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  1. Regulations hamper oil spill clean-up - From Downsizer Dispatch
  2. Dr. Ron Paul Interviews (6/22/10) (CNN & FOX Business)
  3. Washington Post Highlights Federal Government Hypocrisy
  4. Ron Paul on CNN Situation Room and Fox Biz Tonight 06/22
  5. How to Defeat Bailout Senators
  6. Sheriff Richard Mack endorses Carl Bruning for Sheriff!
  7. HUGE DIGG! England Abandons Keynsian Economics!
  8. McChrystal Resigns...
  9. Palin Endorses JD Hayworth!
  10. Food group to sue McDonalds over toys
  11. Libertarian investors
  12. Jeb Bush mulls run...
  13. Obama Vows to End Homelessness in 10 Years
  14. A gift for Schiff?
  15. Tx Gov: Public Policy Polling Has White and Perry Tied at 43
  16. Beck Tears into Bridgewater
  17. Federal Judge lifts offshore drilling ban
  18. Is Joe Lieberman an asshat?
  19. Nikki Haley, SC Gov, Another TEA Party win! GOP Nom
  20. I will keep the top post updated on Utah Senate race results
  21. What does 25,000 Barrels look like? BP Oil fiasco rendered using Unreal Engine.
  22. [Tube] The Corbett Report: When False Flags Don't Fly
  23. 132 days until November 2nd
  24. Robert Reich praising FDR, job spending bills, but slams Greenspan?
  25. Ron Paul-Endorsed Mike Lee wins Republican nomination for US senator from Utah
  26. GOP Ending Marijuana Prohibition/Winning Issue
  27. Shocking Barrett Victory Against Nikki Haley
  28. What is this Congressional Budget Cancelled biznizz?
  29. California Lawmakers Consider Ads On Digital License Plates For Revenue
  30. Ron Paul-Endorsed Mike Lee wins Utah Republican Senate Primary!!
  31. Florida Rep. Alan Grayson and the Tea Party
  32. Sen. DeMint: Defender of the Internet
  33. Religous Extremists Will Inherit the Earth
  34. The Minority Mortgage Meltdown: More Evidence—But Our Elite Doesn’t Want To Know
  35. White Men as Modern Scapegoats
  36. Dems Not Yet Prepared to Let DISCLOSE Act Go Away
  37. Walter Williams: Ill-conceived Gov regulations are hampering Oil cleanup efforts
  38. Were McChrystal's actions deliberate?
  39. George Soros: Euro may collapse.
  40. Federal vs State rights
  41. Say NO! to Reagan Moderation and Acquiescence!!
  42. Judge Who Overturned Drilling Moratorium Had Oil Investments; US Plans New Ban
  43. An Open Letter To Glenn Beck from a Radical Libertarian
  44. U.S. Giving Land to Mexico/DHS Invades Privacy
  45. The New "Freedom Index" for Current Congress; Constitutional Scorecard
  46. Should I Support Senate Conservatives Fund?
  47. Libertarian Leads Online Florida Newspaper Poll for U.S. Senate Seat
  48. Nashville GOP Loses Another Ron Paul Supporter
  49. The Fate of the Internet. Decided in a Back Room.
  50. New Drilling Agency Will Have Investigative Arm
  51. Obama Fires McChrystal
  52. Obama replaces McChrystal with Petraeus
  53. Ron Paul/Gary Johnson 2012!
  54. Ron Paul calls $20 billion BP escrow fund a 'PR stunt,' 'suspicious'
  55. The Need For Less Government
  56. Obama Administration Continues to Favor Illegals Over Americans
  57. Problem With Cap Causes More Oil to Gush
  58. Ron Paul will appear in Nashville's GOP picnic straw poll for 2012 President
  59. Digg: Ron Paul Calls BP Escrow Fund a Stunt
  60. THis is a completely sureal scene...
  61. Flashback: Obama skipped vote denouncing Moveon.org for Betray Us ad
  62. OMG - Just in from Pensacola - TRAGIC!
  63. Beck shows true colors AGAIN...stabs J.D. Hayworth in the back to save McCain
  64. The Conspiracy of Incompetence and Corruption in the White House
  65. Which of these makes one an automatic Founding Father?
  66. House votes to give subpoena power to oil spill commission (1 no vote)
  67. Rep. Paul Casts Sole ‘No’ Vote on Oil Spill Subpoena Power
  68. Australia gets rid of PM....
  69. Home made nuclear fusion reactor in his basement
  70. Bashing BP (For Doing Exactly What Government Led Them to Do)
  71. Art Laffer Endorses Gun Grabber And Tax Raiser!
  72. Always a silver lining
  73. Calling out All Leftist/Progressives/Democrats
  74. New documentary about soldiers
  75. I **REALLY** want everyone's opinion on what I am thinking about doing.
  76. TN Tea Party Candidate Brings Gun To Paper Editorial Board
  77. youtube wins case vs hollywood greed
  78. Liberty candidates poll well in Northern Colorado
  79. Ron Paul in Iowa this weekend for GOP fundraiser
  80. Trade Union Cap n Trader new OZ PM
  81. Proof Univision should broadcast everything. Including Presidential Debates.
  82. -Why- was General McChrystal dismissed?
  83. Dick Morris endorses Newt 2012
  84. Alabama's U.S. Senator is the porker of the month.
  85. Bootleggers and Baptists
  86. Use the Gulf disaster to push for legalization of Industrial Hemp
  87. If it came down to another Revolution...
  88. Forget ‘Guitar Hero’: FEMA wants you to play ‘Disaster Hero’
  89. Dems move closer to Thursday vote on Disclose Act
  90. Border control held hostage by White House policy
  91. America’s Love-Hate Affair With Big Government (New York Times)
  92. War Makes Us Poor
  93. George Soros: Budget Cutting = Nazism
  94. Intolerance for the Intolerant : The Geert Wilders Complex
  95. Small-government insurgents may save the GOP
  96. DeMint expands clout all the way to Utah
  97. Obama vs. the U.S. Army by Patrick J. Buchanan
  98. Dem. Congressman: 'Finance Bill will Help Good Americans, Not Minorities or Defective
  99. France plans to raise retirement age to 62: Unions go on strike
  100. Ron Paul and Tom Woods essays featured before Iowa GOP convention visit
  101. Tax Hikes coming, Gov. Paterson (New York) Warns
  102. The 'coffee party' just doesn't get it... it isn't supposed to be 'top down'....
  103. Digg: June is Deadliest Month in Afghanistan
  104. Am I a libertarian? Is Glenn Beck? Nick Gillespie? Was Ayn Rand? Are you?
  105. Constitutional Issues & Remedy for AMNESTY related Vote Fraud and Vote Buying; also i
  106. Louisiana Woman speaks out about the condition of the gulf
  107. Nikki Haley Wins South Carolina Republican Nomination for Governor
  108. Rand & Ron on King World News; Money Bomb Monday (AUDIO)
  109. Rupert Murdoch and Mike Bloomberg 'TEAM UP' for Immigration Reform
  110. Ron Paul in 1998: Presidents waging illegal war more important than Monica Lewinsky
  111. Progressive Myths Weaved into Truth by the Gatekeepers
  112. Go figure... desire of war could be real cause of oil spill
  113. Judge Smacks Down Obama Oil Ban as "Misleading," "Confused," "Capricious."
  114. What should I ask state Senate candidate?
  115. Subsidy Farmer in Hot Water over his Hypocritical Sign
  116. Mike Lee is "the Rand Paul of the West"
  117. The Disclose Act - You have to pass it to find out what's in it
  118. Al Gore A "Crazed Sex Poodle?"
  119. Hope this isnt true
  120. Dictator wannabe 'bama can't show good reason to stop drilling, but we know why
  121. Rand Paul Rising
  122. What The Economist Doesn't Know About Gold
  123. Obama doesn't sign Eagle Scout letters?
  124. New E-Cigs: You can use them for pot (gov tries to ban them)
  125. Cigarette Taxes Fund Terrorism
  126. 20 Must-See Charts On America's Disastrous Level Of Government Spending
  127. 48% See Government Today As A Threat to Individual Rights
  128. ACTION NEEDED TODAY ~ 6/24 ~ Call your rep re: Disclose Act now!
  129. States Rights, Bill of Rights Trivia Game
  130. Danger at sea: Toxic metals threaten whales
  131. Explaining ourselves to liberals
  132. The Myth Of Political Consent (article)
  133. Dr. Ron Paul Interview (6/24/10) 4:00 pm EST Fox News - Cavuto
  134. Will your cell phone give you away?
  135. TSA Catches More Flak
  136. Haley Barbour's fundraising takes off for POTUS run
  137. Fox News is pumping around the clock to get Paultard Tea Party people on TV?
  138. Big-government supporters strike again
  139. Weigel: "Fox News is pumping around the clock to get Paultard Tea Party people on TV"
  140. Man "attacks" G20 with chainsaw and soda bottle
  141. Dr. Ron Paul Statement, June 24, 2010
  142. In Immigration Debate, Politicians are the Problem
  143. Warmongering
  144. Arizona presidential poll
  145. Dispelling Five Myths About Judicial Review
  146. helmuth_hubener or Galileo Galilei?
  147. Catholic Church Reburies "Heretic" Copernicus as Hero
  148. Judge Andrew Napolitano on the Shaking Down of BP
  149. Deakin at 14% in Arizona?
  150. Senate conferees reject plan to have Banks Pay for Fannie, Freddie wind-down
  151. House approves DISCLOSE ACT campaign finance bill in 219-206 vote
  152. Stossel
  153. Milton Wolfe (Obama's cousin) just talked about Ron Paul on radio--listen online
  154. Shotgun Blog: Canada needs a Ron Paul
  155. Disturbing Footage! The US Army Doesn't Want You To See THIS!
  156. LibertyClick new jul 11: Don't Miss It
  157. DRUDGE - CHICAGOLAND BOMBSHELL: Obama knew plot to trade Cabinet post (Blagojevich)
  158. Ron Paul on Ronald Reagan.
  159. What is JournoList? Who are they?
  160. Obama's failed presidency by Pat Buchanan
  161. Ron Paul bucks wisdom on McChrystal
  162. BREAKING: House-Senate conference approves Wall Street reform
  163. Digg to Front Page: 48% of Americans Now See Goverment as Threat to Rights
  164. The Rule of Racial Preferences-Obama Prefers People of Color
  165. Subjective Vs Objective Morals
  166. Texas Nationalists Plan To Sue Mexico For Return Of Stolen Alamo Flag, Artifacts
  167. Supreme Court: Washington Can Release Names of Ballot Signers
  168. June 25th: Happy Birthday Tenth Amendment Center!
  169. Kagan - activist judge wannabe
  170. Financial reform Bill is Full of Race-Based Affirmative Action
  171. finance bill almost done: lawmakers perceive precious metals as riskier
  172. Senate Democrats Plot 'Impenetrable' Path to Victory for Unwritten Climate Bill
  173. Rep Susan Davis Mocks CFL
  174. The World's Reaction to Landon Donovan's Game Winning Goal
  175. New Finance Legislation: Chris Dodd says it all. . .
  176. Why is Taxpayer-funded Aid Going to Illegal Workers?
  177. Ron and Rand Paul #53 and #64 respectively on Most Hated List
  178. Weigel Resigns!
  179. If you feel inclined to help a candidate for Governor of Kentucky! Plus get a free...
  180. Building an abortion consensus
  181. Grab an Obamabot and tell them: A lot more people are gonna die!
  182. All people were born with an administrative function
  183. Contact the NRA about the Disclose Act
  184. Screw you, Dave Weigel.
  185. Evidence implicating the govt's role in allowing BP to drill in 5,000 ft of water?
  186. Stossel DVD Box Set. Would you Buy?
  187. XXX approved!!!
  188. Info on recent financial overhaul
  189. ***ron paul action figure project*** prototype released!!!
  190. What is the deal with Inflation.us? Legit or scam?
  191. I AM Campaign for Liberty- Video!
  192. Glenn Beck and Black History Friday.
  193. Paul Mulshine rightly calls out Gov. Chris Christie....WTF!
  194. Glenn Beck Recapitulates The John Birch Society
  195. Results of progressivism and militarism in one simple chart and quote...
  196. Matthews: GOP Role Models Are Suicide Bombers, Want to Destroy The U.S Government
  197. Campaign for Liberty mentioned on house floor:
  198. Gulf Hurricane + Oil spill = Oilicane (unprecedented natural disaster)
  199. America lost the Cold War, the Communists won.
  200. Does Ron Paul Oppose GMO Regulation/Labeling? Do you?
  201. Colbert & farmers : Take our jobs!
  202. Milwaukee county supervisor, Democrat, Peggy West
  203. Conway to miss Biden appearance in Louisville
  204. When will "The Siege" become reality?
  205. Judge Napolitano vs. Shephard Smith discussing gulf oil spill
  206. AFL-CIO economist to Cavuto: You’re an A-hole
  207. Unusual street names...
  208. Campaign for Liberty "Called Out" on the DISCLOSE ACT.... short video...........
  209. Judge's Freedom Watch - Sat. 10 AM 7/4 - Tom Woods, Schiff, Gary Johnson, Bob Barr
  210. How do RPFers / Libertarians feel about Jack Kevorkian?
  211. Colbert Farm Workers Challenge
  212. Beck on race, the civil war and the sothern constitution
  213. FL Guber candidate "Legislature isn't the place for open government"
  214. URGENT!: This doesn't look good!
  215. Glenn Beck: History Vindicated Joe McCarthy
  216. Duck Tales Inflation Lesson
  217. Questions for Kagan. Well written column by George Will...
  218. Who I think the next President will be
  219. How many Americans are targeted for assassination? Glenn Grunwald
  220. Digg to Front Page: Duck Tales Lesson on Inflation
  221. Treasury, Chris Dodd & Barney Frank Sell Out To Wall Street
  222. Fox News Owner Rupert Murdoch Pushes for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
  223. Chuck Baldwin: America's Bread And Circus Society
  224. Clint Webb for senate
  225. Here we go...Let's go USA
  226. Mexican Drug Cartels Outmatch, Outgun Mexico's Police
  227. Electoral Politics Explained in Simple Terms
  228. Obama Admin Proposes Online Identification System(WTF is This?!)
  229. Michael Savage takes on AIPAC and others
  230. Flashback: Pittsburgh G20 September 2009, Fast Forward: Toronto June 2010
  231. Holy Crap! - Hydraulic Fracturing - Must See Video
  232. Is Hamilton Bashing Productive for the Liberty Movement?
  233. American Existentialism
  234. Bill Clinton travels to South Africa to see the USA soccer team defeated 2-1 by Ghana
  235. Brilliant analysis of illegal immigration and it's impacts
  236. H.R. 1866: Industrial Hemp Farming Act
  237. Looks like Ron is coming up NEXT on CNN
  238. Please vote for PPP to poll Kentucky and Rand's race -- we were ahead but now are'nt
  239. Amazon Opposes Plan To End Saturday USPS Mail Delivery
  240. Video of today's Freedom Watch?
  241. SCOTUS Rules Petition Signatures Are Public Record
  242. FBI Failed To Break Encryption of Hard Drives
  243. Obama Unveils Plans For "Trusted Identities In Cyberspace"
  244. 1959: You Americans Are So Gullible; Was He Right?
  245. Bait Police Cars Used at G20 in Toronto
  246. Obama says he is a "big spender" and he likes to show off
  247. Barroso - President of the European Commission 'EU is an organization of empires'
  248. Citizens work online to catch alleged con artist
  249. Southern Avenger: Why Mark Levin Hates Glenn Beck
  250. Drudge Alert: Senate Panel Approves "Internet Kill" Switch Plan; New Emergency Powers