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Thread: 39th President Jimmy Carter dead at 100

  1. #1

    39th President Jimmy Carter dead at 100

    Former President Jimmy Carter dies at 100

    Dec. 29, 2024, 4:20 PM EST / Updated Dec. 29, 2024, 6:48 PM EST
    By Phil McCausland
    Former President Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States who dedicated his life after leaving office to brokering international peace, has died at age 100, his office confirmed Sunday.

    Carter had been receiving hospice care since February 2023 at his home in Plains, Georgia, where he lived with his wife of 77 years, Rosalynn Carter. The former first lady, 96, died on Nov. 19, 2023.

    Carter was the first U.S. president to reach their 100th birthday.

    In October 2024, for Carter’s 100th birthday, President Joe Biden recognized him in a direct-to-camera birthday message shared with CBS News, saying, “Mr. President, you’ve always been a moral force for our nation and the world. I recognized that as a young senator. That’s why I supported you so early. You’re a voice of courage, conviction, compassion, and most of all, a beloved friend of Jill and me and our family.”

    A Georgia native and a Democrat, Carter was elected president in 1976, defeating the Republican incumbent, Gerald Ford, in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal. Carter served one term before losing re-election in 1980 to Ronald Reagan, his bid hobbled by an inability to resolve the Iran hostage crisis, a standoff that lasted 444 days. Carter also was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his human rights work around the world.

    The oldest living former president after the death of George H.W. Bush in 2018 at 94, Carter was the first American president to have been born in a hospital.

    Only 56 years old when he left the Oval Office, Carter would spend the next four decades focusing on good works that made him an almost universally revered figure, sometimes called America’s greatest ex-president — a sharp contrast to his relatively low popularity when he exited the White House in January 1981.
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

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  3. #2
    Jimmy Carter was a good man, even if he was confused on some things.

    In the mid 80's my mom and I were flying to Savannah on Delta to see some family. I was only a few years old. I was sitting in the seat wearing cowboy boots over the armrest hanging into the aisle. She was reading something and next thing she knows some guy is picking me up out of my seat. She was about to flip out on some random guy just grabbing her toddler, and when she looked up it was President Carter himself (retired) who had decided he liked my boots so much he just had to pick me up and give me a hug.

    They talked for a few minutes. But my mom was so stunned that she didn't even think to take a picture despite having a camera in her carry-on bag.
    __________________________________________________ ________________
    "A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst

  4. #3
    To think I was watching this video last night a day before he died.

    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  5. #4
    Deserves credit for nominating Paul Volker as head of Federal Reserve, in summer of 1979, who successfully reduced inflation.

  6. #5
    "Palestine is the world's largest open air prison".

    - Jimmy Carter


  7. #6
    Least he made it to 100. Never thought we'd ever see a president make that milestone.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  8. #7
    And the people of East Tiimor, those who survived Suharto's genocidal invasion and occupation which was fully backed by Carter and Kissinger, finally see a little justice. Better late than never, I guess.

    "Government ... does not exist of necessity, but rather by virtue of a tragic, almost comical combination of klutzy, opportunistic terrorism against sitting ducks whom it pretends to shelter, plus our childish phobia of responsibility, praying to be exempted from the hard reality of life on life's terms." Wolf DeVoon

    "...Make America Great Again. I'm interested in making American FREE again. Then the greatness will come automatically."Ron Paul

  9. #8
    Say what you will of him, but I think back to the envelopes that got passed around at Bush, Sr's funeral and Jimmy got left out. I don't think he was part of 'the club.'
    Quote Originally Posted by timosman View Post
    This is getting silly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    It started silly.
    T.S. Eliot's The Hollow Men

    We Are Running Out of Time - Mini Me

    Quote Originally Posted by Philhelm
    I part ways with "libertarianism" when it transitions from ideology grounded in logic into self-defeating autism for the sake of ideological purity.

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    Former President Jimmy Carter dies at 100
    It's rather difficult for me to mourn the man's passing. The issue of my adolescence and early adulthood, and probably the one that led me most to libertarianism, was that war and, particularly, the military draft. I turned 18 in 1971, my draft lottery number in 1972 was 91 when they expected to draft up to 93. I lucked out when the U.S. military draft for the Vietnam War officially ended on January 27, 1973 (that was the year I would have been drafted ... I mean, really, how close a call can you get?). Nixon ended draft registration in 1973. Jimmy Carter (backed by a Democratically controlled Congress) was the one to reinstate draft registration in 1980. It's difficult for me to forgive that. And despite supposedly having a totally-volunteer military, neither party has abolished the military draft when they had control of both the presidency and the congress. As far as I'm concerned, that's Jimmy Carter's legacy.

    To all those women who tell me I'll never know what it's like to be denied the liberty of "My Body, my choice", because I'm a man ... just go $#@! yourselves. And to all those women who think that Hillary Clinton believes in the concept of "My body, my choice", I'd remind you that she advocated just the opposite.

    And a final thought. If you transition from a man to a woman, do you still have to register for the draft? How about if you just self-identify as a woman?

    I guess you can tell just how much of a rat's ass I give about Jimmy Carter's passing.
    Last edited by Voluntarist; 12-30-2024 at 12:35 AM.
    My choice of third person pronouns for myself is generally irrelevant. I'm not typically involved in the conversations that use them. It's other people referring to me in the third person, usually from a distance. I'm not a conversational partner in those exchanges. Those people could be referring to me as "That A$$hole" or "That Motherfukker" for all I know.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Voluntarist View Post
    It's rather difficult for me to mourn the man's passing. The issue of my adolescence and early adulthood, and probably the one that led me most to libertarianism, was that war and, particularly, the military draft. I turned 18 in 1971, my draft lottery number in 1972 was 91 when they expected to draft up to 93. I lucked out when the U.S. military draft for the Vietnam War officially ended on January 27, 1973 (that was the year I would have been drafted ... I mean, really, how close a call can you get?). Nixon ended draft registration in 1973. Jimmy Carter (backed by a Democratically controlled Congress) was the one to reinstate draft registration in 1980. It's difficult for me to forgive that. And despite supposedly having a totally-volunteer military, neither party has abolished the military draft when they had control of both the presidency and the congress. As far as I'm concerned, that's Jimmy Carter's legacy.

    To all those women who tell me I'll never know what it's like to be denied the liberty of "My Body, my choice", because I'm a man ... just go $#@! yourselves. And to all those women who think that Hillary Clinton believes in the concept of "My body, my choice", I'd remind you that she advocated just the opposite.

    And a final thought. If you transition from a man to a woman, do you still have to register for the draft? How about if you just self-identify as a woman?

    I guess you can tell just how much of a rat's ass I give about Jimmy Carter's passing.
    Few things say "you're a slave" as clearly as the draft
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  13. #11
    "He's talkin' to his gut like it's a person!!" -me
    "dumpster diving isn't professional." - angelatc
    "You don't need a medical degree to spot obvious bullshit, that's actually a separate skill." -Scott Adams
    "When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those 'different' from you, not those responsible [controllers]" -Q

    "Each of us must choose which course of action we should take: education, conventional political action, or even peaceful civil disobedience to bring about necessary changes. But let it not be said that we did nothing." - Ron Paul

    "Paul said "the wave of the future" is a coalition of anti-authoritarian progressive Democrats and libertarian Republicans in Congress opposed to domestic surveillance, opposed to starting new wars and in favor of ending the so-called War on Drugs."

  14. #12

  15. #13
    Godfather of the Mudjahadeen.

    Thanks for all of that radical Islam, Jimmy.

    Ronny Raygun thanks you too.

    Continuity of policy.

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