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  1. 9/11 Attacks Gave Washington A Reason To Dominate The Middle East & Plunder It's Oil!
  2. Russians Arrested in Savannah Over Possibly Breaking-in to a Power Plant
  3. Ron Paul opening for Tea Party convention
  4. Lindsey Graham threatens white house with terrorist attack
  5. Study: Wars could cost $4 trillion to $6 trillion
  6. Young Men Think Old Men Are Fools
  7. Army embeds active-duty PSYOPS soldiers at local TV stations
  8. Google's CEO: 'The Laws Are Written by Lobbyists'
  9. Liberals march on DC. and Jack Conway theme music
  10. Donald Duck Meets Glenn Beck
  11. Glenn Beck event bombs
  12. Ron Paul issues a sobering warning to all about collapse of dollar
  13. Call it Socialism but Paul Krugman Likes 91% Tax on Selfish Millionaires
  14. Stuffing the Lame Duck (Congress)
  15. Bizarre Connections
  16. Special Report: The ties that bind at the Federal Reserve
  17. State Department Appointee, Barbara Shailor, tied to Communists, Terrorists
  18. What happened to the Movimiento Libertario
  19. One Nation Under Siege
  20. McCain's enemy belligerent interrogation, detention and prosecution ACT goes to cmte
  21. U.N. relents and grants credentials to internet reporters
  22. Put options, barge collision, and biometric id cards
  23. Irish Politicians interviewed with a butt plug
  24. Leader says global GMO opposition has won
  25. Chart - Gov. employees vs. people who actually produce something
  26. Deregulated Roads: The Netherlands Experience
  27. Wayne Madsen Report Fingers High Level Politicians From Both Parties
  28. Leaked Sharron Angle Audio Tape Has Her Disparaging Republican Party
  29. The American Spectator 2012 Online Straw Poll
  30. United Nations Calls for States to Conform to International Immigration Standards
  31. Jewish Settlers Set Palestinian Mosque Ablaze
  32. Israeli Soldiers Convicted of Using Gaza Child as Human Shield
  33. West Virginia Conservative Foundation's Ad Warns Of Rep. Rahall's Outreach To Arab-Am
  34. Got a signed letter from Ron Paul!
  35. Public Relations: Genetically Engineered
  36. Help Ron Paul in Iowa from your Keyboard
  37. NY Times Alarmed: Tea Party Reading Unapproved Texts
  38. hilarious enviro-propaganda
  39. Environmentalists Advocating Destruction of Environment Oppose Rigs-to-Reef Bill
  40. Senate Judiciary Panel Mulls Asking FBI To Track Homeless Hate Attacks
  41. When goods will not cross borders, soldiers will...
  42. Maxine Waters Triggers FDIC Probe; TARP Money to Husband's Bank
  43. "No more war, war never again!"
  44. Dennis Ross, Florida Congressional Candidate, Calls for End of the United Nations!
  45. Muslim Cleric: "The Flag of Islam will one day fly over the White House"
  46. O'Donnell said China plotting to take over US
  47. Colorado Governor: Tancredo (ACP) Gains on Hickenlooper (D)
  48. Pence’s Priorities: Stopping Marriage Equality Is As Important As Fixing The Economy
  49. Utah Farm Bureau & Cattlemen's Assoc. Push For States Rights; Oppose Crop Subsidies
  50. New Season of "Bored to Death" features Libertarians.
  51. PPP is asking where to poll next! Vote Nevada to see if Sharon Angle can beat Reid!
  52. Neocons to fiscal conservatives: Whatever you do, do NOT cut military spending!
  53. GOP opens up massive lead going into midterms
  54. Michael Scheuer On Osama Bin Laden
  55. Super-rich investors get out of stocks, buy gold by ton...
  56. Video - American Tyranny Step by Step: Saving Our Republic
  57. Let's Wake it up... Lawson is up...
  58. VIDEO: Most U.S. Militia Groups Waiting For Provocation From The Government
  59. Bob Dylan is a racist
  60. Is hiding your political beliefs to those you know in person wrong?
  61. Jim DeMint has a powerful enemy
  62. The Tea Party is Pissing Off the Big Gov Democrat Senator of Ohio, Sherrod Brown
  63. OMG, is MarketWatch describing US?: Tea Party Patriots
  64. "Evaluate a ruler by looking at the men he has around him"
  65. Teen gets a year in jail. The gov't counselor who raped her gets probation.
  66. Firefighters watch TN house burn to the ground; homeowner didn't pay $75 fee
  67. Federal judge arrested on drug and firearms charges
  68. Flyers for Biden Visit
  69. What are your thoughts on the "general welfare"?
  70. Rockwell destroys Tea Parties
  71. Taibbi Shills For Obama
  72. Nevada's largest paper endorses Angle over Reid
  73. Democrat Introduces Legislation to End Right-to-Work States
  74. Just wishin': CHRISTIE/PAUL 2012
  75. Wanna make the big bucks? Get a government job.
  76. Tune into C-SPAN NOW!
  77. State by state recommendations for all positions
  78. Which 3 Senate races are you most hopeful for?
  79. Are Democrats Suddenly Making a Comeback?
  80. Redlich for Governor: New Video. You know what to do.
  81. **The Pentagon Destroyed That Book to Cover Up 9/11 "MISHAPS"**
  82. Rahm Emanuel Announces Candidacy — But Is He Eligible?
  83. Video: Firefighters let home burn to ground because owner didn’t pay annual $75 fee
  84. NRSC Ad in WV: A vote for Manchin is a vote for Obama
  85. TheDC: Ron Paul books trip to Iowa -- but will he run for president in 2012?
  86. The Democratic Majority too will balkanize along racial lines...
  87. Who should I look into voting for in PA??
  88. Post-WW2 Japan and Rape Censorship.
  89. The Justification
  90. Gallup: Poll of 'likely voters' portends big House gains for Republicans
  91. Daily Caller: Ron Paul books trip to Iowa — but will he run for president in 2012?
  92. Nevada Tea Party Rejects Scott Ashjian as a FAKE, Harry Reid Plant
  93. Here’s How to Balance the Budget
  94. Cato: Drug Legalization -- a Windfall for State Budgets
  95. Cato: 10 Ways to Super Charge the American Economy
  96. Cato: Making an Economic Case for Legalizing Drugs
  97. GOP Recalibrates Strategy a Month before Election Day
  98. High Court Turns Down Online Tobacco Seller
  99. Power Grab: US Feds to require all colleges to be licensed?
  100. Stossel: Another useless Republican
  101. Creepy Green Ad
  102. Want To Know If The FBI Is Tracking You? Look For One Of These...
  103. best way to convert democrats to our side?
  104. Mondale: Obama's teleprompters are 'idiot boards,' lacks emotion with audience
  105. Defending Liberty - Or Am I Hypocritical??
  106. Join Club for Growth to upvote Ron Paul in the Power Rankings (He's in 14th place!)
  107. How to Slash the State
  108. Donald Trump to run for US president?
  109. Ron Paul Sign on CNN
  110. "The Most Dangerous Man in America" (Daniel Ellsberg) documentary on PBS tonight
  111. Georgia to allow right to travel without a license
  112. News Coverage of the "Global Warming murder commercial"
  113. The Left and Right Intersect: Arianna Huffington and Pat Buchanan
  114. Joe Miller is Ambivalent about Palin for President; Angers Todd
  115. Girl dies from asthma attack, cop refuses to help, writes ticket instead
  116. video: Bob Schulz: On the Brink of Calling for War?
  117. Gilded age based issues for Ron Paul Libertarians?
  118. TAC: Joe Sobran's Conservative Foreign Policy - by the Southern Avenger
  119. Going Icelandic on their asses....
  120. Presidential Seal Falls Off Obama's Podium
  121. Because of human psychology, there is no hope?
  122. Paladino Refuses To Say If He Would Appoint A Muslim Judge
  123. Two cops charged with robbing -- undercover cop!
  124. Online voting trial: "hacked within hours"
  125. After 97 years, the US is now Zimbabwe of 2005
  126. I am voting Republican because...
  127. Most Californians oppose legalizing marijuana - Reuters poll
  128. Why Does Power Corrupt? Richard Maybury (friend of Harry Browne) explains (youtube)
  129. Schwarzenegger: Obama will win in 2012
  130. PBS POV The pentagon papers
  131. Lots of low flying military choppers out tonight
  132. Robbery victim shot at 8 times by cops that came to "help".
  133. UK Tories Cut UK version of Child Tax Credit...
  134. AIP Endorses Joe Miller for US Senate
  135. Miller supports reppeal of 17th, draws criticism
  136. RP Repub - Candidate for US Rep. stands ready to de-throne 20 year socialist incumben
  137. FDIC Board Proposes Unlimited Deposit Insurance
  138. First Contact Coming Soon! Mysterious pulse of light from newly-discovered 2nd Earth
  139. Trucks Encircle ABC, CBS, NBC, Challenge ‘Liberal’ Media to ‘Tell The Truth’
  140. Candidate for Sheriff pledges to arrest IRS agents for trespassing
  141. MS-NBC: Victor Perez - Today's Hero!
  142. 'Neocons fudge numbers lose party on defense budget'
  143. Paul/bachmann 2012....!
  144. Best Candidate Endorsement Ever
  145. JP Morgan Hires Contractors to Break Into Houses That Isnt Theirs
  146. Did Marco Rubio support Cap n Trade in FL Legislature?
  147. What was seen at the "One Nation Working Together Rally"
  148. Obama Lets Foreign Nations Sue Americans
  149. 48D 48R 4 tossups
  150. RIP chimp charlie
  151. Alex Jones and Trauma-Based Mind Control
  152. News Flash: Prop. 19 Can't Legalize Recreational Use!
  153. Global Warming Battle Turns Bloody
  154. Bob Schulz Interviews
  155. Obama’s Lame-Duck-Session Agenda
  156. RT: Stop the NWO by not drinking Coke
  157. Black judge rejects plea deal for 'white boy
  158. Have this many states ever sued the Feds before? (Judge Nap)
  159. How campaign finance laws restrict free speech
  160. Ron Paul's Congressional Opponent: Ron Paul Supports Child Abduction
  161. Christine O'Donnell's new ad looks pretty effective
  162. Time for a Tenth Amendment rally?
  163. Top 100 Private Landowners: Caring for the land like no government could
  164. Woodward: Biden and Clinton could be swapping jobs
  165. Tennessee County’s Subscription-Based Firefighters Watch As Family Home Burns Down
  166. WOLF-cnn "surprising poll resluts"
  167. What will the outcome be by requiring Congress to cite Constitution?
  168. I might believe in Government or authority because
  169. RON PAUL on FOX Business' America's Nightly Scoreboard
  170. Larken Rose debates Jon Roland tonight 8pm ET.
  171. Gary Johnson coming up on Colbert Report Tonight - 11:30 PM EST
  172. Stephen Walt: Why defense spending won't go down much
  173. Ann Coulter:Not your average joe
  174. Peter Schiff v. Joe Lieberman (I) v. Chris Murphy (D) Poll Numbers Coming Tomorrow
  175. Republicans took 100 seats in 1894!
  176. Do you support SEIU-favored redistricting ballot prop in Florida?
  177. Tom Woods Talks Nullification/Nullify Now Tour on Jerry Doyle Show
  178. Linguistics: The words "Public" Versus "Private"
  179. HBO Real Sports-American Somoa - Miniumum Wage!
  180. Lottery for public office, no more elections
  181. Why did Reagan tear down Carter's WH solar panels?
  182. Colbert Report interviews Ron Paul about raw milk
  183. Why pro-pot activists oppose prop. 19: 19 reasons to vote know
  184. WSJ - Tea Parties Forge Alliances in Bid to Advance Agendas
  185. We know we need to cut, but what do we keep?
  186. Learning + Homeschooling just got easier
  187. West Virginia Senate: Raese (R) Pulls Further Ahead of Manchin (D)
  188. SC dem chair says Alvin Greene should drop out - Greene calls for her resignation
  189. Hispanics are a Democrat voting bloc...... Right?
  190. D.C. Public Schools See INCREASE In Enrollment For First Time In 39 Years
  191. If Facebook existed years ago...
  192. Old video from RP campaign - "Don't vote for Ron Paul. We are here to protect you."
  193. Why are liberals so delusional when it comes to public service privatization?
  194. The real hypocrisy of Jon "Hitler Mustaches Belong On Hitler" Stewart
  195. Joe Miller, Alaskan Senatorial Candidate, Supports Repeal of 17th Amendment
  196. Democrats and 'Poisoned' Politics
  197. McDonald's, 29 other firms get health care coverage waivers
  198. Ron Paul Blim.............wait...Conan O'Brian Blimp!!!
  199. Barney Frank is going to lose the MA 4th
  200. PPP: Chris Murphy 39%, Peter Schiff 25%, Joe Lieberman 19%
  201. California Welfare Recipients go to Hawaii
  202. Washington Could Learn From Havana and Moscow
  203. GREAT ANGLE 50% hideous reid 46%
  204. Report: Lou Dobbs employed illegal immigrants
  205. SA@TAC - Can't Blame the American Idle
  206. What do you think of this music video?
  207. Taliban, Afghan Gov't Hold Talks to End War
  208. Here is an example in a post of how I refer to the Federal government
  209. The Story of Stuff: One More Time
  210. The Difference Between Conservatives and Constitutionalists/Libertarians?
  211. Supreme Court Justices Appear Ready To Rule Against Funeral Pickets
  212. Rogers Waters accused of anti semitism for The Wall performance
  213. Judge Nap on Alex Jones right now
  214. Jonah Goldberg doesn't know what "American citizen" means.
  215. Campaign for Liberty Launches MAJOR MEDIA BLITZ in key election states
  216. GOP miffed NRA is endorsing Democrats
  217. Joe Miller, Lisa Murkowski, Scott McAdams Debate LIVE NOW [Stream inside]
  218. Need a remote helper with tables & database experience
  219. Need a remote helper with some HTML experience
  220. YAL will PAY YOUR EXPENSES for campaign school in Kentucky!
  221. Obama releases euphoria inducing chemicals at rally
  222. Tea Party Giving Neocons Heartburn
  223. The Greater the Welfare State, the More Malleable the People - Nathaniel Branden (vid
  224. Another Violent Environmentalist Ad
  225. Health-Care Law Ruled Constitutional by U.S. Judge
  226. Federal Judge George Caram Steeh rejects attempt to stop health care provision.
  227. George Carlin on People Who Want to ‘Save’ the Planet
  228. Government Fundamentalists
  229. video: Ron Paul: U.S. Heading for Soviet-Style Economic Collapse
  230. Christine O'donnell Vows To Fight U.N Gun Grabbing, Will Fight For Sovereignty
  231. If you hate Barney Frank, you must see this.
  232. Libertarian Classic "Healing our World" Now Available as a FREE Audiobook!
  233. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
  234. Judge Nap announces Freedom Watch will go primetime daily on Fox Biz this year
  235. Liberaltarian Mantra Blown to Bits: We'll Get to Entitlements Last
  236. [video] Judge Napolitano on Alex Jones Show - "I converted Glenn Beck..."
  237. i was doing research for a thesis
  238. JOHN DENNIS is hosting a LIVE TOWN HALL right now... Call in now!
  239. Ask John Dennis a question live RIGHT NOW
  240. Could A Small State Such As Idaho/NH Switch To A Gold/Silver Currency As A Way To
  241. This guy took the Maddow hit piece pretty well
  242. US contractor and Pentagon funds aiding Taliban
  243. Muslim law taking hold in parts of US - Sharron Angle
  244. NYC's Bloomberg wants to ban soda purchases with food stamps.
  245. Dioguardi Needs A Surge
  246. Leadership Books: Inside Ron Paul's 'End the Fed'
  247. Does Ron Paul Really Want a Gold Standard? [Listen to what Ron Paul says]
  248. Washington Senate: Rossi (R) Inches Ahead of Murray (D)
  249. Feingold: We're standing up for young people by putting them in massive debt
  250. Rangel, Waters ethics trials scheduled (... to take place after the midterms)