“Stop whining!”
By Daniel Concannon
Nothing sounds whinier than out-of-touch “influencers” and their mockingbird reply-people telling righteously angry young men to “stop whining.”
They're not whining, they're beginning to see the world for what it is. They're beginning to realize that the system is rigged against them. They're awakening to an institutional War On White People that you allowed to unfold while you were getting high off the fumes of MLK quotes and self-grandeur.
It's a growing rage at the realization of all that's been squandered. Of a great nation pissed away on slogans about “diversity” and fear of being called “racist.” Of a national inheritance of ashes and the eternal echo of “bootstraps.”
They've done the work. They've put in the effort. They've followed the playbook.
And now they're coming to terms with the fact that they were played by yesteryear's promise of an American Dream.
They're not lazy; they're angry. And they're right to be. They've been lied to their entire lives and they know it.
You want them to keep living a lie that gets them nowhere. They did everything that you told them they're supposed to do for the first twenty to thirty years of their lives - only to find out they were doing it all for a system custom-built to privilege everyone who isn't them, at their expense. Your advice may not have been malicious, but it undermined them into trusting a system that bears them malice.
They followed your advice to avoid the dreaded fate of eternally “flipping burgers.” Then the rug was pulled, and now you're telling them to flip burgers for eternity to pay off the debt they incurred studying to avoid that burger flipping fate. They don't hate you for the bad advice so much as for your arrogant inability to see that it was bad advice.
Your timeline isn't their timeline. Your experience isn't their experience. Your America isn't their America.
You can't project your past on their present or their future. It's not the same world. Everything has been corporatized and “diversified.” They can't “impress their boss with their work ethic and move up the ladder” - they'll sooner be visited by their DEI manager to have their hard work labeled an overt display of White Supremacy™.
There's no more walking in, looking the boss in the eye, getting the gig with a firm handshake, and the rest taking care of itself. Now, you submit electronic paperwork that's reviewed by La'Wakanda X Kendi who has preferred pronouns, morbid obesity, a master's in ***** Studies, and a PhD in Abolishing Whiteness that she earned with a dissertation that read, in its entirety: 'FUK WYPIPO.'
Just remember, in the unlikely event La'Wakanda doesn't delete your straight White application and you somehow get the job, don't you ever ask why all of your onboarding and continuing professional development is about White Privilege™ and Genderclown rights instead of the job you're supposed to be doing. Bite that straight White bootstrapping tongue of yours, bucko - those questions are grounds for dismissal.
Wow, can you believe these spoiled little brats aren't eager to embrace such opportunity?
Open your eyes. You may have had the American Dream, but they have the anti-White nightmare. You inherited a world where there was still light at the end of the tunnel. They've inherited a tunnel that spills into the abyss.
They're finally siding with themselves against a system that hates them. Their rage is where revolutionary spirit arises - and it will take nothing less to overthrow the anti-White world order that's robbing them of their future.
And it's that vision of the future that's the point of differentiation here. The “influencers” continue publishing poison-pill talking points because their future paychecks depend on it. Their mockingbird reply-people have reliable retirement plans built before the DEI bomb could completely incinerate them.
But the young White men being lectured to about laziness? They look to the future and see a question mark. Uncertainty. The aforementioned abyss.
That's dangerous. Particularly for the system that put them in that position.
You want them to shut up and serve that system.
But their only hope is to smash that system.
You should shut up and get out of their way.
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