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Thread: Tesla Cybertruck explodes in front of Trump Tower in Vegas.

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    EVs -> California has a suicidal 35% EVs mandate coming in 2026. It's a Leftist agenda item. That should be obvious.

    Self-driving (+AI in general) -> Ultimately, this is about taking away individual freedom of transport. Gas/diesel vehicles have a range of several hundred miles, even more than a thousand with a spare fuel-tank, and they can be driven anywhere, even on backroads, making them difficult to centrally track and control. The "one trick" of the Deep State is swapping out freedom for convenience. So, self-driving EVs will become "so convenient that nobody even wants to drive the old dinosaur-juice burners anymore."

    As for "the real reason"... Believe Them When They Tell You:

    I could be wrong but I think that pretty much any vehicle in the last 15 years or more can be tracked and possibly shut down remotely. Self driving might be pretty good. It might make it unnecessary for people to even own a car. There would be no driver to pay, or need for insurance or any other expense of ownership. No need to have a car sitting most hours of a year in a parking space. Simply order a ride and it is there. No need to tip drivers. No more drunk driving. I don't know. There may be bad things but certainly there are some good things too. As far as driving long distance, I don't think that is a real issue unless you are traveling alone with only the goal of getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Whenever there is more than one person in a vehicle, stops are longer and more frequent. With Tesla there are plenty of charging stations. So you pull into one, plug in your car, go inside use the bathroom, get some groceries or something to eat, and get in your car and drive for several more hours. Charging is pretty fast when you have something to do at the stop. I travel with multiple people and a stop for Dino takes that long when people get out of the car.

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  3. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by GlennwaldSnowdenAssanged View Post
    I could be wrong but I think that pretty much any vehicle in the last 15 years or more can be tracked and possibly shut down remotely. Self driving might be pretty good. It might make it unnecessary for people to even own a car.
    The point!

    "Let's make all transportation into basic infrastructure!" Because, you know, the government has such a stellar track-record on not using basic infrastructure as a choke-collar to gag the subject populace into submission...

    There would be no driver to pay, or need for insurance or any other expense of ownership. No need to have a car sitting most hours of a year in a parking space. Simply order a ride and it is there. No need to tip drivers.
    One man's treasure is another man's trash. If it's a lifestyle you want, you can have it right now in virtually any major metropolis in the US, and even many overseas. Sure, you tip a driver for now, but even that totally first-world problem is going away with Waymo, etc.

    No more drunk driving.
    Oh please spare us the virtue-signaling crap.

    I don't know. There may be bad things but certainly there are some good things too.
    I'm not a one-dimensional thinker like most in the political-opinion space. I get that self-driving cars can have valuable applications. But "replacing all gas/diesel vehicles" isn't one of those valuable applications. It may be an Agenda item, but it's only valuable to the globalist tyrants, not We The People.

    As far as driving long distance, I don't think that is a real issue unless you are traveling alone with only the goal of getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Whenever there is more than one person in a vehicle, stops are longer and more frequent. With Tesla there are plenty of charging stations. So you pull into one, plug in your car, go inside use the bathroom, get some groceries or something to eat, and get in your car and drive for several more hours. Charging is pretty fast when you have something to do at the stop. I travel with multiple people and a stop for Dino takes that long when people get out of the car.
    EV charging can never be as fast as a fuel fill-up, you just can't get around the physics of heat.

    I spent much of 2024 driving all around the US in a regular truck. In an EV, my itinerary would have taken 3x as long, or longer, if it's even possible at all. Again, EVs may work for some people. Good for them. It's not going to replace all traditional vehicles. It's simply not viable to that end. Only the delusional Left has this weird obsession with traditional vehicles not being on the road as somehow a good-in-itself. It's a weird commie hive-mind thing.
    Last edited by ClaytonB; 01-04-2025 at 12:37 PM.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

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  5. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    The point!

    "Let's make all transportation into basic infrastructure!" Because, you know, the government has such a stellar track-record on not using basic infrastructure as a choke-collar to gag the subject populace into submission...

    One man's treasure is another man's trash. If it's a lifestyle you want, you can have it right now in virtually any major metropolis in the US, and even many overseas. Sure, you tip a driver for now, but even that totally first-world problem is going away with Waymo, etc.

    Oh please spare us the virtue-signaling crap.

    I'm not a one-dimensional thinker like most in the political-opinion space. I get that self-driving cars can have valuable applications. But "replacing all gas/diesel vehicles" isn't one of those valuable applications. It may be an Agenda item, but it's only valuable to the globalist tyrants, not We The People.

    EV charging can never be as fast as a fuel fill-up, you just can't get around the physics of heat.
    They can shut down your Gas powered vehicle and they know where it is at all times.
    No virtue signaling. I am sure people would rather not get arrested for DUI.
    I stated that when traveling with multiple passengers the stops get longer. Point A to B in Dino Vehicle with huge tank requires less stops. The more passengers, the more often someone will need to stop and the longer those stops will be. I have found when traveling with my wife and more, a fuel and piss stop is going to take 45 minutes. And, unless I want a fight, I best just not say a word. Can charge an EV in 45.
    I am not for mandating anything or forcing anyone to get rid of their transportation of choice.
    I would rather have self driving car pick me up all warm and drop me where I want to go than have to navigate public transportation. Not even close to the same thing.

  6. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by GlennwaldSnowdenAssanged View Post
    They can shut down your Gas powered vehicle and they know where it is at all times.
    True of some vehicles, not all. And a lot of that can be disabled with a couple simple fixes if it really matters to you individually. In any case, this is not about Rambo nonsense, it's about the agenda to subjugate Americans and impose alien tyranny on them. EVs are just one component of that (cut off the feet).

    I stated that when traveling with multiple passengers the stops get longer. Point A to B in Dino Vehicle with huge tank requires less stops. The more passengers, the more often someone will need to stop and the longer those stops will be. I have found when traveling with my wife and more, a fuel and piss stop is going to take 45 minutes. And, unless I want a fight, I best just not say a word. Can charge an EV in 45.
    Again, one's man's treasure is another man's trash. If it works for you, good for you. Doesn't work for most of us. Last I checked, Trump said he's not banning EVs, but won't allow gas bans either. That's called THE FREE MARKET. You know, because this is Ron Paul forums so that's kind of a thing around here.

    I am not for mandating anything or forcing anyone to get rid of their transportation of choice.
    OK, then the problem is already solved and no further discussion is needed. Just end the insane EV mandates, and we're good.

    I would rather have self driving car pick me up all warm and drop me where I want to go than have to navigate public transportation. Not even close to the same thing.
    Go get 'em Jetson. As for me, I'll stick to dino-juice...
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  7. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    True of some vehicles, not all. And a lot of that can be disabled with a couple simple fixes if it really matters to you individually. In any case, this is not about Rambo nonsense, it's about the agenda to subjugate Americans and impose alien tyranny on them. EVs are just one component of that (cut off the feet).

    Again, one's man's treasure is another man's trash. If it works for you, good for you. Doesn't work for most of us. Last I checked, Trump said he's not banning EVs, but won't allow gas bans either. That's called THE FREE MARKET. You know, because this is Ron Paul forums so that's kind of a thing around here.

    OK, then the problem is already solved and no further discussion is needed. Just end the insane EV mandates, and we're good.

    Go get 'em Jetson. As for me, I'll stick to dino-juice...
    I have a nephew that is cognitively challenged. He lives in an apartment and has a dish washing dob a couple miles from his place. He has to walk to get a bus and wait for it, then walk to the final destination. When a person has to deal with a bus transfer the wait and time to get from A to B could be a long time.

    Automobile ownership is very expensive. Until the recent housing crisis, I thought automobile ownership was as expensive as home ownership.

    I would think that for some people having an autonomous vehicle that can pick them up where and when and drop them ASAP at their destination would be cheaper and easier than owning.

    For me part of the issue with many things is the human costs associated with it. Having to pay for a cab and then tip is an issue for me. I would rather just pay for the ride. I am pretty much done eating out because tax and tip when combined with subpar service, having to drive to restaurant, wait for table, is just not worth it for me. I am a great cook and can prepare meals quickly with ease for the cost of tax and tip. Point being is driverless cars will make transportation more user friendly and less complex.

    I do not drink alcohol. I used to. I have driven drunk more than I would like to admit. These days many people drive legally drunk without even knowing it.

    Responsibility. A driver has all kinds of responsibility and liability. Speeding tickets, stop signs.... too much to list. I prefer to be a passenger. Why transport yourself and 4 friends someplace if you can just be a passenger. No body truly appreciates the driver.

    I probably presently own 6 vehicles. One is an EV. Have an F450 Diesel and use it to tow a 42 foot Fifth Wheel. I don't plan to get rid of any vehicles in the near future.

    What does the comment about trash and treasure have to do with anything?

    I simply think that there are many people that would find it cheaper and easier, less stressful, to have a reliable less expensive, more comfortable, mode of transportation. I have probably never ridden on public bus, been on a subway couple of times, don't like to fly, don't like to eat out or stay in hotels. I pretty much like to stay home. In my opinion, a driverless nice car, that shows up warm without any wait and transports me directly where I want to go, would be a huge upgrade to public transportation, UBER, LYFT, or Taxi.

  8. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by GlennwaldSnowdenAssanged View Post
    I have a nephew that is cognitively challenged. He lives in an apartment and has a dish washing dob a couple miles from his place. He has to walk to get a bus and wait for it, then walk to the final destination. When a person has to deal with a bus transfer the wait and time to get from A to B could be a long time.

    Automobile ownership is very expensive. Until the recent housing crisis, I thought automobile ownership was as expensive as home ownership.

    I would think that for some people having an autonomous vehicle that can pick them up where and when and drop them ASAP at their destination would be cheaper and easier than owning.

    For me part of the issue with many things is the human costs associated with it. Having to pay for a cab and then tip is an issue for me. I would rather just pay for the ride. I am pretty much done eating out because tax and tip when combined with subpar service, having to drive to restaurant, wait for table, is just not worth it for me. I am a great cook and can prepare meals quickly with ease for the cost of tax and tip. Point being is driverless cars will make transportation more user friendly and less complex.

    I do not drink alcohol. I used to. I have driven drunk more than I would like to admit. These days many people drive legally drunk without even knowing it.

    Responsibility. A driver has all kinds of responsibility and liability. Speeding tickets, stop signs.... too much to list. I prefer to be a passenger. Why transport yourself and 4 friends someplace if you can just be a passenger. No body truly appreciates the driver.

    I probably presently own 6 vehicles. One is an EV. Have an F450 Diesel and use it to tow a 42 foot Fifth Wheel. I don't plan to get rid of any vehicles in the near future.

    What does the comment about trash and treasure have to do with anything?

    I simply think that there are many people that would find it cheaper and easier, less stressful, to have a reliable less expensive, more comfortable, mode of transportation. I have probably never ridden on public bus, been on a subway couple of times, don't like to fly, don't like to eat out or stay in hotels. I pretty much like to stay home. In my opinion, a driverless nice car, that shows up warm without any wait and transports me directly where I want to go, would be a huge upgrade to public transportation, UBER, LYFT, or Taxi.
    For the umpteenth time: If it works for you, good for you.

    Doesn't work for me or a lot of people I know. EV is just a technology. It has its benefits if you need a glorified golf-cart. It has a lot of downsides if you need something that can operate in extreme conditions, needs to be regularly exposed to salt-water moisture, and so on, and so forth. Like every choice in life, it's a tradeoff. Only religious wackos can't see that, like the Left Climate Cult.

    What does the comment about trash and treasure have to do with anything?
    Do I really have to explain it??

    One man's treasure <-- What you think is the best thing ever
    ... is another man's trash <-- I have no use for, it's worthless to me

    If you gave me the fanciest EV sports car, I'd just sell it and buy something I actually want. I'd appreciate the thought, but I don't need or want an EV. I don't hate EVs either, just have no use for one. I feel like we're beating a dead horse at this point.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  9. #37
    GlSNow ASs..... was a UGE backer of Epcot, Nationwide Monorail System

  10. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    New Years Day Attackers Are Weirdly Connected
    {Actual Justice Warrior | 03 January 2025}

    In this video I discuss the odd yet very likely coincidental links between the Vegas & New Orleans attackers. I also explain/warn those of you out there in my audience about how a couple of superficial links as well as an unethical mainstream & alternative media can stir up hysteria by overplaying or underplaying certain details.


    Heartbreaking Street Interview:
    Bad Info From FBI Clip:
    Military Base Link Between Suspects Article:
    Military Base Link Between Suspects Video:
    Fox News Article Used:
    Barrier Replacement For Superbowl:

    THREAD: NOLA - Car driven into New Year's crowd on Bourbon St. - 10 dead, 30 injured
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-08-2025 at 01:19 PM.
    The Bastiat Collection · FREE PDF · FREE EPUB · PAPER
    Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)

    • "When law and morality are in contradiction to each other, the citizen finds himself in the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense, or of losing his respect for the law."
      -- The Law (p. 54)
    • "Government is that great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
      -- Government (p. 99)
    • "[W]ar is always begun in the interest of the few, and at the expense of the many."
      -- Economic Sophisms - Second Series (p. 312)
    • "There are two principles that can never be reconciled - Liberty and Constraint."
      -- Harmonies of Political Economy - Book One (p. 447)

    · tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ·

  11. #39
    neither official story is true and neither is there a relation between them
    "When Sombart says: "Capitalism is born from the money-loan", I should like to add to this: Capitalism actually exists only in the money-loan;" - Theodor Fritsch

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