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  1. 90 PACs-- all at the same Las Vegas address!
  2. Japan's Catastrophe and the Future of Nuclear Power
  3. Marco Rubio Talks Big but Fails to Deliver on Tea Party Promises
  4. Kerry-Lugar-Udall Visa Bill Will Create Jobs in America
  5. Sarcastic libertarian talking point: Government attracts the best and brightest employees
  6. Imagine Ron Paul (R) vs Rand Paul (D) in a Presidential election. It happened in 1924!!!
  7. The SEIU doesn't like Rand's right to work bill. Go figure.
  8. Obama wants Japan failed reactors to be built on Texas Coast! READ!
  9. What is the most informative Ron Paul website to direct potential voters toward on the web
  10. U.S. says Saudi forces in Bahrain "not an invasion" ~unbelievable Orwellianism
  11. Excellent update from one of our own on Libya
  12. What did the WI Union bill actually do?
  13. $6.5 Million was Raised by Campaign for Liberty last year
  14. Police Caught Pulling People Over for not Going Through Their Checkpoint
  15. Glenn Beck's Fill-In on Fox News Draws the Same Audience as Glenn Beck
  16. Attn all bloggers: Fight the federal reserve in north carolina***
  17. Ron Paul, Jeff Flake, Mike Pence + 7 others Vote Nay on Pi Day Bill
  18. Canadian Court Decides to End Toddler's Life Against Parent's Wishes
  19. Ron Paul and Waler Jones support Kucinich withdrawal bill
  20. Website Idea - Need Suggestions
  21. Freedom Watch 3/14/11
  22. MSNBC Ed Show
  23. Walter Reddy, Founder of the Modern Committees of Safety: Raided by SWAT Under Patriot Act
  24. Frank Gaffney: Muslims Practicing Sharia Should Be Prosecuted for Sedition Gaffney calls f
  25. Antiwar Radio: Obama Chooses to Torture Manning (interview with Firedoglake writer)
  26. Will 3/11 tragedy put breaks on new nuclear plants in US?
  27. ALERT: Patriot Raided by SWAT Under Patriot Act
  28. Two-thirds of Americans say Afghan war not worth fighting
  29. Japan Crashing!
  30. Japan stock market down 14% and that tsunami should hit NYSE tomorrow..
  31. Japan Nikkei down 14% - What is Ron Paul position on trading halts?
  32. Paul's committee hearing will link monetary policy with rising prices
  33. Anyone On The West Coast Plan On Taking a Vacation for a Week or Two?
  34. A MSN Comment on the Nuclear Reactor mess. (explaining the situation)
  35. Aid for Japanese Pets
  36. Fukushima nuclear reactor radiation exposure: How far will this go?
  37. Peter Joseph Speech At London Z-Day Event
  38. 56% of Americans Support No-Fly Zone over Libya; 76% Oppose Ground Troops
  39. Japan Catastrophe Leading to the Questioning of Foreign Aid Cuts
  40. Gaddafi has a long history as a killer — and must be stopped
  41. 62% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law; Obama has -22 approval index rating at Rasmussen
  42. question about japan disaster's ability to stimulate the local economy.
  43. Pastor of the largest Christian Church in the world: Japanese quakes "God's warnings"
  44. WSJ: Reid Blames “Tea Party Extremists” for Budget Standoff
  45. Libs In Arizona Contemplate Secession
  46. MSM: "Japanese behave themselves during crisis unlike US and Haiti"
  47. Bad Press Coverage of Ron, but the commenter's got it covered again
  48. Pew: Public Wary of Military Intervention in Libya
  49. GB on now - explaining nuke meltdowns ....
  50. Geologist: West Coast Quake Likely To Happen This Month [Video]
  51. Welcome to the Dept of Truth
  52. Hacker Group Takes On Federal Reserve, IMF, "Global Banking Cartel"
  53. What is free market fascism?
  54. Pennsylvania sued for axing low-income health plan
  55. Greatest quote re: Japan....
  56. Michigan set to allow voiding of unions contracts
  57. Tax feeder Miami area mayor faces ouster in major recall vote
  58. NRA says would not accept Obama invite to guns meeting
  59. Governor unveils cuts to close Ohio budget: curbs collective bargaining rights
  60. Maryland set to erupt Wisconsin style.
  61. Lady Gaga, Linkin Park And Other Celebs Help Japan, Call On Fans For Support
  62. N.R.A. Declines to Meet With Obama on Gun Policy
  63. NRA Head Wayne LaPierre Doesn’t Want You To Know: He Agrees With Obama On Guns
  64. PPP: Exploring Alternative Republican Universes
  65. G. Edward Griffin LIVE on RTR.org's MoneyBomb
  66. TED: How the market can keep streams flowing (Video)
  67. Rasmussen Reports: Only 20% Strongly Approve of Obama as president
  68. Adrian Peterson: NFL Like ‘Modern Day Slavery’
  69. Disturbing & enlightening post from inside the nuclear field... (worth reading)
  70. I had no idea Phil Moffett was such a badass.
  71. The Blaze (Beck site) exposes Project Veritas' questionable editing
  72. U.S. deal with Saudi Arabia over Libya?
  73. Maine Senate Votes to Roll Back Seat Belt Law
  74. DEA seizes key execution drug in Ga.
  75. If Palin is cut loose by neoconservatives, would you embrace her?
  76. Nuke plant thread is closed, plz open it
  77. Thaddeus Russel: Why I Got Fired From Teaching American History
  78. Allen West calls for censoring US media
  79. Practical Anarcho-Capitalist in favor of small war on Libya
  80. An idea for real representation...
  81. Greenspan finally echoes Ron: Greenspan Says Obama Admin is Too "Active" in Economy
  82. PPP: Paul at 12% if Huck drops out?
  83. Gadhafi Threatens to Ally With bin Laden
  84. Ben McLeish Speech At London Z-Day Event
  85. Miami-Dade Mayor Ousted in Recall After Ridiculous Property Tax Hike
  86. Man With 4th Amendment Written on Chest Sues Over Airport Arrest
  87. Port lavaca denies petition of the people right in Dr Paul's backyard!
  88. 10 ways Ron Paul libertarians can better communicate with progressives
  89. NC HB375 filed to make warrantless checkpoints and roadblocks unlawful in NC
  90. White House wants new copyright law crackdown
  91. Border town Mayor, Police Chief, indicted for gun smuggling
  92. Doug Casey: Stupidity, Evil, and the Decline of the U.S.
  93. Poll: 63% say U.S. has no responsibility to act in Libya
  94. New Song about Leo Strauss and the NEOCON agenda
  95. Take this Pi day!
  96. Townhall sends out Ron Paul email re: audit the Fed: "14 trillion missing?"
  97. "Cheery" news about next CA quake
  98. How would Ron Paul deal with terrorism?
  99. Help: Need Some Good Industrial Hemp Articles
  100. Lobbyist questions being videotaped (Tie-ins: Real ID, RFID, spychips)
  101. How should I respond to non-interventionism not making us safer?
  102. Canadian Wind Turbine Kills 10 Birds and Bats a Day
  103. Maine Town Declares Food Sovereignty
  104. Sharron Angle Running for U.S. House
  105. Obama to allow FBI agents to wiretap suspected copy wright law infringers…
  106. Ron Paul on Nuclear Energy and Japan 03/15/11 [Video]
  107. So, how long does it take to cool down a reactor?
  108. ALERT: Patriot Raided by Swat Under Patriot Act
  110. Peter Schiff will be on Lou Dobbs tonight
  111. Owsley Stanley dies at 76; 'Acid King' of the '60s psychedelic era
  112. Saudi Arabia invades neighbor country Behrain
  113. U.S. Military Beta-Tests Internet Kill-Switch
  114. Obama admin mandates that schools must spy on students Facebook activities 4 thoughtcrime
  115. MISES Secession and Disunion panel; Mike Church chairs
  116. [Video] Doug Casey: Stupidity, Evil, and the Decline of the U.S.
  117. Going forward, will TSA become as much a part of American liiving as apple pie?
  118. I Interviewed an AZ state representative who co-wrote the recent Spice Ban Bill
  119. Marco Rubio Talks Big but Fails to Deliver on Tea Party Promises
  120. WikiLeaks: Cables Show Japan Was Warned About Nuclear Plant Safety
  121. Arizona Seeks Friends to Fight Feds
  122. When will the MSM change their tune about radiation hitting the West Coast?
  123. Ron Paul’s Statement on The Free Competition in Currency Act
  124. Tennessee Union Legislation Provokes Union Protesters and Arrests
  125. Ron Paul's Facebook controller misspells "Competition" in status update.
  126. Peter Joseph ZMF Q&A pre ZDay London
  127. KI can be dangerous it taken incorectly / when not needed / etc.
  128. CNN: Famous Fed Flubs
  129. Government shutdown: gov workers will just get a paid vacation?
  130. Per the Atlantic C4L has 760,000 supporters; also more on libertarian war on toilet regs
  131. Walker's new budget will raise some school budgets, especially wealthy districts.
  132. 22 GOP senators threaten no vote on debt ceiling
  133. Is Sarah Palin running for U.S. Senate–from Arizona?
  134. Libya Interventionists Trust Government - Not People
  135. Sharron Angle running for Congress
  136. Hillary Clinton Would Not Serve Second Term In Obama Cabinet
  137. Texas Bill Would Outlaw Discrimination Against Creationists
  138. Do you really own your house if you have to pay property taxes?
  139. Italy Bans Food Imports From Japan
  140. Anybody know a Constitutional/10th Amendment/Interstate Commerce lawyer ?
  141. Is Obama Worse than Bush?
  142. RP on FW now
  143. Free ron paul 2012 stickers/activist gear!!!
  144. 300 years
  145. Freedom Watch 3/16/11 - Ron Paul, G. Johnson, M. Scheuer, L. Rockwell, N. Gillespie
  146. CIA may have trapped Assange
  147. Speaking of gamma radiation
  148. 88% Vote To Recall Miami-Dade Mayor
  149. And how come that during thousands of years nobody accepted this cancer except civilizati
  150. Anti-War Protests Planned in 43 Cities on March 19
  151. Poll: Sen. Sherrod Brown leads potential GOP opponents by double digits
  152. 101 Reasons You Might be a Keynesian if....
  153. Amusing response to Rand Paul's "toilet rant" from a statist....
  154. Cities starting to ban perfume, cologne, air fresheners.
  155. GOP Congressman Says Families Should Abandon City Life
  156. Demcrats charged with creating fake Tea Party candidates
  157. Where can we watch Ron Paul's policy hearing today on the Fed?
  158. In a free society, what secrets would a libertarian government be allowed to keep?
  159. front page reddit article could you some libertarian love
  160. Ron Paul's hearing...
  161. Will World Nuclear plants be stopped by 3/11 Japan Tragedy?
  162. U.S. Debt Jumped $72 Billion Same Day U.S. House Voted to Cut Spending $6 Billion
  163. Crossroads New Ad Decrying Big Labor
  164. Phil Moffett talks FDA Nullification on the Robert Scott Bell Show
  165. Independents would support Charlie Sheen over Sarah Palin for President
  166. Laugh out loud of the day.
  167. A Message from the Hopi !
  168. Would you rather be a sheep?
  169. Evacuation Day greetings from Boston!!
  170. U.S. House Votes to Defund NPR
  171. Agora I/O, free online liberty conference is next weekend
  172. Video- Ron Paul "This Is NOT A War Against Al Qaeda! If Anything It Gives Incentive"
  173. Help! I need that photo of Ron Paul...
  174. The Gold Standard and Hand-Cranked Water Pumps.
  175. Donald Trump Goes Birther
  176. Problem Solved!
  177. Civilization and Tsunamis
  178. Five air forces set to attack Libya [US, UK, France, UAE, Qatar]
  179. Ooooowwwwhhh - oooowwwhhhh! - THe Egotist in chief is about to blow smoke up our asses!
  180. New York times to charge $200 per year to read it.
  181. Radiation detectors installed at LAX for passengers from Japan.....
  182. Libya crisis: Military action against Gaddafi 'within hours' of UN vote
  183. Please help me with sound money debate!
  184. Ron Paul on the House floor on Afghanistan 3/17/11
  185. townhall straw poll-vote for RP
  186. Bombs away: UN airstrikes could begin tonight as Qaddafi’s troops near Benghazi
  187. Believe it or not...
  188. Stunning video of just one town in Japan
  189. We Won Wisconsin - But The Fight Goes On
  190. A Very Enlightening Read: "Cultural Marxism: The Doom of Language"
  191. Shoot an unarmed protestor at point blank range..
  192. US Treasury Secretary Geithner to China - Washington Ready for One World Reserve Currency
  193. U.S. Military Launches Spy Operation Using Fake Online Identities
  194. TX Democratic County Chairman Dan Ramos Says Gays ‘Are Like Termites’ Infiltrating The Dem
  195. Neocons Want War with Libya not just a no fly zone.
  196. Rep. Paul renews uphill push to abolish Fed
  197. Shep Smith has quite some intuition regarding Libya.
  198. Fascinating Free Republic comments on bombing Lybia.... not what you might think....
  199. Woman Loses her child to state because she refused to sign pre-consent form for Ceasarian
  200. [Video] Southern Avenger : SA@TAC - The Real Conservative Movement (CPAC 2011 Speech)
  201. [Video] Freedom Watch 3/17/11 - Bachmann, Bolton, Powers, Webster..
  202. SA@TAC - The Real Conservative Movement (CPAC 2011 Speech)
  203. American Conservative Magazine editor Daniel McCarthy on the intervention in Libya tonight
  204. Libyan leader threatens to reveal secret about Sarkozy
  205. 3/11 Global Impact: In 2010, Japan had 13.9% revenue of world electronic manufacturing
  206. Ending the War on Drugs is "pro-family" -- Selling Legalization to Social Conservatives
  207. Rubio takes lead in demanding war with Libya
  208. HR 1096: Sanctity of Life Act of 2011 (Ron Paul)
  209. Video: Biden goes to Wisconsin to fire up the Unions
  210. Petraeus: Afghan Pullout Vote Would Give Osama the Victory
  211. UN "Grants U.S. Authority" for Military Action in Libya
  212. Senior Thesis on the FED, monetary system
  213. Ultimate Loyalty: Japanese Dog Refuses to Leave Injured Friend Behind
  214. HOT: On Friday, Central Banks Will Intervene in Foreign Exchange Markets
  215. Charlie Sheen for President!
  216. C4L calls for people to fax their Senators to repeal the Patriot Act
  217. Great YouTube Channel With A Ton Of Old Ron Paul Clips From The 90s And Earlier
  218. Solar Powered Spy Plane Designed to Stay in Air for 5 Years
  219. Lasers proposed to shoot space junk....or is it the next step in Project Blue Beam??
  220. Charlie Sheen Rake$ It In On Tour
  221. House Committee Ok's end to Anti-gay Aid
  222. Ron Paul at Mississippi State University on April 20
  223. Actress Michelle Rodriguez (Avatar, Fast & Furious, Machete) At Los Angeles ZDay Event
  224. TX Democratic County Chairman Dan Ramos Says Gays ‘Are Like Termites’ Infiltrating Dems
  225. Could Tea Party Reshape the Afghanistan Debate? (ABC News)
  226. Fed confirms intervention in currency markets
  227. Democrats Boycott House Hearing Critical of Federal Reserve Policy
  228. LA Times: U.S. nuclear officials suspect Japanese plant has a dire breach
  229. Japan Nuclear Accident Foretold Decades Ago/Government Cover Up Reported/Bloomberg News
  230. NC Anti-RealID bill on verge of filing.
  231. Being "Enlightened" Libertarians, Do You Bother Getting Involved in Political Discussions?
  232. Dem Robert Shrum On Military Action In Libya "I don't think the President needs congress"
  233. TEPCO Director Weeps After Disclosing Truth About Fukushima Disaster
  234. Judge blocks contentious Wisconsin union law
  235. CBO: Obama understates deficits by $2.3 trillion
  236. Mayor of town near Japanese nuclear plant claims his people have been abandoned
  237. Barack Obama's Paycheck Unfairness Act
  238. [LOL] Every Breath You Take - Bernanke Parody
  239. Ron Paul: Libya Reaction
  240. Is the Federal Govt a lost cause?
  241. Spending Cuts in Perspective - Cato / Stossel [VIDEO]
  242. Violence flares at Syrian protest
  243. So, We're Sending Ships to Libya....Where are the Peace Demonstrations?
  244. PPP Ohio presidential poll
  245. Yemen under state of emergency
  246. PPP Missouri presidential poll.
  247. PPP Maine presidential poll
  248. Amphibious Assault Ships to enforce "no-fly zone"???
  249. Republicans want to lower Sarah Palin's tax increase in Alaska
  250. TEPCO Director Weeps After Disclosing Truth About Fukushima Disaster