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  1. Is Anybody Watching O'Donnell vs. Coons On CSpan?
  2. [Tube] I used to think Ron Paul and Alex Jones were crazy
  3. Let Russ Feingold Go Down in Flames
  4. Lee Doren vs. Cenk Uygur on the Economy
  5. Martha Dean (R) Connecticut AG Candidate: I Favor State Nullification
  6. The Obama effect on candidates
  7. The Atlantic: Ron Paul is "The Tea Party’s Brain" (long article)
  8. Voter confidence remains low for Obama, Democrats
  9. Obama, Democrats Declare War on U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Attack Donors
  10. Christine O'Donnell: How'd she do?
  11. Paladino's Rabbi: 'He Discovered Now He Has A Gay Nephew? Mazel Tov! We’ll Make A Com
  12. O'Donnell: Politically correct to be fiscal conservative
  13. Promises, Promises — A Pledge to America
  14. Jon Stewart interviews Tim Cantor, talks about Real ID, exposes republican hypocrisy
  15. Al-Qaeda Saves Colorado !!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Debt market strips U.S. of triple-A rating
  17. US Unemployment 9.6% Mexico 5.5% - Illegal Aliens
  18. What are your takes on the Nevada Governer race.
  19. News Report RE: Supposedly injured/abused oathkeeper baby...
  20. Amid incessant MSM propaganda, Alvin Greene Maintains Double-Digits In Polls!
  21. MTV Pressuring Employees to Attend Jon Stewart’s Political Rally?
  22. MTV Denies That Obama Telecast Is Political
  23. Ron Paul Was Right (on Terrorism)
  24. FFVA Act - The First Step?
  25. Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
  26. $163M Medicare Scam
  27. video:Ron Paul supporter on the Local News defending first amendment rights
  28. [TUBE] BREAKING: Evicted Family Reclaims Their SOLD Home Due To FRAUD
  29. The Nick Rahall (D-WV) is a terrorist ad!
  30. Sabato moves 26 seats towards GOP
  31. Congressman intimidates local Chamber for hosting opponent
  32. MSNBC Lawrence O’Donnell interviews Ron Paul | Very Disrespectful
  33. Progressive Canaries in a Political Mine - interesting perspective from the left
  34. O'Donnell, Coons Spar Over Marxism, Evolution
  35. Staten Island Live.com: NYC to require Dual-Flush Toilets.
  36. Health Care Costs For Veterans To Soar
  37. Child Services (current related)
  38. Demplosion of the Democrats
  39. Carl Paladino Sought Endorsement from Movement that Says if Gay People are Attacked,
  40. { YouTube } John Dennis Challenges Nancy Pelosi to a Debate!
  41. Gay-Bashing Carl Paladino Was Landlord For Gay Nightclub His Son Managed
  42. Paladino aide at gay pride parade
  43. WSJ Video: Can The GOP Take Back Congress?
  44. Lawsuit against obama care can move forward
  45. [TUBE] A Debtor And Taxpayer Strike-Is it Coming? (w0tm)
  46. Condoleezza Rice Claims Bush Administration Made The World ‘A Safer Place’ From Terro
  47. A Draft Rep. Mike Pitts Movement?
  48. Authorities Uncover $163 Million Medicare Scam
  49. Baby Cheyenne's grandfather says son shouldn't have baby
  50. video:Ron Paul on Fox Business 10.14.10
  51. Frustrating Glenn Beck Asks his Listeners to Donate to CoC
  52. Hillary Clinton's warning to Britain over cuts in defence budget
  53. California Town Takes in More Political Prisoners as Election Approaches
  54. Bill Mckibben - The New Climate Pope
  55. Getting a mortgage creates money?
  56. Angle surges in Nevada
  57. Confessions of a political wild child!
  58. Let's get serious here finally and put RP 2.1 into congress
  59. Iowa GOP loves Dr. Paul
  60. 2009: Is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Anti-Business?
  61. Why overturning the individual mandate is worthless
  62. 20 percent of illegals entering the country are not Mexican
  63. The Coming Middle Class Anarchy
  64. How to Win Libertarian Converts and Influence Voters
  65. Oath Keeper Baby is finally home with her parents!
  66. Ron Paul says we are in the midst of an Intellectual Revolution; Your reading list?
  67. Live: Angle vs. Reid debate
  68. Peter Schiff on FOX News 10/14/10
  69. Did First Lady Michelle Obama Violate Illinois Election Law?
  70. Rand needs another money bomb!
  71. [Video] John Stossel's new show on FOX: The Battle For The Future
  72. Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science (great article)
  73. CVS to pay $77.6 million in meth case
  74. Isn't it refreshing to see candidates argue about things that matter?
  75. [VIDEO] ~ "Johnathon Irish, Stephanie and Baby Cheyenne - Reunited!"
  76. BREAKING: (Alex Jones / Infowars Marathon) Baby Returned to John Irish!!
  77. [VIDEO] ~ US Soldiers beat/torture fellow US soldier as punishment for alerting...
  78. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed: Somalia’s New American Prime Minister
  79. S Dakota: Dems give free food, rides to polls for votes on Indian reservations...
  80. Of Witches, Wrestlers, and Weasels: Disappointing Debates in Key Senate Races
  81. Join Oathkeepers Today, PLEASE PLEASE
  82. Have any 2010 Congressional candidates debated on foreign policy this year?
  83. Michelle Malkin: The Chamber of Commerce is Your Enemy
  84. Republican Senatorial Inner Circle
  85. WND, The Blaze, etc.. report on Oath Keepers Baby
  86. Soldier says he was ordered to delete Fort Hood videos
  87. Blessed Tolerance: The Virtue of a Republic in Decline
  88. Zeroing in on the Problem
  89. Gvmt snooping and "privacy man"
  90. US cops sure are @ssholes
  91. Sarah Palin's Alaska, TV show
  92. That retard on Fox News (more like, which one, haha) claims all terrorists are Muslim
  93. Monsanto hired Blackwater as its 'Intel Arm'
  94. 2010 Colorado Voter Guide SAFER , Give Me Liberty !!!!!!
  95. RT video: A song for Ron Paul in 2012 -- Exclusive
  96. { YouTube } PELOSI: No time to debate Republican opponent because 'time is money'...
  97. Federal Government to overrule California law
  98. Jesse Ventura Interview On CNN Today
  99. AG Holder: Feds will enforce marijuana laws in CA even if voters legalize
  100. Contact Dan Maes: Tell Him to Drop Out and Endorse Tom Tancredo | Colorado Governor
  101. Lieberman could be kingmaker if next Senate winds up divided 50-50
  102. KY Sen. Reynolds |D: My Redneck Constituents Don't Want Free Health Care for Illegals
  103. Organizing for America and unions are canvassing for Rand's opponent we could use u
  104. Man of Letters - Don Boudreaux
  105. Ventura's conspiracy theory show debuts tonight
  106. Donate to the George W. Bush Presidential Center!
  107. Willie Nelson on Larry King. 9pm eastern.
  108. Help Me Understand Jesse Ventura...
  109. Want to chat with Jesse V.?
  110. Not GP. Personal about pets ills w/ redirect to OT thread.
  111. Holder promises to enforce U.S. drug laws if Prop. 19 passes
  112. Tom Tancredo 2008
  113. delete please
  114. "Support For Afghanistan War At All-Time Low"...Front Page On Drudge
  115. Broadcaster Laura Ingraham says: Let's see the birth certificate!
  116. If you lived in Colorado, would you vote for Tom Tancredo for governor?
  117. Freedom Watch (10/16/10)
  118. Is This Against The Law?
  119. The More I Learn About Government Control, The More I Feel Helpless
  120. Would Religion Be A Way To Skirt Many Laws?
  121. Constitution hater Pete Stark's Republican opponent says he is a libertarian
  122. Dylan Rattigan blasting Bill O'Reilly
  123. Buck up by only 2 in Rasmussen poll
  124. 5 more sleeper races with endangered dems
  125. David Brooks: Obama told me there were no shovel-ready jobs
  126. Rep. Alan Grayson Upset Over "Negative" GOP Attacks On Him
  127. Republican longshot Dennis outraises Nancy Pelosi 3:1
  128. Jeb Bush supporters still hoping that “Bush fatigue” will fade
  129. Palestinians weighing alternatives to peace talks
  130. Angela Merkel says German Multicultural Society Has Failed
  131. YouTube: Winning the Case for Freedom!
  132. Fox news is saying we should assasinate the wikileaks guy
  133. Free Marc Emery moneybomb today, the 16th!
  134. Alvin Greene gives reporter rabbit ears on live TV (long version)
  135. Dems Crushed In 3rd Q Fundraising Front
  136. Big Brother watching you?
  137. Today - myfoxhuston.com disgusted me - video
  138. Mitch Daniels gets base FIRED UP for 2012 run
  139. Schiffradio.com is live! Tune in Monday @ 6pm ET for the Peter Schiff show!
  140. No Knock cop raid - again, wrong house, wrong people.
  141. Man faces ten years for Simpsons cartoon porn.
  142. why should cable companies have to pay to broadcast free TV?
  143. Andrew Mwenda: "Cartel of good intentions has taken over" (African aid) - Bono booos!
  144. Holy Crap! Yahoo FP: 20 y.o finds FBI GPS tracker on car, ignites firestorm
  145. Texas Officials Continue Coverup of One Possible Wrongful Execution; Fight To Proceed
  146. N E 1 got youtube link 2 2days freedom watch?
  147. Baby snatched for dad's politics back with parents
  148. Jesse Ventura on CNN 10/16/10
  149. Death by international government bureaucracy.
  150. Toronto's 'Officer Bubbles' sues YouTube
  151. Sanctions: Obama tells Iranian people to suck it up
  152. A government that obeys the law.
  153. The Madhouse - a new 120'000 word book out on Socialist Sweden
  154. Judge Napolitano - Lies The Government Told You
  155. Jesse Ventura - revelation that Conspiracy Theories will feature JFK assassin confess
  156. Catholic Teaching on Subsidiarity should be Cornerstone of Tea Party Manifesto
  157. Poll: Many Obama 2008 supporters defecting to GOP
  158. Jim DeMint Endorses Rand Paul; Fights the Federal Reserve
  159. Oathkeeper and LA County Sheriff Leroy Baca: The Law Is What I Say It Is
  160. RAND.org: Legal Marijuana in California Little Effect on Mexican Drug Trafficking
  161. Video: Debunking the Anti-Nuclear Energy Movement
  162. Revolt Against TSA Tyranny - Airline Pilot Refuses to be Viewed Naked
  163. Winning seats in Massachusetts
  164. Democrat Congressman Getting Outraised By Their Republican Challengers
  165. Breitbart Site: Favorable Mention of Ron Paul Movement
  166. Bielat outraises Barney Frank. Massachusetts Gains?
  167. October Surprise: Obama Torpedoes Coal Mine In Key West Virginia District
  168. Tancredo tells Loveland audience that legalizing pot is the best option
  169. New Freedom Index is Released - The Congressman Report Card
  170. I called Gary Johnson on talk radio, re: running for public office (youtube)
  171. This is pretty interesting!
  172. Awesome read! The Daily Bell interviews Daniel McCarthy, Editor of TAC
  173. video: U.S. Surgeon Gen Legalize Marijuana! "We Criminalize People At The Highest Rat
  174. how do you respond to this KM quote?
  175. Thank You RPF/ $20,420 Moneybomb Success!!!
  176. The one reason why a Tancredo WIN in Colorado is the MOST IMPORTANT WIN for colorado
  177. Barney Frank's Boyfriend Heckles Opponent Sean Bielat
  178. Gary Johnson Speaks at Nullify Now Orlando Florida
  179. Tom Woods Rocks Orlando Florida Nullify Now Event
  180. Fascism is fun
  181. Why do some libertarians vote for Democrats?
  182. The poems I've read and poems I liked thread....
  183. U.S. won't support a Maliki-Sadr alliance that is forming new government
  184. Sunnis upset, join Al Qaeda
  185. Help me write the most convincing email ever?
  186. Inouye up by only 13!
  187. Liberty Candidate in NY Gov Debate Today
  188. Traitor John Conyers, D-MI (almost) privately promotes 1 world government
  189. 2008 vs. 2012
  190. Go green,sterilise teenage girls
  191. Rand Paul refuses to shake hand after debate
  192. A productive Congress gets no respect from voters
  193. The Tea Party Has the Establishment in Panic Mode
  194. POLL: Colorado's Governor's Race - Please Participate!
  195. Mother has newborn baby taken by CPS for eating a bagel
  196. Major Vote Fraud Surfaces in the Houston, Texas Area
  197. What Are The Possible Changes You're Looking Forward To?
  198. Dennis Steele wins Vermont Public Television Gubernatorial Debate
  199. The Liberal Case For Tom Tancredo - Huffington Post
  200. Who is Publius?
  201. Attack Ads Cut Deeper
  202. Does anyone else get the feeling the big crash is imminent?
  203. NYS Gubernatorial Debate tonight - Guaranteed to be EPIC
  204. Kucinich in trouble?
  205. Political comments on an ESPN football blog
  206. Chris Matthews GRILLING Jack Conway NOW!
  207. Rand Paul 'False Witness' Response Ad to Jack Conway
  208. Joe Miller On Securing The Border: 'If East Germany Could, We Could'
  209. A symbol of the free market devours one of its own
  210. Peter Schiff Show is NOW LIVE
  211. Seeking Nullification ideas
  212. I'm not a witch, bitch
  213. Statement from Ryan Frazier's campaign about declaring war
  214. Feuding Relationship On CSPAN
  215. Gallup: GOP holds monster lead for yet ANOTHER Week
  216. Tax Day Tea Party Racists Caught Saying N-Word
  217. Texans: Who will you be voting for in November?
  218. Rasmussen: Republicans have MASSIVE lead!
  219. Social Life Board Game
  220. Wacky Washington's Health Care Emporium
  221. AP Uses Photo of Somebody Shooting Heroin for Cannabis Confiscatiton Story
  222. Charity offers drug addicts £200 to be sterilised
  223. Crazy "Rent is Too Damn High" Candidate Steals the Show at NY Governor Debate (Real)
  224. Rand Paul refuses to shake hands with opponent Conway after debate
  225. Tom Woods: Another Genius Attacks Nullification
  226. Please Edit My Article For A Political Journal!
  227. CA-38: Will this Ron Paul Republican do better in 2010 than the Libertarian in '08?
  228. RP guilty of receipt of TARP funds?!?
  229. National Debt Up $3 Trillion on Obama's Watch
  230. Thomas Sowell: The Multicultural Cult
  231. The State Will Cannibalize Itself Until Nothing Remains
  232. America on Sale
  233. :( 60 bucks won't buy you Jack Conway's site jackconway.org
  234. Liberty Candidate Needs Your Help! [Rand Paul Endorsed]
  235. Ken Buck "Ignore us"
  236. [MISES] Dropping the Mask of Ecofascism
  237. Walter E. Williams: Leftists, Progressives and Socialists
  238. Aparently business support a Democrat is good and not corporatism
  239. How would YOU vote on this? (Indiana Property Tax Ballot Measure)
  240. Bob healey: Abolish the office
  241. Harry Reid Lives At The Ritz ad
  242. Jimmy McMillan of The Rent Is Too Damn High Party stands out at NY Govt Debate
  243. Media lies about O'Donnell's 1st Amendment answer
  244. An interview with Ron Paul 1976 Democrat opponent.
  245. Aqua Buddha Truthers of Kentucky Unite for Jack Conway
  246. Ron Paul at TSU!
  247. Peter Schiff : It's Scary How Clueless Bernanke Is!
  248. Jesse Ventura : A Folish Faith In Authority Is The Worst Enemy Of Truth!
  249. 11 Freedoms That Drunks, Slackers, Prostitutes And Pirates Pioneered
  250. GOP Candidate for Governor in TN says CONSTITUTION DOESN'T APPLY IN THE REAL WORLD!