I could be wrong but I think that pretty much any vehicle in the last 15 years or more can be tracked and possibly shut down remotely. Self driving might be pretty good. It might make it unnecessary for people to even own a car. There would be no driver to pay, or need for insurance or any other expense of ownership. No need to have a car sitting most hours of a year in a parking space. Simply order a ride and it is there. No need to tip drivers. No more drunk driving. I don't know. There may be bad things but certainly there are some good things too. As far as driving long distance, I don't think that is a real issue unless you are traveling alone with only the goal of getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Whenever there is more than one person in a vehicle, stops are longer and more frequent. With Tesla there are plenty of charging stations. So you pull into one, plug in your car, go inside use the bathroom, get some groceries or something to eat, and get in your car and drive for several more hours. Charging is pretty fast when you have something to do at the stop. I travel with multiple people and a stop for Dino takes that long when people get out of the car.
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