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  1. Anyone have a list of the questions thrown at Ron Paul?
  2. [FOX] Official FOX News Facebook Poll... Herman Cain is winning???? We gotta FIX THIS.
  3. Debate time per candidate?
  4. Luntz coaching focus group
  5. Cain says he's electable because he's never been a politician...
  6. Ron Paul 2012 - Against All Odds - Analysis and Concerns
  7. Ron Paul Snubs Hannity's After Debate Party to Attend Tea Party Rally
  8. Raw Story: Ron Paul jokes: ‘I don’t want to use heroin’ so I need drug laws
  9. Video-Ron Paul Complete Highlight Reel At The FOX News 2011 South Carolina Debate
  10. Debate energy overall lower than previous debates
  11. Fox News Insider Poll: Who Won The Debate?
  12. Is the debate on Youtube yet?
  13. So what's the rule on time zones for the money bomb??
  14. HuffPo: Ron Paul's Call For Afghanistan Withdrawal Draws Cheers At Fox News GOP Debate VId
  15. IF you don't have a Facebook, MAKE ONE and VOTE for Ron Paul as winner in this poll...
  16. Late night drinking game...
  17. SAVE ME FROM DRUGS, GOVERNMENT! This will win the election for us.
  18. Larry Kudlow is now on my stinky brown list
  19. Nice write up by Baltimore Sun of kooky Fox question they asked of Ron re drugs
  20. Drudge Report: Ron Paul raises more than $950,000 in one day...
  21. Ron Paul "1 Million Dollars is in sight!"
  22. ABC censors Happy Endings Osama joke, CityTV (Canada) does not
  23. Only one man armed during Bin Laden raid....with a green SQUIRT gun
  24. Ok, time for one more matching donation offer. 5 minute countdown.
  25. Roots of terror untouched by bin Laden's death
  26. Politico spin: Pawlenty and Romney win Republican debate
  27. Another Ron Paul Poll
  28. Is it fair to say Republican Party has become a party of "water boarders" mostly?
  29. US Election News: Ron Paul Moneybomb Reaches $1Mil
  30. DeMint's Disagreements With Ron And Gary
  31. TheHuffingtonpost lead story: Libertarians dominate first debate
  32. AOL "Top News" -- "WATCH: Ron Paul's Afghanistan Comments Draw Cheers at GOP Debate"
  33. Was Ron not given economic questions on purpose?
  34. Bill Clinton declines ground zero invite.
  35. Obama Administration Floats Draft Plan To Tax Cars By The Mile
  36. Jordan Page's new song to Dr. Ron Paul 05 May 11 in Greenville, SC
  37. Tom Woods on the Moneybomb
  38. Starting the Grassroots
  39. 1 Million?
  40. Which Republican Presidential Candidates Support Water Torture?
  41. Ron Paul's Call For Afghanistan Withdrawal Draws Cheers At Fox News GOP Debate
  42. Paul and Huck will be on Freedom Watch tonight
  43. Editorial: Pass Ron Paul's ‘Audit the Fed' Bill
  44. Baltimore Sun: Friday morning talkers: Ron Paul's money, polls on the rise
  45. Wepolls.com: Rep. Ron Paul wins first debate, Herman Cain comes in second
  46. The State Collumn: Rep. Ron Paul leads latest CNN poll (of GOP candidates against Obama)
  47. Paul/Debate topic on C-SPAN now
  48. Que yet another war...
  49. C-SPAN StudentCam contest for 2012 topic is US Constitution
  50. Ron Paul throws a presidential 'money bomb'
  51. Is This the Ron Paul Moment?
  52. Lunts fixing focus groups?
  53. Al Qaeda, in Web message, confirms bin Laden's death
  54. Written for a different audience but you might enjoy parts
  55. Ron Paul raises $1m in a day – and now has best chance of taking on Obama, poll reveals
  56. Fox News tries to throw Ron under the bus again.
  57. Politico: Ron Paul's the $1 Million Man
  58. Politico: Ron Paul's the $1M man
  59. The Nation: A Cruel, Unusually Punishing GOP Debate
  60. Al Qaeda, in Web message, confirms bin Laden's death
  61. The Economist: 'And their off....' don't like everything they say re: Ron but re Pawlenty
  62. The Patriot Update Does Another Hit Piece Against Ron Paul!
  63. Terrorism's Big Dirty Secret
  64. When is Ron Paul going to Run?
  65. Where can I find a replay of last nights debate?
  66. Money bomb
  67. Slate: Opening GOP Debate Falls on Deaf Ears
  68. CNN: Paul pulls in big cash
  69. Dr Ron Paul's speech to the Greenville Tea Party 05 May 11 part 1 of 2
  70. Fox deleted their fox nation poll and put up a new one!!!
  71. WaPo: What we learned from the Republican presidential debate
  72. National Journal: Ron Paul Raised $1 Million Overnight
  73. Winners and losers of first GOP presidential debate
  74. We Voted for Change & Got It: Gas Prices Eat up 9% of Family Budgets
  75. I Don't Get It. RE; Cain
  76. The American Spectator: The Debate
  77. Ron Paul Rally in South Carolina (VOLUME WARNING)
  78. The only questions of substance asked to Ron during the May 5th 2011 debate....
  79. Ron Paul To Be On MSNBC NOW!
  80. Dr. Ron Paul's speech to the Greenville Tea Party 05 May 11 part 2 of 2
  81. Guess whose headline? "Supporters Drop a Bomb on Ron Paul"
  82. Bigger Than bin Laden - America's New Public Enemy No.1 is . . .
  83. Poll. How much government regulation in health care should be eliminated?
  84. Post-debate POLL: Baltimore Sun
  85. Critique of Ron Paul's responses in the South Carolina debate
  86. Ron Paul Raises $1 Million In One-Day "Money Bomb"
  87. Joel Skousen on Radio Liberty: "Ron Paul is our only hope" [5/5/11]
  88. UBL Planned to Attack US Rail System on 9-11-11
  89. Debate poll!
  90. Question
  91. Peter Schiff's speech to the Greenville Tea Party 05 May 11 part
  92. Which was the biggest ahole last night?
  93. Like I said. We are losing the new internet battle, Twitter.
  94. Al Qaeda confirms Bin Laden killed
  95. NY Times: Ron Paul Sees Fund-Raising Windfall on Debate Day
  96. Why does anyone like that Social Con hack Demint?!? Really..... Why?
  97. Michael DelGiorno (NEOCON talk show host) ATTACKING the Ron Paul Movement
  98. Snuff Mission, Senator: Executive order on bin Laden said kill, don't capture...
  99. Newsmax: Ron Paul Garners $1 Million in One Day Read more on Newsmax.com: Ron Paul Garner
  100. Why cant we at least see surveilance film and photos of Bin Laden taken BEFORE the raid?
  101. PPP Poll - Missouri GOP Presidential Primary
  102. Guess Who Does Best Against Obama Among Republicans? Ron Paul
  103. LOL, why dont we call in to a radio host and ask a sarcastic question?
  104. Becks show today, pro-Paul?
  105. HuffPo: It's Time to Audit the Fed
  106. Ebay winner Sean Eubanks giving the BEST intro for Ron Paul in Greenville SC 05 May 11
  107. The CFR writes up the debate
  108. $4 Million For Freedom on the Fourth!!!!
  109. Wall Street Journal: A Million Dollar Day for Ron Paul
  110. Very cool email from Ron! -- also money bomb ticker up one more day
  111. Ron Will Announce This Week
  112. Don't let the media steal this election.
  113. Paul Stands Out Among GOP Contenders in First Presidential Debate
  114. Iowa House Resolution calls for Audit of the Federal Reserve
  115. So who chose the Aqua Fresh logo first, Romney or Paul?
  116. The Secret Billionaire is Peter Thiel or the Koch Brothers
  117. (Revised) Which was the bigger ahole last night?
  118. Muslim Reporter Article Pro RP
  119. Tom Woods comments on those who say, "I like Ron Paul except for his foreign policy."
  120. Veronique de Rugy (REASON): The Facts About the Corporate Income Tax on Bloomberg (Video)
  121. Joan Rivers to Obama: "Stop Campaigning and Take Care of the F****** Country"
  122. NEw Poll Vote
  123. Mike Pence announces bid for Governor of Indiana
  124. Could everyone and everybody hold a political office at the sametime what I mean is could
  125. "First Do No Harm": Constitutional and Conservative Liberals
  126. Did you know Herman Cain's Grassroots Planned a Post-Debate Money Bomb?
  127. Closing the gap on Cain in Fox Facebook Poll - Losing by 600
  128. Apparently Al Queda confirmed Bin Laden's Death and warned of vengeance
  129. Republican Scorecard From The First Debate (says Ron was biggest winner, sort of)
  130. Alex Jones "sings" God Bless America
  131. Please link to RonPaul2012.com! RP's site not anywhere near 1st page on google
  132. UK Paper: Ron Paul raises $1m in a day – has best chance of taking on Obama, poll reveals
  133. Government Report: Nearly Half of Detroit, MI Adults Are Functionally Illiterate
  134. Josh Manuel from RonPaulForums & Ernest Hancock discuss the Ron Paul Presidential Debate
  135. The Scottish people say no to empire
  136. QOTD Poll: Next Money Bomb you want to take place Will Be?
  137. Obama: U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Must Do More Than Kill Civilians
  138. Do Your Parents/Elders Believe Everything On TV?
  139. American Family Association gets Sears to stop selling porn
  140. [REASON] Ron Paul & Gary Johnson : TWO Heads are Better than ONE - AGREED!
  141. [LEW] Ron Will WIN in 2012 ***
  142. What is the difference between "dissent" and "conspiracy theory"?
  143. Sweet Video Promo for Ron Paul!
  144. The cure for cancer - the end of the state.
  145. Dems demand Senator Scott Brown reveal name who showed him fake bin Laden death photo
  146. So Pawlenty thinks waterboarding was the reason we found bin Laden
  147. we should use Chairman Cain and Agent Bachmann
  148. Ron Paul Should Sit Down and Meet With Glen Beck One On One!
  149. One of the Best Videos. MLK JR. is With Us on Our March Toward Liberty. He's One of Us.
  150. How many people donated????
  151. Sigh
  152. Al Qaeda, in Letter message, confirms why it hates our freedoms
  153. Frank Luntz Focus Group Vid
  154. GOP Presidential debate recap, Political spectrum (Adam Kokesh Show/Video)
  155. (South Carolina) Tea party roots for Paul's message of government limits, personal freedom
  156. Any negative coverage of Ron today?
  157. New Videos of a Frank Luntz Focus Group
  158. The Essence of American Power
  159. Ron won Tea Party straw poll after debate - 20 candidates were in it
  160. Maddow discusses Ron lots but edits 'heroin' answer taking out statement re state control
  161. Remember this from the last campaign ?
  162. U.S. to Pakistan: We want the names of the ISI agents who shielded Bin Laden
  163. Classic WW2 Style Propaganda Posters
  164. The Hill: First 2012 GOP debate small, but telling
  165. Rush Limbaugh on the debate
  166. NY Times: Lying Mouthpiece for the Fed
  167. Bush Reportedly Feels Slighted By 'Victory Lap'
  168. Obama ordered target killing of domestic radical and terrorism suspect misses its target
  169. Bill O'Reilly's poll for the GOPdebate
  170. News reports another victim of the Fed!
  171. Video of Americans Celebrating bin Laden's death CENSORED by Youtube
  172. Micheal Scheuer
  173. 3rd Fox News Poll, the first 2 didn't come out to their liking!
  174. Rachel Maddow on the SC debate
  175. Videos of media appearances yesterday? :confused:
  176. Nausiating FOX news spin....
  177. Libertarian research paper
  178. POLL: Were you a Ron Paul supporter during the 2008 Campaign?
  179. Billionaires and the essence of Socialism
  180. Obama Passing Notes like a Schoolgirl?!?
  181. Osama Bin Laden Home Videos Released by Pentagon to PROVE He Was Caught!
  182. OBL homevideo released to public
  183. What were on those secret notes Obama exchanged with general?
  184. Glenn Beck interviews Michael Scheuer [Video]
  185. Huckabee: I’m Still Undecided
  186. So I got a front-row seat to listen to Sen. Sherrod Brown preach his neoconservative spiel
  187. Quesiton regarding Ron's view on Environmentalism.
  188. JFK - Secrecy is Repugnant
  189. Cheney made huge blunder when he said OBL was not directly involved in 9/11
  190. Massive Reduction in Electricity
  191. Judge Napolitano: A Message to the President
  192. So When Is Ron Announcing?
  193. Bill Maher Would Lick Barack Obama's Shoes If Asked
  194. Herman Cain Discusses the Federal Reserve
  195. Annoying your congressman.
  196. Best Ron Paul soundbite?
  197. Difference between 2008 and 2012: Will democrats cross party lines to support Ron Paul?
  198. Ban Tea and Coffee for more Important Foods
  199. Dick Cheney denies that waterboarding was reason OBL was killed
  200. What is the biggest advantage of a Gold Standard?
  201. "Congressmen never win the presidency", "(candidate X) isn't a frontrunner". Discuss
  202. When's the last time you watched the Ron Paul documentary, "For Liberty"??
  203. We should convince Dems: voting for RP in the primary will convince Obama to end the wars
  204. Will Saturday Night Live do a skit on the GOP Debate?
  205. Saturday Plymouth Rock Rally for nuclear safety
  206. Noam Chomsky: My Reaction to Osama bin Laden’s Death
  207. Good Examiner article on Cain vs. Paul
  208. The Nation vs. The Empire [VIDEO]
  209. New Poll at O'Reilly
  210. MMA Fighter Jon Fitch is a Ron Paul Supporter
  211. NH Debate
  212. Cato's Election Commentary
  213. RP on the Incorporation Doctrine
  214. Poll: The Morality of Waterboarding
  215. billoreilly.com/poll-center
  216. Ron Paul 2012 Blimps for Events/Sports Events, Ron Paul's Air Defense!!!!!
  217. RonPaul2012.TV post debate coverage
  218. Jack Hunter at WI-CFL Event [new VIDEO]
  219. Celebrating Death is NOT an American Value [by Mike Church]
  220. TSA was rampant at local airshow this weekend
  221. The Ten Secret Warning Signs Of Inflation
  222. have living standards declined by 50% since the 70s?
  223. The Ron Paul Airforce was apparently at the Minn State Capital tax rally
  224. God, I hate "Capitalism, A Love Story"
  225. Republicans and focus groups
  226. Ron Paul truth-aganda
  227. Waterboarding sinners for Jesus.
  228. Mitt Romney's South Carolina hesitation
  229. Obama blew away Donald Trump/the birthers
  230. What party did you belong to before you started supporting Ron Paul?
  231. "FOX News Focus Group Gets it Wrong - Ron Paul Walks Away a Winner"
  232. Fund a Freedom Fighter
  233. Happiness Goes Up With More Government Services
  234. Osama Bin Laden’s Family Owns Part of Microsoft and Boeing Among Other Companies
  235. Al Qaeda confirms Bin Laden's death
  236. FOX News Focus Group gets it Wrong- Ron Paul Walks Away a Winner
  237. Help! Which Tea Party Federation is the right one?
  238. Some Great Pics Of Ron From After Debate Speech...
  239. In tornado-ravaged Bible Belt, churches mobilize to help
  240. This Week In Paul #1 RonPaul2012.TV
  241. CATO video talks about Presidential candidates in shades of grey...
  242. Drudge Report headline distorting news about Al Qauda claims?
  243. November of 2012
  244. New Website for The Liberty Minute
  245. Super MariObama
  246. Barack Obama's first 2012 Ad
  247. Pakistani P.M Threatens U.S With Military Action If Attacks Happens Again
  248. Michael Scheuer's show on CSPAN2 / BookTV right now
  249. Hundreds of Bin Laden supporters protest in front of US Embassy in London
  250. Are there any polls that have only the candidates from May 5 debate?