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Thread: The Mission Advancement Framework - A new site initiative!

  1. #1
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    The Mission Advancement Framework - A new site initiative!

    The following describes a new long-term site initiative! Much more detail is to come!

    I have been formulating ideas and plans on how gain liberty since 2007, these ideas keep getting reprocessed and rethought over and over to continue to refine the best path forward towards liberty. I have acted on a variety of points and ideas but there was still a larger set of ideas that have not been put into motion yet. I purchased RPFs in 2013 with the hopes of acting upon these rough ideas; I spent a good amount of time and effort in 2013-2015 to continue to refine a path and worked to reshape the website to achieve these goals. Almost all of the changes I have made to the site have been calculated to this vision to which I am dedicated.

    As these efforts started to come together more I decided it would be best to defer the involvement of others until after the conclusion of Rand’s campaign to prevent any interference with his campaign on the site. As Rand’s campaign is now in the past, I am moving forward.

    I have tentatively referred to the plan under consideration simply as the “Mission Advancement Framework” (MAF) and have broken down the efforts to deploy the MAF into different phases. This introduction you are now reading just focuses on the initial goals of the framework; the phases of actual effort to implement the MAF will be forthcoming.

    Mission Advancement
    The Mission of the site and the liberty movement in general is no small undertaking. The reality is there is no perfect solution; there is no right way to achieve success. Still, past experiences within the liberty movement have shown there are many, many roads to failure. These failures are not hard to see with numerous cases of large amounts of money and energy being put forth which have netted little results. The liberty movement has also seen failures with organizations trying to direct volunteers into efforts that the volunteers don’t value highly, little comes from these as well. There are lessons to be learned from these failures! I submit that a high level analysis of our failures would show that we are not using the right strategies and tactics to achieve success and we often don’t properly identify or understand the goals.

    In order to help make sense of our historical failures and to identify better strategies for success, I am proposing an effort with the following three initial goals:

    1) Develop a Foundational Knowledgebase characterizing our end goals. – The objective of this effort will be to gain clarity of what we are trying to achieve and to help educate new members about our goals.

    2a) Conduct a movement retrospective study on our past efforts and on the tactics used to achieve our end goals. The study would include issues of applied resources, messaging tactics as well as measured and perceived results such as the overall public perception that resulted.

    2b) Conduct a study on the tactics used by other campaign, organizations and groups to achieve their end goals. [credit site member "thor" for this point.]

    2c) Conduct a study on significant historical elements that relate to our Mission in order to catalog and characterize them. Topics should include major world events and significant works in philosophy, law, history, economics and fiction that form the intellectual pedigree for our Mission. [credit site member "thoughtomator" for this point.]

    3) Feed the results of the studies into the development of a Foundational Knowledgebase that can characterizes the use of tactics, highlight paths that lead to failure and direct people to use proven methodologies for common projects. This effort should drill down into the root cause of all issues including topics within management, marketing and human psychology.

    The objective of this effort will be to drive toward the effective use of resources in the future and to help formulate strategic plans.

    4) Encourage adoption of the Foundational Knowledgebase and continual improvement of it. – The objective of this effort will be to broaden the circle of use and contributors to the Foundational Knowledgebase, a work product that can provide wide and long lasting value in the achievement of our goals. The Foundational Knowledgebase can become the go-to resource for almost all topical discussions.

    In short, we need to correct the problem of acting without adequate thinking and planning. After we have identified the right common ground and have developed better tactics and tools, we will optimize the results of our efforts. Note, common ground does not mean that everyone agrees on the same end goals and optimal tactics, it’s that we share an agreed understanding of them.

    While many written works already exist about our goals, none satisfy what I see as the key requirements for success of this effort, which include for the Foundational Knowledgebase to:
    • Be complete in encompassing all issues within our scope in a single source format.
    • Be freely available to read on the internet.
    • Be broken down into small, easy to read sections.
    • Be massively hyperlinked to allow for easy navigation from subject to subject and to navigate up and down subject matter details.
    • Develop the logical reasoning behind important principles and then apply the principles throughout the work.

    Existing works will certainly play a role in shaping the content of the Foundational Knowledgebase and can be referenced from it, but existing works have not proven to be the big solution that is needed; it is now time for a more complete Foundational Knowledgebase to rally around and support our Mission.

    To achieve these goals an operational framework needs to be established as a prerequisite goal. This structure will be called the Mission Advancement Framework (MAF), a construct designed to work towards the achievement of these and other goals in a voluntary yet organized and effective manner.

    While the established goals as outlined above are no small undertaking, much like our Mission itself, this effort is designed to provide permanent value and is something that is needed now and will forever be of value regardless of the current situation on the planet!

    Continue with the next step in the MAF here:
    This site has a specific purpose defined in our Mission Statement.

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  3. #2
    basically a clearinghouse on the subject of Liberty?

    what immediately comes to mind... would be the need for an agreed upon glossary of terms. with the very first being Liberty itself..
    very few people can give a basic definition of this word, off the top of their heads.

    to narrow the focus from a Liberty forest.. to the pursuit of Liberty.. ?
    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

    "for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. - Thomas Jefferson.

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by HVACTech View Post
    basically a clearinghouse on the subject of Liberty?
    Ideally it would develop into that.

    what immediately comes to mind... would be the need for an agreed upon glossary of terms. with the very first being Liberty itself..
    very few people can give a basic definition of this word, off the top of their heads.
    Yes, for Goal #1 there will have to be very well define terms and then principles developed from the concepts. All of this will be worked out as part of the bedrock for the effort.
    This site has a specific purpose defined in our Mission Statement.

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  5. #4
    Foundational Knowledgebase
    Am I correct in reading this as essentially a sort of wiki?
    Radical in the sense of being in total, root-and-branch opposition to the existing political system and to the State itself. Radical in the sense of having integrated intellectual opposition to the State with a gut hatred of its pervasive and organized system of crime and injustice. Radical in the sense of a deep commitment to the spirit of liberty and anti-statism that integrates reason and emotion, heart and soul. - M. Rothbard

  6. #5
    This idea has great potential IMO. Any possibility of networking it with other liberty friendly sites?
    I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States...When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank...You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, I will rout you out!

    Andrew Jackson, 1834

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cabal View Post
    Am I correct in reading this as essentially a sort of wiki?
    Largely, yes. Of course we can tailor the FK to our needs but considering a wiki is a good baseline.
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  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by willwash View Post
    This idea has great potential IMO. Any possibility of networking it with other liberty friendly sites?
    Everyone will be welcome to join in. That's part of Goal #3.
    This site has a specific purpose defined in our Mission Statement.

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  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
    Ideally it would develop into that.
    Yes, for Goal #1 there will have to be very well define terms and then principles developed from the concepts. All of this will be worked out as part of the bedrock for the effort.
    I started a thread recently that ended up in hot topics regarding execution or entitlements for gays. Albeit it was a less than desirable issue... my line of thought was in this regard; develop a community platform on a specific issue by expressing a clear liberty stance:

    "the government should take no action to promote or deter homosexuality"

    then allowing every shade of gray on either side of the that middle ground.

    then see if it holds true to a 80% or better of our community; we have platform

    from there we can engage dissent through effective rhetoric on line items

    as ill subject as it may be it does serve as a good model of a method to develop coalition:

    Thread: Do Homosexuals Deserve the Death Penalty or Entitlements?

    I think we could attack a number of issues in this way; create a subforum for threads that are "liberty issue polls" then apply thurston or likert type scaling techniques to gauge uniformity of opinion

    When we arrive at and demonstrate a uniform, cult like thought processes as a liberty movement we are the strongest and boldest; it is our culture which holds us together.

    keep the government out of the bedroom, end the fed, et al.

    Last edited by presence; 02-20-2016 at 12:15 PM.

    'We endorse the idea of voluntarism; self-responsibility: Family, friends, and churches to solve problems, rather than saying that some monolithic government is going to make you take care of yourself and be a better person. It's a preposterous notion: It never worked, it never will. The government can't make you a better person; it can't make you follow good habits.' - Ron Paul 1988

    Awareness is the Root of Liberation Revolution is Action upon Revelation

    'Resistance and Disobedience in Economic Activity is the Most Moral Human Action Possible' - SEK3

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.

    ...the familiar ritual of institutional self-absolution...
    ...for protecting them, by mock trial, from punishment...

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  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by presence View Post
    then allowing every shade of gray on either side of the that middle ground.

    then see if it holds true to a 80% or better of our community; we have platform

    from there we can engage dissent through effective rhetoric on line items

    I think we could attack a number of issues in this way; create a subforum for threads that are "liberty issue polls" then apply thurston or likert type scaling techniques to gauge uniformity of opinion

    When we arrive at and demonstrate a uniform, cult like thought processes as a liberty movement we are the strongest and boldest; it is our culture which holds us together.

    keep the government out of the bedroom, end the fed, et al.

    Good links and points. I could see two parts of the FK, one part is purely informative and totally objective another part is subjective to which we could use community scales as linked.
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  12. #10
    I agree on the clear definition of terms as a starting point. We also need a clear basis for operational philosophy. An understanding of who is in charge and how we operate is foundational to any group attempting to formulate and operate. Funding is also key. Knowledge of the assets and who makes decisions regarding the same is also important (lists, data, policy, inventory). I have been through an experiment with a grassroots effort in Oklahoma via Under the about section there you will find a policy summary that may be helpful here.

    I would love to see a way to decentralize into state demographics and teams - as I believe all politics is local and s/b grassroots rather than party based or corporately driven behind the scenes.

    I was a big proponent of working through the Republican party in the past. I am now evaluating becoming an Independent. I believe the party system is what is keeping us divided and preventing the coalescing around less government and reduced spending of same. The only thing I do not want to hurt in the next phase is those who have already taken slots in elective office. It is not such an issue in open states, but is very much so in closed states. Something for wise counsel on a state level as operational teams form...

    A personal thanks to Bryan for his foresight, wisdom and all the time and treasure invested in keeping this place safe and secure and moving in the right direction in my opinion. Thanks to all the moderators who day in and day out help us all to have a place to come and share ideas and important topics of the day.

    Prayers for and blessings to all as we move forward,

    Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

  13. #11
    Two things that I think would be a good part of this effort:

    1) A timeline of major events in history that shaped the concept of human liberty
    2) A list of significant works in philosophy, law, history, economics and fiction that form the intellectual pedigree for liberty

  14. #12
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    Thank you very much for the kind words, Sandie.

    Quote Originally Posted by scrosnoe View Post
    I agree on the clear definition of terms as a starting point. We also need a clear basis for operational philosophy. An understanding of who is in charge and how we operate is foundational to any group attempting to formulate and operate. Funding is also key. Knowledge of the assets and who makes decisions regarding the same is also important (lists, data, policy, inventory).
    Exactly, this is the prerequisite goal. Much more on this is to come!
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  15. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by thoughtomator View Post
    Two things that I think would be a good part of this effort:

    1) A timeline of major events in history that shaped the concept of human liberty
    2) A list of significant works in philosophy, law, history, economics and fiction that form the intellectual pedigree for liberty
    Excellent ideas which hadn't been considered. We can add this as a sub-point for goal 2, it would be the new goal 2c, while 2c becomes 2d.

    How does this sound?
    2c) Conduct a study on significant historical elements that relate to our Mission in order to catalog and characterize them. Topics should include major world events and significant works in philosophy, law, history, economics and fiction that form the intellectual pedigree for our Mission.
    This site has a specific purpose defined in our Mission Statement.

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  16. #14
    I agree with 100% with HVAC.

    I have commented many times on the need to simplify the message and provide a basic explanation of key terms, similar to what happens before a debate.

    For example the phrase "The State". Though most Liberty lovers understand this concept the majority of the populace does not, if you ask, most will say "Arizona" or whichever state they call home.

    How can we discuss ideas and solutions with others if they've never attempted to contemplate the system they exist in?

    How does one discuss such ideas without first defining them?

    How do you discuss the legality of taxes with a person who doesn't understand what a tax is?

    I firmly believe that the definition,distribution and adoption of a few key terms will do more for the movement than any political opponent, including the office of the POTUS.

    These terms in order of importance and interest to the newcomer:

    The State
    Use of Force
    Charity vs Welfare

    Good job Bryan
    Last edited by The Northbreather; 02-20-2016 at 02:57 PM.

  17. #15
    Also there are subjects that liberty lovers are still divided on, the major one, abortion.

    Other factions have used this topic to fracture and derail our movement.

    I wonder if the best path is to suss out the final stance on this, or put it on the back burner untill more basic concepts are accepted and defined.
    Last edited by The Northbreather; 02-20-2016 at 02:54 PM.

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by The Northbreather View Post
    For example the phrase "the state". Though most Liberty lovers understand this concept the majority of the populace does not, if you ask, most will say "Arizona" or whichever state they call home.
    A bit tangential... I tend to try to deliberately capitalize the State to distinguish my meaning for this very reason. But yes, a definition of terms, and rhetorical precision is certainly key in general.
    Radical in the sense of being in total, root-and-branch opposition to the existing political system and to the State itself. Radical in the sense of having integrated intellectual opposition to the State with a gut hatred of its pervasive and organized system of crime and injustice. Radical in the sense of a deep commitment to the spirit of liberty and anti-statism that integrates reason and emotion, heart and soul. - M. Rothbard

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Cabal View Post
    A bit tangential... I tend to try to deliberately capitalize the State to distinguish my meaning for this very reason. But yes, a definition of terms, and rhetorical precision is certainly key in general.
    Good catch. I'll fix it. Typing from a wounded phone here. Ugh.

  21. #18
    I'm working on a statement of libertarian ethics for the Knowledgebase, looking for feedback.
    Last edited by r3volution 3.0; 02-20-2016 at 04:41 PM.

  22. #19
    I think setting up a definition of liberty as hardcore anarchism will be the end of this project.

    Principle 1: Voting is force and endorsement of violence.

    Result: Stay home, let those who disagree and consent to centralized governance decide your futures for you.

    End of program.

    It needs to be embedded somewhere that our goals are to utilize democracy, improve the democratic process, and restrain the government to its constitutional mission.

    One of these goals should be to seriously expand the size of representation, along the lines of but starting at the state level.

    Get in as GOP, take over a state, change the machinery of democracy, let a tonne of third parties spring up.

    If politicians are much closer to their electorates, are replaced more easily, and the ballot access is reformed so small one issue parties get in easily, the then government can respond.

    More discussion of that is here

    Rothbardian libertarianism is just the most recent and not the only philosophical base for it. Don't make it the only faction that counts.
    Last edited by idiom; 02-20-2016 at 04:39 PM.
    In New Zealand:
    The Coastguard is a Charity
    Air Traffic Control is a private company run on user fees
    The DMV is a private non-profit
    Rescue helicopters and ambulances are operated by charities and are plastered with corporate logos
    The agriculture industry has zero subsidies
    5% of the national vote, gets you 5 seats in Parliament
    A tax return has 4 fields
    Business licenses aren't a thing
    Prostitution is legal
    We have a constitutional right to refuse any type of medical care

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by idiom View Post
    Principle 1: Voting is force and endorsement of violence.
    Straw man. In fact, many who promote non-participation or who simply do not promote the electoral process do not make this argument at all, and even discredit this as a valid argument against voting.

    But if you want to alienate anti-statists over your own biases, feel free. I'm sure that helped Rand tons, too.
    Radical in the sense of being in total, root-and-branch opposition to the existing political system and to the State itself. Radical in the sense of having integrated intellectual opposition to the State with a gut hatred of its pervasive and organized system of crime and injustice. Radical in the sense of a deep commitment to the spirit of liberty and anti-statism that integrates reason and emotion, heart and soul. - M. Rothbard

  24. #21
    I think we can all agree that both anarchists and minarchists need to be made welcome?

    We need every hand on deck on if we're going to have a chance of success.

    Differences of opinion need to be acknowledged, but we have to be willing to agree to disagree and work toward common goals.

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Cabal View Post
    Straw man. In fact, many who promote non-participation or who simply do not promote the electoral process do not make this argument at all, and even discredit this as a valid argument against voting.

    But if you want to alienate anti-statists over your own biases, feel free. I'm sure that helped Rand tons, too.
    What ever the argument is, promotion of non-participation results in .... less participation.

    Quote Originally Posted by r3volution 3.0 View Post
    I think we can all agree that both anarchists and minarchists need to be made welcome?

    We need every hand on deck on if we're going to have a chance of success.

    Differences of opinion need to be acknowledged, but we have to be willing to agree to disagree and work toward common goals.
    Those common goals likely need to be a lot simpler than any of us would like.

    There are several participants on this forum who would like to execute people for collecting firewood during an arbitrary 24 period each week.

    The big tent is pretty damn big.
    Last edited by idiom; 02-20-2016 at 05:06 PM.
    In New Zealand:
    The Coastguard is a Charity
    Air Traffic Control is a private company run on user fees
    The DMV is a private non-profit
    Rescue helicopters and ambulances are operated by charities and are plastered with corporate logos
    The agriculture industry has zero subsidies
    5% of the national vote, gets you 5 seats in Parliament
    A tax return has 4 fields
    Business licenses aren't a thing
    Prostitution is legal
    We have a constitutional right to refuse any type of medical care

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by idiom View Post
    What ever the argument is, promotion of non-participation results in .... less participation.
    Less participation in an election? Maybe, though I'm not even sure that's the case. As far as I can tell, Rand's abysmal showing wasn't the result of a massive upswell in promotion of non-participation, which, if anything, has subsided substantially since 2012 seeing as how a large contingent of this forum's anti-statist demographic is no longer active here, thanks, at least in part, to attitudes like your own.

    But even if it is, resources are finite. Promotion of non-participation in an election isn't promotion of non-participation in general. I'd even hazard to say that those who might not promote electoral participation would probably still promote primary participation for a candidate that they could feel good about getting behind, if only to elevate them to nominee status, or whatever their personal reasons may be. This was very much the case with Ron Paul, it seems.
    Radical in the sense of being in total, root-and-branch opposition to the existing political system and to the State itself. Radical in the sense of having integrated intellectual opposition to the State with a gut hatred of its pervasive and organized system of crime and injustice. Radical in the sense of a deep commitment to the spirit of liberty and anti-statism that integrates reason and emotion, heart and soul. - M. Rothbard

  27. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by idiom View Post
    I think setting up a definition of liberty as hardcore anarchism will be the end of this project.
    It won't. As r3volution 3.0 suggest, it will be open to all schools of thought. Key bedrock parts should be strictly objective however.

    It needs to be embedded somewhere that our goals are to utilize democracy, improve the democratic process
    I would consider these points to be in-scope to our defined Mission Statement. Consider that democracy is just a group of people seeking common ground.

    Rothbardian libertarianism is just the most recent and not the only philosophical base for it. Don't make it the only faction that counts.
    It won't be.

    Thanks! Good input.
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  29. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Northbreather View Post
    Also there are subjects that liberty lovers are still divided on, the major one, abortion.

    Other factions have used this topic to fracture and derail our movement.

    I wonder if the best path is to suss out the final stance on this, or put it on the back burner untill more basic concepts are accepted and defined.
    The most important effort on issues such as abortion is to develop logical arguments for all viewpoints and present them. From there we can characterize ways the issues can be practically managed within society and discuss the benefits and consequences of any course of action.

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  30. #26
    The concept of sovereignty over ones consciousness is also fundamental and I believe it precedes many of the other "rights".

    It would be easier imho to discuss ideas if everyone could recognize that one has complete ownership and Freedom in ones thoughts and emotions.

    Every person is free to think about or believe it what he or she may without restriction.

    A person has complete control of their state of mind,chemically enhanced or not, COMPLETE sovereignty.

  31. #27
    On topics like Abortion the Ron Paul platform worked by giving it a huge PASS.

    Ron Paul had a very definite personal position, but the political one was "Leave it to the States". Passing the buck on this and many issues maybe isn't as philosophically satisfying, but its better governance in the main.

    If anything this devolution and decentralization of federal power is a more achievable and unifying goal than coming up with makes-everybody-happy objectives for the Federal government.
    In New Zealand:
    The Coastguard is a Charity
    Air Traffic Control is a private company run on user fees
    The DMV is a private non-profit
    Rescue helicopters and ambulances are operated by charities and are plastered with corporate logos
    The agriculture industry has zero subsidies
    5% of the national vote, gets you 5 seats in Parliament
    A tax return has 4 fields
    Business licenses aren't a thing
    Prostitution is legal
    We have a constitutional right to refuse any type of medical care

  32. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by The Northbreather View Post
    The concept of sovereignty over ones consciousness is also fundamental and I believe it precedes many of the other "rights".

    It would be easier imho to discuss ideas if everyone could recognize that one has complete ownership and Freedom in ones thoughts and emotions.

    Every person is free to think about or believe it what he or she may without restriction.

    A person has complete control of their state of mind,chemically enhanced or not, COMPLETE sovereignty.
    So no jail?
    In New Zealand:
    The Coastguard is a Charity
    Air Traffic Control is a private company run on user fees
    The DMV is a private non-profit
    Rescue helicopters and ambulances are operated by charities and are plastered with corporate logos
    The agriculture industry has zero subsidies
    5% of the national vote, gets you 5 seats in Parliament
    A tax return has 4 fields
    Business licenses aren't a thing
    Prostitution is legal
    We have a constitutional right to refuse any type of medical care

  33. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by idiom View Post
    So no jail?
    No policing of thoughts or consciousness or altered consciousness?

  34. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by idiom View Post
    On topics like Abortion the Ron Paul platform worked by giving it a huge PASS.

    Ron Paul had a very definite personal position, but the political one was "Leave it to the States". Passing the buck on this and many issues maybe isn't as philosophically satisfying, but its better governance in the main.

    If anything this devolution and decentralization of federal power is a more achievable and unifying goal than coming up with makes-everybody-happy objectives for the Federal government.
    "Leave it to the states" is not passing the buck on abortion, it's restoring the issue back to where it belongs. Removing an issue as a centralizing concern is an excellent counter to the statist impulse. This devolution away from federalizing everything is indeed more unifying than the one-size-fits-all policymaking of monolithic philosophers.
    -----Peace & Freedom, John Clifton-----

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