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Thread: Fear Mongering: We can do it too!

  1. #1

    Fear Mongering: We can do it too!

    1) Draft
    2) Escalation to World War 3
    3) China will over run us
    4) Nuclear Holocaust
    You can't see a hurricane when you are inside the eye.
    We just have to keep strengthening the hurricane.

    Change the World

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  3. #2
    Aren't you forgetting the economy?

    This catastrophe in waiting has more inevitability to it.

  4. #3
    wont work on huckab supporters, they are looking forward to the end of the earth
    Bringing in Supporters One at a time!
    Become a Precinct Captain!

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by N13 View Post
    Aren't you forgetting the economy?

    This has more inevitability to it.
    Yeah, but that takes 10 minutes to explain
    You can't see a hurricane when you are inside the eye.
    We just have to keep strengthening the hurricane.

    Change the World

  6. #5
    Chinese wont overpower us physically. They'll BUY us.
    Strength through Knowledge

    "What's one more body in the foundations of your Utopia?"
    - This has been a message by Agent CSL.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron2Win View Post
    Yeah, but that takes 10 minutes to explain
    It has to be believable and part of a person's everyday life to make the difference we need.

    You are on the right track. Fear of loss is a more powerful motivator than anything else.

  8. #7
    We must not allow our principles to be compromised -- we cannot become the thing we wish to destroy. Please don't fear monger. If we appeal to emotion over reason then reason will have lost some of it's greatest champions.
    In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by HazardPerry View Post
    We must not allow our principles to be compromised -- we cannot become the thing we wish to destroy. Please don't fear monger. If we appeal to emotion over reason then reason will have lost some of it's greatest champions.
    I understand your point. But I think people must see the unintended consequences of this Neo-Conservative movement. Which for some reason they don't, they just want to "Bomb Iran"
    You can't see a hurricane when you are inside the eye.
    We just have to keep strengthening the hurricane.

    Change the World

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron2Win View Post
    1) Draft
    2) Escalation to World War 3
    3) China will over run us
    4) Nuclear Holocaust
    5) Hillary Clinton '08!
    "One thing at a time, is my motto - and just play that thing for all it is worth, even if it's only two pair and a jack."
    Mark Twain

    # of "undesireables" exterminated by Nazi Germany: 11,000,000. / # of Soviet citizens purged by Stalin: 40-60,000,000. / # of Chinese killed in Mao Tse-Dong's Revolutions: 70-80,000,000. / Living in Freedom: Priceless.


  12. #10
    but it is not fear mongering when it is very likely to actually happen, right?

  13. #11
    Whether those things are true or not is a totally different question from whether we should focus on those things.

    Guiliani has focused on Islamic terror, and look where it has gotten him.

    We need "it's morning again in America."

  14. #12
    how about a commercial

    starts out all sunny suburban America happy happy joy joyish, then as the commercial progresses have images of war, collapsing economy, so on so forth then at the end have the same image the commercial started with but all post apocalyptic like

    also have someone say "Do not let this happen to our Ron Paul"

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by HazardPerry View Post
    We must not allow our principles to be compromised -- we cannot become the thing we wish to destroy. Please don't fear monger. If we appeal to emotion over reason then reason will have lost some of it's greatest champions.
    You need to see this video:

    h ttp://

    Emotions are nesessary to reason correctly.

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