing Impatient With Obama Admin's lack of action towards Gun Control
  190. [VIDEO] Ron Paul on NBC Today - 06-20-11
  191. Lindsey Graham urges Congress to 'shut up' on Libya
  192. "A terrific Father's Day for Ron Paul" (Win at Republican Leadership Conference & poll)
  193. Video of Cain losing his cool at press conference (the infamous interview)
  194. Miss USA 2011: Marijuana should not be legalized
  195. We Pay Tax So Why should We Pay Tax
  196. Ron Paul, Republican Leadership Conference Straw Poll Winner: I’m Not A Fringe Candidate
  197. Morning Joe Is Baffled By Rick Perry: ‘Felt Like An Alien’ Watching People Cheer Him
  198. 40% Foreign Investments Maybe from Illegal Source
  199. USA Military to Respond with Physical Force to Cyber Attack (Act of War)
  200. The Hill: Ron Paul pushes back on the 'fringe' label
  201. 8 million gallons of water drained from reservoir after man urinates
  202. Ron Paul 2012 - Youtube Channel!
  203. Vote in new online presidential poll - contains only declared candidates
  204. Do They know this
  205. Ron Paul on Libya War: President Obama’s Explanation is ‘Horrific’ (plus, vote in poll)
  206. An addition to the TSA playset for kids
  207. ICE SWAT raid victims looking for answers - "they’re not supposed to be terrifying us"
  208. Ron Paul signs pledge that would keep most libertarians out!
  209. NJ - Boot licking columnist sez - "Stop whining about TSA pat downs"
  210. Prestigious doctor: US nuclear valley of death' Millions to die
  211. Prestigious doctor: US nuclear 'Baby valley of death,' Millions to die
  212. 108 year old convicted murderer released from Indian prison
  213. I am considering a run for congress
  214. Tea Party Straw Poll Facebook, need a lil help
  215. Rand Paul, Man of the People!
  216. Texas Gov. Rick Perry Stalls on Calling Up Anti-TSA Groping Bill to Special Session
  217. SUCCESS: Texas Gov. Rick Perry Adds Anti-TSA Groping Bill to Special Session!
  218. I love this: PolitiFact's TRUTHOMETER....
  219. Libertarianism on the rise
  220. Idaho GOP State Sen. John McGee Arrested for DUI, Grand Theft Charges
  221. [Video] Lupe Fiasco's Extremely Edited Interview With Bill" O'Reilly
  222. Hey, according to the Union Lawyer in the WSJ us southerners are dumb and unskilled.
  223. Texas Tells Feds: Shove Your Light Bulb Ban - Nullification!
  224. Washington Times: Defund the war in Libya
  225. Conservatives warn House Republicans not to defund Libyan mission
  226. How did I do?
  227. $1 Billion in Homeowner Aid Offered, $50k Interest Free Loan to Homeowners
  228. AFA Poll!
  229. Notable Work: Protest TSA Searches With T-Shirts Printed in Metallic Ink
  230. Pro-life Ron Paul wins presidential straw poll among GOP activists
  231. Ron Paul and Rand Paul had the same top contributors (open secret industries) guess who?
  232. Chart: Libertarianism Is on the Rise
  233. Farrakhan: "That's A Murderer In The White House!"
  234. Red light camera company gives city of Houston ultimatum.
  235. The new tactic the MSM is using against Ron Paul.
  236. Ron Paul Issues Statement on ATF Gunrunner Scandal
  237. CA - Couple plans to sue after cops open fire on home without cause.
  238. Joe Rogan with another +Ron tweet (sorry if double post)
  239. There Ain't No Conspiracy Here
  240. Blog refutes Ann Coulter's slams on what she thinks is libertarianism
  241. Man robs $1 from bank to get healthcare in prison
  242. Classic: Ron Paul vs Anthony Weiner (2004)
  243. Jon Huntsman's turnout for his speech. Scenic too.....
  244. The Military as a Jobs Program
  245. Blog Fail: "You May Need to Vote For a RINO"
  246. Newt Gingrich to call for the Audit and reform of the Fed (seriously)
  247. However gloomy some of you may be...
  248. RT : Police wage war on cameras
  249. On July 4th, I want to document the police state on Facebook.
  250. Libertarianism Rising, Ron Paul Rising!!!