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Thread: How did Gen Z help secure a Trump victory in the 2024 election?

  1. #1

    Question How did Gen Z help secure a Trump victory in the 2024 election?

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    "A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst

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  3. #2
    Didn't watch (and not going to) but on the general subject of Gen Z and voting more for Trump than everyone anticipated, I think there are a few important notes:

    Historically, younger people in the West skew heavily "left" as all of us here are aware. Generally speaking, people tend to become more conversative the older they get. I think that latter trend has slowed down with left-leaning Gen X and older millennials who are fairly entrenched in their leftist views. I've experienced this first-hand in my professional career with left-leaning people of those ages. They are firmly set in their ways.

    Whereas, we've been thinking the younger people are $#@!ed (they are, but there's some hopeful bubbles here and there), I believe personalities like Rogan, Peterson, Pageau, and a handful of others have been incredibly instrumental in re-awakening conversations surrounding masculinity in the U.S.

    We've gone decades now of having man-boy nerds in every facet of society who gave up fishing for collecting Marvel funkos... On the flip side, we have the same for women who are leading the charge with being "Disney adults." These are people who didn't grow up (or didn't want to) and who didn't have to really, and I mean really, work hard for things in their lives coming from a fairly posh white middle class background.

    I'm going on a tangent now, so I'll quickly wrap up: I'm hopeful now that gen Z isn't quite skewing as far left as we thought they'd be. They're waking up to the lies created by previous generations and are kind of seeing how $#@!ed up everything got while also being the number one target of the perverted satanist globalists who are hell bent on creating a gay techno-future-topia.
    Welcome to the R3VOLUTION!

  4. #3
    gen z a nd millenials dont even get to 50 percent voter registration. All oter groups are about 70 to 80 percent
    Do something Danke

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