Man I have been so sick I was being visited by my dead relatives. I was out of it for 4 days. It has been 10 days and I am starting to get better.
I tried ordering some ivermectin but it has not arrived yet. Then I realized I had a gallon jug of colloidal silver in my emergency cabinet. first day of taking it I woke up 50% better next day all fever was gone and the congestion is almost gone. I am going to take it everyday until spring. I take about 1 oz of 20 ppb a day right now.
I haven't been sick for more than 20 years but this round got me. I filled up my little spray bottles with CS. I have only used it a few times in the last year after knowing I was exposed to someone who was sick. I should have been using it since the hurricane hit for sure. I have lots of it so I am spraying doing everything in my house and car and will use it after going out in public.
I hope that all of you are well.
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