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Thread: Why did Massie vote for Emmer to be speaker?

  1. #1

    Why did Massie vote for Emmer to be speaker?

    Why did Massie vote for Emmer to be speaker? A troll vote?

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  3. #2
    Yes. He said he wasn't going to vote for Johnson, so he voted for one of the next in line...
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  4. #3
    __________________________________________________ ________________
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  5. #4
    Here's what I've read
    Tom Emmer has the highest scorecards of anyone in leadership.
    He also was the only member of leadership to vote to require a warrant to survey citizens through FISA.
    He also refused to whip votes for leadership on amendments when Johnson was siding with Democrats.
    Emmer is also one of the few viable options outside of Johnson, a Speaker many factions can get behind.

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