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Thread: DOGE ignores dealing with largest government waste: an ever-increasing national debt

  1. #1

    DOGE ignores dealing with largest government waste: an ever-increasing national debt

    We are now paying over $1 TRILLION to pay interest on the national debt ($36 TRILLION), and that figure will continue to rise unless the DOGE team nails down a way to stop Congress from effectively adding to the national debt which in turn increases money spent to service the national debt.

    One way to stop Congress from effectively adding to the national debt is to require Congress to immediately extinguish a current year’s borrowing to fund Congress’s spending, by laying and collecting a direct apportioned tax among the States the following year to pay off the preceding debt caused by borrowing, which effectively stops Congress from adding to the national debt.

    I was under the impression Trump has a problem with low IQ people and yet, the DOGE team seems to be unable to focus on the root cause of the national debt increasing year, after year, after year, and the allowance is nothing more than not requiring Congress to extinguish a current year’s deficit caused by borrowing, by laying and collecting a specific tax to pay off the money borrowed and spent the preceding year, and is exactly what our Founders intended as confirmed by various state ratification documents of our Constitution, e.g. see the Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Massachusetts; February 6, 1788:

    ”Fourthly, That Congress do not lay direct Taxes but when the Monies arising from the Impost & Excise are insufficient for the publick exigencies nor then until Congress shall have first made a requisition upon the States to assess levy & pay their respective proportions of such Requisition agreeably to the Census fixed in the said Constitution; in such way & manner as the Legislature of the States shall think best, & in such case if any State shall neglect or refuse to pay its proportion pursuant to such requisition then Congress may assess & levy such State’s proportion together with interest thereon at the rate of Six per cent per annum from the time of payment prescribed in such requisition…”

    So, what’s up with Trump’s premier and much heralded (among so called "conservative" circles) DOGE team picks who seem mentally deficient in being able to focus in on and addressing the real cause of an ever increasing of our national debt, and solving that problem, which our Founders already provided a solution to?


    "In matters of power let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. ... Thomas Jefferson’s Fair Copy of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

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  3. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by johnwk View Post
    ”Fourthly, That Congress do not lay direct Taxes but when the Monies arising from the Impost & Excise are insufficient for the publick exigencies nor then until Congress shall have first made a requisition upon the States to assess levy & pay their respective proportions of such Requisition agreeably to the Census fixed in the said Constitution; in such way & manner as the Legislature of the States shall think best, & in such case if any State shall neglect or refuse to pay its proportion pursuant to such requisition then Congress may assess & levy such State’s proportion together with interest thereon at the rate of Six per cent per annum from the time of payment prescribed in such requisition…”
    What a tiresome load of hypocrisy.

    The same traitors who rebelled against the King are here advocating to do worse than he in regards to taxation.

    Quote Originally Posted by johnwk View Post

    "In matters of power let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. ... Thomas Jefferson’s Fair Copy of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

    How did that work out, Tommy Boy? not so well, eh?
    "When Sombart says: "Capitalism is born from the money-loan", I should like to add to this: Capitalism actually exists only in the money-loan;" - Theodor Fritsch

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by johnwk View Post
    So, what’s up with Trump’s premier and much heralded (among so called "conservative" circles) DOGE team picks who seem mentally deficient in being able to focus in on and addressing the real cause of an ever increasing of our national debt, and solving that problem, which our Founders already provided a solution to?
    There's nothing in it for them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Pinochet is the model
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Liberty preserving authoritarianism.
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Enforced internal open borders was one of the worst elements of the Constitution.

  5. #4

    What is the DOGE TEAM's function?

    Is it not a fact the DOGE team is appointed to recommend to President Trump and Congress how to squeeze out unnecessary spending and needless federal government agencies?

    If that be true, and I hope that is the objective, is it not also true the most effective advice the DOGE team can give to Trump to encourage Congress to cut unnecessary spending and needless federal government agencies would be to suggest requiring any borrowing by Congress to fund federal spending and government agencies during the course of a fiscal year, must be immediately paid off the following year by laying and collecting a direct apportioned tax among the states for the amount borrowed, the proceeds of which go to extinguishing that debt, at which time a shocking moment of real accountability is created, and particular so when the people of each state and their State Legislature and Governor, quickly learn, there is no free lunch coming from Washington?


    .We are here today and gone tomorrow, but what is most important is what we do in-between and is what our children will inherit and remember us by.

  6. #5
    Use the Veto Trump, everything else is theatre.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by vita3 View Post
    Use the Veto Trump, everything else is theatre.
    An excellent suggestion, and one I would use without hesitation!

  8. #7
    Didn't these two jagoffs mention something about cutting $2 trillion?

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by unknown View Post
    Didn't these two jagoffs mention something about cutting $2 trillion?
    As I recall, yes. But why did you ask that question?

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  11. #9

    Has Musk or Ramaswamy ever commented on having a balanced budget amendment?


    Has Elon Musk or Vivek Ramaswamy ever commented on adopting a federal balanced budget amendment? I can't seem to find any such quotes. Just curious if either has. If not, why?

  12. #10
    The national debt is never going to be paid off. We just need to accept that.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Globalist View Post
    The national debt is never going to be paid off. We just need to accept that.
    If that is so, and I have no good reason to disagree with you, then American citizens have essentially been made permanent taxed slaves to creditors.

    Maybe there is a desire to keep things as they are (Congress being allowed to increase our national debt year after year, after year) knowing full well a creditor class benefits from the status que.

    When violent hate America demonstrations occur in the U.S. (as they now are) and terrorist attacks begin on American soil, also now occurring, let us not forget it was the current Democrat Party Leadership who encouraged and invited millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, un-vetted terrorist and religious fanatic foreign nationals, into our country.
    Last edited by johnwk; 01-01-2025 at 06:20 PM.

  14. #12

  15. #13

    Seems that DOGE is distracting the people from a real solution

    Quote Originally Posted by unknown View Post

    The DOGE team is certainly not addressing the root cause of our deficit being added to year after year after year. The team is addressing the symptoms of not requiring Congress to extinguish a previous year's debt the following year, caused by borrowing. If we followed our Founder's thinking and required a current year's deficit caused by borrowing to be immediately extinguished the following year by the apportioned direct tax, each State's Governor, Legislature and people therein would immediately learn there is no free lunch coming from Washington and that in itself would encourage each State's Congressional Delegation to end irresponsible and reckless spending while in Washington in order to avoid the direct apportioned tax.

    Seems kind of suspicious that the DOGE team is not addressing the root cause of the deficit being added to each year by requiring a balanced budget amendment, and in that respect, DOGE may very well distract the people from a real solution, which is to effectively prevent Congress from adding to the national debt year, after year, after year.

    But hey, making a nation's population taxed slaves to pay interest on a national debt seems to be quite profitable these days, and to the tune of over $ 1 TRILLION annually.


    "In matters of power let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."__ Thomas Jefferson’s Fair Copy of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798
    Last edited by johnwk; 01-09-2025 at 01:07 PM.

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