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Thread: I find this very hard to believe...

  1. #1

    I find this very hard to believe...

    Ron Paul wins almost all post debate polls, he raised the most money in 4th quarter and have the most support from active military soldiers.

    There is something seriously wrong here, I sincerely believe he's being cheated right now from this electronic voting. 70% of Americans is against this war and he's the ONLY republican that oppose this war from the beginning. What the hell is going on here?

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  3. #2

  4. #3
    Proud $2300 member
    (now working on husbands $2300)

  5. #4
    And how can he have a lower percentage in NH than IA?

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by theantirobot View Post
    And how can he have a lower percentage in NH than IA?
    This is what gets me. That is just simply not possible.
    "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by theantirobot View Post
    And how can he have a lower percentage in NH than IA?
    b/c the base of supporters that constitute 1/2th of 1% of the population who are truly ron paul revolutionaries had greater impact do to turnout.

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by theantirobot View Post
    And how can he have a lower percentage in NH than IA?
    That's what blows my mind
    "Greater than the force of mighty armies is the power of an idea whose time has come." - V. Hugo

  9. #8
    If we believe these poll results then were no better than the sheeple. We have to make a stand, granted, we have to provide evidence and be coherent. But we have to raise this issue, we should not put election fraud above the establishment. They will do anything to stay in power.

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  11. #9
    practically everyone in the state voted.

    if 1/2 had voted then we could have gotten well over 10%.

  12. #10
    It is possible. Something we have to understand is that Ron Paul is a one-of-a-kind candidate who puts a bad taste in the mouth of establishment-loving voters, most of whom are racking their brains trying to decide over which incarnation of Frudy McCromney they want to vote for. As such, the majority of support for these other candidates doesn't have near the intensity that you find in Paul's campaign.

    Paul's base is made up of dedicated, diehard supporters who are behind it 110%. The others? Most of them do not have the confidence in and enthusiasm for their guys. As a result, they are less likely to vote in online polls, donate money, and campaign heavily - but they are still voting in the primaries.

    This explains the online element of Paul's campaign as well as his "vocal supporters," and, of course, his fundraising.

    Essentially, the supporters of Frudy McCromney are somewhat behind their man on average, but all Paul supporters are wild about theirs. It is this enthusiasm that will help his support grow, and we have to keep it up - it's contagious.

  13. #11
    Something is NOT ok here...

    Sad day, but we must keep on spreading the freedom message...

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