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Thread: What Would Happen if....

  1. #1

    What Would Happen if....

    a questioin many of us maybe asking ourselves!

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  3. #2
    Maybe something like this?

    An excerpt from the song "Drunk Dry Emperor" by TV On The Radio:

    what if all the fathers and the sons
    went marching with their guns
    drawn on washington.
    that would seal the deal,
    show if it was real,
    this supposed freedom.

    what if all the bleeding hearts
    took it on themselves
    to make a brand new start.
    organs pumpin on their sleeves,
    paint murals on the white house
    feed the leaders L.S.D
    grab your fife and drum,
    grab yor gold baton
    and let's meet on the lawn,
    shut down this hypocrisy

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