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Thread: 9iu11iani circling the drain

  1. #1

    9iu11iani circling the drain

    Hizzoner was betting the farm on a win in the Sunshine State, but now the polls show it's a 4 way tie. It's now looking like whoever wins Florida will be the frontrunner.

    I think we will have a respectable showing there, but come up short of a clear victory. What we need to do is focus on the western states and the grass roots efforts.

    Gun shops, smoke shops, head shops, and churches is where we can make a difference.

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  3. #2
    Our best hopes seems to be on the west coast, too bad most of the early states are East coast states. If a state like Nevada was first instead of Iowa that might of changed the minds of some people who thought Ron Paul was not electable.
    We the people are taking back the government one voter at a time.

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