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  1. Crist: I could vote for a Democrat as Senate Majority Leader
  2. Imagine if the Tea Party was black
  3. "They'll defend this country" - Ron Paul
  4. most common type of rape in the U.S. is...
  5. How Convenient. Pakistan Taliban Claims Responsibility For Times Square Bomb
  6. Rand Paul vs. Marco Rubio???
  7. Is Lord Monckton a libertarian?
  8. A Suggestion for Mothers Day
  9. I have always supported Ron Paul ever since I heard of him........
  10. Ron Paul surpasses the 200,000 mark on Facebook!
  11. OathKeeper Arrested in Tennesee
  12. New Hostettler video
  13. What the MSM won’t tell you : the rancher killed in Arizona by a cartel assassin
  14. The Most IGNORANT E-Mail I Have EVER Received
  15. Is it just me or is RPF acting really slow?
  16. NYC "bombing" attempt...
  17. A Red State post I just made for Hostettler
  18. It's been confirmed mannings wife and manning accepts May 4th for interview
  19. I love Ron Paul but...
  20. Orwellian and creepy tax collection commercial by PA gov't - video
  21. Gerald Celente on the Breakup of the US with Bill Meyer 4/26/10 (48 min)
  22. James Dobson: Senior Members of the GOP lied to me
  23. Advice for congressional support...
  24. Utah Paper Poll: b. Ron Paul 48% Barack Obama 31%
  25. The Circle is Complete: Daily Show Writers Wrote Obama's WHCD Material!!!
  26. YouTube: Obama jokes about killing people with CIA drones
  27. "TEA-Party Hypocrisy: How Much Socialism is Acceptable?" by Joel McDurmon
  28. Hutaree militia members to be released on bail!
  29. [VIDEO] ~ Caller confronts Wolfowitz live ~
  30. Tom Woods on the Lew Rockwell Show: Nullification! 5/3/10
  31. Mass video surveillance in NewYork (coming soon)
  32. Colo. Lawmakers Reject Measure On Pot Dispensaries
  33. Huffington Post talks about AUDITING THE FED (5/3/10)
  34. Online Poll: Chuck Purgason
  35. Need help finding Ron Paul 1988
  36. Buying gold anonymously: still possible? Shops ask for ID.
  37. Buying gold anonymously: still possible? Shops ask for ID.
  38. who to vote for in Arkansas?
  39. Pakistani Revenge: Motive of NYC Bombing Attempt for Murder Of Pakistani Civilians
  40. Obama administration's arrest of 'Christian militants' on WMD charges
  41. “Radical” Muslim Group That Threatened South Park Creators Run by Israeli Settler
  42. Bill introduced to honor Galileo
  43. If they hate us because of our freedoms, must be good that we're getting rid of them
  44. Pat Buchanan: The Real Bigots are our Leaders...
  45. Young Turks on Obama's opposition to Auditing Fed
  46. Obama Administration Was Warned About Underestimating Threat Of Serious Oil Spill
  47. The Southern Avenger - Liberty, Limits and Illegal Immigration
  48. Race and Resentment By Thomas Sowell
  49. Ron Paul 20th Most Influential Person in TIME survey
  50. USA has 5,113 nuclear warheads
  51. First Time Ever that a Libertarian makes Fla. ballot for U.S. Senate?
  52. Nobody saw last simson episode about big brother?
  53. Video: Glenn Beck's transformation continues
  54. Hair soaks up oil
  55. McConnell 'lied to James Dobson'
  56. The GOP and the VAT: Acronyms No Longer Acrimonious
  57. Peter is on "Sound off Connecticut" RIGHT NOW!
  58. Raw Story - Oath Keepers article part 1
  59. Has Ron Paul released an opinion on the AZ immigration law?
  60. Black Americans and Liberty by Walter Williams
  61. Ron is writing a new book!
  62. Hostettler (Indiana) Primary watch and returns
  63. Obama finally coming around
  64. Nuke the oil leak.
  65. Greek banners
  66. Gun Control in the UK vs Gun Control in the US...
  67. Looks like BO wants the 401K'S & IRA'S
  68. Migration, Naturalization & Congress’ powers vs State powers
  69. Indiana Senate Race
  70. Indiana primary results links
  71. Beck sticks it to us again! He had Stutzman on his show today.
  72. [VIDEO] ~ " Interview With Man Barricaded Inside Foreclosed Home"
  73. B.J. Lawson leading his primary!
  74. Dealing with Sheeple; A very good read.
  75. How do you identify yourself politically?
  76. Lawson wins!!!!
  77. Chat it up!
  78. DC Council Approves Medical Marijuana
  79. Zombies have free speech rights, you don't.
  80. Ron Paul: Legalization of Secret Arrests and Assinations
  81. Obama Youth Brigades
  82. Welcome to the New World Order
  83. Clint Didier, Liberty Candidate for US Senate from Washington?
  84. Is Ron Paul anti-business?
  85. Is Simon Cowell a Republican?
  86. Dr. James Dodson rejects lies, & just ENDORSED RAND PAUL
  87. American Hero Jim Traficant enters race for congress as an independent
  88. Say what you want. I like Scalia.
  89. Breaking news: Bj lawson won!!!
  90. Special Announcement From C4L!
  91. This is what a Con-con looks like!!
  92. Rachel Maddow explains divide between libertarians and paleo-conservatives
  93. Rasmussen: Crist Now Leads Fla. Senate Race
  94. Greece's Solution - Raise Taxes! Submit to IMF! USA Next?
  95. Governemnt to Take over 401K's-Over my Dead Body
  96. Jeb Bush Endorses Rubio in Fla. Senate Race
  97. Gun hearing today.
  98. ALERT, WARNING, Heads Up
  99. Are "DUI Check Points" unconstitutional?
  100. Hey random white dude, sorry about the whole manhunt thing
  101. AZ immigration law: What exactly does it allow?
  102. Indiana Race: Revenge of the GOP Insiders
  103. McConnell Endorsement vs DeMint Endorsement (Marcus Carey Perspective)
  104. Yesterday's elections convinces me that we need to run as a bloc
  105. PA Big Brother Tax Ad/Big Government
  106. Wow! Dem David Obey Isn't Running In WI
  107. Haiti-Like Poverty Rages in the American Heartland, but Media Silence is Deafening
  108. Dem David Obey not seeking re election
  109. Obey is retiring
  110. Feel Sorry for BP?
  111. Vote for Gary Johnson on the PPP Poll
  112. Penn Govt Puts Creepy Tax Cheater TV Advertisement!!
  113. "No fly list = not allowed to buy a gun" keeps getting pushed!
  114. Video of SWAT shooting dog while kid looks on
  115. Nashville school sells naming rights to academic program
  116. Any libertarian articles on False Advertising and Truth in Labeling laws?
  117. Bob Woodward to write a new book!
  118. Boondocks: It’s a Black President, Huey Freeman
  119. Cops too lazy to chase teenager @ baseball game - so they tazer him!
  120. First they came for the Swastika...
  121. Do You Consider This Speech a Good Example of Patriotism?
  122. Tea Party WIN! Another Dem Quits! David Obey Quits before ship sinks!
  123. Get Gary Johnson on the next Public Policy Poll
  124. Jim Lee, candidate for 4th district Congress would follow orders before Constitution
  125. SC "republican," Jim Lee, running for Congress wants more gays in the military!
  126. Lee Doren (HowTheWorldWorks) debates Mark Levine
  127. Blame the White Man: Leftist racial profiling was thwarted again by reality
  128. Could Australia go Libertarian?
  129. I'd like confirmation
  130. Columbia Mo SWAT Raid 2/11/2010. Cops Shoot Pets With Children Present
  131. Edward Gonzalez
  132. Intense Discussion Over RP2012 Prospects
  133. Postmortem on the primaries (The Liberty Ticker)
  134. Video of SWAT Raid on Missouri Family
  135. Climategate scientists cleared of malpractice by panel
  136. Foreclosure resistance - Live stream
  137. They came for the Patriots...
  138. If Lindsey Graham and Col. David Hunt and Jim Lee have their way!
  139. Jordan Maxwell - Government & Religion!
  140. We've Been Hit By A Smooth Criminal Enterprise!
  141. Obama inspires blacks to run for Congress ...... as Republicans
  142. Will Immigration Issue Tear Apart the Ron Paul Coalition?
  143. Nebraska and West Virginia - Primaries Tuesday (May 11th)
  144. GOP To Crist: Give Us Our Money Back
  145. The BEST video from the Ron Paul 2008 Campaign
  146. Poker Faces response to the ADL's defamation, slander and lies
  147. UKIP's Farage pulled alive from plane crash
  148. Jim DeMint Wants to Finish Mexican Border Fence — as Part of FinReg Bill
  149. Obama Uses Mexican Holiday to Announce Amnesty Push
  150. 10th ammendment on C-SPAN NOW!
  151. GLEN BECK doesnt talk about Prescott Bush
  152. G. Edward Griffin - Ron Paul vs The Establishment!
  153. Rand Paul on Illegal Immigration 5/5/10
  154. Times Square Bomb Suspect Was Upset Over Drone Attacks, Source Says
  155. Big Brother doing its best to smash business
  156. Gotta love our militarized borders
  157. Kids Sent Home For Wearing American Flags on Cinco De Mayo
  158. how to sell the gold standard to the left?
  159. Marco Rubio, Florida Senate Candidate, Flip-Flops On Arizona Immigration Law
  160. Could somebody point to an article that explains the Goldman Sachs/Fed ties?
  161. Phoenix Suns Protest AZ Immigration Law
  162. Cash for caulkers
  163. Should photo ID be required for voting?
  164. Rand Paul Does Agree with AZ Law
  165. Cinco de Mayo - mostly invented by Corona beer
  166. Ron Paul supporters planning to send a message with historic Tea Party Money Bomb
  167. @#$% Census Workers
  168. WARNING - Protest government > Lose citizenship > Trial by military tribunal
  169. Ron Paul on Fox News right now 2:15 pm 5/6/10
  170. Welcome to America, please enjoy your visit!
  171. Terrorism Explained
  172. Wear clothes with American colors, Get sent home
  173. Nigel Farage Plane Crash
  174. Flood the Columbia MO Police Department phone lines
  175. HuffPo: Ron Paul recieves Medicare benefits
  176. peter schiff on Greece:
  177. Ron Paul about to give 5 minute speech on house floor over Greece. CSPAN yourselves.
  178. May 18th primary in PA
  179. McCain-Lieberman-King "Strip US citizens of rights".
  180. A Ron Paul High School Curriculum
  181. PAUL on house flood NOW
  182. CNBC: Massive Stock Plunge Due To Trading Error, Developing...
  183. Video: Ron Paul on Greece and the coming currency meltdown
  184. Sarah Palin turns her back on the Tea Party movement in California
  185. Dow has fallen almost 500 points since Obama joke about drone attacks
  186. New Ron Paul Speech On The House Floor Today ~ Money Isn't Worth What It Used To Be!
  187. New recycling bins with tracking chips coming to Virginia
  188. DJIA ~1,000 pt (9+%) Drop Concurrent with Warning from Fed / Bernanke to Congress?!
  189. Politicians Plead: The Fifth Amendment Does Not Apply to Suspected Terrorists
  190. Libertarian' viewed more positively by Dems then Republicans (article)
  191. Free Will by Rabbi Simon Jacobson - Do you have it?
  192. Possible Liberty Candidate for your consideration. (Very Pro Marijuana)
  193. Demon Sheep II - Revenge of the Boxer
  194. Responses Part 1 - Social Security and Shrinking Birth Rates
  195. Responses Part 2 - Immigration and Payroll Taxes
  196. Responses Part 3 - BP, Taxes & Oil Investment
  197. Did the Federal Reserve Intervene as Market Began Its Collapse Today?
  198. Don't Rock The Vote: Casting a Ballot Does Not Constitute Political Stewardship
  199. Illegal Immigration $$$$$
  200. Peter Schiff on Greece
  201. A fun political game: Who Said it?
  202. Nasdaq, NYSE Arca to Cancel 60% Swing Trades in Selloff
  203. What's the best evidence that we live in a Police State?
  204. The Allegory of The Great Tomato Bubble
  205. the kind of BS they argue about at the massachu statehouse
  206. Obama Care Unitended Consequences
  207. Bogus lawsuit nets millions for NFL player
  208. TSA agent beats co-worker for laughing at his genitalia shown in scanner
  209. Rand Paul, Jim Demint and the GOP by The Southern Avenger
  210. What's the deal with this advertisement of a face?
  211. If Jim DeMint lived in your state and was running for Senate election/reelection.....
  212. Tinfoilhatish?
  213. Video- Christina Jeffrey, running for US Congress in SC, with AK-47 in hand speaking
  214. Feds step in and block Hutaree bail release
  215. NH tops again
  216. Ron Paul Facebook, Spread !!!!!!!Stand Up!Like
  217. Arizona, Photo Speed Enforcement Extortion Program Ended!
  218. Like Bobby Kennedy murder, motive for NY terror plot remains mystery for US media?
  219. Your opinion on John McCain?
  220. Climategate: Sensenbrenner Report Challenges EPA Greenhouse Finding
  221. Are Europe and America headed to where Greece is today? By Patrick J. Buchanan
  222. Ariz. Gov. Snubs Chuckie Schumer
  223. Ron Paul says Bernie Sanders 'sold out' on Fed amendment
  224. Ron Paul’s The Revolution And Libertarianism’s Fatal Flaw
  225. United States will be bailing out Greece
  226. The Liberal Assault on the Poor
  227. Greek message boards in english?
  228. Gulf Oil Spill Opportunists
  229. Number of Soldiers Seeking Opiate Abuse Treatment Skyrockets
  230. S 510 is hissing in the grass
  231. Elena Kagan Said To Be Obama's Supreme Court Pick
  232. Stewart on the American People
  233. What is happening in Britain is why I don't support third parties
  234. Body Scan JOKES Leads To Beating, Arrest
  235. Original Charlie Crist Oil Painting being auctioned on Ebay. Current bid $3,200+
  236. Conservative Media Blackout on Audit the Fed process
  237. Why does Ron Paul claim Federal Reserve helps "big business" and hurts the poor
  238. Ron Paul 2012 vs. Rand Paul 2012
  239. Florida GOP Releases 2,452 Pages of AmEx Records
  240. Very interesting interview w/ Wayne Allyn Root
  241. Bob Barr being sued by Jim Bovard
  242. Local Plug;Help if you can.
  243. ATF agent tells Maddow viewers to cut ties /w loved ones involved in "fringe groups"
  244. Vote of No Confidence
  245. Copiers built after 2002 retain an image of every copy made
  246. Don't Tread On US!
  247. Statistical Analysis of "Maverickitude." Guess who's off the charts?
  248. Chuck Devore on Hardball NOW!!
  249. NeoCons out to swift boat Rand Paul
  250. Rothbard gives away the ending...