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  1. Rothbard On The Myth Of Ronald Reagan
  2. Bill O'Reilly interviews Barack Obama on FOX during Super Bowl pregame
  3. Super Bowl XLV: Ready to rumble
  4. LRC podcast 185: interview with Ron Paul
  5. Trustee: JPMorgan Knew of Madoff's Ponzi Scheme
  6. Pro-Lifers for Mass Murder
  7. Texas' Reagan revolution (features Ron's role)
  8. MSNBC : Did the Food Bubble Cause the Riots in the Arab World, Spreading to the U.S?
  9. Government's role in polution and emissions
  10. The Federal Reserve Fears The Coming Audit
  11. Get your money's worth watch GM's Super Bowl commercials?
  12. Facebook Wars
  13. RI state senator, Nicholas Kettle (R), considers himself "in the mold of Ron Paul"
  14. Crony Capitalism Or Raw Corruption?
  15. The UnSpin Zone- Ron Paul: Defending your money for 30 years
  16. Are you better off today than you were two years ago?
  17. Hayek, the first liberaltarian?
  18. AOL pays $315 Million for The Huffington Post
  19. Obama Cool With Haters, Says They Don't Know Him.
  20. Economics 101 - Four Reasons Why Big Government Is Bad Government!
  21. Jim Rogers On The Fed!
  22. Military Modifying/Controlling weather pdf
  23. CPAC Open Bar TASK FORCE
  24. Pakistani woman commits suicide after US diplomat shooting
  25. What advertising agencies won the superbowl last night?
  26. FCC Commissioners: FCC Lacks Authority to Regulate the Internet
  27. Genius Gold Miner Cracked the Code to Scratch-Lottery Tickets
  28. Here we go again...Concerns grow over Egypt's WMD research
  29. We Will Not Be Silenced!!! (14 seconds)
  30. WikiTalkie: Cosy Swedish-US friendship stokes fears of Assange case
  31. House to vote on extending parts of PATRIOT Act, Tuesday February 8th
  32. Proof that Ron Paul WILL RUN in 2012? Check this out
  33. PolitiFact Gives Ron Paul a "Pants on Fire" Rating
  34. ATTN RealID Experts:
  35. Ron's witness list for Wednesday's hearing on the Fed and Jobs - go if you can!
  36. Huckabee has not committed to pres lecture series in Iowa after all - but Ron has.
  37. On what basis is Ron Paul not socially conservative?
  38. Paul Krugman Blames Egypt Crisis On Global Warming
  39. Liberty Movement's Guide to CPAC 2011 - Print this out!
  40. Politico: Ron Paul '12?
  41. Some 400 ticket-holding fans denied seats at Super Bowl XLV
  42. Rep. Harman to resign from the House
  43. Republicans call for paring down Fannie and Freddie
  44. CPAC’s Social War (AmConMag Article)
  45. IMPORTANT NEWS About Ron's Monetary Hearing on Wed., 9/2
  46. This Video Needs About 20 million Views!
  47. U.S. Selects Zones in Four States to Accelerate Offshore ...
  48. Why do environmental activists usually fail to understand....
  49. [Article by Ron Paul]: "Our 30 Year Mistake"
  50. haha, wow - personally attacked because I defended GA Rep. Franklin
  51. U.S. military purchases Gulf of Mexico seafood
  52. 82 Year Old Barber Shut Down By Government
  53. Interesting read about tactics used against RP in the media
  54. Ron Paul to address Iowa group
  55. Oath Keepers Founder Intereviewed By Reason Magazine
  56. Fins up!
  57. Is it just me or does the Egyptian military behave somewhat like Oath Keepers?
  58. Washington State Seeks to Ban Flavored Swisher Sweets and Other Nicotine Products
  59. Heads up! Ron Paul to be on Cavuto 2/7/11
  60. Glenn Beck Slams Head Neocon Bill Kristol and the Neoconservative Movement
  61. Egypt: Don't rebel, here's a 15% pay increase, Sheep.
  62. Somehow, I don't think we have the numbers to do a free state project here....
  63. 'Anonymous' Takes Down Security Firm That Threatened to Expose its Members
  64. Rand's brother might run for Congress - Dr. Robert Paul
  65. President Dumb-Ass lectures Chamber of Commerce on how to grow business.
  66. Wael Ghonim, Released
  67. Pat Buchanan on Sean Hannity
  68. Senate Report Fingers the FBI in Fort Hood Massacre
  69. TWP (Texting While Pooping)
  70. Panic stations! New theory behind climate change
  71. VT Towns To Arrest Bush and Cheney
  72. Navy has first test flight of X-47, unmanned, no human operator, half billion $, killbot
  73. Freedom Watch offers Live Chat
  74. Guess what ICE is also up to besides stealing web site addresses?
  75. Tom Woods' New Book: ROLLBACK now ranking at #45 on Amazon
  76. 1 in 4 US jobs requires a license
  77. Amtrak bypasses Christie in NJ, moves ahead with $13.5 billion NJ/NY tunnel project
  78. The Atlantic: "When Ronald Reagan endorsed Ron Paul"
  79. Attention Mundanes!!! Stand by for an important announcement from your Glorious Leader!
  80. Antiwar Radio: Fire dog lake's Jane Hampsher interviewed
  81. 2/7 Freedom Watch [Video]
  82. Bad News About the Ron Paul Monetary Hearing - remember how they booked Bernanke w/ Ryan
  83. New York City Council Cracks Down on Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Centers
  84. [Video] Southern Avenger: SA@TAC - Dreading Democracy 2/7/11
  85. Game About Smuggling Mexicans Publicly Criticized by Rubes..... AP Picks the Story Up
  86. Egypt Revolution vs. U.S. stages Saddam statue takedown revolution
  87. BBC documentary on Israeli settlers
  88. Help me find the best Ron Paul 2012 bumper sticker!
  89. what was ron paul's relationship with reagan ?
  90. Anon. Ravages Security Firm Working w.FBI to expose Anon. Members After Wikileaks DDoSes
  91. Ken Buck to announce formation of Balanced Budget Amendment NP Org Tomorrow! ALLY? YES!
  92. The New America Firsters
  93. Government Regulations Killing U.S. Jobs
  94. The TSA Is About To Get Worse
  95. Ex-DNC Chairman Howard Dean: It's Government's Job to Redistribute Wealth
  96. Donald Rumsfield says allegations of lying about weapons of mass destruction "nonsense"
  97. You Might Be a Terrorist, Too
  98. Chip-in for Christinajade to vote at CPAC!
  99. Rachel Maddow Nails This Piece on Egypt
  100. National Debt Video Contest
  101. Which is a worse kind of tyranny?
  102. Super Bowl packs in record U.S. TV viewer total
  103. Retired Egyptian General Discusses US Foreign Policy and 9/11
  104. Another blue doggie crumbles
  105. Who provides more credible mideast/world news - Al Jazeera, Fox, MSNBC?
  106. Dylan Ratigan - The Fed's Role In Recent Food Price Ignited Revolutions
  107. Ron Paul's New Book: Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom
  108. Wow, even the neo-cons on Free Republic are against the Patriot Act now
  109. Armed rooster kills man
  110. Popular culture (TV) and politics
  111. Rand Paul on Morning Joe...
  112. Obama to bail out states
  113. Detroit offers police officers foreclosed homes for a $1,000=Safe neighborhood
  114. Obama to CEOs: Ask what you can do for America
  115. Chuck does an episode on the Dollar and Gold
  116. New-CONservative Bill Kristol going to talk Beck next...
  117. Salon.com: Ron Paul will ruin the dreams of the 2012 fringe candidates
  118. Verizon iPhone bait and switch (CAMPAIGN TECH RELATED!)
  119. The Do-Nothing Congress
  120. Have you contacted your congressmen on the Patriot Act, so they have no excuse?
  121. Thomas Woods on Peter Schiff Show today
  122. Rand Paul - Tea Party Express Holds First Town Hall Meeting in Washington 7pm EST c-span2
  123. Fined on a Monthly Basis for Being Healthy and not taking Prescrip. Meds
  124. AP article: Taxes aren't too high, they are at their lowest since 1950
  125. Supreme Court Oral Arguments: Warrantless Searches - C-SPAN3 1:05pm EST
  126. Glenn Beck just called Ron Paul "Closest that we have to a founder."!!!!
  127. Ahead of Patriot Act vote, some tea-party lawmakers express reservations
  128. Vote for Ron Paul at PPP!
  129. The Next Liberty Candidate We Need To Support
  130. DC arms itself
  131. Trial and Error: 'Flagrant Injustice' for Julian Assange?
  132. The Ron Paul Story (Video) What fun!
  133. Need a sound & brief refutation of socialism
  134. Poll: Gary Johnson leads Democrats in an open seat race for New Mexico Senator
  135. Patri-idiot act debate on NOW!
  136. Ron paul on now! - c-span
  137. Question about the Tea Party movement
  138. ACTION alert: Who should PPP include as the bonus Republican this month? (poll)
  139. Summer Seminars on Liberty & Careers
  140. Jacob Hornberger of FFF was just on Cavuto
  141. 8 Feb. 2011 - BBC reports largest demonstrations yet in Egypt
  142. [VIDEO] Rep. Ron Paul speaks out against the "Patriot" Act on the house floor
  143. fun idea for Ron's committee hearing!!!!
  144. Red light cameras giving cops a PITA
  145. Patriot Act extension runs into conservative opposition
  146. New Michigan Governor Says HUNDREDS Of Municipalities Could Go Bankrupt In Next Four Years
  147. Incredible story - another reason why I am no longer in favor of capital punishment
  148. Ron Paul announces a new website for his Liberty PAC!
  149. Anonymous pwns HBGary Federal security firm
  150. Patri-idiot act is 2:1 for passage
  151. CSPAN: House blocks extension of certain PATRIOT ACT provisions
  152. Ron Paul to be on the Kudlow Report on CNBC soon
  153. Patriot Act Extension FAILS
  154. Examiner: GOP House blocks extension of Patriot Act
  155. Ron paul up next
  156. [Video] Chloe Wead: I'm a Ron Paul Girl
  157. Antiwar Radio: Horton interviews the Other Scott Horton
  158. Ron Paul: "Osama bin Laden was our good friend because he was a freedom fighter" 5/6/1999
  159. New NH GOP chairman is a Ron Paul supporter.
  160. For those wondering why 2/3 majority was needed for Patriot Act Extension
  161. Supremes told: Avoiding eligibility 'will destroy constitutional rule of law'
  162. Rachel Maddow in Shock: Tea Partiers Defeat PATRIOT Act
  163. Dallas Gives Michael Vick 'Key To The City' -- Without Mayor's Knowledge!
  164. Antiwar Radio: Scott Horton interviews LRC
  165. ATTN Jericho Fans! ~ The story continues February 16!
  166. " all signs indicate ron paul to run for president in 2012"
  167. Google executive a leader in the Egyptian revolution?
  168. House GOP Can Do it the Easy Way OR THE HARD WAY!!
  169. Egyptian VP "there will be no ending of the regime."
  170. Freedom Watch 2/08/11 - Rand Paul, Mike Lee
  171. PIX11 News has a constitutional commentator
  172. Anyone here disagree with Ayn Rand's view of greed and charity ?
  173. Did anyone realize Slickdeals has a political forum?
  174. Whoa! LOTS of libertarian bills introduced into NH legislature
  175. Hillary: Too Much $$ In Drugs To Leagalize Them
  176. Today 10am - House Budget Committee: Chairman Ron Paul vs Chairman Ben Bernanke - Rnd 1
  177. Ron Paul on fox and friends
  178. Harry Baals WAY ahead in the "Name Our City Hall" competition
  179. Gov. Engineer complaint: "engineering-level work" by someone who's not a licensed engineer
  180. Voters Still Wary of Changes in Egypt, But 68% Say U.S. Should Not Get Involved
  181. DisreGuardian: UK press hunts Assange after printing cash
  182. The Government's "Judicial Activism" Ploy
  183. Full list of House Republicans who voted against Patriot Act
  184. At CPAC, the race for Second Place as Ron Paul goes all out
  185. Lightening Round with Peter Schiff
  186. We need to flip around 60 votes to kill the patriot next time.
  187. The Great Super Bowl Fumble
  188. Breaking: Senator Jim Webb [D-VA] will not seek reelection. Open seat 2012
  189. ACTION! - Ron Paul's Committee Hearing
  190. Donald Rumsfeld's "Defender of the Constitution" Award Has Few Defenders
  191. Corrupt' Mubarak fortune in focus as Western cash donors exposed
  192. Ret. General Stanley McChrystal Stumps for National Slavery Aka: National Service
  193. Possible Presidential contender Ron Paul slams Fed’s bond-buying program
  194. NC Farmer's Freedom Act now filed!
  195. Fascinating read from Rothbard on Rockefeller in 1979
  196. Ron Paul, activists push to repeal ban on incandescent bulbs
  198. Wikileaks: Saudi Said To Have Overstated Crude Oil Reserves By 40%
  199. [VIDEO] Ron Paul on CNBC 02/09/11
  200. Rand Paul comes out against the Patriot Act but people on Rand Paul Forums .....
  201. Comedy Central Presents: Ben Bernanke
  202. Time to Turn Off National Anthem Before Sports Events.
  203. Dem accuses witness invited by Ron Paul of 'hate group' ties
  204. House Could Reconsider Patriot Act as Early as Thursday
  205. Convenient timing - DHS head announces highest "terror threat" since 9/11
  206. Vote for Ron -- two polls
  207. PolitiFact: Rates Obama's statement as false. Ignores elephant in the room.
  208. NEOCON Gets to TAK at CPAC...
  209. National Enquirer claims John Boehner had multiple affairs
  210. Rep Chris Lee R-NY just resigned
  211. The difference between Big Government Dems and the Big Government GOP = 32 billion.
  212. Peak Oil: Fact or Crap?
  213. Ohio Heartbeat Abortion Ban Bill
  214. House Republicans In “Open Revolt” Against Leadership Over Spending Cuts
  215. Wikileaks Cables: U.S. Secret Police trained Egypt’s state ‘torturers’
  216. Raw Footage -- Tea Party Town Hall meeting in DC
  217. Rand Paul's speech on the Patriot Act (video)
  218. What to make of this article?
  219. How To Ban Abortion, Using Liberal “Legal” Arguments
  220. Look at this!!
  221. Boycott CPAC award ceremony for Rumsfeld
  222. Hatch On Egypt’s Autocratic Leader Hosni Mubarak: ‘I Feel Sad That He’s Going Through This
  223. RIP NYSE? - German Merge With Nyse, Toronto Exchange Merge With London
  224. The Flaw in Blind Support of Isreal (A religious viewpoint)
  225. Montana Bill Wants U.S. to Withdraw from UN
  226. What are reputation points?
  227. Freedom Watch 2/09/11 - Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Tom Woods, Lew Rockwell
  228. Flying Spaghetti Monster Code Hidden In Washington D.C. Design
  229. 9 House Conservatives roll out National Homeland Security ID Card
  230. Chaffetz taking heat from constituents for PATRIOT Act vote
  231. Patriot Act Extension - H.R. 514 - Voting Record - We now know who is who. Posted by 7R33S
  232. WSJ: The government's case against Assange has collapsed
  233. Battle begins on GOP cuts - The GOP's Rand Paul/Paul Ryan problem....
  234. Slate on the House refusal on the Patriot Act: "The 24-Hour Libertarian Revolt"
  235. Raw Story:Ron Paul holds first hearing to scrutinize Fed
  236. Obama taking orders from Saudi dictator regarding Egypt
  237. Rasmussen: 68% Believe Government and Big Business Work Together Against the Rest of Us
  238. Bloomberg: The Effect of Food Inflation on you!
  239. Interesting: The New American and the Tea Party Review Share Same Mag Cover
  240. "I KNOW I Was Targeted By Police"
  241. Just got another email from Ron Paul
  242. Paul calls Fed's Bernanke "cocky" in House hearing
  243. Even the people who post on Hannity's forums are opposed to the Patriot Act. Lol.
  244. Paul slams Fed’s bond-buying program
  245. Economists encourage, attack Fed in Paul panel
  246. What do you think of this quote...?
  247. Meanwhile, Elsewhere on the Hill, Ron Paul Wants Ben Bernanke to Go Away
  248. Monetary Policy Hearing Today, or: Ron Paul Versus the Kochtopus.
  249. The Official CPAC Thread - Post your updates here!
  250. Operation Chaos! Everyone Vote For Lincoln In This Worst President Poll