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Thread: Steve Bannon: "I will do anything to keep Musk out of the White House"

  1. #1

    Steve Bannon: "I will do anything to keep Musk out of the White House"

    “I will have Elon Musk run out of here by Inauguration Day,” Bannon told the Italian daily Corriere della Sera this week. “He will not have a blue pass to the White House, he will not have full access to the White House, he will be like any other person.”
    “He is a truly evil guy, a very bad guy. I made it my personal thing to take this guy down,” Bannon added. “Before, because he put money in, I was prepared to tolerate it; I’m not prepared to tolerate it anymore.”
    At the heart of the recent clash between Elon Musk and Steve Bannon is the immigration question, and specifically the H-1B visas for skilled immigrants working in “specialty occupations,” which Musk has said he supports. But for Bannon, the issue is emblematic of a bigger problem in Musk’s thinking.
    “This thing of the H-1B visas, it’s about the entire immigration system is gamed by the tech overlords, they use it to their advantage, the people are furious,” Bannon said, noting that “76 percent of engineers working in Silicon Valley are non-Americans.”

    “No blacks or Hispanics have any of these jobs or any access to these jobs,” Bannon said.
    “Peter Thiel, David Sachs, Elon Musk, are all white South Africans,” Bannon observed. “He should go back to South Africa. Why do we have South Africans, the most racist people on earth, white South Africans, we have them making any comments at all on what goes on in the United States?”
    “We have been fighting this fight for ten years,” he declared. “We are going to expose the entire corruption of the American system, of how money controls everything and hopefully we’ll inspire you in Italy to wake up,” he told Corriere della Sera journalist Viviana Mazza.
    Elon “just had a huge defeat here in America,” Bannon argued, on the question of H-1B visas and their importance to the economy of the United States.
    “He went out of his way to mock our movement as racist and retards, and he lost,” Bannon said. “We blew him out of the water. He won’t fight. He’s got the maturity of a little boy.”

    Musk has had “tremendous loss of credibility here in the United States, and quite frankly, the people around Trump are tired of it,” he said.
    Bannon went on to accuse Musk of being self-serving, insisting that his “sole objective is to become a trillionaire.”
    “He will do anything to make sure that any one of his companies is protected or has a better deal or he makes more money. His aggregation of wealth, and then — through wealth — power: that’s what he’s focused on,” Bannon said.
    Bannon said that Musk’s economic support of President Trump has been a positive thing, adding that he should do the same for any of the different populist movements in Europe.
    “What’s not positive,” he added, “is when all of a sudden he tries to put his half-baked ideas which are really about the implementation of techno-feudalism on a global scale. I don’t support that and we’ll fight it.”

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  3. #2
    The Bastiat Collection · FREE PDF · FREE EPUB · PAPER
    Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)

    • "When law and morality are in contradiction to each other, the citizen finds himself in the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense, or of losing his respect for the law."
      -- The Law (p. 54)
    • "Government is that great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
      -- Government (p. 99)
    • "[W]ar is always begun in the interest of the few, and at the expense of the many."
      -- Economic Sophisms - Second Series (p. 312)
    • "There are two principles that can never be reconciled - Liberty and Constraint."
      -- Harmonies of Political Economy - Book One (p. 447)

    · tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ·

  4. #3
    “No blacks or Hispanics have any of these jobs or any access to these jobs,” Bannon said.

    “Peter Thiel, David Sachs, Elon Musk, are all white South Africans,” Bannon observed. “He should go back to South Africa. Why do we have South Africans, the most racist people on earth, white South Africans [expressing their opinions about things]?”
    I did not have "Steve Bannon: Staunch & Vocal Champion of Anti-Racism" on my 2025 bingo card.

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    I did not have "Steve Bannon: Staunch & Vocal Champion of Anti-Racism" on my 2025 bingo card.

    Nope, me niether.
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    I did not have "Steve Bannon: Staunch & Vocal Champion of Anti-Racism" on my 2025 bingo card.

    That was weak, he's gotta do better than that.

  7. #6
    Dude's right on this issue but he's got no juice.

    Well, not enough to take on Musk.

    One thing about Trump, he seems to be loyal to those who help him.

  8. #7
    Bannon 2028.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    I did not have "Steve Bannon: Staunch & Vocal Champion of Anti-Racism" on my 2025 bingo card.

    He's using their own spells against them.
    And Musk has shown himself to be quite racist against white Americans.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

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  11. #9
    Elon Musk’s grandfather belonged to a political party that believed the world should be governed by technology

    "The organization also referred to people as numbers (apparently, Musk's grandfather was 10450-1) and sometimes added Xs to their names."

    "They believed that the world should be run by a totalitarian regime of engineers and scientists based in North America"

    Musk named one of his children "X Æ A-12".
    "When Sombart says: "Capitalism is born from the money-loan", I should like to add to this: Capitalism actually exists only in the money-loan;" - Theodor Fritsch

  12. #10
    If Bannon had to play the race card, he has nothing on Musk.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    He's using their own spells against them.
    And Musk has shown himself to be quite racist against white Americans.
    IOW: He's fighting hypocrisy with hypocrisy.


    These clowns deserve each other.

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by FineSpeech View Post
    “This thing of the H-1B visas, it’s about the entire immigration system is gamed by the tech overlords, they use it to their advantage, the people are furious,” Bannon said, noting that “76 percent of engineers working in Silicon Valley are non-Americans.”
    When Bannon says this, he honestly thinks this is a point against immigration. He honestly believes that losing 76 percent of the engineers working in Silicon Valley would be economically beneficial for America.

    Edit: As I think about it, I'm not really sure if he does honestly believe that. But the character he plays does. And he as an individual probably does benefit economically from playing that character.
    Last edited by Invisible Man; 01-13-2025 at 03:18 PM.
    There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.
    Ron Paul
    Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

  15. #13
    Sloppy Steve Bannon was fired from the white house and was denied a pardon from Trump. Obviously he doesn't have much of any influence in the upcoming admin. Steve has really fallen off.
    I just want objectivity on this forum and will point out flawed sources or points of view at my leisure.

    Quote Originally Posted by spudea on 01/15/24
    Trump will win every single state primary by double digits.
    Quote Originally Posted by spudea on 04/20/16
    There won't be a contested convention
    Quote Originally Posted by spudea on 05/30/17
    The shooting of Gabrielle Gifford was blamed on putting a crosshair on a political map. I wonder what event we'll see justified with pictures like this.

  16. #14

    Steve Bannon condemns Elon Musk as ‘racist’ and ‘truly evil’
    In an escalation of discontent among the highest-profile far-right followers of Donald Trump, his former adviser Steve Bannon has called Trump’s newest favorite, Elon Musk, “racist” and a “truly evil guy”, pledging to “take this guy down” and kick him out of the Maga movement.

    In an interview with the Corriere della Sera newspaper in Italy, excerpts of which were published this weekend by Breitbart, Bannon criticised Musk’s embrace of some forms of immigration and vowed to ensure that Musk does not have top-level access to the White House.

    “He is a truly evil guy, a very bad guy. I made it my personal thing to take this guy down,” Bannon said. “Before, because he put money in, I was prepared to tolerate it – I’m not prepared to tolerate it any more.”

    He added: “I will have Elon Musk run out of here by inauguration day”, which falls on 20 January. “He will not have full access to the White House. He will be like any other person.”

    Musk became one of Trump’s biggest cheerleaders, and certainly his richest, during the Republican’s ultimately successful campaign to regain the US presidency, spending reportedly about $270m and being rewarded with a place at Trump’s side ever since.

    After his victory Trump tapped Musk to help lead an advisory group theoretically dedicated to cutting US government spending by up to $2tn, a quarter of its entire budget.

    But Musk’s embrace of H-1B visas, which allow companies – such as Musk’s own SpaceX and Tesla – to hire skilled professionals and engineers from outside the US, has been taken badly by other Maga acolytes who are opposed to nearly all forms of immigration. Musk, who was born in South Africa, has himself held an H1-B visa.

    Elon Musk with Donald Trump
    Elon Musk and the new world order: the hijacking of the global conversation
    Read more
    “This thing of the H-1B visas, it’s about the entire immigration system is gamed by the tech overlords. They use it to their advantage. The people are furious,” said Bannon, whom Trump fired from his White House position during his first administration but who later reinvented himself through his War Room podcast as one of the chief evangelists of the Maga movement.

    Bannon further widened his aim to attack Musk’s fellow tech giants Peter Thiel and David Sacks for having South African heritage.

    “He [Musk] should go back to South Africa,” Bannon said. “Why do we have South Africans, the most racist people on earth, white South Africans, we have them making any comments at all on what goes on in the United States?”

    Arguing that Musk’s “sole objective is to become a trillionaire” and calling him a proponent of “techno-feudalism on a global scale”, Bannon said, “I don’t support that and we’ll fight it,” adding: “He won’t fight. He’s got the maturity of a little boy.

    “He will do anything to make sure that any one of his companies is protected or has a better deal or he makes more money.

    “His aggregation of wealth, and then – through wealth – power: that’s what he’s focused on.”

    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  17. #15
    Old story. Obvious propaganda to promote division. And misleading title that tries to tie the different comments together.

    The "truly evil" comment was in context of accusing Musk of being a globalist billionaire bent on world domination.

    The "racist" quote was a (false?) gross generalization and just thrown in there. Pretty much a typical leftist style smear, not logical at all. Guilt by association with a questionable accusation.

    "South Africans are racist, therefore Thiel, Sacks and Musk are racist". Bannon was just talking out his ass.

    Bannon further widened his aim to attack Musk’s fellow tech giants Peter Thiel and David Sacks for having South African heritage.

    “He [Musk] should go back to South Africa,” Bannon said. “Why do we have South Africans, the most racist people on earth, white South Africans, we have them making any comments at all on what goes on in the United States?”
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    Old story. Obvious propaganda to promote division. And misleading title that tries to tie the different comments together.

    The "truly evil" comment was in context of accusing Musk of being a globalist billionaire bent on world domination.

    The "racist" quote was a (false?) gross generalization and just thrown in there. Pretty much a typical leftist style smear, not logical at all. Guilt by association with a questionable accusation.

    "South Africans are racist, therefore Thiel, Sacks and Musk are racist". Bannon was just talking out his ass.
    Except in Elon Musk's case he actually IS racist. For example his racist tweet that United Airlines recruiting HBCU students to its pilot training program would mean that planes were going to start crashing. The lie that blacks can't fly was disproven by the Tuskeege Airmen, one of whom Trump made a brigadier general. Now, under the influence of Hitler saluting Elon Musk, Trump has removed the history of the Tuskeege Airmen from the U.S. Airforce curriculum. So no. Steve Bannon isn't "talking out his ass."

    It's funny that people here are willing to assume all sorts of things about people from all sorts of countries...except when their white. Haitians eat cats (except they don't) but we'll ignore the fact that eating cat is culturally acceptable in parts of Switzerland and (gasp) don't assume that someone from one of the last openly racist countries in the world just might be racist. As for Peter Thiel, I already called him out as a blood consuming modern vampire (trying to stay young by injecting "youth blood") as well as a Bilderberger globalist (he's on the freaking steering committee). But hey, now Trump is in legue with Bill freaking Gates on "AI mRNA vaccine" research and so I guess that's good too now.
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by jmdrake View Post
    Except in Elon Musk's case he actually IS racist. For example his racist tweet that United Airlines recruiting HBCU students to its pilot training program would mean that planes were going to start crashing. The lie that blacks can't fly was disproven by the Tuskeege Airmen, one of whom Trump made a brigadier general. Now, under the influence of Hitler saluting Elon Musk, Trump has removed the history of the Tuskeege Airmen from the U.S. Airforce curriculum. So no. Steve Bannon isn't "talking out his ass." ...
    Musk never said that "blacks can't fly". He was criticizing the fact that DEI was prioritized over ability, in the manufacturing of Boeing aircraft, which is a common criticism. The theme for the Trump Admin has been about a merit based system, not a quota system, and Musk has championed that cause.

    "Elon Musk criticized by civil rights groups" is no surprise at all. That is meaningless, and they have no credibility anymore. Race hustlers gonna hustle. No different than the SPLC.

    If a DEI program was cancelled, and that program included the history of the Tuskegee Airmen, then it makes sense. Is there vindictive compliance going on, just so that they can write articles like that? They should include that history in some other format, such as the history of the Airforce. MSM outrage and hysteria articles are not convincing.
    Last edited by Brian4Liberty; 01-26-2025 at 12:14 PM.
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    Musk never said that "blacks can't fly". He was criticizing the fact that DEI was prioritized over ability, in the manufacturing of Boeing aircraft, which is a common criticism. The theme for the Trump Admin has been about a merit based system, not a quota system, and Musk has championed that cause.
    Wrong! He criticized United Airlines pilot program as well. Not just Boeing aircraft.

    "Elon Musk criticized by civil rights groups" is no surprise at all. That is meaningless, and they have no credibility anymore. Race hustlers gonna hustle. No different than the SPLC.
    Those groups are being more credible right now then you are because you are willfully ignoring what Elon Musk said about United Airlines and only focusing on Boeing. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. That's been the "conservative" mantra for decades now. And the FACT is that Elon Musk attacked United Airlines, not just Boeing, for simply working to recruit blacks FROM COLLEGE into it's pilot program. You don't even have to have a college degree to be a pilot. This is what Elon Musk was attacking.

    And this:

    And this:

    What United Airlines did is EXACTLY what was done in World War 2 with the Tuskeegee Airmen and the W.A.S.P.s. Facing a shortage of U.S. trained pilots, United Airlines chose to "fill the funnel" with Americans who don't typically go into being airline pilots. The standards were NOT lowered from anybody and Elon Musk falsely insinuated. Following the Elon Musk, Vivek Ramysami model, United Airlines should have just recruited "H1B visa" pilots. Make America Indian Again!

    If a DEI program was cancelled, and that program included the history of the Tuskegee Airmen, then it makes sense. Is there vindictive compliance going on, just so that they can write articles like that? They should include that history in some other format, such as the history of the Airforce. MSM outrage and hysteria articles are not convincing.
    Why should a DEI program be cancelled at all? Why does that make "sense?" Black history isn't being "included other places" across the board. You had the case in Desantis run Florida where the a movie about Ruby Bridges was cancelled because one white mother didn't want her child to do what some white people did back in the 1950s. But then the "black history" that was promoted was that slaves benifitted from "learning valueable skills."

    Sorry, not sorry, but I'm with Steve Bannon on this one. Nazi saluting Elon Musk and vampire drinking Bilderberg Steering Committee member Peter Thiel are a threat to this country and should be deported. Besides, I recall YOU being against H1B visas yourself.

    (Thank God for the autosave feature because this database error crap almost wiped out my respose).

    Edit: And there were two different tweets by Elon, one where he was responding to a tweet about Boeing and another where he was responding to a tweet about United Airlines and a claim about black pilots having a lower IQ. The black pilot lower IQ post was deleted but Elon's response is still there.

    The response to the deleted "black pilot IQ" tweet.

    The response to the Boeing DEI tweet.

    Last edited by jmdrake; 01-26-2025 at 12:59 PM.
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by jmdrake View Post

    Why should a DEI program be cancelled at all?
    Because the job should go to the best qualified candidate, it should not be handed out on the basis of race.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  23. #20
    I agree with Swordsmyth on the case against DEI. On the face of it, merit trumps equity 100%. Choose to hire who you want on a private level, but I believe hiring based on merit will yield a better outcome. However jmdrake is right on the mark when it comes to technocrat types like Peter Thiel. If you care a shred about liberty, you do not want someone like him in any form of power. PAF spoke about this in great length in the past, however he appears to be missing for the moment.

  24. #21
    President Trump has banned DEI from the federal government, but the left isn’t going to let it go. The San Antonio Express-News reported the latest race-based hoax, which is the claim that President Trump’s order banning DEI means that the Tuskegee Airmen have been erased from Air Force history as taught to new recruits.
    The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of blacks, ranging from pilots to cooks and nurses, who formed the Army Air Corps’ 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group. They had an excellent combat record, and their abilities went a long way to breaking the color barrier in the federal government, including the military, that Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, had instituted.
    We remember the Tuskegee Airman today as an important part of American history. They also drive home the point that people’s skin color is the least important thing about them when considering their abilities. They are Exhibit A for why we need to remove all racial obsessions from the U.S. Military, an organization that must function on merit if it is to function at all.

    It was with that laudable, pro-American, and practical goal that Donald Trump signed an executive order ending all “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” programs in the federal government, including in the military. Pete Hegseth, the new Defense Secretary, is all in on this goal:
    The President’s guidance (lawful orders) is clear: No more DEI at @DeptofDefense.

    The Pentagon will comply, immediately.

    No exceptions, name-changes, or delays.
    — Pete Hegseth (@PeteHegseth) January 26, 2025
    The military as a whole immediately hastened to comply, leading to several dead web pages that were dedicated to the military’s DEI programs.
    So far, all good. But then the San Antonio Express-News reported that one Air Force base had purged all mention of the Tuskegee Airman. Just as a warning, as you read this “news” story, note the tone in the first paragraph:
    President Donald Trump’s assault on federal diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives has claimed a new victim — the Tuskegee Airmen.
    A video describing the exploits of the groundbreaking African American airmen, whose combat service during World War II became the stuff of legend, has been removed from the instructional curriculum for new recruits at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, the hub of Air Force basic training.
    The effects were felt almost immediately at Lackland. A memo circulated among Air Force personnel said that “in accordance with NEW DEIA Guidance,” portions of the basic training curriculum were being revised “immediately.” DEIA stands for diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.
    The memo said a video on the Tuskegee Airmen had been excised from a course on “fairmindedness,” a term for the habits and values the Air Force seeks to instill. [Emphasis mine.]
    The same story says the base also ended videos about women in the military. But what the entire report downplays is that little word “revised.” Indeed, the way it is used strongly implies that the revision is to complete the process of erasing blacks from military (and American) history.
    The story instantly got picked up by other media outlets at home and abroad (e.g., CBS News, USA Today, The Guardian, and BBC).
    Every headline accused Donald Trump of forcing the military to erase the Tuskegee Airman. Except, of course, Trump didn’t order anything of the sort.
    According to the memorandum that went out to Air Force personnel on January 22, the Air Force was to remove “all outward facing media” from the Air Force Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) offices, withdraw “final or pending documents, directive, orders, materials, and equity plans” that the DEIA had issued, and “cancel any DEIA-related training and terminate any DEIA-related contract.”
    HELLO @ExpressNews Why are you lying? This DEI directive has nothing to do with the Tuskegee Airmen?!?

    You are liberal lunatics lashing out because you lost. Sit down and take your L.
    — Gretchen Smith🇺🇸 (@MAGAgpsmith) January 26, 2025
    There’s not a word in there about erasing blacks and women from the Air Force’s history.
    The reason that these specific videos were withdrawn was because they weren’t taught as part of a general orientation about the Air Force’s storied history and the many people of all races and both sexes who served honorably in the Air Force. Instead, as AP accurately reports, the materials were part of a specific DEI curriculum—and the curriculum is paused.
    This matters because Trump’s executive order makes it clear that, while he is throwing out DEI, he has no intention of tossing valuable babies out with that racist bathwater. Thus, the Executive Order explicitly states, “To carry out this directive, the Director of OPM, with the assistance of the Attorney General as requested, shall review and revise, as appropriate, all existing Federal employment practices, union contracts, and training policies or programs to comply with this order.” (Emphasis mine.)
    In other words, as even the San Antonio Express-News so delicately acknowledged after its inflammatory opening, the military has halted all DEI materials and actions, but it will review everything to separate the wheat from the chaff.
    At the end of the day, the Tuskegee Airmen will be back in their honored place as part of American history. However, the whole mess of claims that blacks and whites are inherently different, whites and men are toxic, women are incapable of math and science, gender dysphoria is real, merit matters less than skin color, etc., will be gone.
    As for the San Antonio Express-News reporting, which started this whole fake outcry, it doesn’t get a pass. Yes, it has that word “revised,” but, as I said, that first paragraph shows that the reporter, Sig Christenson (who’s been around long enough to know better), was biased from the get-go, and that bias colored the whole article’s anti-Trump spin.

    And yet again we see the leftist propaganda vomited up here on RPF right in unison with the leftist machine.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Because the job should go to the best qualified candidate, it should not be handed out on the basis of race.
    That is the racist lie your side tells about DEI. You snipped out most of my post which talked about the Tuskegee airmen because you know I'm right. They were at least as qualified as their white counterparts if not more so. Teaching actual history does not mean less qualified people will get the job. Oh and your lord and savior Donald Trump is about to bring in tens of thousands of people from countries where cat eating is legal and normal (India and China) after lying about the Springfield Haitians eating cats.
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by FineSpeech View Post
    I agree with Swordsmyth on the case against DEI. On the face of it, merit trumps equity 100%. Choose to hire who you want on a private level, but I believe hiring based on merit will yield a better outcome. However jmdrake is right on the mark when it comes to technocrat types like Peter Thiel. If you care a shred about liberty, you do not want someone like him in any form of power. PAF spoke about this in great length in the past, however he appears to be missing for the moment.
    What does any of that have to do with the Tuskegee Airmen? Nothing of course.
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  27. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by jmdrake View Post
    That is the racist lie your side tells about DEI. You snipped out most of my post which talked about the Tuskegee airmen because you know I'm right. They were at least as qualified as their white counterparts if not more so. Teaching actual history does not mean less qualified people will get the job. Oh and your lord and savior Donald Trump is about to bring in tens of thousands of people from countries where cat eating is legal and normal (India and China) after lying about the Springfield Haitians eating cats.

    I ignored the Tuskegee Airman part because it was transparent leftist lies, as I pointed out in my later post.

    DEI has no other purpose than to promote lesser qualified candidates on the basis of identity politics, you slander the Tuskegee Airmen (who were highly qualified) by daring to imply they were some kind of DEI project before DEI ever existed.

    You are now revealing yourself more than ever as a racist who is in favor of racist programs like DEI.

    Trump is expelling many illegals from China and India, and is stopping programs Biden had to bring in as many as possible, he will also send back the H1Bs in excess of the legal limit that Biden brought in and reduce the program like he did last time, eventually when he no longer needds Musk he will probably end it like he campaigned on.

    And Haitians do eat cats and dogs in Haiti and here, they were depleting the wildlife, stray, and pet populations wherever they were dumped.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

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  29. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post

    I ignored the Tuskegee Airman part because it was transparent leftist lies, as I pointed out in my later post.

    DEI has no other purpose than to promote lesser qualified candidates on the basis of identity politics, you slander the Tuskegee Airmen (who were highly qualified) by daring to imply they were some kind of DEI project before DEI ever existed.

    You are now revealing yourself more than ever as a racist who is in favor of racist programs like DEI.

    Trump is expelling many illegals from China and India, and is stopping programs Biden had to bring in as many as possible, he will also send back the H1Bs in excess of the legal limit that Biden brought in and reduce the program like he did last time, eventually when he no longer needds Musk he will probably end it like he campaigned on.
    Bullshyt. Nothing about DEI has anything to do with promoting unqualified people. In fact Donald Trump's "Platinum Planned" included DEI. From the plan "CREATING 500,000 NEW BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES" and from the plan "3 MILLION NEW JOBS FOR THE BLACK COMMUNITY" and "INCREASE ACCESS TO CAPITAL IN BLACK COMMUNITIES BY ALMOST $500 BILLION." Notice that the word "UNQUALIFIED" is not mentioned at all. And what's the direct connection to DEI? Well the increase in capital of $500 billion would have come from the Small Business Administration's department of DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION!!!


    So Trump 2025 is nullifying Trump 2020.

    Also, I am not the one slandering the Tuskegee Airmen. I'm not the one who removed their history from the Airforce. And you are a lying to claim that pointing out they were brought in as a part of diversity means they were not qualified. You are using circular reasoning to back up your false claim that "diversity" means "unqualified" when anyone with half a brain knows that's not true. You are revealing YOUR true self just like the racist Elon Musk revealed HIS true self. The Tuskegee Airmen experiment is exactly what United Airlines more recently did with their DEI initiative of recruiting HBCU students to enroll in their pilot school. You and Elon Musk are so dishonest that you can't fathom that simply RECUITING MINORITIES TO APPLY to be pilots is somehow equivalent to lowering standards for pilots. It's not. That's a lie that racists like you said about the Tuskegee Airmen in the 1940s and racists like you are repeating again.

    And Haitians do eat cats and dogs in Haiti and here, they were depleting the wildlife, stray, and pet populations wherever they were dumped.
    Bullshyt. You've had months to come up with evidence of that and you failed. On the other hand it takes a few minutes to prove conclusively that cat eating is comming in Indian, China and (white) Switzerland. Cat eating is also legal in France.

    But you would rather deal in lies, rumor, inuendo and debunked videos than deal with facts.
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by jmdrake View Post
    Bullshyt. Nothing about DEI has anything to do with promoting unqualified people. In fact Donald Trump's "Platinum Planned" included DEI. From the plan "CREATING 500,000 NEW BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES" and from the plan "3 MILLION NEW JOBS FOR THE BLACK COMMUNITY" and "INCREASE ACCESS TO CAPITAL IN BLACK COMMUNITIES BY ALMOST $500 BILLION." Notice that the word "UNQUALIFIED" is not mentioned at all. And what's the direct connection to DEI? Well the increase in capital of $500 billion would have come from the Small Business Administration's department of DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION!!!


    So Trump 2025 is nullifying Trump 2020.

    Also, I am not the one slandering the Tuskegee Airmen. I'm not the one who removed their history from the Airforce. And you are a lying to claim that pointing out they were brought in as a part of diversity means they were not qualified. You are using circular reasoning to back up your false claim that "diversity" means "unqualified" when anyone with half a brain knows that's not true. You are revealing YOUR true self just like the racist Elon Musk revealed HIS true self. The Tuskegee Airmen experiment is exactly what United Airlines more recently did with their DEI initiative of recruiting HBCU students to enroll in their pilot school. You and Elon Musk are so dishonest that you can't fathom that simply RECUITING MINORITIES TO APPLY to be pilots is somehow equivalent to lowering standards for pilots. It's not. That's a lie that racists like you said about the Tuskegee Airmen in the 1940s and racists like you are repeating again.

    Bullshyt. You've had months to come up with evidence of that and you failed. On the other hand it takes a few minutes to prove conclusively that cat eating is comming in Indian, China and (white) Switzerland. Cat eating is also legal in France.

    But you would rather deal in lies, rumor, inuendo and debunked videos than deal with facts.
    If race, sex, and whatever other DEI factors are being pursued, are not made into a basis for giving out grants, contracts, or jobs, to people who would otherwise not have gotten those same grants, contracts, and jobs, in a merit-based system of awarding them, then how do these factors (race, sex, etc.) factor in to this at all?
    There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.
    Ron Paul
    Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

  31. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible Man View Post
    If race, sex, and whatever other DEI factors are being pursued, are not made into a basis for giving out grants, contracts, or jobs, to people who would otherwise not have gotten those same grants, contracts, and jobs, in a merit-based system of awarding them, then how do these factors (race, sex, etc.) factor in to this at all?
    What "merit based system?"

    And it's not just the blatant cheating. My ex-wife was on the medical school admissions committee for Vanderbilt. She told me how a certain senators nephew was admitted despite having lower MCAT scores than many black applicants. Also the Elon Musk / Vivek Ramaswamy H1B visa plan is based on the argument that white Americans are "unqualified." Feels different when the shoe is on the other foot doesn't it?

    Again, read what I wrote about United Airlines. They didn't lower standards to recruit more black pilots. They went to places were they were likely to find many people who were OVERQUALIFED to become pilots and asked them to apply for the pilot training program. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to become a pilot. Technically you don't even have to finish high school to become a commercial pilot.
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  32. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by jmdrake View Post
    What "merit based system?"

    And it's not just the blatant cheating. My ex-wife was on the medical school admissions committee for Vanderbilt. She told me how a certain senators nephew was admitted despite having lower MCAT scores than many black applicants. Also the Elon Musk / Vivek Ramaswamy H1B visa plan is based on the argument that white Americans are "unqualified." Feels different when the shoe is on the other foot doesn't it?

    Again, read what I wrote about United Airlines. They didn't lower standards to recruit more black pilots. They went to places were they were likely to find many people who were OVERQUALIFED to become pilots and asked them to apply for the pilot training program. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to become a pilot. Technically you don't even have to finish high school to become a commercial pilot.
    That doesn't really answer the question. In fact, the way it sounds from your answer is that you would support merit based systems of awarding grants, contracts, jobs, etc., that don't consider other factors.

    Yes, I can see some ways to pursue diversity that would be consistent with that. I can also see some that would not be.
    There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.
    Ron Paul
    Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

  33. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible Man View Post
    That doesn't really answer the question. In fact, the way it sounds from your answer is that you would support merit based systems of awarding grants, contracts, jobs, etc., that don't consider other factors.

    Yes, I can see some ways to pursue diversity that would be consistent with that. I can also see some that would not be.
    I support Donald Trump's Plaintinum Plan which will now probably never happen as he didn't repeat it in his 2024 campaign. I'm not sure how YOU would characterize HIS plan. (To be honest, I don't know why he hasn't memory holed his own plan.) I don't support lowering qualifications for anybody. That should also go for white people who get admitted to exclusive programs based on how much money their family donated to the institution.

    The question of how to make sure shared resources are equitably divided among diverse ethnic groups goes all the way back to the New Testament.

    Acts 6:1-7
    ¶“1At the time, the number of the disciples was greatly increasing. A complaint arose from the Grecian Jews against the Hebrews because the Grecian widows were being neglected in the daily ministry. 2The twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, 'It's not appropriate for us to forsake the word of God and serve tables. 3Therefore brethren, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom. 4Then we can appoint those men over this business, and we apostles will continue to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.' ” (Acts 6:1-4).

    ¶“5This proposal pleased the whole multitude. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch. 6The congregation presented these men to the apostles. When the apostles had prayed, they laid their hands on the chosen men.” (Acts 6:5-6).

    ¶“7The word of God increased and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem. A great company of the priests obeyed the faith.”

    Even the purest iteration of the Christian church had to deal with the problem of one ethnic group feeling slighted at for the benefit of the other. The apostles addressed the issue head on as opposed to saying "Let's just pretend prejudice doesn't exist and everything is happening merit based."
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  34. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by jmdrake View Post
    I support Donald Trump's Plaintinum Plan which will now probably never happen as he didn't repeat it in his 2024 campaign. I'm not sure how YOU would characterize HIS plan. (To be honest, I don't know why he hasn't memory holed his own plan.) I don't support lowering qualifications for anybody. That should also go for white people who get admitted to exclusive programs based on how much money their family donated to the institution.

    The question of how to make sure shared resources are equitably divided among diverse ethnic groups goes all the way back to the New Testament.
    Acts 6:1-7
    ¶“1At the time, the number of the disciples was greatly increasing. A complaint arose from the Grecian Jews against the Hebrews because the Grecian widows were being neglected in the daily ministry. 2The twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, 'It's not appropriate for us to forsake the word of God and serve tables. 3Therefore brethren, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom. 4Then we can appoint those men over this business, and we apostles will continue to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.' ” (Acts 6:1-4).

    ¶“5This proposal pleased the whole multitude. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch. 6The congregation presented these men to the apostles. When the apostles had prayed, they laid their hands on the chosen men.” (Acts 6:5-6).

    ¶“7The word of God increased and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem. A great company of the priests obeyed the faith.”

    Even the purest iteration of the Christian church had to deal with the problem of one ethnic group feeling slighted at for the benefit of the other. The apostles addressed the issue head on as opposed to saying "Let's just pretend prejudice doesn't exist and everything is happening merit based."
    "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jmdrake again."
    There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.
    Ron Paul
    Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

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